212 resultados para PREVALENCE


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CONTEXTO: No Brasil, a incidência e prevalência populacionais das doenças inflamatórias intestinais são desconhecidas. OBJETIVO: Neste trabalho, estimou-se esses parâmetros na área que abrange a antiga região de saúde DIR 11, no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Usou-se um registro sequencial de 115 pacientes (>15 anos de idade) com doenças inflamatórias intestinais, residindo na área de estudo, atendidos durante período de 20 anos (1986-2005) em hospital de referência. Estimou-se, para quatro períodos consecutivos de 5 anos, as incidências e prevalências de acordo com os tipos de doença e do sexo de doentes. As suas inter-relações foram analisadas utilizando o modelo de regressão linear de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Na região, as doenças inflamatórias intestinais foram predominantes em mulheres jovens, da raça branca, residindo na zona urbana.A incidência da retocolite foi maior que a da doença de Crohn e das colites não classificadas, e diferentemente dessas duas ultimas, mostrou decréscimo no último período (2001-2005). Neste mesmo período, a taxa da incidência para a retocolite foi de 4,48 casos/100.000 habitantes, para a doença de Crohn atingiu 3,50 casos/100.000 habitantes e a das colites não classificadas foi de 1,75 casos/100.000 habitantes. As prevalências atingiram os valores de 14,81 casos/100.000 habitantes para a retocolite, 5,65 casos/100.000 habitantes para a doenças de Crohn e 2,14 casos/100.000 habitantes. Considerando todas as doenças inflamatórias a prevalência atingiu o valor de 22,61 casos/100.000 habitantes. CONCLUSÃO:A incidência dessas doenças inflamatórias intestinais nessa região é baixa, igualando-se aos países da América Latina e do sul da Europa e sua crescente prevalência justifica políticas de saúde para as suas abordagens.


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Background: The consequences of aggressive therapy following a myocardial infarction (MI) on ventricular remodeling are not well established. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and predictors of left ventricular remodeling in the era of modern medical therapy.Material/Methods: Clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data were analyzed in 66 consecutive patients with anterior infarction at admission and at 6-month follow-up. Ventricular remodeling was defined as an increase of 10% in ventricular end-systolic or end-diastolic diameter.Results: In our study, 58% of patients presented with ventricular remodeling. Patients with remodeling possessed higher total plasma creatine kinase (CPK), MB-fraction (CPK-MB), heart rate, heart failure, shortness of breath, and reperfusion therapy than patients without remodeling. In contrast, patients with remodeling had a smaller ejection fraction, E-Wave deceleration time (EDT), and early (E' Wave) and late (A' Wave) diastolic mitral annulus velocity (average of septal and lateral walls), but a higher E/E' than patients without remodeling. Patients with remodeling used more diuretics, digoxin, oral anticoagulants and aldosterone antagonists than patients without remodeling. In the multivariate analyses, only E' Wave was an independent predictor of ventricular remodeling. Each 1 unit increase in the E' Wave was associated with a 59% increased odds of ventricular remodeling.Conclusions: In patients with anterior MI, despite contemporary treatment, ventricular remodeling is still a common event. In addition, diastolic function can have an important role as a predictor of remodeling in this scenario.


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A Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma afecção comum na infância, aumentando as evidências de que o refluxo gastroesofágico seja um cofator importante que contribui para as desordens de vias aéreas, principalmente na população pediátrica. É muito comum serem observadas manifestações em vias aéreas superiores e inferiores. Nosso objetivo é avaliar a presença de sintomas otorrinolaringológicos em crianças com idade de um a 12 anos e suspeita de doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dados de prontuários de pacientes de até 12 anos submetidos à pHmetria de 24 horas de um ou dois canais, locados a 2 e 5 cm do EEI para confirmação de diagnóstico de Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 143 prontuários de crianças que realizaram pHmetria de 24 horas para investigação de DRGE; porém 65 foram incluídas. Os sintomas mais prevalentes nas crianças eram os broncopulmonares, encontrados em 89,2%, de sintomas nasossinusais (72,3%) , otológicos (46,1%) e de infecções de VAS de repetição (44,6%). Quando comparada a presença de cada grupo de sintomas com o resultado da pHmetria, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os sintomas e o resultado da pHmetria. CONCLUSÃO: DRGE pode se manifestar de diversas maneiras e os sintomas otorrinolaringológicos são frequentes em crianças.


