213 resultados para Optimal reactive power flow


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This paper presents a new approach to solve the Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach considers the application of logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables and the other constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of this algorithm. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work the multiarea optimal power flow (OPF) problem is decoupled into areas creating a set of regional OPF subproblems. The objective is to solve the optimal dispatch of active and reactive power for a determined area, without interfering in the neighboring areas. The regional OPF subproblems are modeled as a large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization problem, with both continuous and discrete variables. Constraints violated are handled as objective functions of the problem. In this way the original problem is converted to a multiobjective optimization problem, and a specifically-designed multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is proposed for solving the regional OPF subproblems. The proposed approach has been examined and tested on the RTS-96 and IEEE 354-bus test systems. Good quality suboptimal solutions were obtained, proving the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. ©2009 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents the application of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) for optimal power flow (OPF) solution. The OPF is modeled as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem, non-convex of large-scale, with continuous and discrete variables. The violated inequality constraints are treated as objective function of the problem. This strategy allows attending the physical and operational restrictions without compromise the quality of the found solutions. The developed MOEA is based on the theory of Pareto and employs a diversity-preserving mechanism to overcome the premature convergence of algorithm and local optimal solutions. Fuzzy set theory is employed to extract the best compromises of the Pareto set. Results for the IEEE-30, RTS-96 and IEEE-354 test systems are presents to validate the efficiency of proposed model and solution technique.


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This paper presents a new algorithm for optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is based on Newton's method which it works with an Augmented Lagrangian function associated with the original problem. The function aggregates all the equality and inequality constraints and is solved using the modified-Newton method. The test results have shown the effectiveness of the approach using the IEEE 30 and 638 bus systems.


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A new approach to solving the Optimal Power Flow problem is described, making use of some recent findings, especially in the area of primal-dual methods for complex programming. In this approach, equality constraints are handled by Newton's method inequality constraints for voltage and transformer taps by the logarithmic barrier method and the other inequality constraints by the augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of this algorithm. © 2001 IEEE.


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This letter presents an approach for a geometrical solution of an optimal power flow (OPF) problem for a two-bus system (slack and PV busses). The algebraic equations for the calculation of the Lagrange multipliers and for the minimum losses value are obtained. These equations are used to validate the results obtained using an OPF program.


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In this paper is presented a new approach for optimal power flow problem. This approach is based on the modified barrier function and the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions for optimality are fulfilled by Newton's method, and by updating the barrier terms. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been examined by solving the Brazilian 53-bus, IEEE118-bus and IEEE162-bus systems.


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This paper presents a new approach to the resolution of the Optimal Power Flow problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier and Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables, which are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied to the Lagrangian, generating a nonlinear system which is solved by Newton's method. The perturbation of the auxiliary variables results in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reached. Numerical tests on the Brazilian CESP and South-Southeast systems and a comparative test indicated that the new approach efficiently resolves of the Optimal Power Flow problem. © 2007 IEEE.


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A metaheuristic technique for solving the short-term transmission network expansion and reactive power planning problems, at the same time, in regulated power systems using the AC model is presented. The problem is solved using a real genetic algorithm (RGA). For each topology proposed by RGA an indicator is employed to identify the weak buses for new reactive power sources allocation. The fitness function is calculated using the cost of each configuration as well as constraints deviation of an AC optimal power flow (OPF) in which the minimum reactive generation of new reactive sources and the active power losses are objectives. With allocation of reactive power sources at load buses, the circuit capacity increases and the cost of installation could be decreased. The method is tested in a well known test system, presenting good results when compared with other approaches. © 2011 IEEE.


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Problems as voltage increase at the end of a feeder, demand supply unbalance in a fault condition, power quality decline, increase of power losses, and reduction of reliability levels may occur if Distributed Generators (DGs) are not properly allocated. For this reason, researchers have been employed several solution techniques to solve the problem of optimal allocation of DGs. This work is focused on the ancillary service of reactive power support provided by DGs. The main objective is to price this service by determining the costs in which a DG incurs when it loses sales opportunity of active power, i.e, by determining the Loss of Opportunity Costs (LOC). The LOC will be determined for different allocation alternatives of DGs as a result of a multi-objective optimization process, aiming the minimization of losses in the lines of the system and costs of active power generation from DGs, and the maximization of the static voltage stability margin of the system. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology in improving the goals outlined was demonstrated using the IEEE 34 bus distribution test feeder with two DGs cosidered to be allocated. © 2011 IEEE.


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Distributed Generation, microgrid technologies, two-way communication systems, and demand response programs are issues that are being studied in recent years within the concept of smart grids. At some level of enough penetration, the Distributed Generators (DGs) can provide benefits for sub-transmission and transmission systems through the so-called ancillary services. This work is focused on the ancillary service of reactive power support provided by DGs, specifically Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), with high level of impact on transmission systems. The main objective of this work is to propose an optimization methodology to price this service by determining the costs in which a DG incurs when it loses sales opportunity of active power, i.e, by determining the Loss of Opportunity Costs (LOC). LOC occur when more reactive power is required than available, and the active power generation has to be reduced in order to increase the reactive power capacity. In the optimization process, three objectives are considered: active power generation costs of DGs, voltage stability margin of the system, and losses in the lines of the network. Uncertainties of WTGs are reduced solving multi-objective optimal power flows in multiple probabilistic scenarios constructed by Monte Carlo simulations, and modeling the time series associated with the active power generation of each WTG via Fuzzy Logic and Markov Chains. The proposed methodology was tested using the IEEE 14 bus test system with two WTGs installed. © 2011 IEEE.


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) methods have been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. It is well known that the PV and Q-theta decoupling assumptions of the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold in the vicinity of the critical point. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular at this point. However, the maximum loading point can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. In this paper it is shown that by using either theta or V as a parameter, the new fast decoupled power flow versions (XB and BX) become adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point only with a few small modifications. The possible use of reactive power injection in a selected PV bus (Q(PV)) as continuation parameter (mu) for the computation of the maximum loading point is also shown. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used in predictor step. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that parameters can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The parameterized fast decoupled power flow (PFDPF), versions XB and BX, using either theta or V as a parameter have been proposed by the authors in Part I of this paper. The use of reactive power injection of a selected PVbus (Q(PV)) as the continuation parameter for the computation of the maximum loading point (MLP) was also investigated. In this paper, the proposed versions obtained only with small modifications of the conventional one are used for the computation of the MLP of IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses). These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approaches are presented and discussed. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional FDPF method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that these versions can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial, which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used for the predictor step. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow methods are considered inadequate for obtaining the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. At this point, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular. In addition, it is widely accepted that the P-V and Q-theta decoupling assumptions made for the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold. However, in this paper, it is presented a new fast decoupled power flow that becomes adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point by simply using the reactive power injection of a selected PV bus as a continuation parameter. Besides, fast decoupled methods using V and 0 as parameters and a secant predictor are also presented. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained for the IEEE systems (14 and 118 buses) show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged.