59 resultados para Phloem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um estudo da ontogênese das caneluras induzidas em ramos de laranjeiras doces suscetíveis por isolados severos do vírus da tristeza dos citros (Citrus tristeza vírus - CTV) foi feito usando-se como modelo pedúnculos florais e de frutos. O menor calibre destes órgãos permite um melhor acompanhamento do processo. As observações foram feitas em laranjeira cv. Pêra infetada pelo isolado severo Capão Bonito do CTV. Cinco fases do processo de formação de caneluras puderam ser deduzidas pelas análises anatômicas. As primeiras alterações são representadas pelo aparecimento de células adensadas, hipertrofia e hiperplasia no parênquima e câmbio do floema e uma desorganização generalizada desta área. Segue-se uma atividade intensa do câmbio do floema adjacente e sua expansão em direção ao xilema. Esta invasão do xilema resulta na ruptura do anel do xilema pela massa celular do floema constituída de células recém formadas de parede celular delgada. Esta invasão do floema em direção ao xilema inicia um processo de degeneração dos vasos e parênquima do xilema. Finalmente há um colapso completo da região do xilema invadida, que é substituída pela massa do floema, resultando na canelura, notada ao se remover a casca.


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A aplicação do herbicida 2,4-D amina, para controlar plantas daninhas em cultura de cana-de-açúcar, produziu estruturas anormais e afetou a própria cultura da cana. Foram estuda das as alterações anatômicas e organográfícas dessas formas teratogénicas e comparadas com as estruturas normais. Foram observadas deformações no colmo que apresentou curvatur as e entrenós mais finos e curtos; o sistema radicular apresentou-se pouco desenvolvido. Na região do anel meristemático e saída das raízes adventícias, observou-se um intumescimento com tumoração e posterior necrose. Anatomicamente, na região do anel meristemático, a epiderme e o parênquima cortical apresentaram células hipertrofíadas e crescimento desordenado; houve malformação de feixes fibrovasculares. Na região das raízes adventícias foi observada tumoração com acentuada hiperplasia e necrose na periferia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brosimum gaudichaudii, conhecida como mamacadela, é espécie comum nos cerrados, com grande valor na medicina popular e na indústria de medicamentos. A casca da raiz e do caule é empregada no tratamento do vitiligo, sendo o bergapteno e psoraleno, duas furanocumarinas, responsáveis pela ação farmacológica. Neste trabalho são apresentadas a caracterização morfoanatômica e a histoquímica de órgãos vegetativos de B. gaudichaudii, com informações sobre o embrião e o desenvolvimento pós-seminal. Amostras foram processadas segundo técnicas usuais em anatomia e ultra-estrutura vegetal. O embrião é do tipo total e invaginado, a plântula cripto-hipogéia e o sistema radicular do tirodendro é composto por raiz primária pouco desenvolvida em relação às raízes laterais. Plantas adultas apresentam raízes gemíferas longas, plagiotrópicas originando ramos caulinares aéreos; tais raízes possuem periderme com súber desenvolvido e floema secundário abundante em relação ao xilema, sendo facilmente destacados quando manipulados. O caule jovem e a folha apresentam epiderme unisseriada, grande densidade de tricomas tectores unicelulares e tricomas glandulares. Laticíferos não-articulados ramificados ocorrem em todos os órgãos, podendo invadir os elementos de vaso. Idioblastos fenólicos ocorrem em abundância em todos tecidos e órgãos analisados. O valor das características anatômicas observadas no controle de qualidade da droga é discutido.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effect of boron (B) on cotton growth and fruit shedding may be due not only to physiological or biochemical effects, but also to vascular tissue malformation. This experiment investigated petiole and floral peduncle anatomical alterations and growth of cotton supplied with deficient and sufficient B in nutrient solution. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. 'Delta Opal') plants were grown in solutions containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 mu mol L-1 of B from 22 to 36 d after plant emergence (DAPE). From 36 to 51 DAPE, B was omitted from the nutrient solution. Petioles from young leaves and floral bud peduncles (first position of the first sympodial) were sampled and the cross-section anatomy observed under an optical microscope. The number of vascular bundles of the petiole was decreased in B-deficient plants and the xylem was disorganized. Phloem elements in the peduncle vascular cylinder of B-deficient plants did not show clear differentiation. The few xylem elements that were formed were also disorganized. Modifications caused by B deficiency may have impaired B and photosynthate translocation into new cotton growth. Boron accumulation in the shoot of B-deficient plants suggested that there was some B translocation within the plant. It could be inferred that cotton growth would be impaired by the decrease in carbohydrate translocation rather than by B deficiency in the tissue alone.


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This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance of acicular crystals in the cambium. This information was correlated with the phenology of the species and the climate of the region. Acicular calcium oxalate crystals were found in cambial fusiform and ray cell initials, as well as in their daughter cells. An abundance of crystals was observed during periods of water deficit and leaf fall (July). Fewer crystals were found in the beginning of the wet season and bud swelling (September). When trees were flowering and the soil was wet (November and December), acicular crystals were rarely observed. During this period, acicular crystals were found in differentiating phloem and xylem parenchyma cells, in fully differentiated phloem cells, but not in fully differentiated xylem cells.


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Stem diameter in Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms (Phytolaccaceae) increases by forming concentric rings of xylem alternating with phloem, which show frequent anastomoses. After a period of primary growth and the formation of first (normal) ring of vascular cambium, further successive rings are initiated outside this cambium. The second ring of cambium originates from the pericycle parenchyma located between the proto-phloem, and the pericycle fibres. Each cambium produces centripetally secondary xylem and centrifugally secondary phloem. Differentiation of xylem precedes that of phloem and the first elements formed are always xylem fibres. Structurally, the vascular cylinder is composed by successive rings of secondary xylem and phloem. These rings are separated by wide bands of conjunctive parenchyma tissue. Presence of collateral vascular bundles with irregular orientation is observed in the region of anastomoses of two or more bands of conjunctive tissue. These bundles are surrounded by isodiametric, lignified and thick-walled cells. In some of the cambial rings, occurrence of polycentric rays was also noticed; these rays are tall, and characterized by the presence of meristematic regions that differentiated into thick-walled elements of secondary xylem. Origin and development of the successive cambia and the structure of xylem are discussed.


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Gummosis is among the main fungal diseases of the citrus. It is caused by Phytophthora sp. and usually shows up in the lap of the plant, provoking rottenness and gum exudation, and expands causing the plant death for constrictions in the cambium or phloem which interrupts the descending flow of sap. The objective of this work was to evaluate the antagonistic in vitro activity of Trichoderma spp. to the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytophthora citrophthora was exposed to five environments of antagonism (without antagonist and with four strains of Trichoderma viride, T. virens, T. harzianu and T stromaticum), The in vitro essay was accomplished through the method of paired cultures. A completely randomized desing was used with five treatments and three replications, and each plot was represented by three petri dishes. The isolates of Trichoderma demonstrated significant effect in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora, and the fungi Trichoderma stromaticum presented larger antagonism to the fungi P. citrophthora while the T harzianum presented antagonism smaller.


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Mature leaf fragments from eight species of Xyris from the Serra do Cipo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared by the usual methods for electron microscopy. Ultrastructural analysis of phloem shows the occurrence of nacreous walls with a polylamellate structure in the sieve-elements of X. tortilis and plastids similar to P-plastids, form PIIcf in the sieve-elements of all investigated species.


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The original brachytic population 'Dent Single Cross Composite' (DSCC-br2br2) and a selection-derived sub-population with modified plant architecture (DSCC-br2br2-Lg3Lg3, selected for erect leaves), were evaluated for the following characteristics number of vascular bundles of greater and smaller size, total vascular tissue area (phloem and xylem), sustaining tissue area (vascular tissue plus sclerenchyma), phloem and sclerenchyma areas in apical, medial and basal portions from midclub and in apical and basal sheath regions (from second leaf above and first below ear insertion). These variables had different values for the five different sections studied in each leaf and these differences did not have the same pattern in the two DSCC populations (brachytic and with modified architecture). Selection for architectural modification caused some indirect foliar anatomical modifications. With the exception of the phloem and the vascular tissue areas in apical leaf and sheath base regions, the modified plant architecture population showed smaller values of sustaining tissue area, sclerenchyma area, vascular tissue area and number of smaller vascular bundles than the original one. In the ligule region the modified maize leaves had smaller vascular and sustaining tissue areas, reducing transportation area, which could reduce gram yield.


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The knowledge of nutrient mobility is an important tool to define the best fertilizer management and diagnosis techniques. Patterns of boron (B) mobility in plants have been reviewed, but there is very little information on B distribution and mobility in cotton. An experiment was conducted to study plant growth and B distribution in cotton when the nutrient was applied in the nutrient solution or to the leaves, and when a temporary deficiency was imposed. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum, Latifolia, cv. IAC 22) was grown in nutrient solutions where B was omitted or not for 15 days. Boron was applied to young or mature cotton leaves in some of the minus B treatments. Root growth decreased when the plants were transferred to B solutions, but there was a full recovery when B was replaced in the nutrient medium. Boron deficiency, even when temporary, reduced cotton shoot dry matter yields, plant height and flower and fruit set, and these could not be prevented by foliar application of B. Because of decreased dry matter production, leaves of deficient cotton plants actually showed higher B concentrations than non deficient leaves. This would be misleading when a mature leaf is sampled for diagnosis. If there is any B mobility in cotton phloem, it is very low.