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Acromegalia é doença crônica rara, insidiosa, decorrente da hipersecreção de hormônio do crescimento, cujos efeitos tróficos e metabólicos frequentemente incorrem em manifestações cutâneas, que podem ser precoces. Os autores avaliaram 15 pacientes portadores de acromegalia e evidenciaram alterações dermatológicas em todos, principalmente espessamento da pele, acrocórdons, cistos epidérmicos, pseudoacantose nigricante, queratoses seborreicas, nevos melanocíticos e manchas lentiginosas.


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At present, few data are available on the prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis complex isolates from HIV-infected individuals. The C. parapsilosis complex comprises three species, C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis. Fifteen of 318 Candida isolates were identified as members of the C. parapsilosis complex by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The prevalence of C. parapsilosis complex isolates was 4.7 %, 2.2 % being identified as C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and 2.5% as C. metapsilosis, while no C. orthopsilosis was isolated. This is believed to be the first study that has identified isolates of C. metapsilosis obtained from the oral cavity of HIV-infected individuals. Antifungal susceptibility tests indicated that all the isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B (AMB), fluconazole (FLC), ketoconazole (KTC), itraconazole (ITC), voriconazole (VRC) and caspofungin (CASPO). Although isolates of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and C. metapsilosis were susceptible to FLC, isolates of C. metapsilosis showed a tendency for higher MICs (>= 1.0 mu g ml(-1)). Based upon the frequency of candidiasis and the fact that certain isolates of the C. parapsilosis complex respond differently to FLC therapy, our data may be of therapeutic relevance with respect to susceptibility and potential resistance to specific antifungal agents. Our data suggest that C. metapsilosis can be a human commensal; its importance as a pathogen has yet to be confirmed.


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Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis in pregnant women seen at the Genital Tract Infection in Obstetrics Unit Care in Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University - UNESP.Materials and Methods. Between June 2006 and February 2008, 101 pregnant women were included in this study. During the gynecologic examination, cervical secretions were collected using cytobrush Plus GT (CooperSurgical Inc) to assess C. trachomatis using polymerase chain reaction. Vaginal flora were examined by Gram stain, and socio-demographic data were extracted from medical records.Results. of the 101 patients, 26 (25.7%) were positive for C. trachomatis. The median age of the infected group was 24 years (range = 13-40 y), and 48.5% of them had abnormal vaginal flora. The presence of chlamydial infection was associated with smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 2.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.01-7.19), residing in a city with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 1.03-7.94), presence of condyloma acuminatum (p = .03), and presence of discreet inflammation on Pap smear (p = .02).Conclusions. The prevalence of C. trachomatis is high in pregnant women seen at the Genital Infection Unit Care, UNESP, and is related to many risk factors. Therefore, its screening is extremely important in reducing obstetrical and neonatal complications.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To describe the prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic diagnoses inpatients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).Design: Retrospective series of consecutive patients.Setting: Tertiary care University hospital and private office.Patient(s): Four thousand fifty-four hysteroscopies with biopsy in patients with AUB evaluated between June 1993 and December 2004.Intervention(S): Hysteroscopies were performed using 2.9-mm or 4-mm telescopes with CO2 or saline as the distension media. Biopsies were (lone with a 5-mm grasper or with a Novak's curette.Main Outcome Measure(s): Prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic analysis of biopsies.Result(S): Endometrial polyp was the most frequent hysteroscopic finding, accounting for 1,374 (33.9%) cases. Normal uterine cavity and cervical canal were found in 814 (20.1%) patients. Submucous fibroids were diagnosed in 302 (7.5%) women. Normal endometrium was the most frequent histologic diagnosis, accounting for 1,888 (46.6%) cases. Endometrial polyp was found in 1, 115 (27.5%) patients. Endometrial hyperplasia was diagnosed in 613 (15.1%) and endometrial cancer in 105 (2.6%) women.Conclusion(s): Endometrial polyps are the most frequent hysteroscopic findings in patients with AUB, whereas normal endometrium is the most frequent histologic diagnosis.


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Objective: There is little information about obsessive-compulsive disorder in large representative community samples. The authors aimed to establish obsessive-compulsive disorder prevalence and its clinical typology among adults in private households in Great Britain and to obtain generalizable estimates of impairment and help-seeking.Method: Data from the British National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of 2000, comprising 8,580 individuals, were analyzed using appropriate measurements. The study compared individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, individuals with other neurotic disorders, and a nonneurotic comparison group. ICD-10 diagnoses were derived from the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised.Results: the authors identified 114 individuals (74 women, 40 men) with obsessive-compulsive disorder, with a weighted 1-month prevalence of 1.1%. Most individuals (55%) in the obsessive-compulsive group had obsessions only. Comorbidity occurred in 62% of these individuals, which was significantly greater than the group with other neuroses (10%). Co-occurring neuroses were depressive episode (37%), generalized anxiety disorder (31%), agoraphobia or panic disorder (22%), social phobia (17%), and specific phobia (15%). Alcohol dependence was present in 20% of participants, mainly men, and drug dependence was present in 13%. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, compared with other neurotic disorders, was associated with more marked social and occupational impairment. One-quarter of obsessive-compulsive disorder participants had previously attempted suicide. Individuals with pure and comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder did not differ according to most indices of impairment, including suicidal behavior, but pure individuals were significantly less likely to have sought help (14% versus 56%).Conclusions: A rare yet severe mental disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder is an atypical neurosis, of which the public health significance has been underestimated. Unmet need among individuals with pure obsessive-compulsive disorder is a cause for concern, requiring further investigation of barriers to care and interventions to encourage help-seeking.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: An impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance is the core symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (ODD), a psychiatric condition common in dermatology settings.Objective: We sought to determine the prevalence of ODD in dermatologic patients, comparing general and cosmetic settings, and describing some demographic and clinical characteristics.Methods: In all, 300 patients were consecutively assessed. Screening and diagnoses were performed with validated instruments plus a best estimate diagnosis procedure. The final sample comprised 150 patients in the cosmetic group, 150 patients in the general dermatology group, and 50 control subjects. Standard statistical analyses were performed (chi(2), nonparametric tests, logistic regression).Results: The current prevalence was higher in the cosmetic group (14.0%) compared with general (6.7%) and control (2.0%) groups. No patient had a previous diagnosis. Frequently the reason for seeking dermatologic treatment was not the main ODD preoccupation. Patients with ODD from the cosmetic group were in general unsatisfied with the results of dermatologic treatments.Limitations: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital is a limitation. It is uncertain if the findings can be generalized. Retrospective data regarding previous treatments are not free from bias.Conclusions: BUD is relatively common in a dermatologic setting, especially among patients seeking cosmetic treatments. These patients have some different features compared with general dermatology patients. Dermatologists should be aware of the clinical characteristics of ODD to identify and refer these patients to mental health professionals. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:235-43.)


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Aims: To estimate the prevalence and correlates of cognitive impairment (CI) among the elderly in a general hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study, including 200 Brazilian inpatients aged 60 years or over, using the Mini Mental State Examination to evaluate CI (dependent variable), and the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Katz and Lawton Index to evaluate basic (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Results: 56% were women, 29% were dependent for BADL and 77.5% for IADL. The prevalence of CI was 29% and, in the logistic regression, it remained associated with higher age (1 74 years old), number of previous hospitalizations (1 3) and dependency for BADL (being dependent raised the odds of being cognitively impaired). Conclusions: It is essential to train the hospital staff to properly assist these patients, and to orient and support their caregivers. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: This study aims to compare the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders (OCSD) in psychiatric outpatients with and without a history of rheumatic fever (RF).Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study assessing a large sample of consecutive psychiatric outpatients at a Brazilian private practice was conducted during a 10-year period. Psychiatric diagnoses were made by a senior psychiatrist based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Best-estimate diagnosis procedure was also performed.Results: The total sample comprised 678 subjects, 13 of whom (1.92%) presented with a previous history of RF. This group showed a higher prevalence of subclinical obsessive-compulsive disorder (P=.025) and OCSD (P=.007) when compared to individuals with no such history.Conclusions: A previous history of RF was associated with OCSD. These results suggest that clinicians should be encouraged to actively investigate obsessive-compulsive symptoms and related disorders in patients with a positive history of RF. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.