290 resultados para Jornais Manchetes
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar quais so os mecanismos que permitem a produo de identidade pela mdia e discutir como ela um dos principais plos produtores da identidade na sociedade. Para tanto, sero estudadas as matrias e artigos veiculados pelos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S. Paulo sobre os futebolistas Kak e Adriano, comparando como a identidade de ambos foi construda por esses meios e pelo contexto desempenhado pelo futebol na sociedade. A escolha dos dois jogadores se deve ampla cobertura dada sobre Adriano quanto a sua possvel ligao com o trfico no Rio de Janeiro, enquanto a cobertura sobre Kak foi mais apagada em relao possvel utilizao da Igreja Renascer em Cristo para lavagem de dinheiro. Nesse procedimento, estaremos apoiados nas formulaes tericas de Laurence Bardin, em Anlise de Contedo
The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds
O presente trabalho de concluso de curso Jornalismo da Universidade Estadual Paulista Jlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) baseia-se na anlise de contedo das notcias, notas e crticas publicadas nos peridicos Gazeta de Campinas e Dirio do Povo sobre as atividades e exibies dos cinco filmes realizados na cidade de Campinas na dcada de 1920 Joo da Matta (1923), Soffrer Para Gozar (1923), Alma Gentil (1924), A Carne (1925) e Mocidade Louca (1927) para a verificao do processo de construo da identidade cultural local. Para objetivar a anlise do corpus ser realizada uma contextualizao histrica da cidade de Campinas, do cinema brasileiro, da imprensa e de outros fatores que iro corroborar para uma compreenso ampla da proposta a que essa monografia se prope
Considerando que a notcia impressa, televisual ou on-line no se restringe elaborao do texto com aporte visual; de que, ao contrrio, muitas vezes o projeto grfico, o fotogrfico e o videogrfico, alm da composio e estrutura de seus elementos, tm participao determinante na construo da notcia, este projeto parte da necessidade de um estudo crtico sobre a forma como a criana vem sendo representada (em imagens, sejam ilustraes ou fotografias) pelo jornalismo dirigido ao pblico adulto e geral. Diferentemente dos estudos no campo da Psicologia Social, do Direito ou da Comunicao com nfase no agendamento social que do destaque para temas de grande apelo social como violncia, educao ou direito da criana e do adolescente, este estudo delimita seu objeto, abordagem e fundamentao na investigao da imagem e nas teorias da imagem e da mdia, abarcando, com isso, a variedade de temas que envolvem o universo infantil (desde os aspectos ldicos e imaginativos at aqueles de maior dramaticidade e de grande apelo miditico). O objetivo deste projeto demonstrar qual a imagem (ou imagens) que a mdia brasileira contempornea (jornais impressos e on-line) tem da criana (ou das crianas) e qual o comportamento dessa mdia no agendamento, pautagem e produo de tais imagens que representam as crianas em diversas situaes. Para isso, sero analisadas as imagens de crianas apresentadas nos jornais Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal da Tarde, Jornal do Brasil e O Dia. Esses formam o corpus principal e do enlevo para as imagens com produo em processo mais imediato onde nota-se um tipo de jornalismo mais factual
This paper proposes a comparative analysis of cultural critical, articles and reports related to the 28th International Biennial of Art of So Paulo published in the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal Semanal da 28 Bienal de So Paulo, from October to December 2008. Specific aims of analysis are how an institution devoted, like Biennial, creates mechanisms to defend their choices and hegemonic position within the arts field and also to examine how this dedication can be demystified by critics from diffusion field not linked to the institution. For the study will be used the concepts of field, hierarchy of legitimacy and position of an agent developed by Pierre Bourdieu, as well as historical notions of Cultural Journalism and journalistic criticism
Este captulo investiga algumas adaptaes feitas nos textos publicados originalmente nos bas de page dos peridicos franceses, os quais foram, um pouco mais tarde, traduzidos, nos jornais brasileiros do XIX. Discutiremos aqui, por meio de dois romances folhetins de Alexandre Dumas, os critrios da publicao, as modificaes operadas e as possveis leituras que podemos fazer das novidades que o processo de recriao do folhetim francs em terras brasileiras estabeleceu. Igualmente, discutiremos o papel que o bas de page teve no desenvolvimento do gnero crnica no Brasil. Assim sendo, as indagaes a respeito do espao so a maior preocupao deste texto, uma vez que critrios editoriais e tipogrficos determinaram, por exemplo, que dois textos de gneros diferentes compartilhassem o mesmo espao; ou, ainda, que o romance-folhetim fosse interrompido de maneira diversa em relao ao original francs. Essa flexibilidade do bas de page, onde era possvel a coexistncia de textos de natureza diferente crticos, imaginrios, faits divers , ser pensada como uma das principais razes para o desenvolvimento da crnica como um gnero literrio no Brasil.
