51 resultados para KAOLINITE
Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar um sistema de solos, evidenciando a propriedades que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que condicionem a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP), onde o efluente é gerado a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados por meio de análises, morfológica, granulométrica, química, mineralógica e micromorfológica, realizadas em amostras coletadas em cinco trincheiras em toposseqüência. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru) e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas três fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. A primeira, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsável pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foi superposta pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso amplamente predominante e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos e compostos por caulinita e óxidos de Fe na fração argilosa. Por constituírem um sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica.
A serra da Bodoquena, localizada no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, apresenta particularidades nos seus solos, que diferem de outras regiões do bioma cerrado-pantanal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento dos solos formados sobre calcário, por meio da caracterização dos seus atributos físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e da matéria orgânica. Foi selecionada uma topossequência sobre calcário, onde foram abertas trincheiras no topo (P1), terço inferior (P2), sopé (P3) e baixada (P4 e P5). Os perfis foram descritos morfologicamente e analisados os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos horizontes. de acordo com o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, os solos estudados foram classificados como: (P1) Organossolo Fólico Sáprico lítico - OOs; (P2) Chernossolo Háplico Órtico típico - MXo; (P3) Chernossolo Argilúvico Órtico típico - MTo; (P4) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático chernossólico - GMk1; e (P5) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático organossólico - GMk2. Todos os perfis estudados apresentaram cores escuras nos horizontes superficiais e mais avermelhadas ou acinzentadas em profundidade, em razão da drenagem, sempre associados com elevados valores de saturação por bases e tendo o cálcio como cátion predominante no complexo sortivo. Das frações húmicas, a humina representou a maior fração do carbono orgânico em todos os solos. A análise mineralógica constatou a presença de calcita na fração areia nos perfis GMk1 e GMk2 e caulinita, illita e montmorilonita, na fração argila de todos os solos. A ocorrência do Organossolo Fólico em ambiente não altimontano, diferente do relatado pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, sugere maior amplitude das condições ambientais para a ocorrência dessa subordem.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foram avaliadas, durante o processo de sinterização, as propriedades mecânicas de peças cerâmicas a base de argila com adição de rocha sedimentar. Foram preparados corpos de prova com 0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em peso de rocha adicionada ao material argiloso. As peças foram sinterizadas nas temperaturas de 500, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 e 1200 °C e, posteriormente, submetidas à análise de difração de raios X e a ensaios tecnológicos Os resultados de difração de raios X mostram que a rocha sedimentar apresenta argilominerais micáceos enquanto o material argiloso possui a caulinita como fase principal. Técnicas de análises térmicas e difração de raios X das diferentes misturas mostram reações que indicam transformação (inversão do quartzo), decomposição (perda de hidróxidos) e formação de fase (mulita) durante o aquecimento das amostras. Os ensaios tecnológicos mostram que a adição da rocha sedimentar melhora algumas propriedades do material sinterizado, auxiliada pela presença de fundentes. Entretanto, a presença de quartzo na rocha dificulta a formação da fase mulita. A formação de novas fases e as transformações ocorridas no aquecimento e resfriamento das amostras ajuda explicar as propriedades tecnológicas dos materiais cerâmicos.
Morphological, geochemical and mineralogical studies were carried out in a representative soil catena of the low-elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon Basin to interpret the steps and mechanisms involved in the podzolization of low-activity clay soils. The soils are derived from Palaeozoic sandstones. They consist of Hydromorphic Podzols under tree savannah in the depressions of the plateaux and predominantly of Acrisols covered by evergreen forest elsewhere.Incipient podzolization in the uppermost Acrisols is related to the formation of organic-rich A and Bhs horizons slightly depleted in fine-size particles by both mechanical particle transfer and weathering. Weathering of secondary minerals by organic acids and formation of organo-metallic complexes act simultaneously over short distances. Their vertical transfer is limited. Selective dissolution of aluminous goethite, then gibbsite and finally kaolinite favour the preferential cheluviation of first Fe and secondly Al. The relatively small amount of organo-metallic complexes produced is related to the quartzitic parent materials, and the predominance of Al over Fe in the spodic horizons is due to the importance of gibbsite in these low-activity clay soils.Morphologically well-expressed podzols occur in strongly iron-depleted topsoils of the depression. Mechanical transfer and weathering of gibbsite and kaolinite by organic acids is enhanced and leads to residual accumulation of sands. Organo-metallic complexes are translocated in strongly permeable sandy horizons and impregnate at depth the macro-voids of embedded soil and saprolite materials to form the spodic Bs and 2BCs horizons. Mechanical transfer of black particulate organic compounds devoid of metals has occurred later within the sandy horizons of the podzols. Their vertical transfer has formed well-differentiated A and Bh horizons. Their lateral removal by groundwater favours the development of an albic E horizon. In an open and waterlogged environment, the general trend is therefore towards the removal of all the metals that have initially accumulated as a response to the ferralitization process and have temporarily been sequestrated in organic complexes in previous stages of soil podzolization.
