120 resultados para PORK MEAT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Salmonellosis is a worldwide disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. Currently, there are over 2,500 identified serovars of Salmonella. A reduced number of these serovars, about eighty, are implicated in most animals and human diseases. Most cases of salmonellosis in humans are associated with the consumption of contaminated food products such as beef, pork, poultry meat, eggs, vegetables, juices and other kind of foods. It may also be associated with the contact between humans and infected pet animals. Therefore, the chain of human salmonellosis is very complex and in most cases the origin of the infection is difficult to establish. The use of antimicrobial agents to treat and to prevent bacterial infections in humans and animals, as well as as growth promoters in animal production, has favoured the selection and transference of resistance genes between different bacteria, including Salmonella serovars. Many studies have confirmed the role of foods of animal origin as a source of multi drugresistant Salmonella serovars. For this reason, continuous surveillance of these pathogens along the food chain together with the responsible use of antimicrobial agents is necessary.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the use of different probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics on the quality of carcasses and meat of broiler chickens. One hundred and eight day-old Cobb male broilers were used (n=108) in a completely randomized design according to a 3x3 factorial, with 3 probiotics in the diet (no probiotics, probiotics 1, probiotics 2) and 3 prebiotics in the diet (no prebiotics, prebiotics 1, prebiotics 2). There were nine treatments with 4 replicates and 3 birds per replicate. The results showed that the carcass and cut yields, color (L* - lightness, a* - redness, and b* - yellowness), pH, cooking losses, shearing force and sensory analysis were not affected by the use of different growth promoters at 42 days of age. It was concluded that growth promoters supplemented to the diet did not affect the studied quantitative and qualitative parameters of the carcass and breast meat of broiler chickens.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o método de pendura da carcaça quanto à qualidade da carne ovina. Foram utilizadas 10 ovelhas de descarte com aproximadamente 62 kg de peso corporal. Após abate, esfola, evisceração e retirada da cabeça e das patas, as carcaças foram divididas longitudinalmente em duas partes. Lados alternados das meias carcaças foram pendurados pelo tendão do gastrocnêmico, tratamento 1 (T1) e suspensos pelo osso pélvico (T2) por um período de 24 horas em câmara frigorífica. Posteriormente retirou-se o músculo Semimembranosus de todas as meias carcaças para as análises de qualidade da carne. Os músculos Semimembranosus das carcaças pendurados pelo método de suspensão da pelve apresentou maior maciez que os mesmos músculos das carcaças pendurados pelo tendão do gastrocnêmico, com valores de 1,99 kgf.cm-2 e 3,15 kgf.cm-2, respectivamente. O tratamento 2 obteve menores perdas por cocção da carne que o tratamento 1, com valores médios de 32,14 e 33,44%, respectivamente. Os demais parâmetros de qualidade de carne avaliados não foram influenciados pelo método de suspensão da carcaça. Concluiu-se que o método de suspensão da carcaça, influenciou a maciez e as perdas por cocção da carne, sendo os melhores resultados para as carcaças penduras pelo osso pélvico.