70 resultados para Knowledge representation (Information theory)
Incomplete glimpses of the philosophy of Charles Peirce (1839-1914) can frequently be found in studies about Semiotics and Information Science. Therefore, we sought to discover the theoretical and applied interrelationships between knowledge and information organization and Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy. The aim was to discover and evaluate the contributions of Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy to the knowledge and information organization field. The method of this study was bibliographical research. The main results were: indexing process semiotic model, semiotic knowledge organization, interaction between documentary semiotics and documentary languages, kinds of inference to the indexing process, as well as the collaboration of Peirce's pragmatism to terminology theory. Finally, we listed issues for future research.
Information retrieval has been much discussed within Information Science lately. The search for quality information compatible with the users needs became the object of constant research.Using the Internet as a source of dissemination of knowledge has suggested new models of information storage, such as digital repositories, which have been used in academic research as the main form of autoarchiving and disseminating information, but with an information structure that suggests better descriptions of resources and hence better retrieval.Thus the objective is to improve the process of information retrieval, presenting a proposal for a structural model in the context of the semantic web, addressing the use of web 2.0 and web 3.0 in digital repositories, enabling semantic retrieval of information through building a data layer called Iterative Representation.The present study is characterized as descriptive and analytical, based on document analysis, divided into two parts: the first, characterized by direct observation of non-participatory tools that implement digital repositories, as well as digital repositories already instantiated, and the second with scanning feature, which suggests an innovative model for repositories, with the use of structures of knowledge representation and user participation in building a vocabulary domain. The model suggested and proposed ─ Iterative Representation ─ will allow to tailor the digital repositories using Folksonomy and also controlled vocabulary of the field in order to generate a data layer iterative, which allows feedback information, and semantic retrieval of information, through the structural model designed for repositories. The suggested model resulted in the formulation of the thesis that through Iterative Representation it is possible to establish a process of semantic retrieval of information in digital repositories.
Organizational environments are related to hierarchic levels existing in a determined organization, and they influence in the formal and informal flows origin and in their monitoring and/or extinction. Informational environments are a result of organizational environments, of which focus is information and knowledge. Information flows are a fundamental element to informational environments, in a way that there´s no informational environments if there´s no information flows. Informational flows are natural reflections from their environments, in terms of content and in the way they occur. This qualitative and quantitative research was developed in three stages, in a way to allow the comprehension of the phenomena related to information and knowledge environments and information flows that occur in the meat sector from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. We used Laurence Bardin´s ‘Analysis of Content’, more specifically the ‘Categorical Analysis’ technique to data analysis. As data collection procedure we accomplished a field research, applying a questionnaire as an intentional sample of the meat industries segment from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. From data tabulation and analysis, we infer that information environments and flows are relevant to these companies business development, as well as we emphasized the need of information and knowledge management deployment, in a way to insure organizational processes quality, industrial chain production and companies competition to conquer potential markets.
Considering that knowledge representation consists in a constant decision-making and that its products must be reliable, this paper highlights the existence of ethical problems in this context with undeniable damage to the user. Thefore, from a theorethical excerpt of the international literature regarding the ethical aspects involved in knowledge organization and representation, this study gets to the reflection of: a) the biases in knowledge representation; and b) non-neutrality of its processes, instruments and products, as subsidies to the outlining of possible ethical problems regarding the user as well as the role of information professional.
This study aims to analyze the possibilities of integration of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning in a school of public elementary school Municipal Araraquara. This is a survey based on a qualitative approach, which has a strategy Case Study. Made an analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Policy Project (PPP) school selected, in order to check how the school addresses the issue of the use of new technologies in the educational process. For the analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Educational Policy Project found that the school has studied a concern to make use of ICT in teaching and learning, featuring an awareness of the importance of technology in education, but does not describe ways to integrate curricularmente them. The integration of new technologies into the curriculum requires a systematic reflection about their goals, their technical and content chosen. Not only is working with new technologies aimed at digital inclusion of students, but we need to integrate the school into their curricular, integrate them into the process of teaching and learning. Today ICT configure themselves into a new form of language, essential for knowledge representation and, if so, their presence in the school curriculum is crucial.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Different vocabularies and contexts are barriers to the communication between people or software systems. It is necessary a common understanding in the domain that is talked about, so it can be obtained a correct interpretation of the information. An ontology formally models the structure of a domain and turn explicit the shared understanding in the form of concepts and relations that emerge from its observation. Constitutes a sort of framework used in the mapping to the meaning of the information that is talked about. The formal accuracy in which they are defined, by means of axioms, allow machine processing, implicating in systems interoperability. Structured this way, the knowledge is easily transferred between people or systems from different contexts. Ontologies present several applications nowadays. They are considered the infra-structure to the Semantic Web, which is composed by Web resources with embedded meaning. Thereby, the automatic execution of complex tasks is allowed, with the benefit from the effective communication between Web software agents. Among other applications, they also have been used to structure the knowledge generated from several areas, like Biology and Software Engineering.
