78 resultados para Ionic-strength


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The molar single ion activity coefficient (y(F)) of fluoride ions was determined at 25 degrees C and ionic strengths between 0.100 and 3.00 mol L(-1) NaClO(4) using an ion-selective electrode. The activity coefficient dependency on ionic strength was determined to be Phi(F) = log y(F) = 0.2315I-0.041I(2). The function Phi(F)(I), combined with functions obtained in previous work for copper (Phi(Cu)) and hydrogen (Phi(H)), allowed us to make the estimation of the stoichiometric and thermodynamic protonation constants of some halides and pseudo-halides as well as the formation constants of some pseudo-halides and fluoride 1:1 bivalent cation complexes. The calculation procedure proposed in this paper is consistent with critically-selected experimental data. It was demonstrated that it is possible to use Phi(F)(I) for predicting the thermodynamic equilibrium parameters independently of Pearson's hardness of acids and bases.


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We report the preparation of direct hexagonal liquid crystals, constituted of oil-swollen cylinders arranged on a triangular lattice in water. The volume ratio of oil over water, rho, can be as large as 3.8. From the lattice parameter measured by small-angle X-ray scattering, we show that all the oil is indeed incorporated into the cylinders, thus allowing the diameter of the cylinders to be controlled over one decade range, provided that the ionic strength of the aqueous medium and rho are varied concomitantly. These hexagonal swollen liquid crystals (SLCs) have been first reported with sodium dodecyl sulfate as anionic surfactant, cyclohexane as solvent, 1-pentanol as co-surfactant, and sodium chloride as salt (Ramos, L.; Fabre, P. Langmuir 1997, 13, 13). The stability of these liquid crystals is investigated when the pH of the aqueous medium or the chemical nature of the components (salt and surfactant) is changed. We demonstrate that the range of stability is quite extended, rendering swollen hexagonal phases potentially useful for the fabrication of nanomaterials. As illustrations, we finally show that gelation of inorganic particles in the continuous aqueous medium of a SLC and polymerization within the oil-swollen cylinders of a SLC can be conducted without disrupting the hexagonal order of the system.


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Silica particles were obtained by addition of diluted soluble sodium silicate in sodium 1,2 bis (2-ethylhexyloxycarbonyl)-1-ethenesulfonate reverse microemulsions, in which aqueous phase was nitric acid solution and the water/surfactant ratio (W) was 5 or 10. Products, whether washed or not, were dried at 100 degrees C and suspended in different solvents: heptane, water, kerosene or pentane for making SEM measurements. Thermal treatments of washed silica samples were carried out at 900 degrees C and 1200 degrees C. Silica particles of sizes from 1 to 10 mu m were obtained at room temperature without changing their shape due to thermal treatment and crystallization. SEM micrographs show hollow particles suggesting that silica preferably polymerizes on microemulsion droplet interface where ionic strength of nitric acid aqueous solution is favourable for silica polymerization reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Springwater samples were collected at Aguas da Prata, an important spa in São Paulo State, Brazil. The U-238 and U-234 isotopes were evaluated for Platina, Paiol, Villela, Prata-Radioativa, Prata-Nova, Boi, Vitoria, and Prata-Antiga springs. An inverse logarithmic correlation was found between U-234/U-238 activity ratio and Rn-222 content of the studied waters, which was related to different solution mechanisms of Rn-222 and U-234 nuclides at the rock-water interface. A linear correlation also exists between the U-234/U-238 activity ratios of the studied waters and total dissolved solids, ionic strength, CO2 partial pressure, and index of base exchange, which indicates that the enhancement of U-234 in solution increases with the degree of weathering in the aquifers, A higher U-234/U-238 activity ratio was found to be directly related to a higher value of dissolution rate.


