196 resultados para Mouse embryos


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of heat (38.8 degreesC) or cold (35.8 degreesC) stress on chicken embryo development and tissues Hsp70 levels, after the 13th day of incubation. Embryo weight (percent egg weight), organ weight (percent embryo weight) and Hsp70 levels (ng Hsp70 mug(-1) total protein) in different tissues (liver, breast muscle, heart, lungs, brain and kidney) were studied at the end of incubation. Cold stress induced a lower embryo weight and lower kidney and lungs weights, whereas heart and liver were lighter in heat-stressed embryos. An interaction between temperature and age was obtained only for Hsp70 levels in kidney and heart. Cold-stressed embryos showed higher Hsp70 levels in the brain, lungs and liver; a decrease in brain and breast muscle Hsp70 levels was seen from the 19th to 20th days in control embryos. Hsp70 levels increased with age in kidneys of control embryos and in heart of heat- and cold-stressed embryos. In conclusion, this study showed that chicken embryo organ weights are affected by incubation temperature, and that Hsp70 expression is tissue dependent (higher levels being seen in the brain) being cold-stress more effective in increasing Hsp70 levels in most studied tissues.


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The expression of the MyoD, myogenin, myostatin and Hsp70 genes was estimated in chicken embryos submitted to mild cold (36 +/- 0.5degreesC) or heat (44 +/- 0.5degreesC) for 1 h. 2. Marked decreases in MyoD, myogenin and myostatin transcript levels were observed in embryos exposed to high temperature, contrasting to the higher expression of the Hsp70 mRNA detected in heat-stressed embryos. 3. The exposure of chicken embryos to low temperature significantly affected only the abundance of myogenin mRNA. 4. These findings suggest that myogenic proliferation and differentiation events are compromised by variations in environmental temperature during avian embryogenesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se estudar a influência de diversas concentrações do meio MT, sacarose, vitaminas, carvão ativado e ácido giberélico no cultivo de embriões imaturos oriundos do cruzamento entre laranjeira 'Pêra Rio' x tangerineira 'PONCÃ' . Os embriões foram excisados sob condições assépticas e inoculados em 15 mL do meio de cultura MT, de acordo com cada experimento a seguir: 1) concentrações do meio de cultura MT (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% e 200%) combinados com 0, 30, 60 e 90 g.L-1 de sacarose; 2) concentrações de vitaminas do meio MT (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% e 200%) combinados com 0, 30, 60 e 90 g.L-1 de sacarose e; 3) concentrações de carvão ativado (0; 0.5; 1; 1.5 e 2 g.L-1) combinados com GA3 (0; 0.01; 0.1; 1 e 10 mg.L-1). Após a inoculação, os embriões foram mantidos por 90 dias em sala de crescimento à temperatura de 27±1ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e irradiância de 32 µmol.m-2.s-1. A utilização de 50% e 100% do meio MT associado a 60 e 90 g.L-1 de sacarose, respectivamente, acrescido de 0.01 mg.L-1 de GA3, proporcionou melhor desenvolvimento de embriões globulares. Não houve necessidade da adição de carvão ativado e vitaminas no meio MT para o cultivo de embriões globulares.


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The elevated T-maze has been developed as an animal model of anxiety to generate both conditioned and unconditioned fears in the same rat. This study explores a version of the elevated T-maze fit for mice. Inhibitory (passive) avoidance-conditioned fear-is measured by recording the latency to leave the enclosed arm during three consecutive trials. One-way escape-unconditioned fear-is measured by recording the time to withdraw from open arms. The results showed that mice do not appear to acquire inhibitory avoidance in the standard T-maze, since their latencies to leave enclosed arm did not increase along trials. Nevertheless, the open arms seemed to be aversive for mice, because the latency to leave the enclosed arm after the first trial was lower in a T-maze with the three enclosed arms than in the standard elevated T-maze, In agreement, the exposure of mice to an elevated T-maze without shield, that reduces the perception of openness, increased significantly the latencies to leave the enclosed arm, However, the absence of the shield also increased the time taken to leave the open arms when compared to that recorded in standard T-maze. Systematic observation of behavioral items in the enclosed arm has shown that risk assessment behavior decreases along trials while freezing increases. In the open arms, freezing did not appear to influence the high latency to leave this compartment, since mice spend only about 8% of their time exhibiting this behavior, These results suggest that mice acquire inhibitory avoidance of the open arms by decreasing and increasing time in risk assessment and freezing, respectively, along three consecutive trials, However, one-way escape could not be characterized. Therefore, there are important differences between mice (present results) and rats (previously reported results) in the performance of behavioral tasks in the elevated T-maze. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V.