The golden-faced saki monkey Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala (Cebidae, Primates) was observed eating soil from termite nests during a long-term study of a family group in a Central Amazonian forest fragment. In this paper we describe the behaviour involved in the geophagy in these monkeys, and the results of geochemical and physical analyses of the termite nest material, as well as root mat and topsoil samples below the trees, in order to clarify the possible reasons for it. The sakis ate soil from nine arboreal termite nests on 26 soil feeding-bouts (in 853 observation hours); 25 soil feeding-bouts occurred in March 1987 (rainy season), during 19 days or 132 observation hours, and occupied 0.7% of the feeding time. Geophagy frequencies did not differ between sexes (17 feeding-bouts of four females and 8 for two males). Mineral composition was higher in arboreal termitaria than in the topsoil. Kaolinite was the major clay component. Tannin adsorptive capacity, tested through a modified radial diffusion method of Hagerman, was around 10-20%, similar to a control with kaolin (10-20%), but lower than bentonite or celite (30-45%). The observations reported here, although inconclusive as to the function of geophagy in this species, indicate that it is not a mineral supplement during times of scarcity or high consumption of leaves, as has been reported for other primates, nor that it is related to fruit consumption (redressing possible mineral imbalance), as has been suggested for some other frugivorous mammals. Our results do not rule out tannin adsorptive hypothesis for the ingestion of clays, but, being an irregular habit, we argue that it is most likely related to rare and occasional dietary components.
Tin-polymetallic greisen-type deposits in the Itu Rapakivi Province and Rondonia Tin Province, Brazil are associated with late-stage rapakivi fluorine-rich peraluminous alkali-feldspar granites. These granites contain topaz and/or muscovite or zinnwaldite and have geochemical characteristics comparable to the low-P sub-type topaz-bearing granites. Stockworks and veins are common in Oriente Novo (Rondonia Tin Province) and Correas (Itu Rapakivi Province) deposits, but in the Santa Barbara deposit (Rondonia Tin Province) a preserved cupola with associated bed-like greisen is predominant. The contrasting mineralization styles reflect different depths of formation, spatial relationship to tin granites, and different wall rock/fluid proportions. The deposits contain a similar rare-metal suite that includes Sri (+/-W, +/-Ta, +/-Nb), and base-metal suite (Zn-Cu-Pb) is present only in Correas deposit. The early fluid inclusions of the Correas and Oriente Novo deposits are (1) low to moderate-salinity (0-19 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-bearing aqueous fluids homogenizing at 245-450 degreesC, and (2) aqueous solutions with low CO2, low to moderate salinity (0-14 wt.% NaCl eq.), which homogenize between 100 and 340 T. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the early inclusions are represented by (1) low-salinity (5-12 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with variable CO2 contents, homogenizing at 340 to 390 T, and (2) low-salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluid inclusions, which homogenize at 320380 degreesC. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite-tantalite, scheelite, and sulfide assemblages accompany these fluids. The late fluid in the Oriente Novo and Correas deposit was a low-salinity (0-6 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-free aqueous solution, which homogenizes at (100-260 degreesC) and characterizes the sulfide fluorite-sericite association in the Correas deposit. The late fluid in the Santa Barbara deposit has lower salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) and characterizes the late-barren-quartz, muscovite and kaolinite veins. Oxygen isotope thermometry coupled with fluid inclusion data suggest hydrothermal activity at 240-450 degreesC, and 1,0-2.6 kbar fluid pressure at Correas and Oriente Novo. The hydrogen isotope composition of breccia-greisen, stockwork, and vein fluids (delta(18)O quartz from 9.9parts per thousand to 10.9parts per thousand, deltaDH(2)O from 4.13parts per thousand to 6.95parts per thousand) is consistent with a fluid that was in equilibrium with granite at temperatures from 450 to 240 degreesC. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the inferred temperatures for quartz-pods and bed-like greisens are much higher (570 and 500 degreesC, respectively), and that for the cassiterite-quartz-veins is 415 degreesC. