107 resultados para Neuromuscular block
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Agaricus blazei (Ab) has become popularly known for its medicinal properties. Scientifically, it has been tested with regard to its capacity to protect genetic material against damage. We examined different organic extracts (methanolic extract-ME, hexanic extract-HE and n-butanolic extract-BE) and an aqueous extract (AE) of Ab, for their capacity to induce DNA damage as well as for their protective effect. Genetic damage was determined by the chromosomal aberration assay (CA) in CHO-k1 cells for all extracts and the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay (CBMN) in non drug-metabolizing (CHO-k1) and drug-metabolizing (HTC) cell lines for extract BE only. The extracts did not show clastogenicity but showed anticlastogenicity. The greatest percent reduction obtained were with BE (105%) and AE (126%) treatments in CA. BE treatment did not display genotoxicity in CHO-k1, but was genotoxic in HTC. However, BE was shown to be antigenotoxic causing decreased micronucleus frequency in HTC and CHO-k1 cells. These results suggest that all the extracts contained protective substances, but in some cases they could show a genotoxic effect with regard to metabolism. Therefore, these findings warrant caution in the use of this mushroom by the population. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the influence of estrogen deficiency on autogenous bone block grafts in aged variectomized rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty 12-month-old female Wistar rats were used in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, an ovariectomized group and a sham-operated group. After 30 days the animals received autogenous block bone grafts on the angle of the mandible, harvested from the calvaria. The animals were euthanized at 7, 14, or 28 days postoperatively. Results: Histologic analysis showed that at 7 days postsurgery, the interface between graft and recipient site in the sham-operated group appeared filled by a granulation tissue with angiogenic activity, whereas the ovariectomized group still exhibited a blood clot and a granulation tissue in organization. on the 14th postoperative day, the interface in the shamoperated group was partially filled by newly formed bone establishing a union between the graft and the recipient site. The interface in the ovariectomized group was typically filled by granulation tissue with discrete osteogenic activity in most specimens. on the 28th postoperative day, the graft in the sham-operated group appeared histologically integrated to the mandible. However, the interface in the ovariectomized group appeared partially filled by newly formed bone, with areas of interposed connective tissue. The statistical analysis revealed that bone neoformation was significantly greater in the sham-operated group (57.41% at 14 days and 68.35 at 28 days) in comparison with the ovariectomized group (40.82% at 14 days and 53.09 at 28 days) at the 5% level. Conclusion: The estrogen depletion caused by the ovariectomy hindered the healing process of autogenous block bone grafts placed in the mandibles of aged rats.
The morphological and structural alterations that occur in the neuromuscular junctions of the denervated rat diaphragm were studied. Fifteen adult male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged about 60 days and with a mean weight of 200 g were used. Chronically denervated diaphragms were obtained and the animals were sacrificed after 4, 8 and 12 weeks of denervation. The left antimere of the diaphragm was denervated by section of the phrenic nerve and the right antimere was used as control. Each antimere was divided into three fragments: one was used for histochemical (nonspecific esterase) and morphometric study of neuromuscular junctions, and the other two were used for transmission and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. Histochemical analysis of the diaphragm neuromuscular junctions after denervation showed only small changes in junction morphology. However, these junctions became smaller and elongated and presented less visible contours with increasing time of denervation. Ultrastructural analysis of neuromuscular junctions after 12 weeks showed more or less organized junctional folds on the muscle fiber surface. The junctional cytoplasm exhibited important alterations such as mitochondrial degeneration and the presence of numerous filaments. SEM revealed the presence of deep primary synaptic grooves with peripheral excavations which housed the nerve terminal boutons and exhibited internally the secondary synaptic clefts present among the junctional folds of the sarcolemma. This study showed that some of the morphological changes demonstrated in other denervated striated skeletal muscles are not repeated at the same intensity or in the same temporal pattern in the rat diaphragm.
As a first step to investigate the structure-function relationship of bothropstoxin-1 (BthTX-1), a myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom, Our group previously cloned a recombinant toxin (rBthTX-1) in Escherichia coli. The aim or this work was to characterize the biological activities of this rBthTX-1 (1.0 mu M) in both phrenic-diaphragm and extensor digitorum longus preparations in vitro, by means of myographic and morphologic techniques. Native BthTX-1 (1.0 mu M) was used as a standard. The influence of heparin (27.5 mu g/ml) upon the biological activities of both toxins was also investigated. rBthTX-1 had similar effects to the native toxin inducing blockage of both directly and indirectly evoked contractions in phrenic-diaphragm preparations, and muscle damage characterized by edema, round fibers, and cell areas devoid of myofibrils. Interestingly the paralyzing activity of rBthTX-1 was slightly more potent than the native toxin. Heparin prevented paralyzing and myotoxic effects of both the native and recombinant toxins. This work shows that rBthTX-1 was expressed in a fully active form, and presents a biological profile similar to the native toxin. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved.
