54 resultados para INCONTINENCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: Evaluate the impact autologous fascial sling (AFS) and tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedures on quality-of-life in incontinent women. Materials and Methods: Forty-one women were randomly distributed into two groups. Group G1 (n = 21), underwent AFS and group G2 (n = 20) TVT implant. The clinical follow up was performed at 1, 6, 12 and 36 months. Results: TVT operative time was significantly shorter than AFS. Cure rates were 71% at 1 month, 57% at 6 and 12 months in G1. In G2, cure rates were 75% at 1 month, 70% at 6 months and 65% at 12 months; there was no significant difference between groups. As regards the satisfaction rate, there was no statistical difference between groups. Analysis of quality of life at 36 months revealed that there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: Similar results between AFS and TVT, except for operative time were shorter in TVT.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a concordância dos diferentes parâmetros urodinâmicos comparados à cistometria simplificada, permitindo uma diminuição na relação custo-benefício no diagnóstico da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) na mulher. MÉTODOS: foram coletadas e avaliadas retrospectivamente as informações contidas dos prontuários de trinta pacientes acompanhadas, no período de janeiro de 2000 a março de 2001. Todas foram submetidas a exame físico geral e ginecológico. O estudo urodinâmico foi realizado pela técnica convencional, utilizando-se aparelho Dynograph Recorder R-611. A cistometria simplificada foi realizada com auxílio de um equipo em Y de PVC (pressão venosa central), conectado a um sonda de Foley 14 F, que permitia tanto a infusão de soro fisiológico como a captação da pressão intra-vesical. Foram analisados os parâmetros: volume residual, capacidade vesical, complacência, presença de contrações involuntárias do detrusor e perdas urinárias aos esforços. Para determinação da proporção de concordância entre os métodos foram utilizados o teste de concordância de Pearson e o teste de Wilcoxon, para amostras relacionadas. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 50 anos, com extremos variando de 28 a 70 anos. O índice de concordância entre os estudos, na demonstração das perdas urinárias aos esforços, foi de 67%. Para a detecção das contrações involuntárias do detrusor, a proporção de concordância foi de 90%. A média do volume residual encontrado na cistometria simplificada foi de 16,8 ml contra 2 ml da urodinâmica convencional, com diferença significativa (p < 0,01). A média de capacidade vesical máxima no estudo urodinâmico foi de 440,5 ml, enquanto que, na cistometria simplificada, foi de 387 ml (p < 0,05). A complacência vesical foi, em média, significativamente maior na cistometria simplificada (43,0 ml/cmH2O) quando comparada ao estudo urodinâmico (31,5 ml/cmH2O), com p < 0,01. CONCLUSÃO: Avaliações preliminares sugerem que a propedêutica uroginecológica associada à cistometria simplificada é uma opção a ser considerada na avaliação clínica e pré-operatória de pacientes com IUE em substituição à urodinâmica convencional, particularmente onde esta última não se encontra disponível. A cistometria simplificada é um exame acessível que é capaz de detectar contrações involuntárias do detrusor, assim como identificar perdas urinárias com relativa sensibilidade, proporcionando ao examinador noções fidedignas do comportamento vesical.


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Um gato de um ano de idade, macho, castrado, sem raça definida, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário Escola para avaliação de retenção urinária associada à subluxação nas vértebras T12-T13, que foi causada por um acidente automobilístico. Realizou-se a denervação do esfíncter uretral, por transecção dos nervos pudendo e hipogástrico, para permitir o esvaziamento da bexiga, porém três meses após a cirurgia inicial o animal apresentou recorrência da retenção urinária. Esfincterotomia endoscópica uretral foi então realizada, resultando em incontinência urinária por quatro meses.


