167 resultados para Neuro-fuzzy


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Ceramic parts are increasingly replacing metal parts due to their excellent physical, chemical and mechanical properties, however they also make them difficult to manufacture by traditional machining methods. The developments carried out in this work are used to estimate tool wear during the grinding of advanced ceramics. The learning process was fed with data collected from a surface grinding machine with tangential diamond wheel and alumina ceramic test specimens, in three cutting configurations: with depths of cut of 120 mu m, 70 mu m and 20 mu m. The grinding wheel speed was 35m/s and the table speed 2.3m/s. Four neural models were evaluated, namely: Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Generalized Regression Neural Networks and the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. The models'performance evaluation routines were executed automatically, testing all the possible combinations of inputs, number of neurons, number of layers, and spreading. The computational results reveal that the neural models were highly successful in estimating tool wear, since the errors were lower than 4%.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the search for productivity increase, industry has invested on the development of intelligent, flexible and self-adjusting method, capable of controlling processes through the assistance of autonomous systems, independently whether they are hardware or software. Notwithstanding, simulating conventional computational techniques is rather challenging, regarding the complexity and non-linearity of the production systems. Compared to traditional models, the approach with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) performs well as noise suppression and treatment of non-linear data. Therefore, the challenges in the wood industry justify the use of ANN as a tool for process improvement and, consequently, add value to the final product. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Neuro-Fuzzy Networks (NFNs) have proven effective, since NFNs combine the ability to learn from previous examples and generalize the acquired information from the ANNs with the capacity of Fuzzy Logic to transform linguistic variables in rules.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Global Workspace Theory (GWT) proposed by Bernard Baars (1988) along with Daniel Dennett’s (1991) Multiple Drafts Model (MDM) of consciousness are renowned cognitive theories of consciousness bearing similarities and differences. Although Dennett displays sympathy for GWT, his own MDM does not seem to be fully compatible with it. This work discusses this compatibility, by asking if GWT suffers from Daniel Dennett’s criticism of what he calls a “Cartesian Theater”. We identified in Dennett 10 requirements for avoiding the Cartesian Theater. We believe that some of these requirements are violated by GWT, but not all, hence there is partial incompatibility with MDM, and it is nonsense to answer if GWT is or is not a Cartesian Theater. However, by asking such question we conclude that the issues around this discussion involve fuzzy claims about degrees of consciousness and we show how the Neuro-Astroglial Interaction Model (NAIM) is fit for solving such conceptual issues.


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A lógica fuzzy admite infinitos valores lógicos intermediários entre o falso e o verdadeiro. Com esse princípio, foi elaborado neste trabalho um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy, que indicam o índice de massa corporal de animais ruminantes com objetivo de obter o melhor momento para o abate. O sistema fuzzy desenvolvido teve como entradas as variáveis massa e altura, e a saída um novo índice de massa corporal, denominado Índice de Massa Corporal Fuzzy (IMC Fuzzy), que poderá servir como um sistema de detecção do momento de abate de bovinos, comparando-os entre si através das variáveis linguísticas )Muito BaixaM, ,BaixaB, ,MédiaM, ,AltaA e Muito AltaM. Para a demonstração e aplicação da utilização deste sistema fuzzy, foi feita uma análise de 147 vacas da raça Nelore, determinando os valores do IMC Fuzzy para cada animal e indicando a situação de massa corpórea de todo o rebanho. A validação realizada do sistema foi baseado em uma análise estatística, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson 0,923, representando alta correlação positiva e indicando que o método proposto está adequado. Desta forma, o presente método possibilita a avaliação do rebanho, comparando cada animal do rebanho com seus pares do grupo, fornecendo desta forma um método quantitativo de tomada de decisão para o pecuarista. Também é possível concluir que o presente trabalho estabeleceu um método computacional baseado na lógica fuzzy capaz de imitar parte do raciocínio humano e interpretar o índice de massa corporal de qualquer tipo de espécie bovina e em qualquer região do País.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Land cover mappings represent important tools for the regional planning. However, the current mappings are related to very specific purposes and, consequently, they are limited in their capacity to define the wide variety of existing types of land cover. In that context, this paper aims at developing a wide and including hierarchical classification system for land cover mapping in regional scale, which should contribute for a future standardization of classes. Besides, it is intended to test that system for a study case that contemplates the use of a classification method based on fuzzy approach, which has shown to be more appropriate than conventional approaches. Therefore, it was proposed a hierarchical classification system with three detailing levels and a study case was defined with the specification of the test area and of the classification project. Then, the georreferencing of a TM/Landsat-5 image that comprises the test area was carried out. Later, it was applied a fuzzy classification approach in the TM/Landsat-5 image, starting from images of probability for the mapped classes and an uncertainty image were generated. Finally, it was produced a conventional output that represents the thematic mapping of the test area.


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This paper describes a novel approach for mapping lightning processes using fuzzy logic. The estimation process is carried out using a fuzzy system based on Sugeno's architecture. Simulation results confirm that proposed approach can be efficiently used in these types of problem.


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From the geotechnical standpoint, it is interesting to analyse the soil texture in regions with rough terrain due to its relation with the infiltration and runoff processes and, consequently, the effect on erosion processes. The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology that provides the soil texture spatialization by using Fuzzy logic and Geostatistic. The results were correlated with maps drawn specifically for the study area. The knowledge of the spatialization of soil properties, such as the texture, can be an important tool for land use planning in order to reduce the potential soil losses during rain seasons. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Spatial Statistics 2011


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.