42 resultados para Oligonucleotide


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Substantial improvements in the selectivity of electrochemical measurements of trace nucleic adds are obtained by using membrane-covered carbon disk electrodes. Access to the electrode surface can be manipulated via a judicious choice of the membrane molecular weight cutoff (MWCO). The resulting separation step, performed in situ at the electrode surface, adds a new dimension of selectivity based on molecular size to electroanalysis of nucleic acids, Transport properties are evaluated with respect to the oligonucleotide length and membrane MWCO. A highly selective response is observed for synthetic oligonucleotides in the presence of otherwise interfering chromosomal DNAs. Discrimination among oligonucleotides of different lengths is also possible, Short accumulation periods (1-5 min) are sufficient for convenient measurements of low milligram per liter concentrations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Routine applications of DNA hybridization biosensors are often restricted by the need for regenerating the single-stranded (ss) probe for subsequent reuse. This note reports on a viable alternative to prolonged thermal or chemical regeneration schemes through the mechanical polishing of oligonucleotide-bulk-modified carbon composite electrodes. The surface of these biocomposite hybridization biosensors can be renewed rapidly and reproducibly by a simple extrusion/polishing protocol. The immobilized probe retains its hybridization activity on confinement in the interior of the carbon paste matrix, with the use of fresh surfaces erasing memory effects and restoring the original target response, to allow numerous hybridization/measurement cycles. We expect that such reusable nucleic acid modified composite electrodes can be designed for a wide variety of biosensing applications.


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Cysticercosis is one of the most important zoonosis, not only because of the effects on animal health and its economic consequences, but also due to the serious danger it poses to humans. The two main parasites involved in the taeniasis-cysticercosis complex in Brazil are Taenia saginata and Taenia solium. Differentiating between these two parasites is important both for disease control and for epidemiological studies. The purpose of this work was to identify genetic markers that could be used to differentiate these parasites. Out of 120 oligonucleotide decamers tested in random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assays, 107 were shown to discriminate between the two species of Taenia. Twenty-one DNA fragments that were specific for each species of Taenia were chosen for DNA cloning and sequencing. Seven RAPD markers were converted into sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers with two specific for T. saginata and five specific for T. solium as shown by agarose gel electrophoresis. These markers were developed as potential tools to differentiate T. solium from T. saginata in epidemiological studies. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In DNA microarray experiments, the gene fragments that are spotted on the slides are usually obtained by the synthesis of specific oligonucleotides that are able to amplify genes through PCR. Shotgun library sequences are an alternative to synthesis of primers for the study of each gene in the genome. The possibility of putting thousands of gene sequences into a single slide allows the use of shotgun clones in order to proceed with microarray analysis without a completely sequenced genome. We developed an OC Identifier tool (optimal clone identifier for genomic shotgun libraries) for the identification of unique genes in shotgun libraries based on a partially sequenced genome; this allows simultaneous use of clones in projects such as transcriptome and phylogeny studies, using comparative genomic hybridization and genome assembly. The OC Identifier tool allows comparative genome analysis, biological databases, query language in relational databases, and provides bioinformatics tools to identify clones that contain unique genes as alternatives to primer synthesis. The OC Identifier allows analysis of clones during the sequencing phase, making it possible to select genes of interest for construction of a DNA microarray. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Background. From shotgun libraries used for the genomic sequencing of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC), clones that were representative of the largest possible number of coding sequences (CDSs) were selected to create a DNA microarray platform on glass slides (XACarray). The creation of the XACarray allowed for the establishment of a tool that is capable of providing data for the analysis of global genome expression in this organism. Findings. The inserts from the selected clones were amplified by PCR with the universal oligonucleotide primers M13R and M13F. The obtained products were purified and fixed in duplicate on glass slides specific for use in DNA microarrays. The number of spots on the microarray totaled 6,144 and included 768 positive controls and 624 negative controls per slide. Validation of the platform was performed through hybridization of total DNA probes from XAC labeled with different fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5. In this validation assay, 86% of all PCR products fixed on the glass slides were confirmed to present a hybridization signal greater than twice the standard deviation of the deviation of the global median signal-to-noise ration. Conclusions. Our validation of the XACArray platform using DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that it can be used to evaluate the expression of 2,365 individual CDSs from all major functional categories, which corresponds to 52.7% of the annotated CDSs of the XAC genome. As a proof of concept, we used this platform in a previously work to verify the absence of genomic regions that could not be detected by sequencing in related strains of Xanthomonas. © 2010 Moreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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DNA biosensors have gained increased attention over traditional diagnostic methods due to their fast and responsive operation and cost-effective design. The specificity of DNA biosensors relies on single-stranded oligonucleotide probes immobilized to a transduction platform. Here, we report the development of biosensors to detect the hippuricase gene (hipO) from Campylobacter jejuni using direct covalent coupling of thiol- and biotin-labeled single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) on both surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and diffraction optics technology (DOT, dotLab) transduction platforms. This is the first known report of the dotLab to detect targeted DNA. Application of 6-mercapto-1-hexanol as a spacer thiol for SPR gold surface created a self-assembled monolayer that removed unbound ssDNA and minimized non-specific detection. The detection limit of SPR sensors was shown to be 2.5 nM DNA while dotLab sensors demonstrated a slightly decreased detection limit of 5.0 nM (0.005 μM). It was possible to reuse the SPR sensor due to the negligible changes in sensor sensitivity (∼9.7 × 10 -7 ΔRU) and minimal damage to immobilized probes following use, whereas dotLab sensors could not be reused. Results indicated feasibility of optical biosensors for rapid and sensitive detection of the hipO gene of Campylobacter jejuni using specific ssDNA as a probe. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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The pattern of global gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the chicken intestinal lumen (cecum) was compared with that of a late-log-phase LB broth culture using a whole-genome microarray. Levels of transcription, translation, and cell division in vivo were lower than those in vitro. S. Typhimurium appeared to be using carbon sources, such as propionate, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanolamine, in addition to melibiose and ascorbate, the latter possibly transformed to D-xylulose. Amino acid starvation appeared to be a factor during colonization. Bacteria in the lumen were non- or weakly motile and nonchemotactic but showed upregulation of a number of fimbrial and Salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (SPI-3) and 5 genes, suggesting a close physical association with the host during colonization. S. Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the cecal mucosa showed an expression profile similar to that of bacteria from the intestinal lumen, except that levels of transcription, translation, and cell division were higher and glucose may also have been used as a carbon source. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.