Based on the assertions of the Theory of Linguistic Variation and Change, this paper proposes a discussion about the possible action of linguistic norms over two variable phenomena in Brazilian Portuguese: the position of clitic pronouns associated with a single verb, and the use of prepositions with verbal complements indicating a ?goal/recipient?. By the analysis of data from the newspapers from So Paulo and Rio Claro between (the years of) 1900 and 1915, we intend to describe each phenomenon; compare these descriptions and evaluate the role played by the standard and the common usage which is (already) perceptible in the ?paulistas? continuous published pages of that period.
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS
From the 1990s, Brazilian newspapers began to refer to the convening of different personalities to comment on the World Cup soccer in their sports pages. This article seeks to examine this phenomenon under the notion that the French philosopher Michel Foucault called the author function - one that establishes the existence, circulation and functioning of certain discourses within a specific audience.
The paper presents an ergonomic analysis of reading usability of electronic journals and the comparison with newspapers. As a method, it was adopted an evaluation of the user perception, from a printed questionnaire applied to a group of 41 people. Overall, the results indicate that on the analyzed newspapers there is need for greater care concerning the aspects of visual representation, involving more design application, usability, ergonomics, technology and communication.
This paper summarizes a research that has been developed from the concern about a companys strategic planning, once regarding the product development process and its methodological guidelines. Our goal was to check if there is an ideal methodology, peculiar to the graphic design, which could be applied to a printed newspaper condition. And then, we could deduce, according to the design practices in newspapers, its relevance. We did not intend to create a specific graphic design methodology for daily newspapers, nor the analysis of methods, but we wanted to emphasize that the familiarization with acknowledged methods in the field of visual communication, during the process of professional formation, might ease good choices in the work practice on design. The understanding of the gradual introduction of graphic design on printed daily newspapers brings about, thus, not only their visual improvement, but also allows that this kind of journalism (which depends on a graphic interface in order to make their product come true) reconsider the newspaper as a whole.
This article is part of the result of the Master's thesis of the author, guided by coauthor, and presents a theoretical and conceptual reflection on the representation of Technology in thematic sections Technology in four Brazilian newspaper sites. The fundamental hypothesis is that these editorials prioritize issues that meet market interests of companies in the sector and may be leaving out important social and cultural issues to the understanding of the relationship between technology and society. The study is itself oriented by prospects of journalistic theming and specialized journalism, from a quantitative analysis involving the websites from newspapers of Technology sections O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Gazeta do Povo and Correio Braziliense. The study confirms the hypothesis that representation of Technology in newspapers is primarily the marketing, have not corresponding to an expectation of social and cultural concept. In addition, it is noticed that the editorial in question do not have specialized journalism characteristics, despite of potential generated by thematic segmentation.
Analisou-se o perfil da pecuria de corte brasileira diante das mudanas ocorridas no sistema de produo/comercializao, observando-se especificamente os ndices zootcnicos e produtivos e os volumes de carne produzidos, consumidos e exportados a partir de 1990. Foram analisados dados de trabalhos cientficos e de artigos tcnicos publicados em jornais e revistas, alm de informaes veiculadas pela internet. Considerando os resultados obtidos, pode-se inferir que o pas apresenta significativo potencial de expanso das exportaes de carne bovina, o que exige ajustes internos, que envolvem aspectos sanitrios, polticas setoriais e viso mais sistmica de cadeia produtiva. Destaca-se que esses aspectos ganharam maior importncia aps a consolidao do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), quando as relaes comerciais se intensificaram e as reaes da produo nacional impediram inflexes na estrutura comercial de carne bovina nos mercados interno e externo.