48 resultados para Nb-Ta Alloys


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recent studies have been done to achieve biomedical alloys containing non-toxic elements and presenting low elastic moduli. It has been reported that Ti-Nb-Zr alloys rich in beta phase, especially Ti-13Nb-13Zr, have potential characteristics for substituting conventional materials such as Ti-6Al-4V, stainless steel and Co alloys. The aim of this work is to study the internal friction (IF) of Ti-13Nb-13Zr (TNZ) alloy due to the importance of the absorption impacts in orthopedic applications. The internal friction of this alloy produced by arc melting was measured using an inverted torsion pendulum with the free decay method. The measurements were performed from 77 to 700 K with heating rate of 1 K/min, in a vacuum better than 10-5 mBar. The results show a relaxation structure at high temperature strongly dependent on microstructure of the material. Qualitative discussions are presented for the experimental results, and the possibility of using the TNZ as a high damping material is briefly mentioned.


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In the S - SW region of Goiás State, Brazil, the Araxá Group is constituted of a metasedimentary sequence containing schistose and gneissic (garnet-biotite-quartz schists, feldspatic garnet-biotite-quartz schists, garnet-biotite-quartz paragneisses, with muscovite and locally amphibole, epidote, kyanite and staurolite. This sequence presents intercalations of metaul-tramafc rocks (serpentinite, actinolite schist, talc schist, chlorite schist), metamafc ones (amphibolite, amphibole schist containing or not garnet, garnet amphibolite) and associated granitic bodies. Chemically, the Araxá Group metasediments present peraluminous composition, showing enrichment in LILE, when compared with HFSE and REE, and displaying negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti. Their chemical composition is that of greywake and the chemical characteristics of the sediments are generated in magmatic arcs. Isotopic data for Sm/Nd - model ages (TDM) between 1,04 - 1,51 and 1,76 - 2,26 Ga - and U/Pb (predominance of zircon with ages < 900 Ma) suggest that these metasediments have Neoproterozoic rocks as the source rocks. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of the studied metasediments suggest that their source are rocks originated in magmatic arcs and that they were deposited in a fore arc basin developed in the margins of Neoproterozoic island arcs.