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We have used surface tension measurements, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) to investigate the dynamic and structural behavior of octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (C(18)TAB) micelles in water and NaBr solution. The surface tension data for fixed C(18)TAB concentrations of 25 mM and varied NaBr additions (0-50 mM) shows that the critical micelle concentration (cmc) increases after an initial decrease at 0.5 mM NaBr. This unusual effect has been explained using results from DSC and DLS. At low salt concentrations (below ca. 25 mM) the relaxation time distribution is bimodal with a dominant fast mode due to spherical micelles. Above ca. 35 mM NaBr disklike structures are favored and the relaxation time distribution is more closely unimodal. The postulated sphere-to-disk transition is supported by cryo-TEM micrographs. A pronounced increase in the micellar effective hydrodynamic radius (R-H) is observed as the NaBr concentration is increased above about 35 mM; below 35 mM the R-H of the spherical micelles changes Little with ionic strength.


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dThe detection of aromatic compounds from pesticides and industrial wastewater has become of great interest, since these compounds withstand chemical oxidation and biological degradation, accumulating in the environment. In this work, a highly sensitive biosensor for detecting catechol was obtained with the immobilization of Cl-catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (CCD) in nanostructured films. CCD layers were alternated with poly(amidoamine) generation 4 (PAMAM G4) dendrimer using the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements indicated that the immobilized CCD preserved the same conformation as in solution. The thickness of the very first CCD layers in the LbL films was estimated at ca. 3.6 nm, as revealed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). PAMAM/CCD 10-bilayer films were employed in detecting diluted catechol solutions using either an optical or electrical approach. Due to the mild immobilization conditions employed, especially regarding the pH and ionic strength of the dipping solutions, CCD remained active in the films for periods longer than 3 weeks. The optical detection comprised absorption experiments in which the formation of cis-cis muconic acid, resulting from the reaction between CCD and catechol, was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm after film immersion in catechol solutions. The electrical detection was carried out using LbL films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes immersed in aqueous solutions at different catechol concentrations. Using impedance spectroscopy in a broad frequency range (1Hz-1kHz), we could detect catechol in solutions at concentrations as low as 10(-10) M. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the role of the N-terminal region in the lytic mechanism of the pore-forming toxin sticholysin II (St II), we studied the conformational and functional properties of peptides encompassing the first 30 residues of the protein. Peptides containing residues 1-30 (P1-30) and 11-30 (P11-30) were synthesized and their conformational properties were examined in aqueous solution as a function of peptide concentration, pH, ionic strength, and addition of the secondary structure-inducing solvent trifluoroethanol (TFE). CD spectra showed that increasing concentration, pH, and ionic strength led to aggregation of P1-30; as a consequence, the peptide acquired beta-sheet conformation. In contrast, P11-30 exhibited practically no conformational changes under the same conditions, remaining essentially structureless. Moreover, this peptide did not undergo aggregation. These differences clearly point to the modulating effect of the first 10 hydrophobic residues on the peptides aggregation and conformational properties. In TFE both the first ten hydrophobic peptides acquired alpha-helical conformation, albeit to a different extent, P11-30 displayed lower alpha-helical content. P1-30 presented a larger-fraction of residues in alpha-helical conformation in TFE than that found in St II's crystal structure for that portion of the protein. Since TFE mimics the membrane em,, such increase in helical content could also occur upon toxin binding to membranes and represent a step in the mechanism of pore formation. The peptides conformational properties correlated well with their functional behaviour. Thus, P1-30 exhibited much higher hemolytic activity than P11-30. In addition, P11-30 was able to block the toxin's hemolytic activity. The size of pores formed in red blood cells by P 1-30 was estimated by measuring the permeability PEGs of different molecular mass. The pore radius (0.95 +/- 0.01 nm) was very similar to that of the PEGs of different pore formed by the toxin. The results demonstrate that the synthetic peptide P1-30 is a good model of St 11 conformation and function and emphasize the contribution of the toxin's N-terminal region, and, in particular, the hydrophobic residues 1-10 to pore formation. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper describes the construction of an electrode of the second kind, Pt\Hg\Hg-2(Salic)(2)\Graphite, sensitive to salicylate. This electrode responds to the salicylate ion with a sensivity of 58.66 mV/decade over the range 6.0x10(-4) - 1.0x10(-1) mol/l at pH 6.0 and an ionic strength of 0.500 - 3.00 mol/l, adjusted with NaClO4. The electrode is easily constructed, shows a fast response time, is low in cost, has excellent response stability, and has a lifetime greater than 18 months, which is much longer than those reported earlier for other systems. The influence of 10 different carboxylate and inorganic anions on the electrode response showed that there was negligible interference by most of these ions. It was used to determine aspirin in tablets (after hydrolysis of acetylsalicylic acid to salicylate) by means of the standard additions method. The results obtained using this electrode for aspirin determination, in three different samples of antithermic drugs, compared favorably with the results given by the British Pharmacopoeia method.


