500 resultados para Intramuscular triglycerides


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Methadone is a little used opioid in veterinary practice, and there are still questions about its use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intramuscular (IM) or intravenous (IV) administration of methadone on cardiopulmonary parameters and times of extubation and recovery in female dogs submitted to ovariohysterectomy. Sixteen adult female dogs were used and premedicated with levomepromazine (0.6mg/kg, IM). After 20 minutes, propofol (5mg/kg, IV) was used for induction and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane. After 10 minutes, methadone at 0.3mg/kg was administered intravenously in IVG and intramuscularly in IMG. The measurement of heart (HR) and respiratory rates (RR), median arterial pressure (MAP), esophagic temperature (ET) and concentration of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PE'CO2) was performed immediately before the administration of the opioid (T0), after 20 minutes (T1) and then at 10-minute intervals (T2, T3, T4 and T5). The statistical analysis used was profile (5%). HR, APM, RR, PE'CO2, BT and SpO2 did not differ significantly among times or between groups at any time. Times of extubation and recovery were higher in IVG. It is possible to conclude that IV and IM administration of methadone did not produce changes in the cardiorespiratory parameters of that specie.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pyomyositis is the bacterial infection of skeletal muscle, usually accompanied by abscesses. The main etiologic agent is Staphylococcus aureus. There are rare cases attributed to Streptococcus pneumoniae. This paper presents an autopsy of a four year old child with multiple congenital intramuscular hemangiomas that developed pneumococcal pyomyositis associated with meningitis. The authors propose the hypothesis that patients with hemangiomas, mainly the intramuscular type, may also represent a risk group for pyomyositis. The possibility of respiratory/meningeal co-infection, might also be considered even if the clinical picture is restricted to the muscular system.


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This study investigated the analgesic and systemic effects of intramuscular (IM) versus epidural (EP) administration of tramadol as an adjunct to EP injection of lidocaine in cats. Six healthy, domestic, shorthair female cats underwent general anesthesia. A prospective, randomized, crossover trial was then conducted with each cat receiving the following 3 treatments: EP injection of 2% lidocaine [LEP; 3.0 mg/kg body weight (BW)]; EP injection of a combination of lidocaine and 5% tramadol (LTEP; 3.0 and 2.0 mg/kg BW, respectively); or EP injection of lidocaine and IM injection of tramadol (LEPTIM; 3.0 and 2.0 mg/kg BW, respectively). Systemic effects, spread and duration of analgesia, behavior, and motor blockade were determined before treatment and at predetermined intervals afterwards. The duration of analgesia was 120 ± 31 min for LTEP, 71 ± 17 min for LEPTIM, and 53 ± 6 min for LEP (P < 0.05; mean ± SD). The cranial spread of analgesia obtained with LTEP was similar to that with LEP or LEPTIM, extending to dermatomic region T13-L1. Complete motor blockade was similar for the 3 treatments. It was concluded that tramadol produces similar side effects in cats after either EP or IM administration. Our findings indicate that EP and IM tramadol (2 mg/kg BW) with EP lidocaine produce satisfactory analgesia in cats. As an adjunct to lidocaine, EP tramadol provides a longer duration of analgesia than IM administration. The adverse effects produced by EP and IM administration of tramadol were not different. Further studies are needed to determine whether EP administration of tramadol could play a role in managing postoperative pain in cats when co-administered with lidocaine after painful surgical procedures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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P>A 36-day trial was conducted to determine the effects of repetitive periods of food restriction and refeeding on growth and energy metabolism in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A total 264 juvenile fish (36.9 +/- 2.8 g) were fed with the experimental diet for 36 days using three regimes: (i) feeding daily to satiation (FD); (ii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding the same amount offered to the control groups for the next 3 days (NF/R controlled); and (iii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding to apparent satiation for the next 3 days (NF/R at satiation). The treatments were distributed into four tanks each. WG and SGR were higher in FD group. Fish refed showed hyperphagia just up to the second day of refeeding. The worst feed conversion rate and the lowest protein efficiency ratio were found in fish NF/R controlled. The lowest values of visceral fat somatic index were found in both fasted fish groups, particularly in NF/R at satiation. The LL and glycogen concentrations, and the hepatosomatic index were all elevated in both feed restricted fish. Muscle lipid showed a tendency to decrease after the cycle of fasting and refeeding. Plasma free fatty acids and glucose levels were elevated in fish subjected to feeding restrictions while serum triglycerides levels were reduced. Triiodothyronine levels were significantly depressed in fish from the NF/R-controlled group and remained at the same levels as the control fish in fish NF/R at satiation. Results indicated that fish subjected to cyclic periods of 3-day satiation or controlled feeding after 3-days of fasting were unable to achieve the final body weight of fish fed to satiation after 36 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Empregou-se a associação midazolam e detomidina para indução de anestesia com cetamina em 16 potros, machos e fêmeas, entre três e seis meses de idade, distribuídos aleatória e equitativamente em dois grupos (GI e GII). A todos os animais foram administrados midazolam, via intramuscular, na dose de 0,2mg/kg, e após 15 minutos, detomidina, via intravenosa, na dose de 0,02mg/kg. Os animais do GII receberam cetamina pela via intravenosa, dose 2,0mg/kg, três minutos após a administração de detomidina. Quinze minutos após o midazolam, ocorreram sedação e ligeira ataxia, e dois minutos após a administração da detomidina, decúbito lateral em todos os potros, com miorrelaxamento e presença dos reflexos de deglutição e miorrelaxamento, anal e oculo-palpebral. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina provocou ausência dos reflexos de deglutição. Para todos os animais, o tempo de recuperação foi de 45-60 minutos, e temperatura retal e frequência respiratória permaneceram estáveis. Ocorreram bradicardia, bloqueio atrioventricular de segundo grau e aumento das pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média após dois minutos da administração da detomidina. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina demonstrou ser um método eficiente e seguro para a anestesia de potros hígidos.