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A intrusão alcalina de Morro Preto, localizada ao norte da cidade de Piranhas (GO), corresponde a um corpo irregular a subcircular com aproximados 3,34 km2 alojado em gnaisses atribuídos ao Arco Magmático de Goiás. É constituída principalmente por carbonatitos e lamprófiros com graus variados de laterização e silicificação, além de silexitos e, em menor expressão, por sienito ferruginizado e basalto alcalino. Quimicamente mostram baixas concentrações em Cs, K, Na, Rb e altas concentrações em elementos como TR, Nb, Ba, Th e U. Isto aparenta resultar de processos de laterização/silicificação e da formação de fases minerais raras (ou neoformação de fases minerais), como fosfatos com alta concentração de TR e Th, oxi-hidróxidos de Fe, Ba, Mn, e oxi e/ou silico-fosfatos de ETR, Nb, Ta, dentre outros, e a formação de barita. A presença de rochas carbonatíticas com alto P2O5 e o enriquecimento acentuado em TR sugere a possibilidade de mineralizações destes componentes, similar às observadas em outros complexos alcalinos de Goiás e de Minas Gerais, como Catalão e Araxá. A distribuição de elementos menores, traços e TR mostram que as rochas são produtos de alteração de rochas ígneas alcalinas como carbonatitos, lamprófiros e basaltos alcalinos, rochas já enriquecidas em elementos como Th, U, TR (principalmente em ETRL), Nb e Ta. Os teores anormalmente altos são resultado do processo de enriquecimento supérgeno (processos de intemperismo como silicificação e laterização) e/ou alteração hidrotermal com baixa temperatura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: Ti-Ta alloys have high potential for dental application due to a good balance between high strength and low modulus. Absence of primary anchoring may occur when dental implants are installed immediately after tooth extraction. Tranexamic acid (TEA) is used to reduce fibrin degradation and can prevent early blood clot breakdown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of Ti-30Ta implants associated or not with tranexamic acid and installed with compromised primary stability. Methods and materials: Fabricated were 20 implants of titanium ASTM F67 (Grade 4) and 20 implants of Ti-30Ta alloy with dimensions of 2.1 mm × 2.8 mm Ø. They were divided (n = 10) into Group I (Ti machined), Group II (Ti machined/tranexamic acid), Group III (Ti-30Ta alloy) and Group IV (Ti-30Ta/tranexamic acid) and were implanted in tibia (defects with 2.5 mm × 3.2 mm Ø) of 40 male rats (250 g). The surgical sites were rinsed with 5% tranexamic acid solution in Groups II and IV. The animals were euthanized at 45 days postoperative. The pieces were processed in methyl methacrylate (Stevenel's blue/Alizarin red). The percentage of peri-implant tissue repair was analyzed via images obtained by an optical microscope coupled to a digital camera using Leica software and Adobe Photoshop QWin. Data were analyzed statistically with a significance level of 5%. Results: Histomorphometric results showed 97.16% of bone-implant contact for group IV, 89.78% of bone contact for group III, 70.89% for group II and 61.59% of bone contact for group I. The statistical analyses demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.05) among group I and other groups. Conclusion: The results suggest that (a) Ti-30Ta promoted an increase of bone healing and apposition around implant; (b) tranexamic acid favored the stabilization of blood clot and bone formation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Titanium alloys normally contain oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon as impurities, and although this concentration is low, these impurities cause changes in the mechanical properties of Ti alloys. Oxygen is a strong alpha-phase stabilizer and its addition causes solid-solution strengthening, shape memory effect, and superelasticity. The most promising alloys are those with Nb, Zr, Ta, and Mo as alloying elements. In this paper, the preparation, processing, and characterization of Ti-Mo alloys (5 and 10 wt%) used as biomaterials are presented, along with the influence of oxygen on their mechanical properties. The addition of oxygen causes an increase in the elasticity modulus of the Ti-5Mo alloy due to an increase in the alpha' phase volume fraction, which possesses a higher modulus than the alpha '' phase. Ti-10Mo possesses a mixture between alpha '' and beta phases, oxygen enters these two structures and causes a dominating effect.


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The mechanical properties of metals with bcc structure, such as niobium and its alloys, have changed significantly with the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (nitrogen, for example), present in the alloy, occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. This article presents the effect of nitrogen on the anelastic properties of Nb-1.0 wt% Zr alloys, measured by means of mechanical spectroscopy using a torsion pendulum. The results showed complex anelastic relaxation structures, which were resolved into their constituent peaks, representing each relaxation process. These processes are due to stress-induced ordering of the interstitial elements around the niobium and zirconium of the alloy.


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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations point out that the participation of water can effectively lower the barrier height for the isomerization process between hydrated oxide cation, MO(H2O)(+), and dihydroxide cation, M(OH)(2)(+), (M = V, Nb and Ta). The catalytic effect is achieved by a water-assisted mechanism in which water acts as proton donor and acceptor, via a transition structure corresponding to a six-membered ring. In the case of vanadium atom, the presence of two water molecules has been taken into account and the tautomerization becomes nearly barrierless, decreasing both the stability of the transition structures relative to intermediates and the depths of wells associated with the intermediates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanocrystalline FeCuNbSiB alloys obtained from the partial crystallization of amorphous alloys have attracted technological attention due to their excellent magnetic properties, but the relationship between corrosion resistance and magnetic properties is not well established. The influence of Nb as an alloying element and effect of partial crystallization on the corrosion resistance of Fe73.5Si13.5B10Cu1, Fe73.5Si13.5B7Nb3Cu1 and Fe73.5Si13.5B5Nb5Cu1 amorphous alloys were studied and the effect of corrosion on magnetization saturation flux density, B-s, was investigated. The addition of niobium on amorphous alloys increases the corrosion resistance. The raise of Nb content from 3 to 5% increases the corrosion resistance also. A partial crystallization increases the corrosion resistance of the samples with Nb. However, in the samples without Nb, the partial crystallization diminishes the corrosion resistance. The values of B-s depend on the alloy corrosion resistance.) (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.