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The control of cotton pests may be accomplished using Bacillus thuringiensis Cry proteins. For this purpose, the objective of this work was to evaluate the insecticidal activity of a new Cry1Ia protein against neonatal larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda and Anthonomus grandis. The complete cry1Ia gene, previously obtained by PCR with oligonucleotide primers based on the sequenced gene, was cloned into the vector pET28a(+), introduced into Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and expressed by induction with IPTG. The expression of the Cry1Ia protein was confirmed with molecular weight of approximately 81 kDa. The results demonstrated the efficiency of the bacterial system for the expression of B. thuringiensis Cry1Ia protein, which was subsequently used in quantitative bioassays against S. frugiperda and A. grandis larvae, resulting in an extremely toxic protein for both species. This characteristic is exceptionally important for obtaining transgenic cotton plants resistant to these pests.


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The objective of this study was to compare gene transcription profiles in Longissimus dorsi muscle of the following four hair sheep genetic groups, Morada Nova (MO), Brazilian Somali (SO), Santa Inĉs (SI) and 1/2 Dorper×1/2 Morada Nova (F1). These groups all display different postnatal muscle growth. The transcriptomes of the skeletal muscle of the lambs (at 200 days of age) were profiled by using oligonucleotide microarrays and reverse transcription-quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). The microarray experiment identified 262 transcripts that were differentially expressed when transcription levels were compared between the different breeds. A total of 23 transcripts among which those involved in skeletal muscle development (MyoD1 and IGFBP4), lipogenesis and adipogenesis (C/EBPδ, PPARγ and PGDS) were differentially expressed in at least in one comparison. Clustering analysis showed that there is greater similarity in gene expression between the MO and SI breeds and between F1 and SO genetic groups. The SO breed has the most distinct expression pattern. The RT-qPCR results confirmed the findings from the microarray study. A positive correlation was observed between the expression of MyoD1 and the cold carcass yield. The negative correlations between the weight and yield of cold carcass with the expression of C/EBPδ mean that the selection for adipogenesis could lead to a lower carcass weight. The GLUT3 and PYGL gene transcripts were negatively correlated with fat thickness, but ATP5G1 was positively correlated with this trait. Interestingly, many genes negatively correlated with PUFA were positively correlated with cold carcass yield. In conclusion, the present work demonstrated that there are breed-specific expression patterns in Brazilian hair sheep genetic groups. The differences in gene expression among genetic groups were consistent with their phenotypic differences. The positive correlation of the MyoD1 expression with the cold carcass yield suggests that this gene is important for tissue growth in sheep. The positive correlation of the C/EBPδ expression with PUFA provides an opportunity to select for lipid deposition in meat animals. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Hepatozoon spp. are commonly found infecting snakes. Since the latter are parasitized by diverse forms and data in the literature show divergence, we studied Hepatozoon spp. diversity on Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes using both molecular and morphological approaches. Naturally infected animals were employed. Blood was collected, blood smears were prepared and an aliquot was stored at -20. °C for DNA extraction. Five specimens of C. durissus terrificus were selected, each of them infected with one gamont type. Morphological and morphometric analyses of the found gamonts led to their grouping into three populations. For molecular characterization, seven oligonucleotide pairs that amplify distinct regions of rDNA gene were tested by adopting the PCR technique. Only the oligonucleotide pairs HepF300/Hep900 and HEMO1/HEMO2 were efficient in amplifying and distinguishing different isolates of Hepatozoon spp. from snakes. The better results were obtained when both oligonucleotide pairs were used in association. Based on the molecular and morphologic differences, three new species were proposed: Hepatozoon cuestensis sp. nov.; Hepatozoon cevapii sp. nov. and Hepatozoon massardii sp. nov. This is the first description of new Hepatozoon species from snakes, based on molecular characterization and morphological data, in South America. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)