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Oxidation of [Ni(cyclam)](2+), cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, accelerated by sulfur dioxide, was studied spectrophotometrically by following the formation of [Ni(cyclam)](3+) under the conditions: [Ni(cyclam)](2+) = 6.0 x 10(-3) M; initial [Ni(cyclam)](3+) = 8.0 x 10(-6) M; [cyclam] = 6.0 x 10(-3) M; [SO2] = (1.0-5.0) x 10(-4) M and 1.0 M perchloric acid in oxygen saturated solutions at 25.0 degrees C and ionic strength = 1.0 M. The oxidation reaction exhibits autocatalytic behavior in which the induction period depends on the initial Ni(III) concentration. A kinetic study of the reduction of Ni(III) by SO2 under anaerobic conditions, and the oxidation of Ni(II), showed that the rate-determining step involves reduction of Ni(III) by SO2 to produce the SO3.- radical, which rapidly reacts with dissolved oxygen to produce SO5.- and rapidly oxidizes Ni(II). The results clearly show a redox cycling process which depends on the balance of SO2 and oxygen concentrations in solution.


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This paper describes the construction of an electrode of the second kind, Pt\Hg\Hg-2(Bzt)(2)\graphite, sensitive to benzoate ion (Bzt). The electrode provides a near-Nernstian response (-58.19 mV/decade at 25 degrees C) to benzoate ion in the concentration range 1.11 x 10(-1) to 5.00 x 10(-4) M at pH 7.0 and ionic strength 0.500-3.00M, adjusted with NaClO4. The electrode is easily constructed, shows a fast response time, is low in cost, has excellent response stability, and has a lifetime greater than 24 months. which is much longer than those earlier reported for other systems. A further salient feature of the electrode is that perchlorate does not interfere in its response, which may be advantageous in the analysis of perchloric acid-treated samples. It was applied to the determination of sodium benzoate in some commercial expectorating medicinal syrups using the standard additions method. The results obtained by the proposed procedure compare very favorably with those obtained through the reference method recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Myotoxin-I (MjTX-I) was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Bothrops moojeni by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. Its molecular weight, estimated by SDS-PAGE, was 13,400 (reduced) or 26,000 (unreduced). The extinction coefficient (E-1.0 cm(1.0 mg/ml)) of MjTX-I was 1.145 at lambda = 278 nm, pH 7.0, and its isoelectric point was 8.2 at ionic strength mu = 0.1. When lyophilized and stored at 4 degrees C, dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric forms of the protein were identified by SDS-PAGE. This heterogeneous sample could be separated into three fractions by gel filtration on Sephadex 6-50. The fractions were analyzed by isoelectric focusing, immunoelectrophoresis, and amino acid composition, which indicated that heterogeneity was the result of different levels of self-association. Protein sequencing indicated that MjTX-I is a Lys49 myotoxin and consists of 121 amino acids (M-r = 13,669), containing a high proportion of basic and hydrophobic residues. It shares a high degree of sequence identity with other Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins, but shows a significantly lower identity with catalytically active Asp49 PLA(2)s. The three-dimensional structure of MjTX-I was modeled based on the crystal structures of three highly homologous Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins. This model showed that the amino acid substitutions are conservative, and mainly the beta-wing region, and the C-terminal extended random coil. MjTX-I displays local myotoxic and edema-inducing activities in mice, and is lethal by intraperitoneal injection, with an LD50 value of 8.5 +/- 0.8 mg/kg, In addition, it is cytotoxic to myoblasts/ myotubes in culture, and disrupts negatively charged liposomes. In comparison with the freshly prepared dimeric sample, the more aggregated forms showed significantly reduced myotoxic activity. However, the edema-inducing activity of MjTX-I was independent of molecular association. Phospholipase A(2) activity on egg yolk, as well as anticoagulant activity, were undetectable both in the native and in the more associated forms. His, Tyr, and Trp residues of the toxin were chemically modified by specific reagents. Although the myotoxic and lethal activities of the modified toxins were reduced by these treatments, neither its edema-inducing or Liposome-disrupting activities were significantly altered. Rabbit antibodies to native MjTX-I cross-reacted with the chemically modified forms, and both the native and modified MjTX-I preparations were recognized by antibodies against the C-terminal region 115-129 of myotoxin II from B. asper, a highly Lys49 PLA(2)-homologue with high sequencial similarity. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The interaction between sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and acrylic acid (AA)-ethyl methacrylate (EMA) copolymers has been investigated using steady state fluorescence and conductimetric measurements to assess the effect of the polymer composition on the aggregation process. Micropolarity studies using the ratio between the emission intensities of the vibronic bands of pyrene (I-1/I-3) and the shift of the fluorescence emission of pyrene-3-carboxaldehyde show, that the interaction of SDS with AA-EMA copolymers occurs at surfactant concentrations smaller than that observed for the pure surfactant in water and depends on the copolymer composition. The increase of ethyl methacrylate in the copolymers lowers the critical aggregation concentration (CAC) due to the larger hydrophobic character of the polymer backbone. The formation of aggregates on the macromolecule is induced mainly, by hydrophobic interactions, but the process is also influenced by the ionic strength due to the counter-ions of the polyelectrolyte.