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The hypothalamus plays especially important roles in various endocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses that guarantee the survival of both the individual and the species. In the rat, a distinct hypothalamic defensive circuit has been defined as critical for integrating predatory threats, raising an important question as to whether this concept could be applied to other prey species. To start addressing this matter, in the present study, we investigated, in another prey species (the mouse), the pattern of hypothalamic Fos immunoreactivity in response to exposure to a predator (a rat, using the Rat Exposure Test). During rat exposure, mice remained concealed in the home chamber for a longer period of time and increased freezing and risk assessment activity. We were able to show that the mouse and the rat present a similar pattern of hypothalamic activation in response to a predator. of particular note, similar to what has been described for the rat, we observed in the mouse that predator exposure induces a striking activation in the elements of the medial hypothalamic defensive system, namely, the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, the dorsomedial part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the dorsal premammillary nucleus. Moreover, as described for the rat, predator-exposed mice also presented increased Fos levels in the autonomic and parvicellular parts of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lateral preoptic area and subfornical region of the lateral hypothalamic area. In conclusion, the present data give further support to the concept that a specific hypothalamic defensive circuit should be preserved across different prey species. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: the objective of this study was to determine if the zona thinning (ZT) technique improved the rates of implantation and clinical pregnancy for patients aged, greater than or equal to38 years submitted to an ICSI program.Methods: A total of 100 patients submitted to ICSI and aged, greater than or equal to38 years were divided in a prospective and randomized manner into two groups: Group I - patients submitted to ZT (n = 50); a laser diode with 1.48 mum wavelength (Fertilaser) was used for the ZT procedure with 1-2 irradiations of 10 ms applied to four different positions on the zona pellucida (ZP) of each embryo to thin 60-90% of the ZP (each point with a 15-20 mum length of ZT). Group II - patients with no ZT (n = 50). In both groups, embryo transfer was performed on the second or third day.Results: the age of Group I patients (39.8 +/- 1.3) did not differ (p = 0.67) from that of Group II patients (40 +/- 1.9). The number of oocytes retrieved at metaphase II from Group I (6.4 +/- 4.2) and Group II (6.8 +/- 5) was similar (p = 0.94). Normal fertilization rates and cleavage rates were similar (p = 0.78 and p = 0.63, respectively) for Group I (71.5 +/- 22% and 96.7 +/- 11%) and Group II (73.5 +/- 19.7% and 96 +/- 11%, respectively). The number of embryos transferred was similar (p = 0.53) for the two groups (Group I = 3.1 +/- 1.3; Group II = 2.9 +/- 1.1). The thickness of the ZP of Group I embryos (16.9 +/- 2.4 mum) did not differ (p = 0.97) from that of Group II embryos (16.9 +/- 2.3 mum). The rates of embryo implantation and clinical pregnancy per embryo transfer were similar (p = 0.67, p = 0.61) for Group I (7 and 16%, respectively) and for Group II (8.2 and 22%, respectively).Conclusions: These results suggest that ZT in the population aged, 38 years may have no impact on ICSI success rates. However, this conclusion is limited to a situation in which length of the laser ZT was less than or equal to 20 mum and the laser was applied to four different positions.


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Genes on the X chromosome are known to be responsible for more than 200 hereditary diseases. After IVF, the simple selection of embryo sex before uterine transfer can prevent the occurrence of affected offspring among couples at risk for these genetic disorders. The aim of this investigation was to develop a rapid method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the sexing of human embryos, and to compare it to the fluorescence in-situ hybridization technique, considered to be the gold standard. After biopsies were obtained from 40 surplus non-viable embryos for transfer, a total of 98 blastomeres were analysed. It was possible to analyse 24 embryos (60%) by both techniques, generating a total of 70 blastomeres (35 per technique), white 28 blastomeres from 16 embryos (40%) were analysed only by real-time PCR. A rapid and safe method was developed in the present study for the sexual diagnosis of a single human cell (blastomere and buccal cell) using the emerging technology of real-time PCR. (C) 2009, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.