47 resultados para Linear Optimization


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Técnicas de otimização numérica são úteis na solução de problemas de determinação da melhor entrada para sistemas descritos por modelos matemáticos e cujos objetivos podem ser expressos de uma maneira quantitativa. Este trabalho aborda o problema de otimizar as dosagens dos medicamentos no tratamento da AIDS em termos de um balanço entre a resposta terapêutica e os efeitos colaterais. Um modelo matemático para descrever a dinâmica do vírus HIV e células CD4 é utilizado para calcular a dosagem ótima do medicamento no tratamento a curto prazo de pacientes com AIDS por um método de otimização direta utilizando uma função custo do tipo Bolza. Os parâmetros do modelo foram ajustados com dados reais obtidos da literatura. Com o objetivo de simplificar os procedimentos numéricos, a lei de controle foi expressa em termos de uma expansão em séries que, após truncamento, permite obter controles sub-ótimos. Quando os pacientes atingem um estado clínico satisfatório, a técnica do Regulador Linear Quadrático (RLQ) é utilizada para determinar a dosagem permanente de longo período para os medicamentos. As dosagens calculadas utilizando a técnica RLQ , tendem a ser menores do que a equivalente terapia de dose constante em termos do expressivo aumento na contagem das células T+ CD4 e da redução da densidade de vírus livre durante um intervalo fixo de tempo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The extended linear complementarity problem (XLCP) has been introduced in a recent paper by Mangasarian and Pang. In the present research, minimization problems with simple bounds associated to this problem are defined. When the XLCP is solvable, their solutions are global minimizers of the associated problems. Sufficient conditions that guarantee that stationary points of the associated problems are solutions of the XLCP will be proved. These theoretical results support the conjecture that local methods for box constrained optimization applied to the associated problems could be efficient tools for solving the XLCP. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a mathematical model for helping mills choose sugarcane varieties for planting. It maximizes crop residual biomass energy balance by considering the difference between generated and consumed energy in the process of transferring this biomass from the field to the processing center; it takes into account enterprise demand restrictions and cane planting area. For this full zero-one linear programming techniques were proposed. The model is viable for choosing sugarcane varieties that would benefit sugarcane production and industrial systems, by reducing crop residue and increasing final energy production. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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We propose a method for accelerating iterative algorithms for solving symmetric linear complementarity problems. The method consists in performing a one-dimensional optimization in the direction generated by a splitting method even for non-descent directions. We give strong convergence proofs and present numerical experiments that justify using this acceleration.


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The increase of computing power of the microcomputers has stimulated the building of direct manipulation interfaces that allow graphical representation of Linear Programming (LP) models. This work discusses the components of such a graphical interface as the basis for a system to assist users in the process of formulating LP problems. In essence, this work proposes a methodology which considers the modelling task as divided into three stages which are specification of the Data Model, the Conceptual Model and the LP Model. The necessity for using Artificial Intelligence techniques in the problem conceptualisation and to help the model formulation task is illustrated.


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A branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the H2-norm model reduction problem for continuous-time linear systems, with conditions assuring convergence to the global optimum in finite time. The lower and upper bounds used in the optimization procedure are obtained through Linear Matrix Inequalities formulations. Examples illustrate the results.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of algorithms for active vibrations control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to the countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems as aircraft, aerospace and automotive structures. Smart structures, formed by a structure base, coupled with piezoelectric actuators and sensor are capable to guarantee the conditions demanded through the application of several types of controllers. The actuator/sensor materials are composed by piezoelectric ceramic (PZT - Lead Zirconate Titanate), commonly used as distributed actuators, and piezoelectric plastic films (PVDF-PolyVinyliDeno Floride), highly indicated for distributed sensors. The design process of such system encompasses three main phases: structural design; optimal placement of sensor/actuator (PVDF and PZT); and controller design. Consequently, for optimal design purposes, the structure, the sensor/actuator placement and the controller have to be considered simultaneously. This article addresses the optimal placement of actuators and sensors for design of controller for vibration attenuation in a flexible plate. Techniques involving linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to solve the Riccati's equation are used. The controller's gain is calculated using the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The major advantage of LMI design is to enable specifications such as stability degree requirements, decay rate, input force limitation in the actuators and output peak bounder. It is also possible to assume that the model parameters involve uncertainties. LMI is a very useful tool for problems with constraints, where the parameters vary in a range of values. Once formulated in terms of LMI a problem can be solved efficiently by convex optimization algorithms.


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A branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the [image omitted]-norm model reduction problem for continuous and discrete-time linear systems, with convergence to the global optimum in a finite time. The lower and upper bounds in the optimization procedure are described by linear matrix inequalities (LMI). Also proposed are two methods with which to reduce the convergence time of the branch and bound algorithm: the first one uses the Hankel singular values as a sufficient condition to stop the algorithm, providing to the method a fast convergence to the global optimum. The second one assumes that the reduced model is in the controllable or observable canonical form. The [image omitted]-norm of the error between the original model and the reduced model is considered. Examples illustrate the application of the proposed method.


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The result that we treat in this article allows to the utilization of classic tools of convex analysis in the study of optimality conditions in the optimal control convex process for a Volterra-Stietjes linear integral equation in the Banach space G([a, b],X) of the regulated functions in [a, b], that is, the functions f : [a, 6] → X that have only descontinuity of first kind, in Dushnik (or interior) sense, and with an equality linear restriction. In this work we introduce a convex functional Lβf(x) of Nemytskii type, and we present conditions for its lower-semicontinuity. As consequence, Weierstrass Theorem garantees (under compacity conditions) the existence of solution to the problem min{Lβf(x)}. © 2009 Academic Publications.


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This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the problem of optimal type, size and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in radial distribution systems. In the proposed formulation, (a) the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system, considering different load levels, is modeled through linear expressions; (b) different types of DGs are represented by their capability curves; (c) the short-circuit current capacity of the circuits is modeled through linear expressions; and (d) different topologies of the radial distribution system are considered. The objective function minimizes the annualized investment and operation costs. The use of a mixed-integer linear formulation guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The results of one test system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, a novel approach for the optimal location and contract pricing of distributed generation (DG) is presented. Such an approach is designed for a market environment in which the distribution company (DisCo) can buy energy either from the wholesale energy market or from the DG units within its network. The location and contract pricing of DG is determined by the interaction between the DisCo and the owner of the distributed generators. The DisCo intends to minimise the payments incurred in meeting the expected demand, whereas the owner of the DG intends to maximise the profits obtained from the energy sold to the DisCo. This two-agent relationship is modelled in a bilevel scheme. The upper-level optimisation is for determining the allocation and contract prices of the DG units, whereas the lower-level optimisation is for modelling the reaction of the DisCo. The bilevel programming problem is turned into an equivalent single-level mixed-integer linear optimisation problem using duality properties, which is then solved using commercially available software. Results show the robustness and efficiency of the proposed model compared with other existing models. As regards to contract pricing, the proposed approach allowed to find better solutions than those reported in previous works. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.