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of greisen and quartz-pods fluids (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=5.5-6.1parts per thousand) indicate that the fluid equilibrated with the albite granite, consistent with a magmatic origin. The values for mica (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=33-9.8parts per thousand) suggest mixing with meteoric water. Late muscovite veins (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=-6.4parts per thousand) and late quartz (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=-3.8parts per thousand) indicate involvement of a meteoric fluid. Overall, the stable isotope and fluid inclusion data imply three fluid types: (1) an early orthomagmatic fluid, which equilibrated with granite; (2) a mixed orthomagmatic-meteoric fluid; and (3) a late hydrothermal meteoric fluid. The first two were responsible for cassiterite, wolframite, and minor coluChange in the redox conditions related to mixing-of magmatic and meteoric fluids favored important sulfide mineralization in the Correas deposit. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the study of physical, chemical, and mineralogical data related to the weathering of soils and the quantification of their properties, remote sensing constitutes an important technique that, in addition to conventional analyses, can contribute to soil survey. The objectives of this research were to characterize and differentiate soils developed from basaltic rocks that occur in the Parana state, Brazil and to quantify soil properties based on their spectral reflectance. These observations were used to verify the relationship between the soils and reflectance with regard to weathering, organic matter (OM), and forms of Fe. From the least to the most weathered soil, we used a Typic Argiudoll (Reddish Brunizem), Rhodudalf (Terra Roxa Estruturada), and Rhodic Hapludox (Very Dark Red Latosol). The spectral reflectances between 400 and 2500 nm were obtained in the laboratory from soil samples collected at two depth increments, 0- to 20- and 40- to 60-cm, using an Infra Red Intelligent Spectroradiometer (IRIS). Correlation, regression, and discriminant estimates were used in analyzing the soil and spectral data. Results of this study indicated that soils could be separated at the soil-type level based on reflectance intensity in various absorption bands. Soil collected in the 40- to 60-cm depth appeared to have higher reflectance intensities than those from the 0- to 20-cm depth. Removal of OM from soil samples promoted higher reflectance intensity in the entire spectrum. Amorphous and crystalline Fe influenced reflectance differently. Weathering of basaltic soils was correlated with alterations in the reflectance intensities and absorption features of the spectral curves. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that this technique was efficient in the estimation of clay, silt, kaolinite, crystalline Fe, amorphous Fe, and Mg through the use of reflected energy of the soils.
The region of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is predominantly constituted of Pre-Cambrian rocks with well developed alteration profiles in association with colluvial and alluvial sediments. No study to date has examined in detail its potential use in the ceramic industry. The scarce knowledge of its mineralogical and technological properties limits its value and consequently its industrial use. Until now, these clay materials have been used in a rudimental manner, in small scale in the fabrication of red tiles. The present study aimed at analyzing these clays mineralogically (X-ray diffraction), chemically (major and minor elements by X-ray fluorescence and organic carbon analysis) and technologically (pressing granulometric distribution; mechanical resistence; water absorption, apparent porosity; linear firing shrinkage; color of firing and others) in order to better understand the raw material and develop adequate technological applications. The best results of ceramic properties were the samples with higher organic content (more plastic clays) and higher values of Al2O3 (kaolinite and gibbsite) and Fe2O3 as well lower SiO2 content and finer grain size which contribute to a better sinterization.
Relief is regarded as the abiotic factor most strongly influencing pedogenic processes at a local scale. The spatial correlations between the composition of the clay fraction (iron - Fe and aluminum - Al oxides, kaolinite and organic matter - OM) and contents of available phosphorus (P) of an Oxisol were evaluated at hillslope scale under sugarcane cultivation. A total of 119 samples were collected at intersection points on a 100. ×. 100. m georeferenced grid of regularly spaced points 10. m apart in the 0.2-0.4. m depth in an area consisting of two landform components namely: component I (an area with a linear hillslope curvature), and component II (one with a concave-convex hillslope curvature). Soil OM and available P contents were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistical analyses in order to assess their variability and spatial dependence. All attributes studied were spatially dependent. Available phosphorus had positive spatial correlation with high crystalline goethite, hematite and gibbsite. Identifying small hillslope curvatures is useful with a view to better understanding their relationships with soil organic matter and available phosphorus, as well as kaolinite and Fe and Al oxide attributes. A simple correlation analysis by itself is inadequate to relate attributes, which requires a supplemental, geostatistical technique. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC