45 resultados para LISE


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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O processo de recanalizao das veias dos membros inferiores, aps um episdio de trombose venosa profunda aguda em pacientes anticoagulados com heparina e inibidores da vitamina K, faz parte da evoluo natural da remodelagem do trombo venoso. Esse complexo processo de remodelagem envolve a adeso do trombo parede da veia, resposta inflamatria da parede do vaso, levando organizao e subsequente contrao do trombo, neovascularizao e lise espontnea de reas no interior do trombo. A presena de fluxo arterial espontneo em veias com trombose recanalizada tem sido descrita como secundria neovascularizao e se caracteriza pelo desenvolvimento de fluxo com padro de fstulas arteriovenosas, identificadas por meio de mapeamento dplex colorido. Nesta reviso, so discutidos alguns aspectos controversos da histria natural da trombose venosa profunda, para uma melhor compreenso da sua evoluo e do seu impacto sobre a doena venosa.


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Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coming as a result from a comprehensive research based on Limas studies (2008), this article is intended for investigating the process of reorganization of the Pedagogy course offered by a state public university since 2006, when the new National Curricular Guides were instituted. The subject matter brings up as one of its purposes to identify the main difficulties and the possible answers given in order to cause the changes to happen, taking in consideration both the external and internal interests of the institution. To further these aims, actual instruments were applied to the research: documents related to the Pedagogy course that were kept in the Council of the university and interviews with the members who took part in the process of readjustment. Because it is a public university, at first there was a mistaken presumption of the primacy of an administration founded upon democratic principles, in which the divergent opinions do not turn out to be taken as mere pretexts, but as an opportunity of dialogue and to establish collective projects. However, the results of the analysis shook that basic assumption and proved the opposite: the process was led to a rational/bureaucratic pattern of administration, the goals of which intended to adjust the institution to the external precepts and to establish the consensus understood here as an absolute lack of conflicts. Nevertheless, it was chosen to conciliate the Pedagogy course to the national guides, without causing any harm to the departmental interests. These are reasons that justify satisfactorily the fact of this article being supposed to raise and quicken new and revitalized debate whenever there is an engagement of those who are most concerned for the duty of student teachers instruction, but mainly that of being expected to participate in the effective discussion/decision making process of creating ends which to strive and work for.


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Objective. To compare, pre- and post-swallowing therapy, the level of oral intake scale, and the degree of severity of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Method. 19 patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: 10 Post-Stroke adults, aged from 44 years to 76 years (group 1 G1), and nine children with Cerebral Palsy, aged from two years and five months to 15 years (group 2 G2). We excluded individuals in the process of spontaneous recovery. We held retrospective analysis of clinical protocols for clinical speech therapy evaluation with classification of the degree of dysphagia severity, applied before and after swallowing therapy. We used the Functional Oral Intake Scale - FOIS to assess the level of oral ingestion, pre and post-swallowing therapy. Results. The degree of commitment of dysphagia was favorable change only in adults, and in FOIS these changes occurred in both groups. Conclusion. There were favorable changes in the degree of impairment of oropharyngeal dysphagia and levels of FOIS, pre and post - speech therapy in stroke, but in ECINP markers used showed no favorable changes should even be reviewed for application in this population. Future studies are needed to investigate the variables in this sample.


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Inflammation is an immune complex-related tissue damage and / or cell caused by chemical, physical, immunological or microbial. The inflammatory process involves a complex cascade of biochemical and cellular events, including awareness and receptor activation, lysis and tissue repair. In general, tissue damage trigger a local inflammatory response by recruiting leukocytes, which release inflammatory mediators. These substances are able to sensitize nociceptors. After synaptic transmission and signal modulation by nociceptive sensory neurons, these signals are perceived as pain. Pain is an experience that involves multiple factors. The route of the supraspinal pain control originates in many brain regions, such as substance periarquedutal gray (PAG), median raphe nucleus and rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) and have a critical role in determining the chronic and acute pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to control inflammation, which inhibit the inflammatory mediators, but can cause side effects such as stomach ulcers and cardiovascular damage. An alternative for the treatment of pain and inflammation is the use of plant species. The genus Eugenia belongs to the family Myrtaceae, one of the largest botanical families of expression in the Brazilian ecosystems. From the pharmacological point of view, studies of similar species crude extracts showed the presence of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, hypotensive, antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of some species. As a class of importance in therapeutic phytochemical, the flavonoids has represented an important group with significant anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, and are present in a significant way in the chemical composition of genus Eugenia. The projects overall objective is to evaluate the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities from hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Eugenia punicifolia (EHEP). In this work we performed acute toxicity ...


