32 resultados para Model basic science research


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This paper intend to review recent advances in our understanding of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, and discuss implications of these basic science advances in the development of causes and potential treatments of a variety of diseases of the head and neck. Conclusions: apoptosis is now understood to be important in the normal development and survival of all multicellular organism. Deregulation of this normally tighly controlled process underlies a variety of disease states, including neoplasia, autoimmune disease, and disorders of the central nervous system. A better understanding of this process and regulation may help otolaryngologists better understand diseases relevant to this specialty and will lead to improved therapeutic interventions.


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The aluminum alloy 2524 (Al-Cu-Mg) was developed during the 90s mainly to be employed in aircraft fuselage panels, replacing the standard Al 2024. In the present analysis the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of 2524-T3 was investigated, regarding the influence of three parameters: load ratio, pre strain and crack plane orientation of the material. The pre strain of aluminum alloys is usually performed in order to obtain a more homogeneous precipitates distribution, accompanied by an increase in the yield strength. In this work, it was evaluated the resistance of Al 2524-T3 sheet samples to the fatigue crack growth, having L-T and T-L crack orientations. FCG tests were performed under constant amplitude loading at three distinct positive load ratios. The three material conditions were tested: as received(AR), pre strained longitudinally (SL) and transversally (ST) in relation to rolling direction. In order to describe FCG behavior, two-parameter kinetic equations were compared: a Paris-type potential model and a new exponential equation introduced in a previous work conducted by our research group. It was observed that the exponential model, which takes into account the deviations from linearity presented by da/dN versus AK data, describes more adequately the FCG behavior of Al 224-T3 in relation to load ratio, pre strain effects and crack plane orientation. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This research aims at performing a comparative study between the Brazilian scientific production in Dentistry, from 2000 to 2009 and countries that contribute with at least 2 % of the world's scientific production indexed in the Scopus database. More specifically, we intend to assess the annual Brazilian scientific production by comparing it to the other countries', analyze the Brazilian and other countries' publications in journals with higher impact factors, as well as to highlight the scientific production from these countries and its international visibility, measured by its total and by its average of citations and normalized citation index per year, by comparing the countries, and to compare the index h of such countries. As work procedure, the SCImago Journal and Country Rank was used as source, identifying the group of producing countries in the Dentistry area from 1996 to 2009. From a total of 136 countries, 13 were highlighted as the most productive, each one of them accounting for at least 2 % the worldwide scientific production in the area. The following indicators were raised for each country: number of produced documents, total of citations, self-citations, average of citations per document and index h. We verified that Brazil is the only country in Latin America that is pictured among the most productive ones in the Dentistry area. We observed that Brazil presents a growing visibility and impact in the international scenery, what suggests that its production is constantly consolidating, with Brazilian scientific recognition in the main vehicles of dissemination in the area. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Considering the importance of umbilical cord blood as a potential source of stem cell and, on the other hand, the use of the domestic swine (Sus scrofa) as a useful model for biomedical research in regenerative medicine and aiming to contribute about the quantification of lymphocyte subsets in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets, this study aimed to quantify CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood from pigs at term blood samples. Were analyzed samples of the umbilical cord blood and peripheral of 48 piglets of Topigs lineage, from healthy mothers, artificially inseminated and natural birth. Blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord at birth, by the umbilical vein, and peripheral blood by venous sinus retro-ophthalmic. The immunological measurements of CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ were obtained by flow cytometry. The relative average values for the CD4+, CD5+ e CD8+ counts in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets were inferior to those reported for peripheral blood in adult pigs, suggesting immunological immaturity. The ratio CD4+:CD8+ in umbilical cord blood (3.2±1.2%) and peripheral blood (3.2±1.7%) showed a predominance of TCD4+ over TCD8+. The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ cells was 1.37±0.86% and 1.15±0.57%, respectively, in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood.


