57 resultados para Lazer e educação


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Obesity is defined as excess body fat. It is considered today a serious public health problem and has reached high proportions in childhood and adolescence. Among factors highlight the lifestyle, poor diet and little physical activity for their development. Childhood obesity is not treated can become permanent in adulthood increases the risk of several diseases such as cardiovascular, metabolic and other disorders such as depression, low self-esteem among others. It's extreme need multidisciplinary intervention to prevent it, with guidelines on healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. Treatment is necessary in a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nutritionists, physical educators, psychologists and family that has a decisive weight in the treatment of obese children. The media could give more space for the disclosure of childhood obesity, so that the population is aware of this epidemic in a more serious understand its risks and health effects. This bibliographic study has character and aims to seek the causes of obesity, its consequences in adulthood and possible forms of intervention


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar de que forma os desenhos animados contribuem na formação da criança na faixa etária de 3 à 7 anos. Adotando como referência os desenhos animados O Peixonauta e Meu Amigãozão, produzidos pela TVPinguim (Brasil) e por uma parceria entre a brasileira 2DLab e a canadense Breakthrough Animation respectivamente, pretende-se analisar de que modo as animações semeiam valores essenciais da sociedade ao mesmo tempo que cultiva o intelecto adaptando conhecimentos científicos à percepção infantil. Utilizando da abordagem qualitativa, e tendo como referencial a pesquisa bibliográfica, o presente estudo visa apresentar as animações definidas acima e desenvolver uma análise acerca de sua relação com o telespectador infantil


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação apresenta um projeto que se baseou no programa oferecido pelo Centro Educacional Unificado – CEU, equipamento público criado em 2001 pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Prefeitura de São Paulo destinado a áreas periféricas da cidade de São Paulo. E também no programa oferecido pelo SESI – Serviço Social da Indústria, entidade de direito privado criado em 1946 pela CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria. Formulado para funcionar como um espaço de sociabilização da vida urbana e com o intuito de oferecer EDUCAÇÃO, CULTURA E LAZER para o desenvolvimento integral de crianças, jovens e adultos das comunidades do entorno. O programa desenvolvido para o CENTRO DE EDUCAÇÃO, CULTURA E LAZER, conta com um Bloco Cultural o qual apresenta espaços como: Biblioteca, Teatro, Refeitório, Administração, Salas de atividades diversas e a Creche; o Bloco Educacional Abriga um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI), uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (EMEI), uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF) e Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). E por fim, uma Praça de Esporte e Lazer equipada com Ginásio Poliesportivo coberto, quadras descobertas, piscinas e playground, sendo estes espaços abertos aos finais de semana com a finalidade de proporcionar opções de recreação em beneficio de toda comunidade. A escolha do local para a implantação deste projeto foi a cidade de Ribeirão Preto (localizada a nordeste do Estado de São Paulo), no bairro Jardim Jamil Seme Cury, conjunto habitacional criado para receber moradores vindos de uma comunidade carente que se localizava no entorno do aeroporto Leite Lopes, o qual passa por discussões para a inserção de um Terminal Internacional de Cargas, e consequentemente necessita ampliar sua área de abrangência


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The PEDAL had beginning with an interested group in accomplishing walks and bicycle trips looking for fruition of the disentailed leisure of the consumption. The objective of this report of experience is to present the cicloturismo as an alternative of fruition of the leisure that has been making possible debates and reflections that seek to the understanding of alunos/as of the basic education on the interface among the themes leisure, environmental education and quality of the life. In this report we considered intervention accomplished at a school of fundamental teaching in the city of Saint Carlos-SP. Starting from the results of the analysis of the registrations produced pelos/as alunos/as, we considered that the theme, of interest of the same ones, raised the construction of significant reflections, such as: the possibility of the use of the bicycle as means of transportation for the work or for the leisure; the need of public politics that promote and guarantee safety and respect to the cyclist.


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El presente artículo tiene como objetivo central presentar un relato de experiencia sobre cicloturismo realizado por los integrantes del Proyecto de Educación Ambiental y Recreación (PEDAL) comprendido en el periodo 2008-2015, destacando las potencialidades educativas que el uso de la bicicleta puede posibilitar. Para esto, hemos hecho la recuperación del proceso vivido y la interpretación y síntesis de las informaciones sobre los viajes. Consideramos que, a partir de las intervenciones de PEDAL en el ámbito escolar y no-escolar, han sido propuestos algunos debates con el objetivo de desarrollar procesos educativos relacionados a la concientización de niños y niñas, jóvenes y adultos en los cuales la bicicleta se presenta como una rica posibilidad para el respetuoso convivir de unos con los otros, con el ambiente, y consigo mismo, fomentando beneficios el ejercicio vinculado a la promoción de salud, y además estimulando la crítica acerca de movilidad urbana, la recreación y la educación ambiental.


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The article aimed to understand the concept of leisure and understanding that older people have about their benefits to the quality of life as part of the idleness of the population. We used a sample of subjects living in the city of Bauru, SP, aged less than fifty years, of both sexes and economically disadvantaged class. It was used in literature, documentary and field. We developed an intervention project that aimed to education for leisure. It was the conclusion that public policies are necessary and qualified professionals for construction projects and equipment to expand the Recreation, spreading it and reaching the people of old age since previous stages of life. Materials with simple and low cost, the project of intervention, it reached the recreation-education and education for leisure satisfactorily.