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ram lambs (n = 356) born to Romney ewes and sired by a range of straightbred or crossbred sires were evaluated for carcass composition and, for a subsample (n = 236), some meat quality characteristics over a period of 4 years. Within each year, 2 to 4 sire genotypes, including Romney controls, were evaluated at 2 slaughter ages (5-9 months and 10-11 months). Weight-adjusted carcass length was greater for lambs with some East Friesian or Finn genes, but no differences were found in dressing-out percent. At a constant carcass weight, carcass fatness (fat depths and leg dissectible fat) was lower in lambs with East Friesian, Texel, or Finn genes. Meat yield at a constant weight tended to be greatest in sire groups that were least fat, and M:B ratio in the femur region was highest in lambs with Texel genes and, to a lesser extent, those with Poll Dorset genes. Leg muscularity in the femur region generally paralleled differences in M:B, except in a comparison of East Friesian-cross and Romney lambs where the former had lower muscularity but slightly better M:B. Lambs slaughtered at the older age for each year had longer and leaner carcasses at the same weight, possibly because they had been taken part way through a winter or because of slower growth rates leading up to slaughter. Meat quality characteristics differed little between the genotype groups, but for 2 of 3 years, meat from the semimembranosus muscle of lambs in the older slaughter lot was significantly tougher.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da carne de cordeiros Ile de France alimentados com dietas contendo grãos de girassol e vitamina E. Trinta e dois cordeiros pesando inicialmente 15kg foram alojados em baias individuais e abatidos ao atingir 32kg de peso corporal. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro dietas experimentais: D1) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado sem grãos de girassol; D2) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol; D3) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado grãos de girassol, mais 1000mg de vitamina E kg-1 de matéria seca (MS) da dieta; e D4) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol e 1000mg de vitamina E dieta kg-1 de MS. Os parâmetros temperatura, pH, cor, perda de peso ao cozimento, força de cisalhamento e capacidade de retenção de água foram determinados nos tempos de maturação de 0, 7 e 14 dias no músculo Longissimus dorsi. As características qualitativas da carne não foram afetadas pelas dietas contendo grãos de girassol combinado com vitamina E, no entanto, pH 24 horas foi afetado (P<0,05) pela dieta contendo grãos de girassol com vitamina E. A perda de peso por cozimento não foi influenciada (P>0,05) pelos tempos de dieta ou de maturação, por outro lado, a força de cisalhamento e capacidade de retenção de água foi significativamente afetada (P<0,05). O uso da vitamina E resultou em carne com maior capacidade de retenção de água. O tempo de maturação influenciou nos parâmetros pH, cor e força de cisalhamento. Carne de cordeiro com 7 dias de maturação apresentou menor força de cisalhamento.


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Foi realizado um ensaio utilizando 36 suínos machos castrados, com peso inicial de 83,7±5,1kg, para avaliar o efeito da inclusão de polpa cítrica, 0, 10, 20 e 30%, em um programa de restrição alimentar qualitativa para suínos abatidos aos 130kg de peso, sobre o peso dos órgãos do sistema digestório e sobre características da carcaça e da qualidade da carne. A inclusão de polpa cítrica proporcionou aumento linear (P<0,05) nos pesos do estômago, cólon e fígado, e efeito quadrático (P<0,05) no peso do ceco. Foi observada redução linear (P<0,05) no peso, no rendimento da carcaça e no peso do pernil, porém não houve efeito (P>0,05) sobre o rendimento do pernil. Maior inclusão de polpa cítrica não foi suficiente para reduzir a espessura do toucinho e aumentar a quantidade de carne magra na carcaça, mostrando que a restrição alimentar qualitativa não foi eficiente. Foi observado aumento linear (P<0,05) do pH da carcaça resfriada e linear negativo (P<0,05) sobre as variáveis indicativas de cor da carne em função da inclusão da polpa cítrica nas dietas. A adição de polpa cítrica em programas de restrição alimentar qualitativa não foi eficiente. Por não promover nenhum efeito deletério sobre as características da carne, a polpa cítrica pode ser utilizada como ingrediente alternativo para suínos em terminação.