A comparative study between crotoxin and gamma irradiated crotoxin was performed on the indirectly evoked twitches and tetani of sciatic nerve-extensor digitorum longus muscle of rats. Crotoxin (3 to 14 mu g/ml) decreased the amplitude of twitches and induced a slight tetanic fade, and irradiated crotoxin did not significantly affect either twitch amplitude or tetanic tension. Since gamma radiation reduced the neurotoxicity of crotoxin it may be useful for the production of anticrotalic serum. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aqueous extract of Casearia sylvestris (Flacourtiaceae) has been shown to inhibit enzymatic and biological properties of some Bothrops and Crotalus venoms and their purified phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) toxins. In this work we evaluated the influence of C sylvestris aqueous extract upon neuromuscular blocking and muscle damaging activities of some PLA(2)S (crotoxin from C. durissus terrificus, bothropstoxin-I from B.jararacussu, piratoxin-I from B. pirajai and myotoxin-II from B. moojeni) in mouse phrenic-diaphragm preparations. Crotoxin (0.5 mu M) and all other PLA2 toxins (1.0 mu M) induced irreversible and time-dependent blockade of twitches. Except for crotoxin, all PLA2 toxins induced significant muscle damage indices, assessed by microscopic analysis. Preincubation of bothropstoxin-I, piratoxin-I or myotoxin-II with C. sylvestris extract (1:5 (w/w), 30 min, 37 degrees C significantly prevented the neuromuscular blockade of preparations exposed to the mixtures for 90 min; the extent of protection ranged from 93% to 97%. The vegetal extract also neutralized the muscle damage (protection of 80-95%). Higher concentration of the C. sylvestris extract (1: 10, w/w) was necessary to neutralize by 90% the neuromuscular blockade induced by crotoxin. These findings expanded the spectrum of C. sylvestris antivenom activities, evidencing that it may be a good source of potentially useful PLA2 inhibitors. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
The ability of gamma radiation from Co-60 (2000 Gy) to attenuate the toxic effects of Bothrops jararacussu venom was investigated on mouse neuromuscular preparations in vitro. A comparative study between the effects of native and irradiated venoms was performed on both phrenic-diaphragm (PD) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) preparations by means of myographic, biochemical and morphological techniques. Native venom (10 and 20 mug/ml) induced a concentration-dependent paralysis of both directly and indirectly evoked contractions on PD preparations. At 20 mug/ml, it also caused a pronounced myotoxic effect on the EDL muscle preparation that was characterized by an increase of creatine kinase release and by several morphological changes of this preparation. By contrast, irradiated venom, even at concentrations as high as 40 mug/ml, induced neither paralyzing nor myotoxic effects. It was concluded that Co-60 gamma radiation is able to abolish both the paralyzing and the myotoxic effects of B. jararacussu venom on the mouse neuromuscular junction. These findings support the hypothesis that gamma radiation could be an important toot to improve antisera production by reducing toxicity while preserving immunogenicity. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os autores relatam um quadro manifestado por sintomas neurológicos e musculares em uma mulher de 45 anos, que surgiu após o consumo da carne de polvo comum (Octopus sp.). A paciente apresentou intenso mal estar, parestesias em extremidades e área perioral, fraqueza muscular intensa e hipotensão arterial, seguidos de prurido importante e uma erupção eritêmato-descamativa disseminada tardia. Não foram observadas manifestações gastrintestinais ou febre, o que reduziu a probabilidade de uma intoxicação alimentar por conservação inadequada do molusco. A presença de sintomas neuro-musculares é sugestiva de ação de neurotoxinas, comprovadamente existentes em muitos gêneros de polvos e que podem ter sido ingeridas através do consumo das glândulas salivares ou acúmulo das toxinas na carne, por algum mecanismo ainda desconhecido. As toxinas dos polvos do gênero Octopus são pouco estudadas e julgamos esta comunicação importante por alertar para a possibilidade do envenenamento nos seres humanos que consomem carne de polvos e ainda sua diferenciação das intoxicações alimentares que ocorrem por conservação inadequada do animal.