98 resultados para Loop spaces.


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We show that at one-loop order, negative-dimensional, Mellin-Barnes (MB) and Feynman parametrization (FP) approaches to Feynman loop integral calculations are equivalent. Starting with a generating functional, for two and then for n-point scalar integrals, we show how to reobtain MB results, using negative-dimensional and FP techniques. The n-point result is valid for different masses, arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension.


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An approach featuring s-parametrized quasiprobability distribution functions is developed for situations where a circular topology is observed. For such an approach, a suitable set of angle - angular momentum coherent states must be constructed in an appropriate fashion.


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We present a strategy for the systematization of manipulations and calculations involving divergent (or not) Feynman integrals, typical of the one-loop perturbative solutions of QFT, where the use of an explicit regularization is avoided. Two types of systematization are adopted. The divergent parts are put in terms of a small number of standard objects, and a set of structure functions for the finite parts is also defined. Some important properties of the finite structures, specially useful in the verification of relations among Green's functions, are identified. We show that, in fundamental (renormalizable) theories, all the finite parts of two-, three- and four-point functions can be written in terms of only three basic functions while the divergent parts require (only) five objects. The final results obtained within the proposed strategy can be easily converted into those corresponding to any specific regularization technique providing an unified point of view for the treatment of divergent Feynman integrals. Examples of physical amplitudes evaluation and their corresponding symmetry relations verification are presented as well as generalizations of our results for the treatment of Green's functions having an arbitrary number of points are considered.


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The well-known D-dimensional Feynman integrals were shown, by Halliday and Ricotta, to be capable of undergoing analytic continuation into the domain of negative values for the dimension of space-time. Furthermore, this could be identified with Grassmannian integration in positive dimensions. From this possibility follows the concept of negative-dimensional integration for loop integrals in field theories. Using this technique, we evaluate three two-loop three-point scalar integrals, with five and six massless propagators, with specific external kinematic configurations (two legs on-shell), and four three-loop two-point scalar integrals. These results are given for arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension, in Euclidean space, and the particular cases compared to results published in the literature.


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Following the discussion-in state-space language-presented in a preceding paper, we work on the passage from the phase-space description of a degree of freedom described by a finite number of states (without classical counterpart) to one described by an infinite (and continuously labelled) number of states. With this it is possible to relate an original Schwinger idea to the Pegg-Barnett approach to the phase problem. In phase-space language, this discussion shows that one can obtain the Weyl-Wigner formalism, for both Cartesian and angular coordinates, as limiting elements of the discrete phase-space formalism.


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The hybrid formalism for the superstring is used to compute one-loop amplitudes with an arbitrary number of external d = 4 supergravity states. These one-loop N-point amplitudes are expressed as Koba-Nielsen-like formulas with manifest d = 4 supersymmetry. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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One of the main difficulties in studying quantum field theory, in the perturbative regime, is the calculation of D-dimensional Feynman integrals. In general, one introduces the so-called Feynman parameters and, associated with them, the cumbersome parametric integrals. Solving these integrals beyond the one-loop level can be a difficult task. The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) is a technique whereby such a problem is dramatically reduced. We present the calculation of two-loop integrals in three different cases: scalar ones with three different masses, massless with arbitrary tensor rank, with and N insertions of a two-loop diagram.


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The possibility of kaon condensation in high-density symmetric nuclear matter is investigated including both s- and p-wave kaon-baryon interactions within the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory. Above a certain density, we have a collective (D) over bar (S) state carrying the same quantum numbers as the antikaon. The appearance of the (K) over bar (S) state is caused by the time component of the axial-vector interaction between kaons and baryons. It is shown that the system becomes unstable with respect to condensation of K-(K) over bar (S) pairs. We consider how the effective baryon masses affect the kaon self-energy coming from the time component of the axial-vector interaction. Also, the role of the spatial component of the axial-vector interaction on the possible existence of the collective kaonic states is discussed in connection with A-mixing effects in the ground state of high-density matter: Implications of K (K) over bar (S) condensation for high-energy heavy-ion collisions are briefly mentioned. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By means of a mod(N)-invariant operator basis, s-parametrized phase-space functions associated with bounded operators in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space are introduced in the context of the extended Cahill-Glauber formalism, and their properties are discussed in details. The discrete Glauber-Sudarshan, Wigner, and Husimi functions emerge from this formalism as specific cases of s-parametrized phase-space functions where, in particular, a hierarchical process among them is promptly established. In addition, a phase-space description of quantum tomography and quantum teleportation is presented and new results are obtained.


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We investigate the possibility that four-fermion contact interactions give rise to the observed deviation from the Standard Model prediction for the weak charge of cesium, through one-loop contributions. We show that the presence of loops involving the third generation quarks can explain such deviation.


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An algebraic approach is employed to formulate N = 2 supersymmetry transformations in the context of integrable systems based on loop superalgebras sl(p + 1, p), p >= 1, with homogeneous gradation. We work with extended integrable hierarchies, which contain supersymmetric AKNS and Lund-Regge sectors. We derive the one-soliton solution for p = 1 which solves positive and negative evolution equations of the N = 2 supersyrnmetric model.


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We show how discrete squeezed states in an N-2-dimensional phase space can be properly constructed out of the finite-dimensional context. Such discrete extensions are then applied to the framework of quantum tomography and quantum information theory with the aim of establishing an initial study on the interference effects between discrete variables in a finite phase space. Moreover, the interpretation of the squeezing effects is seen to be direct in the present approach, and has some potential applications in different branches of physics.


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The Cahill-Glauber approach for quantum mechanics on phase space is extended to the finite-dimensional case through the use of discrete coherent states. All properties and features of the continuous formalism are appropriately generalized. The continuum results are promptly recovered as a limiting case. The Jacobi theta functions are shown to have a prominent role in the context.


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We study the (lambda/4!)phi(4) massless scalar field theory in a four-dimensional Euclidean space, where all but one of the coordinates are unbounded. We are considering Dirichlet boundary conditions in two hyperplanes, breaking the translation invariance of the system. We show how to implement the perturbative renormalization up to two-loop level of the theory. First, analyzing the full two and four-point functions at the one-loop level, we show that the bulk counterterms are sufficient to render the theory finite. Meanwhile, at the two-loop level, we must also introduce surface counterterms in the bare Lagrangian in order to make finite the full two and also four-point Schwinger functions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We show that tree level superstring theories on certain supersymmetric backgrounds admit a symmetry which we call "fermionic T-duality". This is a non-local redefinition of the fermionic worldsheet fields similar to the redefinition we perform on bosonic variables when we do an ordinary T-duality. This duality maps a supersymmetric background to another supersymmetric background with different RR fields and a different dilaton. We show that a certain combination of bosonic and fermionic T-dualities maps the full superstring theory on AdS(5) x S-5 back to itself in such a way that gluon scattering amplitudes in the original theory map to something very close to Wilson loops in the dual theory. This duality maps the "dual superconformal symmetry" of the original theory to the ordinary superconformal symmetry of the dual model. This explains the dual superconformal invariance of planar scattering amplitudes of N = 4 super Yang Mills and also sheds some light on the connection between amplitudes and Wilson loops. In the appendix, we propose a simple prescription for open superstring MHV tree amplitudes in a flat background.