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In this work, we investigate Langmuir monolayers froth an amide extracted from dried roots of Ottonia propinqua, a native Brazilian plant believed to exhibit anesthetic and hallucinogen activities. In addition to producing monolayers from the amide itself, we probe the molecular-level action of the amide on phospholipids employed as simple membrane models. The surface pressure-molecular area (pi-A) isotherms for the amide were little affected by a number of subphase conditions. Almost no changes were observed upon varying the compression speed, spreading volume onto the surface, ions in the subphase, ionic strength and the solution solvent. However, stronger effects occurred when the subphase temperature and pH were altered, as the isotherms were shifted to larger areas with increasing temperatures and decreasing pHs. These results are discussed in terms of the molecular packing adopted by the amide at the air-water interface. In the mixed films with arachidic acid, the area per molecule varied linearly with the concentration of amide, probably due to phase separation. on the other hand, in the mixed films with dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), small amounts of the amide were sufficient to change the pi-A isotherms significantly. This points to a strong molecular-level interaction, probably between the phosphate group in the zwitterion of DPPC and the nitrogen from the amidic group. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM)-acrylic acid-ethyl methacrylate terpolymers with varied monomer compositions was prepared by radical polymerization. The solution behavior of these polymers was studied in dilute aqueous solution using spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained revealed that the lower critical solution temperatures depend strongly on the copolymer composition, solution pH and ionic strength. At a high pH, the ionization of acrylic acid (AA) units leads to an increase in solution cloud points (T-c). Solutions of polymers containing 10% or less of AA display a constant T-c for pH above 5.5, with 15% there is a continuous increase in T-c with pH and, for higher AA contents, no clouding was observed within the studied temperature range. Fluorescence probe studies were conducted by following the I (1)/I (3) ratio of pyrene vibronic bands and the emission of anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt (ANS), both approaches revealing the existence of hydrophobic domains for polymers with higher ethyl methacrylate content at temperatures lower than T-c, suggesting some extent of aggregation and/or a coil-to-globule transition. Scanning calorimetry measurements showed an endothermic transition at temperatures agreeing with the previously detected cloud points. Moreover, the transition curves became broader and with a smaller transition enthalpy, as both the AA content and the solution pH were increased. These broader transitions were interpreted to be the result of a wider molecular distribution upon polymer ionization, hence, displaying varied solution properties. The decrease in transition enthalpy was rationalized as a consequence of reminiscent hydration of NIPAM units, even after phase separation, owing to the presence of electric charges along the polymer chain.