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Monitoring non-ionizing radiant energy is increasingly demanded for many applications such as automobile, biomedical and security system. Thermal type infrared (IR) sensors can operate at room temperature and pyroelectric materials have high sensitivity and accuracy for that application. Working as thermal transducer pyroelectric sensor converts the non-quantified thermal flux into the output measurable quantity of electrical charge, voltage or current. In the present study the composite made of poly(vinylidene fluoride) -PVDF and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) partially recovered with polyaniline (PAni) conductor polymer has been used as sensor element. The pyroelectric coefficient p(T) was obtained by measuring the pyroelectric reversible current, i.e., measuring the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) after removing all irreversible contribution to the current such as injected charge during polarization of the sample. To analyze the sensing property of the pyroelectric material, the sensor is irradiated by a high power light source (halogen lamp of 250 W) that is chopped providing a modulated radiation. A device assembled in the laboratory is used to change the light intensity sensor, an aluminum strip having openings with diameters ranging from 1 to 10 mm incremented by one millimeter. The sensor element is assembled between two electrodes while its frontal surface is painted black ink to maximize the light absorption. The signal from the sensor is measured by a Lock-In amplifier model SR530 -Stanford Research Systems. The behavior of the output voltage for an input power at several frequencies for PZT-PAni/PVDF (30/ 70 vol%) composite follows the inverse power law (1/ f) and the linearity can be observed in the frequency range used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are recognized as one of the mostcontroversial topics in dentistry, despite the fact that both basic science and clinicalresearchers have currently reached some degree of consensus. This study aimed toconduct a questionnaire-based survey about the management of TMD patients bygeneral dental practitioners (GDPs).Materials and Methods: One hundred fifty-one GDPs with a private practice in a cityof southern Brazil were included, independent of school of origin, gender, graduationyear, and curriculum content. All participants were administered a questionnaire aboutthe management of patients with TMD, and the responses were analyzed by binomialand chi-square tests (α = 0.05).Results: Of the GDPs, 88.7% received TMD patients, who were primarily diagnosedon the basis of medical history (36.6%) or physical examination (30.4%). Of these,65.4% referred the patients elsewhere, primarily to specialists in occlusion (36.1%) ororthodontics (29.7%). Occlusal splinting was the most commonly used managementmodality (20.8%), followed by occlusal adjustment (18.1%) and pharmacotherapy(16.6%). Splints were fabricated in maximum habitual intercuspation or centric re-lation depending on individual patient (54.8%). The hard stabilization form was themost common type of appliance used (35.0%). Moreover, 73.8% of the GDPs didnot employ semi-adjustable articulators, and 69.5% adjusted the appliances at thetime of fixing. The duration of splint use and the frequency of follow-up were con-sidered patient dependent by 62.1% and 72.8%, respectively. GDPs considered thetwo major TMD etiologic categories as multifactorial (20.8%) and occlusion (19.9%).Multidisciplinary medical and dental treatment was considered necessary by 97.9%.Conclusions: The evaluated general dental practitioners manage TMD patients ac-cording to international guidelines.


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Literature is a treasure for humanity and for the school. It causes psychological function of the individual, inserts it in the context of various cultures and historic moments, and, by having formative nature, School and Literature are intrinsecally related institutions. But literature is not the end of the first teaching, while the school has the purpose of teaching literature. Literature is not a source of good leads standards; have to be educated without this process to misrepresent. Thus, it was estalished is to investigate the inadequacy of schooling of Children's Literature pointed out by Soares in 2006, is still reality that becomes present in school or if there was any change in that status. Specific objectives were established: 1)Scanning separately in each of the books education system, from first to fifth grade of elementary school, according to the following categories involving education of literary reading: selection of genres and authors; presentation of these genres and no change from one genre to another; 2)analyze the way children's literature is presented by note-books analyzed education system develop the sensitivity of the student for pluris-signification and expressiveness of literary language, while fulfilling its social function and knowledge; 3)review the comprehension activities of literary reading proposed by notebooks to seize their educational goals. Therefore, we carried out basic theoretical research, demonstrating the functions of literature and the teaching of literature in school, and documentary research. Were analyzed 20 documents (the system apostilled notebooks), paying attention to classwork it to him of genres, authors and works chosen to be worked out, observing the cases of texts fragmentation and transport the genre to the page of the notebook system apostilled, and investigating the goals of literary reading instruction through the analysis of comprehension activities. The data received quantitative...