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Orb-web-spiders present a series of different strategies for prey capture, involving the use of different types of silk for web building, the use of adhesive traps in the webs, the secretion of toxic compounds to the spider's preys in the adhesive coating of the capture web and the biosynthesis of a wide range of structurally related acylpolyamine toxins in their venoms. The polyamine toxins usually block neuromuscular junctions and/or the central nervous system (CNS) of Arthropods, targeting specially the ionotropic glutamate receptors; this way these toxins are used are as chemical weapons to kill / paralyze the spider's prey. Polyamine toxins contain many azamethylene groups involved with the chelation of metal ions, which in turn can interact with the glutamate receptors, affecting the toxicity of these toxins. It was demonstrated that the chelation of Ni+2, Fe+2, Pb+2, Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions by the desalted crude venom of Nephilengys cruentata and by the synthetic toxin JSTX-3, did not cause any significant change in the toxicity of the acylpolyamine toxins to the model-prey insect (honeybees). However, it was also reported that the chelation of Zn+2 ions by the acylpolyamines potentiated the lethal / paralytic action of these toxins to the honeybees, while the chelation of Cu+2 ions caused the inverse effect. Atomic absorption spectrometry and Plasma-ICP analysis both of N.cruentata venom and honeybee's hemolymph revealed that the spider's venom concentrates Zn+2 ions, while the honeybee's hemolymph concentrates Cu+2 ions. These results are suggesting that the natural accumulation of Zn+2 ions in N. cruentata venom favors the prey catching and/or its maintenance in the web, while the natural accumulation of Cu+2 ions in prey's hemolymph minimizes the efficiency of the acylpolyamine toxins as killing/paralyzing tool.
A proposta deste estudo foi analisar o efeito de um programa de treinamento de membros superiores baseado nas técnicas de facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva (FNP) sobre a mobilidade torácica. Foram estudadas 24 voluntárias sedentárias, idade 22,9 ± 2,9 anos, divididas em grupo controle (GC), que não participou do treinamento, e grupo treinado (GT). O protocolo de treinamento físico foi constituído por um programa de exercícios de FNP, realizado três vezes por semana, durante quatro semanas. Os dois grupos foram submetidos à avaliação da mobilidade torácica por meio de cirtometria, antes e após o período de treinamento. Os dados colhidos foram analisados estatisticamente, com nível de significância α = 5%. Os valores da cirtometria axilar e xifoideana do GC antes e após o período de intervenção não apresentaram alterações significativas (p>0,05). No GT os valores das variáveis foram significantemente maiores após a intervenção (p<0,05). em conclusão, o protocolo de FNP utilizado parece ser um programa de exercícios eficiente, por promover aumento na cirtometria em um curto período de tempo, sugerindo que pode ser utilizado como recurso fisioterapêutico para o desenvolvimento da mobilidade torácica.
Oliveira, AS, Greco, CC, Pereira, MP, Figueira, TR, de Araujo Ruas, VD, Goncalves, M, and Denadai, BS. Physiological and neuromuscular profile during a Bodypump session: acute responses during a high-resistance training session. J Strength Cond Res 23(2): 579-586, 2009-The main purposes of this study were 1) to describe and to compare blood lactate ([La]), heart rate (HR), and electromyographic (EMG) parameters during high-repetition training sessions (HRTSs), 2) to analyze the influence of physical fitness levels in these parameters, and, 3) to analyze the relationship between metabolic ([La]) and neuromuscular (EMG) responses during the HRTS. Fifteen healthy untrained women (21.7 +/- 2.1 years) performed an HRTS called Bodypump for 1 hour, which incorporated the use of variable free weights and high repetitions in a group setting. This session involved 10 music selections (M1-M10) containing resistive exercises for different muscle groups. After music selections 2 (M2), 4 (M4), 6 (M6), 7 (M7), and 9 (M9), [La], HR, and EMG (vastus medialis [VM], vastus lateralis [VL], iliocostalis lumborum [IC], and longissimus thoracis <) were determined. The [La] (M2, 4.00 +/- 1.45 mM; M7, 5.02 +/- 1.73 mM) and HR (M2, 153.64 +/- 18.89 bpm; M7, 16.14 +/- 20.14 bpm) obtained at M2 and M7 were similar but were significantly higher than the other moments of the session. However, EMG (root mean square [RMS]) at M2 (VL, VM, and LT) was lower than at M7. There was no significant correlation of strength and aerobic physical fitness with [La], RMS. In the same way, there was no significant correlation of [La] with RMS at M2 and M7. on the basis of our data, we can conclude that metabolic, cardiovascular, and EMG variables present different and independent behavior during an HRTS. Accordingly, for neuromuscular conditions during HRTS, it seems to be enough to induce improvement in the muscular strength of inferior limbs in untrained subjects.