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We intended, in this study, to understand the sense of the leisure, due to the new work relationships in times of globalization, for syndical leaders that act in entities of metropolitan areas of São Paulo (Brazil) and Lisbon (Portugal). The methodology used was Phenomenology, Situated Phenomenon. Based on the data originated in the interviews, we established the following thematic categories: A) The request for the reduction of the work day, B) Actions related to the use of the leisure, C) Leisure as recovery for the work. We consider that in the globalization times, after diverse conquests of the workers, unhappily, we have attended in the last few decades, increasing precariousness of rights of the workers in the two searched countries, generating unreliability of the worker ahead of the experience of its work and of its leisure in independent way, it exempts, creative, significant and humanized.


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In this research, characterized as a qualitative study, we aimed to analyze the Job Profiles, Objectives and Curriculum Flows specified in Pedagogical Projects of the undergraduate Courses of Physical Education of public, state and federal universities, in the São Paulo state. We also analyzed their articulations and adequacy to the Institutional Pedagogical Project and Institutional Development Plan. The latest Resolutions of Physical Education in Higher Education and conceptualizations of the Pedagogical Project of Course are presented. The method of approach is current History. There was a documental research in order to analyze the official documents. A limited offering of public courses when compared to private institutions was verified and also, there was a greater offering of bachelor degree courses (expanded and generalized formation) concerning health, sport and leisure fields. Courses defined specifically for teachers' formation and educational gap between the pedagogical discourses and the curriculum structures were also presented. In conclusion, this research indicates the necessity of a change in the curricular mentality in order to implement the pedagogical discourses of courses.


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O futebol possui grande representatividade social em diferentes culturas. Porém, a paixão despertada nas torcidas pode gerar comportamentos agressivos e violentos, em um momento que deveria ser de diversão, caracterizando o lazer desviante, o qual ainda não está devidamente esclarecido. Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivo investigar, nos estudos acadêmicos, o comportamento agressivo das torcidas organizadas e seus desdobramentos no tempo destinado ao lazer. Para tanto, na pesquisa bibliográfica, buscou-se informações em obras de referência, compostas por livros e teses, além da consulta a diferentes bases de dados, com os descritores: lazer, torcidas organizadas, agressividade e violência. Os resultados indicam que, independente da gênese do comportamento agressivo, quando em presença de um grupo, ou dependendo do contexto sociohistórico, da composição das torcidas, da violência integrante da sociedade, da mídia, da má organização esportiva e da impunidade, estes fatores podem afetar mudança no comportamento individual, contribuindo para manifestações agressivas e violentas no âmbito futebolístico em campo e nas torcidas. Este tipo de manifestação pode favorecer a diminuição do público nos estádios, além de repercutir na delimitação das atividades vivenciadas no contexto do lazer. Estas condutas violentas podem, até mesmo, acarretar graves conseqüências nos âmbitos físico e/ou psíquico. Por fim, aponta-se a premência de políticas públicas específicas envolvendo o lazer e os megaeventos.


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This study, of qualitative nature, it aimed to investigate attitudes capable to foment pro-environmental behaviour, during one walked. The "Caminho da Fe" was chosen, with 425 km-itinerary trail between Tamba and Aparecida/SP, which attracts tourists, physical activities performers and religious persons. After a literature review on the thematic one, was made an exploratory research, with a random sample, of seven adults, of both sexes, using a mixed questionnaire and "Thompson e Barton's Scale of Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism", applied in the stop places, or three times: at the beginning, in the middle of the way and at the end of the itinerary. The qualitative analysis was made by the use of "Thematic Content Analysis", with results also presented in a percentile way, to illustrate. As conclusion, it is inferred that, even the stimulation has ceased with the ending of the hike, the intensity, amount and quality of the experience had stimulated reflection processes, associated to variations on physical and social environmental conditions, the predispose to the dialogue and the symbolic identification, at which, had collaborated so that the participants had been able to perceive possibilities of conduction and transitions of values and new senses for their lives.


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This article turns to the memory of a not too distant past, to investigate the cultural leisure evidence and its development in the city of Rio Claro which has been shown by the Recreation Club Employee of the Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro (GRECPEF), identifying the leisure activities and the relation of these railway employee with the club. For the claims of the research an exploratory investigative model had been used focusing the relationship of GRECPEF with the social history of the city of Rio Claro. Data had been collected through literature review and semi-structured interviews with railway retire employee, who are part of the partner board of the Recreation Club. Within this context one can see that this club is a reference to the leisure activities of the railway employee, and has significant importance and influence on the setting up of a leisure culture in the city.


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This qualitative study aimed to investigate the resonances of the intellectual content of leisure for older adults. A mixed questionnaire containing ten questions was applied to a sample of fifty older adults people of both genders. Data were descriptively analyzed by thematic content analysis technique and showed that such experiences encourage reflection and the exercise of citizenship. Among the intellectual contents to qualitatively fulfill free time availability were elected by the sample: watching news on TV (70%), videos on health and aging (55%), reading newspapers, magazines and books (54%), playing strategic games (35%) and visiting museums (8%). It can be concluded that the experiences sharpen the critical and intellectual creativity and subsidize better understanding of aging, involving the construction of knowledge and expanding the opportunities of learning to learn, to be, and to live.