22 resultados para Kaul. Adelina
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fish belonging to the family Rivulidae possess one of the most complex reproductive systems. Rivulus, a genus of freshwater fish in the Rivulidae family, was recently reclassified into five genera, including Melanorivulus. Its type species, M. punctatus, is widely distributed and probably represents a species complex. The ultrastructure of sperm has been broadly used in systematics, and we hereby describe the ultrastructural features of spermatogenesis in M. punctatus. Ten M. punctatus males were collected from the reservoir of Parque Estadual da Quineira, municipality of Chapada dos Guimardes, Mato Grosso, Brazil, and prepared for analysis by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. M. punctatus undergoes cystic spermatogenesis. Its cysts consist of groups of germ cells that are in synchronous development and are surrounded by cytoplasmic projections of Sertoli cells. With the breakdown of the cysts, the spermatozoa are released and their maturation is completed in the duct, where part of the cytoplasmic material is discarded through the vesicles. The mature spermatozoon is characterized by a spherical head with homogeneously condensed chromatin, a symmetric midpiece consisting of a pair of perpendicular centrioles, a ring of mitochondria, several vesicles, and one flagellum medial to the nucleus. Early stages of spermatogenesis show no peculiarities; however, in spermiogenesis, we observed that the spermatids remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges and have pockets of residual cytoplasm. The sperm is of the aquasperm type and is similar to that observed in the members of the family Rivulidae. The spermatozoa have a single flagellum that consists of a classic axoneme (9 +2), as found in most groups of fish, despite the lateral extensions. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To evaluate tympanic bulla healing after experimental ventral osteotomy in cats. Twenty adult cats were submitted to unilateral ventral bulla osteotomy and divided into two groups: cats of A1 group (n=10) were euthanized at 8 weeks and cats of A2 group (n=10), at 16 weeks postoperative. Signs of Horner's syndrome or damage to the inner ear were not found. Open-mouth radiographs taken in the immediate postoperative showed interruption in the contour of the larger compartment of the operated bulla. The result of Mcnemar'test was significant in A2 group (*p=0.0156). Macroscopic exams revealed that the operated bullae were similar to the normal ones, with preservation of the tympanic cavity. Connective tissue at the osteotomy site of the larger compartment was significantly found in the operated bullae in both groups (McNemar test: A1 p=0.0020*; A2 p=0.0078*). Histomorphometric analyses showed that the connective tissue length at the osteotomy site was shorter in A2 group than in the A1 group (Mann-Whitney test: p=0.0021*). Experimental ventral osteotomy did not alter significantly the tympanic bulla conformation and complete regeneration of tympanic bulla frequently did not occur before 16 weeks of postoperative period.
Cats are gradually occupying a more important position as pets and this preference is a result of how easy cat maintenance in an urban environment is, even though they are very prolific and need surgical sterilization. This paper aims at evaluating obtained data within 15 years of research in a university service program that offers free cats sterilization surgery. We carried out a statistical analysis of data shown in the records of animals treated by the program. Surgical sterilization was performed on 647 animals (409 females – 63% and 238 males – 37%). Unilateral cryptorchidism was observed in 9 (3.8%) male cats. Forty (10%) female cats were pregnant at the time of the surgery and the treatment with contraceptives was observed in 67 (16.4%) female cats. One death occurred during anesthesia recovery and 2 cats were euthanized because of wound infection, totalizing an amount of 0.5% of severe complications. From 1996 to 2004, 212 female cats were spayed (122 adults and 90 prepubertal) and during that time two different approaches for ovariohysterectomy were compared: flank laparotomy and ventral midline celiotomy. The flank laparotomy approach was used in only 46 female cats (21.7%) due to some disadvantages observed – the need of an incision on each flank in prepubertal or nulliparous animals and the difficulty or impossibility of total uterus removal. In the same period, 105 male cats underwent orchiectomy via an open technique in which the spermatic cord was linked with nylon thread. From 2005 to 2010, 197 females (106 adults and 91 prepubertal) were spayed. The minilaparotomy technique was used to perform ovariohysterectomy on 139 female cats (70.6%). In this procedure, ovaries and uterus were exteriorized in a blind fashion with a hook through a small midline incision. The traditional midline ovariohysterectomy, which incision length permits direct visualization of the ovaries and uterus, had to be performed in 58 (29.4%) female cats due to advanced pregnancy, full urinary bladder during surgery or obesity. Over the past 6 years, 133 male cats (48 adults and 85 prepubertal) were castrated by means of an open technique in which the spermatic cord was tied to itself. The demand for surgeries during the project demonstrated that people are becoming aware concerning the importance of sterilization when facing cat overpopulation and abandonment.
Histomorphometric data were obtained from cats uterine horns: either nulliparous (n = 6), primiparous (n = 6), multiparous (n = 6) and treated with contraceptive (n = 6). The material was collected after surgery, fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraplast® resin to be sliced in a microtome. The obtained sections were stained with hematoxylin - eosin and measured under a light microscope: uterine wall total thickness (μm), endometrium total height, endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelia height, total myometrium, internal and external myometrium and vascular layer thickness. It was concluded that: 1 - contraceptive use and number of pregnancies altered the uterine structure, 2 - one pregnancy does not appear to affect the uterine lining structures as occurs in multiparous cats, 3 – there was no variation on the evaluated structures between nulliparous and primiparous cats except for inner myometrium, 4 - the total myometrium hight and the endometrium hight showed similar variations except for the contraceptive treated cats group, 5 - the outer myometrium showed marked changes in the treated cats, 6 – the less marked morphological variations were for the endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelium hight, 7 - the presence of dilated endometrial glands was found only in treated cats.
Otite média e pólipos são as principais afecções da orelha média em gatos. A otite média geralmente é decorrente de otite externa crônica, enquanto os pólipos se formam a partir de um processo inflamatório crônico presente na orelha média. Quando o pólipo sai da cavidade timpânica pela tuba auditiva, aparecendo na nasofaringe, é denominado pólipo nasofaríngeo. Outra possibilidade é o pólipo romper a membrana do tímpano e surgir no meato acústico externo. O tratamento indicado para essas afecções é a osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica, procedimento cirúrgico cuja finalidade é remover exsudatos inflamatórios presentes na cavidade timpânica. Apesar de possíveis complicações, como síndrome de Horner e lesão na orelha interna, essa cirurgia proporciona resultados muito satisfatórios. O objetivo da presente revisão é relatar essas afecções da orelha média em gatos e descrever a técnica cirúrgica de osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica.