130 resultados para Luiz Thomaz Reis


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work describes a methodology developed for determination of costs associated to products generated in a small wastewater treatment station for sanitary wastewater from a university campus. This methodology begins with plant component units identification, relating their fluid and thermodynamics features for each point marked in its process diagram. Following, its functional diagram is developed and its formulation is elaborated, in exergetic base, describing all equations for these points, which are the constraints for exergetic production cost problem and are used in equations to determine the costs associated to products generated in SWTS. This methodology was applied to a hypothetical system based on SWTS former parts and presented consistent results when compared to expected values based on previous exergetic expertise. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O rendimento de engenho obtido após o beneficiamento industrial é um parâmetro importante durante a fase de comercialização do arroz e pode ser influenciado pelas práticas culturais realizadas durante o período de cultivo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento de benefício, rendimento de inteiros e grãos quebrados de cultivares de arroz de sequeiro em função do preparo do solo e da irrigação por aspersão na região de Selvíria - MS, durante os anos agrícolas de 1997/98 e 1998/99. O solo do local é do tipo Latossolo Vermelho álico, textura argilosa e os tratamentos consistiram na combinação de três cultivares de arroz (IAC 201, Carajás e Guarani), com três sistemas de preparo do solo (arado de aiveca + grade niveladora, escarificador + grade niveladora e grade pesada + grade niveladora) e três níveis de irrigação por aspersão (sequeiro e duas lâminas de água), com quatro repetições. O cultivar IAC 201 apresenta maior rendimento de benefício e o Carajás destaca-se dos demais em rendimento de inteiros; os diferentes sistemas de preparo utilizados praticamente não interferem no rendimento de engenho; a irrigação por aspersão aumenta o rendimento de benefício e o rendimento de inteiros, principalmente em ano com ocorrência de veranico.


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Background: Low birth weight affects child growth and development, requiring the intensive use of health services. There are conversely proportional associations between prematurity and academic performance around the world. In this study we evaluated factors involved in weight and neuropsychomotor profile in one and two years old discharged from Intensive Care Units (ICU).Methods/Design: We investigated 203 children from the ICU who were followed for 24 +/- 4 months. The research was conducted by collecting data from medical records of patients in a Follow-up program. We investigated the following variables: inadequate weight at one year old; inadequate weight at two years old and a severe neurological disorder at two years old.Results: We observed increase of almost 20% in the proportion of children which weighted between the 10th and 90th percentiles and decrease of around 40% of children below the 15th percentile, from one to two years old. In almost 60% of the cases neuropsychomotor development was normal at 2 years old, less than 15% of children presented abnormal development. Variables that remained influential for clinical outcome at 1 and 2 years old were related to birth weight and gestational age, except for hypoglycemia. Neurological examination was the most influential variable for severe neurological disturbance.Conclusion: Hypoglycemia was considered a new fact to explain inadequate weight. The results, new in Brazil and difficult in terms of comparison, could be used to identify risk factors and for a better approach of newborn discharged from ICUs.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial nas autópsias em um hospital público universitário; identificar os fatores de risco relacionados à pneumonia nosocomial e os potenciais fatores prognósticos relacionados à ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial fatal; e correlacionar os achados anatomopatológicos com a ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial e/ou pneumonia aspirativa. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 199 pacientes autopsiados, maiores de 1 ano de idade, internados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista entre 1999 e 2006, cuja causa de morte (causa básica ou associada) foi pneumonia nosocomial. Testou-se a associação dos dados demográficos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos com os desfechos pneumonia nosocomial fatal e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. As variáveis significativas entraram na análise multivariada. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 59 ± 19 anos. A prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial em autópsias foi 29%, e essa foi a causa mortis de 22,6% dos pacientes autopsiados. A pneumonia nosocomial fatal correlacionou-se com os achados anatomopatológicos de alterações estruturais tabágicas (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-2,95; p = 0,02) e acometimento pulmonar bilateral (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-8,30; p = 0,01). Não houve associações significativas entre as variáveis e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. CONCLUSÕES: em nossa amostra, a pneumonia nosocomial teve prevalência elevada e foi responsável por quase 25% das mortes. A mortalidade é favorecida por alterações estruturais tabágicas e pneumonia bilateral. Esses achados corroboram os resultados de diversos estudos clínicos sobre pneumonia nosocomial.


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Three experiments were conducted to evaluate plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and progesterone (P4) in pubertal beef heifers receiving exogenous glucose, insulin, or sometribove zinc. All heifers used had no luteal P4 synthesis but received a controlled internal drug-releasing device containing 1.38 g of P4 to estimate treatment effects on hepatic P4 degradation. In Exp. 1, 8 pubertal, nulliparous Angus x Hereford heifers (initial BW = 442 +/- 14 kg; initial age = 656 +/- 7 d) were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 10 h, intravenous (i.v.) infusions (10 mL) of insulin (1 mu g/kg of BW; INS) or saline (0.9%; SAL). Treatments were administered via jugular venipuncture in 7 applications (0.15 mu g insulin/kg BW per application) 45 min apart (from 0 to 270 min). Blood samples were collected immediately before each infusion as well as at -120, -60, 330, 390, and 450 min relative to the first infusion. Heifers receiving INS had greater (P < 0.01) plasma insulin, reduced (P <= 0.04) plasma glucose and IGF-I, and similar (P = 0.62) plasma P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 2, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a similar experimental design as Exp. 1, i.v. infusions (10 mL) of 1) insulin (1 mu g/kg BW) and glucose (0.5 g/kg BW; INS+G) or 2) SAL. Heifers receiving INS+G had greater (P <= 0.02) plasma insulin, glucose, and P4 but reduced (P = 0.01) plasma IGF-I concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 3, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 14 d, subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 1) 250 mg of sometribove zinc (BST) or 2) SAL. Blood samples were collected 3 h apart (0900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 h) from heifers on d 6, 8, and 10 relative to treatment administration (d 1). Heifers receiving BST had greater (P < 0.01) plasma glucose and IGF-I and similar (P >= 0.67) plasma insulin and P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. Results from this series of experiments suggested that concurrent increases in glucose and insulin are required to reduce hepatic catabolism and increase plasma concentrations of P4 in bovine females.


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Five experiments evaluated the effects of supplemental Ca salts of PUFA on reproductive function of Bos indicus beef cows. In Exp. 1, nonlactating and multiparous grazing cows (n = 51) were assigned to receive (as-fed basis) 0.1 kg of a protein-mineral mix + 0.1 kg of ground corn per cow/d, in addition to 0.1 kg per cow/d of 1) Ca salts of PUFA (PF), 2) Ca salts of SFA (SF), or 3) kaolin (control). Treatments were offered from d 0 to 20 of the estrous cycle. No treatment effects were detected on serum progesterone concentrations (P = 0.83), day of luteolysis (P = 0.86), or incidence of short cycles (P = 0.84). In Exp. 2, nonlactating and multiparous grazing cows (n = 43) were assigned to receive PF, SF, or control from d 0 to 8 of the estrous cycle. on d 6, all cows received (intramuscularly) 25 mg of PGF(2 alpha). No treatment effects were detected on serum progesterone concentrations on d 6 (P = 0.37), and incidence (P = 0.67) or estimated time of luteolysis (P = 0.44). In Exp. 3, twenty-seven lactating and multiparous grazing cows, approximately 30 to 40 d postpartum, were assigned to receive PF or control for 10 d beginning at the first postpartum ovulation. No treatment effects were detected (P = 0.85) on incidence of short cycles. In Exp. 4, lactating and multiparous grazing cows (n = 1,454), approximately 40 to 60 d postpartum, were assigned to receive 1 of the 7 treatments for 28 d after timed AI (TAI; d 0): 1) control from d 0 to 28, 2) SF from d 0 to 14 and then control, 3) PF from d 0 to 14 and then control, 4) SF from d 0 to 21 and then control, 5) PF from d 0 to 21 and then control, 6) SF from d 0 to 28, and 7) PF from d 0 to 28. Cows receiving PF for more than 21 d after TAI had greater (P < 0.01) pregnancy to TAI compared with all other treatments combined (50.4 vs. 42.4%, respectively). In Exp. 5, lactating and multiparous grazing cows (n = 501), approximately 40 to 60 d postpartum, were assigned to receive 1 of the 4 treatments for 21 d after TAI (d 0): 1) PF from d 0 to 14 and then control, 2) control from d 0 to 6 and then PF, 3) control from d 0 to 13 and then PF, and 4) PF from d 0 to 21. Cows receiving PF after d 14 of the experiment had greater (P = 0.02) pregnancy to TAI compared with cows not receiving PF during the same period (46.8 vs. 33.1%, respectively). In summary, supplemental Ca salts of PUFA during the expected time of luteolysis increased pregnancy to TAI in beef cows.


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Two experiments evaluated milk production, serum progesterone and insulin, and reproductive performance of lactating Holstein cows receiving or not receiving Ca salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), or receiving Ca salts of PUFA at different daily frequencies. In experiment 1, 1,125 cows randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns were enrolled. Barns were assigned randomly to receive a high-concentrate diet containing (PI?) or not containing (control, CON) 1.1% (dry matter basis) Ca salts of PUPA. Diets were offered 6 times daily, whereas the Ca salts of PUFA were included in the PF treatment in the first feeding of the day. In experiment 2, 1,572 cows were randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns, which were assigned randomly to receive a diet similar to PF, but with Ca salts of PUFA included only in the first feeding of the day (PF1X), or equally distributed across all 6 feedings (PF6X). During both experiments, cows were artificially inseminated 12 h after the onset of estrus. Once per month, cows that did not conceive to artificial insemination were assigned to a fixed-time embryo transfer protocol. Pregnancy was determined via transrectal ultrasonography 28 and 60 d after expected ovulation. Pregnancy loss was considered in cows that were pregnant on d 28 but nonpregnant on d 60. During both experiments, feed intake, milk yield, and milk protein and fat content were recorded weekly. Blood samples were collected concurrently with embryo transfer. During experiment 1, feed intake was similar between treatments. Compared with CON, PF cows had greater milk yield (37.8 vs. 35.3 kg/d), and reduced milk fat content (3.41 vs. 3.55%). However, PF cows had reduced pregnancy losses per service compared with CON (12.6 vs. 18.3%). Serum progesterone was greater and serum insulin tended to be greater in primiparous cows receiving PF compared with CON cohorts (4.50 vs. 3.67 ng of progesterone/mL, and 10.4 vs. 7.5 mu UI of insulin/mL). During experiment 2, no treatment effects were detected for feed intake, milk yield, or milk fat, whereas PF1X cows tended to have reduced pregnancy losses per service compared with PF6X (14.4 vs. 18.4%). In summary, feeding Ca salts of PUFA to dairy cows increased milk production, did not alter feed intake, and reduced pregnancy losses per service. Further, the total daily amount of Ca salts of RITA should be fed during the first feeding of the day to optimize its benefits on pregnancy maintenance of dairy cows.


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Heart failure (HF) is a complex syndrome that involves changes in behavioral, neural and endocrine regulatory systems. Dietary salt restriction along with pharmacotherapy is considered an essential component in the effective management of symptomatic HF patients. However, it is well recognized that HF patients typically have great difficulty in restricting sodium intake. We hypothesized that under HF altered activity in systems that normally function to regulate body fluid and cardiovascular homeostasis could produce an increased preference for the taste of salt. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the perceived palatability (defined as salt preference) of food with different concentrations of added salt in compensated chronically medicated HF patients and comparable control subjects. Healthy volunteers (n = 25) and medicated, clinically stable HF patients (n = 38, NYHA functional class II or III) were interviewed and given an evaluation to assess their preferences for different amounts of saltiness. Three salt concentrations (0.58, 0.82, and 1.16 g/100 g) of bean soup were presented to the subjects. Salt preference for each concentration was quantified using an adjective scale (unpleasant, fair or delicious). Healthy volunteers preferred the soup with medium salt concentration (p = 0.042), HF patients disliked the low concentration (p < 0.001) and preferred the high concentration of salted bean soup (p < 0.001). When compared to healthy volunteers, HF patients demonstrated a significantly greater preference for the soup with a high salt concentration (p = 0.038). It is concluded that medicated, compensated patients under chronic treatment for HF have an increased preference for salt. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho analisa um conjunto de notícias publicadas pelo The New York Times , versão on-line, que aborda a presença do presidente do Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, no Fórum Social Mundial em Porto Alegre, Brasil, e no Fórum Econômico Mundial em Davos, Suíça, em janeiro de 2003. Baseando-se no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise Crítica do Discurso - Bell e Garrett (1998), Fairclough (1995 e 2001) e Fowler (1991) -, investigam-se as estratégias discursivas utilizadas pelo jornal para referir-se ao presidente brasileiro participando de dois eventos de repercussão internacional, que representam pólos ideológicos opostos.