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Carcass and meat quality traits of thirty-six feedlot beef heifers from different genetic groups (GG) fed at two concentrate levels (CL) were evaluated using 12- Nellore (NE), 12 - 1/2Angus x 1/2Nellore (AN) and 12 - 1/2Simmental x 1/2Nellore (SN) animals. Six heifers of each GG were randomly assigned into one of two treatments: concentrate at 0.8% or 1.2% of body weight (BW). Heifers fed concentrate at 0.8% of BW had greater (P<0.05) dressing percentage. None of the proximate analysis components of the beef were affected (P>0.05) by either CL or GG. Heifers from the AN group had higher (P<0.05) carcass weights, 12th rib fat thickness and lower dressing percentage (P<0.05) compared to the other groups. NE heifers had greater WBSF values (P<0.05) than the other genetic groups. Data suggest that the concentrate level can be reduced without compromising meat quality traits. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several initiatives, including research and development, increasing stakeholders' awareness and application of legislation and recommendation, have been carried out in Latin America to promote animal welfare and meat quality. Most activities focused on the impact of pre-slaughter conditions (facilities, equipment and handling procedures) on animal welfare and meat quality. The results are encouraging; data from Brazil, Chile and Uruguay showed that the application of the improved pre-slaughter handling practices reduced aggressive handling and the incidence of bruised carcasses at slaughter in cattle and pigs. These outcomes stimulated some to apply animal welfare concepts in livestock handling within the meat production chain as shown by the increasing demand for personnel training on the best. To attend this demand is important to expand local studies on farm animal welfare and to set up (or maintain) an efficient system for knowledge transfer to all stakeholders in the Latin America meat production chains. However, it is clear that to promote the long-term progress in this field is important to deliver practical solutions, assuring that they match the technical and financial conditions of those who are the target of training programs. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objetivando avaliar o desenvolvimento relativo dos componentes do peso vivo (PV), dos cortes comerciais e dos tecidos da carcaça, utilizaram-se 40 cabritos Saanen. Os animais foram abatidos ao atingir 5,0; 12,5; 20,0; 27,5 e 35,0 kg de PV e a carcaça foi seccionada em paleta, pescoço, 1ª a 5ª costelas, 6ª a 13ª costelas, peito/fralda, lombo e perna. A perna foi dissecada em ossos, músculos e gordura. Utilizou-se a equação alométrica Y=aXb para estimar o desenvolvimento relativo. O crescimento do tecido ósseo foi precoce, o do tecido muscular intermediário e o da gordura crescimento tardio, uma vez que a gordura subcutânea é depositada mais tardiamente. Os cortes comerciais apresentaram coeficiente de alometria isogônico, com exceção do corte da 6ª a 13ª costelas e do peito/fralda. O desenvolvimento da carcaça e dos não-componentes da carcaça acompanhou o peso de corpo vazio. Cabritos com 35 kg de PV possuem proporção de músculos e relação músculo:osso adequadas, mas apresentam proporção de gordura maior que a observada nos animais abatidos com 20 kg de PV.


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The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the weight and percentage of the non-carcass components and the mineral content (macro minerals and trace minerals), crude protein, ether extract, moisture and vitamin E of the heart, liver, tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat from the longissimus dorsi of lambs in feedlot finishing. Thirty-two non-castrated Ile de France male lambs, fed diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E from 15 to 32 kg of body weight were allotted in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The weight of the gastrointestinal tract was higher in the lambs fed diets containing vitamin E (10%). No difference was observed in the liver as to the mineral matter, crude protein, ether extract, moisture (2.01; 20.03; 2.39 and 74.78 g/100 g, respectively), the macro minerals and trace minerals, except iron. In the tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat there was no in fluence of diets in the studied variables. The liver and the meat presented different values of crude protein (20.01 and 18.34 g/100 g, respectively), and the heart (1.03 mg/100 g) showed a higher content of vitamin E. High contents of manganese, zinc and copper were observed in the liver. The evaluated non-carcass components were nutritionally equal to the sheep meat, once, in addition to their high yield in relation to the body weight at slaughter, the non-carcass components are sources of nutrients.


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The aim of this work was to identify the degradation compounds produced during irradiation of multilayer polyamide 6 (PA-6) films and to study their migration into water and 95% ethanol food simulant. After irradiation of multilayer PA-6 films at 3, 7 and 12 kGy, degradation compounds were extracted using solid-phase microextraction, for which the time and temperature of extraction and stirring were optimized, and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Caprolactam, 2-cyclopentylcyclopentanone and aldehydes, among other compounds, were identified in the headspace of the films. Polydimethylsiloxane was considered the best fiber for extraction. The optimum conditions of time, temperature and stirring to extract the compounds were 20 min, 80 degrees C and 225 rpm. For validation purposes, the compounds were quantified in water and 95% ethanol and the results showed high sensitivity, good precision and accuracy. Migration of compounds from irradiated and non-irradiated multilayer PA-6 films into water and 95% ethanol food simulants was carried out at 40 degrees C for 10 days. The method was efficient for the quantification of decaldehyde, 2-cyclopentylcyclopentanone and caprolactam that migrated from multilayer PA-6 films into food simulants.