19 resultados para Monitorização ferroviária
This article presents the results of research conducted on full-scale models, studying the behavior of steel sleepers under the action of static loads, in vertical, longitudinal and transverse directions. For the research models were run with rails TR-68, fixed with elastic system on seven sleepers each type, separately, embedded in standard ballast with 35 cm height and on the basis of compacted soil with 30 cm thick. For the load tests were constructed using reaction systems of vertical and horizontal forces with the objective of applying the requests. The system of readings and data acquisition was fully computerized, obtaining in real time the values of forces and displacements. The results were compared with those installed in the same way with sleepers of wood, mono-block and bi-block prestressed concrete. The analyzed results provided unprecedented parameters in Brazil and of great importance for the design of modern railway permanent way, using steel sleepers.
Diante da situação de abandono e descaso da área correspondente ao complexo ferroviário de Martinópolis-SP, é criado um espaço que segrega e divide a cidade. Nesse conjunto, destacam-se as antigas instalações da indústria de beneficiamento de algodão, denominada Sociedade Algodoeira do Nordeste Brasileiro (SANBRA), que marca o período histórico da época de sua construção. A partir de estudos referentes ao patrimônio arquitetônico e ferroviário, bem como do desenho urbano, foi determinado o modo de intervir no espaço. Dessa forma, é proposta a requalificação da área deste conjunto. Para tal, serão utilizadas duas escalas. A escala maior se refere à relação dos elementos situados no complexo ferroviário, no qual são propostas diretrizes urbanísticas. Numa escala menor, é proposta a ocupação do edifício com caráter histórico e patrimonial em que se situava os antigos galpões da Sanbra
Dracena, located in Presidente Prudente's region and founded in 1945, is a coffe and cotton's expansion and had your development by the advance of the Paulista Company of Railroads' tracks. For a long time the train was part of the city's and people's daily life. However, with the decline of rail trasport, the train station and a whole have become spaces without meaning and use. Thus, this final graduation work os Architecural and Urbanism course, aims to reintegrate in the urban área of Dracena Station and upgrade their space. To this end, based on the critical restoration theories and the projective references chosen were proposed the restoration of the railway station building and the creation of na annex for the Department of Culture. To enable the reintegration of the area into the urban fabric was proposed to create a linear park that provides a leisure space above the city and the lack of green areas. Preserving these spaces in a time when changes occur so quickly means keeping alive the memory and history of cities and allow new generations to take notice