In today’s context of environmental degradation, environmental issues have increasingly become a focus of global discussion. Although many researchers emphasize the importance of knowledge and information in promoting environmental protection, research involving people’s notions about and attitudes toward the environment and establishing their connection with such knowledge is scarce. This lack of research led to the following inquiry: Is it possible to relate conservation actions and concern about a biome – in this case, the Cerrado – to the population’s level of knowledge about the environment in which they live? This research presents results from an investigation conducted in a representative population sample in Bauru, where there are fragments of a Cerrado Legal Reserve. The sampling approach used was probabilistic; it is based on random laws and can be submitted to statistical methods. The total sample (450 people) was divided into 90 people per Bauru region, 45 people female and 45 males. Each gender group was divided into three age groups: the first from 16 to 30 years, the second from 31 to 55 years and the third above 56 years. Through the questionnaire, we collected the following data from respondents: personal data such as salary, gender, age, level of education, notions/actions and intentions related to environmental conservation and general knowledge about the Cerrado. The result of the chi-square analysis is consistent with this finding, as it is less than 0.05, demonstrating a significant association between these two variables.
We show how discrete squeezed states in an N-2-dimensional phase space can be properly constructed out of the finite-dimensional context. Such discrete extensions are then applied to the framework of quantum tomography and quantum information theory with the aim of establishing an initial study on the interference effects between discrete variables in a finite phase space. Moreover, the interpretation of the squeezing effects is seen to be direct in the present approach, and has some potential applications in different branches of physics.
Propomos que uma evolução de idéias científicas seja usada como instrumento de aprendizagem de conteúdos específicos e, em particular, para ressaltar como os conteúdos se articulam entre as disciplinas. Como exemplo, apresentamos um estudo sobre a proposta do demônio de Maxwell e discussões sobre sua exorcização, isto é, um estudo sobre a compreensão da natureza de um ser inteligente que atua dentro de um sistema físico e de como seria essa atuação. Estão envolvidos nesse problema fenômenos relacionados com várias teorias - Termodinâmica, Física Molecular, Mecânica Estatística, Teoria da Informação - dentro das disciplinas de Física, Química, Biologia, Computação. Entre diversas questões epistemológicas e conceituais aí contidas, será enfatizada a questão do objeto limitado de uma eoria científica, isto é, da limitação de seu significado aos fenômenos por ela compreendidos. A delimitação dos fenômenos estudados e as teorias e técnicas caracterizam a compreensão que vai realizar sua emergência concreta nos laboratórios. Essa compreensão vai dar também a possibilidade de atuação interdisciplinar.
No âmbito do Processamento Automático de Línguas Naturais (PLN), o desenvolvimento de recursos léxico-semânticos é premente. Ao conceber os sistemas de PLN como um exercício de engenharia da linguagem humana, acredita-se que o desenvolvimento de tais recursos pode ser beneficiado pelos modelos de representação do conhecimento, desenvolvidos pela Engenharia do Conhecimento. Esses modelos, em particular, fornecem simultaneamente o arcabouço teórico-metodológico e a metalinguagem formal para o tratamento computacional do significado das unidades lexicais. Neste artigo, após a apresentação da concepção linguístico-computacional de léxico, elucidam-se os principais paradigmas de representação do conhecimento, enfatizando a abordagem do significado e a metalinguagem formal vinculadas a cada um deles.
A proposição é a seguinte: há que se ter dois espaços distintos de formação docente, um é a sala de aula da universidade e o outro, a sala de aula da escola para a qual o formando está se preparando. Trata-se de mostrar por que os saberes, teoria e prática, pertencentes a essas duas instâncias de formação são inexoravelmente distintos e, por essa razão, exigem lugares e formas diferentes para serem ensinados e aprendidos. Contudo, a natureza diferente de um e de outro não interfere na genética indissociável de ambos. Ao se apresentar um lugar específico para se aprender a teoria e outro, para se aprender a prática, mostra-se à constituição do habitus professoral e a do habitus estudantil, que constituem as categorias operacionais da proposição. É exatamente nesse quesito que reside a particularidade deste estudo. A base empírica foi constituída com reflexões realizadas no Brasil, a partir dos anos de 1990, sobre o tema: Como se aprende para ensinar na sala de aula. A fundamentação utilizada nesta formulação são noções extraídas das ideias de Bourdieu (1983a; 1983b; 1983c; 1989; 1992; 1996).
Domains where knowledge representation is too complex to be described analytically and in a deterministic way is very common in the petroleum industry, particularly in the field of exploration and production. In these domains, applications of artificial intelligence techniques are very suitable, especially in cases where the preservation of corporate and technical knowledge is important. The Laboratory for Research on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Petroleum Engineering (LIAP) at Unicamp, has, during the last 10 years, dedicated research efforts to build intelligent systems in well drilling and petroleum production fields. In the following sections, recent advances in intelligent systems, under development in the research laboratory, are described. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
This paper shows a comparative study between the Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving and the Human Problem Solving. The study is based on the solution by many ways of problems proposed via multiple-choice questions. General techniques used by humans to solve this kind of problems are grouped in blocks and each block is divided in steps. A new architecture for ITS - Intelligent Tutoring System is proposed to support experts' knowledge representation and novices' activities. Problems are represented by a text and feasible answers with particular meaning and form, to be rigorously analyzed by the solver to find the right one. Paths through a conceptual space of states represent each right solution.
This paper introduces the concept of special subsets when applied to generator matrices based on lattices and cosets as presented by Calder-bank and Sloane. By using the special subsets we propose a non exhaustive code search for optimum codes. Although non exhaustive, the search always results in optimum codes for given (k1, V, Λ/Λ′). Tables with binary and ternary optimum codes to partitions of lattices with 8, 9 e 16 cosets, were obtained.