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A quimioterapia o tratamento padro para pacientes com os mais variados tipos de cncer, (sendo o 5 Fluorouracil -5Fu- a droga de escolha no caso do cncer colorretal) mas ela est associada a efeitos colaterais que podem ser muito severos. A exposio de clulas tumorais a agentes antineoplsicos, em dose baixa e no citotxica, pode torn-las mais imunognicas, enquanto que a exposio de clulas dendrticas (DC) a esses agentes antineoplsicos pode aumentar sua capacidade de induzir resposta antitumoral in vitro. O objetivo deste estudo verificar se o tratamento in vitro de clulas tumorais MC38 com 5-Fu (dose no citotxica) pode induzir a expresso de molculas que aumentem suas caractersticas imunognicas, fazendo com que elas sejam mais facilmente identificadas pelo sistema imune. Para isso, camundongos da linhagem C57/Bl-6 foram inoculados subcutaneamente com clulas MC38 e sete dias depois foram vacinados com DC sensibilizadas com antgenos tumorais obtidos a partir da lise de clulas MC38 mantidas em cultura e previamente tratadas com 5-Fu, em dose no citotxica (DC-5Fu), para que a performance das DC sensibilizadas pudesse ser comparada performance das DC selvagens


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Este trabalho analisa aspectos do contexto das polticas pblicas culturais contempor-neas relacionadas com as aes de mobilizao que envolvem a sociedade civil. A an-lise engloba conhecimento sobre o papel do profissional de Relaes Pblicas na con-tribuio da execuo de polticas culturais que incentivem o protagonismo social atra-vs do Programa Cultura Viva, desenvolvido pelo Ministrio da Cultura, com a imple-mentao de Pontos e Pontes de Cultura, e no mbito de movimentos sociais indepen-dentes. Os resultados apontam a importncia estratgica do Relaes Pblicas na expan-so das polticas pblicas culturais


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Laboratory of Chemical Waste Management programs are being implemented in various universities of the country and the world, in recognition of the urgent need to change the reality of disregard for the environment, together with objective responsibility of the generator, and especially the awareness of sustainability. Analysis and research laboratories involve a range of waste in developing their studies with intrinsic characteristics related to their form of generation. The amount of waste generated in this segment is negligible compared to industrial activities, but the environmental issue is that these residues do not have a standard technique for treatment due to the potential variation of its composition. This research project, aiming their suitability and continuous improvement, aims to diagnose and analyze the current situation of the management and disposal of chemical waste generated by the laboratories IGCE UNESP, Campus Rio Claro / SP. Universities, through their research, teaching and extension, end up generating potentially hazardous chemicals that may contaminate the environment when they are disposed of improperly, with no concern for the environment and / or public health. Aiming to assist in improvements with respect to this issue, the purpose of this study is to understand the management and disposal of chemical waste from the IGCE, laboratories UNESP - Rio Claro / SP, in order to discuss the situation of such waste, and present proposals to reduce generation of the same and minimizing the environmental impact, thereby increasing the local hygiene through proper disposal. The research instrument used interviews, questionnaires, review of recent literature and observations were made in order to develop proposals for the management and disposal of waste. These proposals based on prevention and corrective control, where the preventive approach aims at lifting techniques and actions to reduce the generating sources and...


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To isolate, to concentrate and to purify bacteriophages from isolates of P. aeruginosa; To observe the capacity of bacteriophages to infect isolates of P. aeruginosa susceptible and multiresitant to antimicrobial; To caractherize bacteriphages by electronic microscopy techniques. 10 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from LEMC culture collection were submitted to the experiments of ideal temperature for the lyse region appearance in the MaConkey culture plate and 2 extraction methods for the concentration of the phages, clorophorm (Silankorva) and filtration plus centrifugation (Bergan). Three infected clinical isolates of multiresistant P. aeruginosa an one susceptible isolate ( PA01) were evaluated by 3 transmission electron microscopy techniques to caractherize phages morphologically (on grid, on drop and direct extraction from the lyse region of the culture plate). The ideal temperature to obtain lyses region was 37C. The stock solutions, obtained through the methodologies of Sillankorva and Bergan, had satisfactory results in infecting the multiresistant isolate and the negative control. Among the 3 techniques of electronic microscopy tested the direct from the lyse plate was the best to obtain the micrography of the phages


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Frying is a widely used method of preparing food, because it is a very fast and convenient process, and because it provides specific characteristics of color, flavor, odor, and texture, besides having great consumer acceptance. Therefore, the interest in the physiological effects that oils heated at high temperatures can cause to the human body arises. The aim of this work was to analyze the levels of frying used oil alteration in different kinds of foods served at the university restaurant at Instituto de Biocincias, Letras e Cincias Exatas (IBILCE), in So Jos do Rio Preto-SP. In addition, it aims to make the restaurant aware of the good ways to fry and the commitment of providing good quality food to students and professionals of the Institute. With this purpose, determination of total polar compounds, conjugated dienoic acids, peroxide value, and fatty acid profile were analyzed. Two rapid tests were also used: 3M Fat Monitor and Oil Test kit. The results were compared with limits recommended for the disposal of oils and fats used in frying by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), by other countries, and by other researches. Thus, it was concluded that the university restaurant provides the consumers with fried food of good quality, since none of the analyses showed results above recommended, although there is a need of improvement in the quality control of the oil used, in order to avoid unnecessary costs to the university restaurant.