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RACIONAL: Tem sido demonstrado que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a pressão média de repouso não refletem a real situação clínica do paciente portador de incontinência fecal, não traduzem a realidade funcional do canal anal, além de poder estar comprometendo a conduta a ser tomada devido ao não-encaminhamento à terapêutica específica. OBJETIVO: Com a hipótese de que contrair e manter a contração é mais importante que simplesmente contrair, mesmo com pico momentaneamente elevado de pressão, analisou-se a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária do canal anal com o intuito de quantificar a função esfincteriana relativa à continência fecal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Submeteram-se a exame manométrico anorretal 72 pacientes (56 mulheres) portadores de incontinência fecal de vários graus e 15 (9 mulheres) indivíduos continentes (normais), avaliando-se a pressão média de repouso, a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos continentes apresentaram valores normais de pressão média de repouso e de pressão máxima de contração voluntária, além de adequada capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. Os pacientes incontinentes apresentaram pressão média de repouso e pressão máxima de contração voluntária com valores pressóricos normais ou abaixo do normal e perfil semelhante de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária, ou seja, moderada na fase inicial e ruim nas fases intermediária e final, com queda da mesma superior a 35% em 78% dos pacientes. A pressão máxima de contração voluntária apresenta excelente especificidade (100%) porém, sensibilidade baixa (46%) para incontinência fecal. Comparativamente, a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária apresenta elevadas especificidade (93%) e sensibilidade (78%) para incontinência fecal. Embora a pressão máxima de contração voluntária não indique falso-positivos, apresenta 72% de falso-negativos. A probabilidade deste fato acontecer com a medida de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária é, praticamente, 20% menor, valor estatisticamente significativo. CONCLUSÃO: O indicativo de função esfincteriana é melhor analisado pela capacidade de sustentação. A capacidade de sustentação traduz com mais exatidão, a capacidade funcional do canal anal em relação à continência voluntária, sendo isoladamente, melhor que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária.


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Seven dogs with prostatic retention cysts and three with prostatic abscess were referred for prostatic omentalisation and were discharged 72 hours later. Eight dogs had an uneventful recovery while one dog had a minor incontinence for two days. One dog died due to a previous long-term sepsis. The low incidence of post-operative complications and brief hospitalisation period make omentalisation the surgery of choice for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscess.


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Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders. Methods: One hundred children seen consecutively were enrolled and subdivided into three subsets according to the Roma II classification criteria: functional constipation (n = 57), functional fecal retention (n = 29) and nonretentive functional soiling (n = 14). The generic instrument Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQ-PF50®), was used to measure quality of life and to assess the impact of these disorders from the point of view of parents. The instrument measures physical and psychosocial wellbeing in 15 health domains, each of which is graded on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better health and greater wellbeing. Ten of these are then used to obtain two aggregated and summary scores: the physical and psychosocial scores. Results: No statistically significant differences were detected between subsets in terms of demographic or anthropometric characteristics. In 14 domains, children with defecation disorders scored lower than healthy children. When subsets were compared, statistically significant differences were detected between children with nonretentive functional soiling (lower scores) and those with functional constipation. Physical and psychosocial scores for the entire sample were lower than those for the group of healthy children used as controls. Conclusions: The CHQ-PF50® was considered adequate for demonstrating compromised quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders, as has been reported for other diseases, being a useful tool for making treatment decisions and for patient follow-up. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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The prostate is the only acessory sex gland in the male dog and, although the prostate is found in all mammals, it has a great importance in men and dogs due to the frequency of disorders. Several techniques have been employed for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscesses and, a few years ago, it was successfully described the use of prostatic omentalisation for this purpose; until now, there are no data about this surgery in Brazil. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the animal recovery, as well as the post operative period of dogs that underwent prostatic omentalisation, from 2002 to 2004. It was evaluated 11 dogs with prostatic cysts, 4 dogs with prostatic abscesses and 2 with paraprostatic cysts. Fifteen dogs had an uneventful recovery while one dog had a minor incontinence for two days. One dog died due to a previous long term sepsis. The low incidence of post operative complications and brief hospitalization period make omentalisation the surgery of choice for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscess.


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Five dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani that had been treated by surgical correction of the malformations were studied retrospectively. Ages at presentation varied from 1 to 3 months and weight from 350 g to 7.5 kg. The histories included voiding of feces through the vulva, with or without tenesmus, usually observed after weaning. Artesia ani, presence of feces in the vaginal canal, abdominal distention, and discomfort on abdominal palpation were observed during clinical examination. Also, 3 dogs had partial tail agenesis. In all dogs, the rectovaginal fistula was isolated and transected, the vulvar and rectal defects were closed separately, and the atresia ani was repaired. Normal defecation was restored, but 1 dog had fecal incontinence that subsequently resolved. One dog died 2.5 months postoperatively, and follow-up was done on the others for periods ranging from 1.6 year to 7.7 years. Surgical correction in dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani may result in a favorable outcome, if it is done early.


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Purpose: We evaluated the somatic and autonomic innervation of the pelvic floor and rhabdosphincter before and after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using neurophysiological tests and correlated findings with clinical parameters and urinary continence. Materials and Methods: From February 2003 to October 2005, 46 patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in a controlled, prospective study. Patients were evaluated before and 6 months after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using the UCLA-PCI urinary function domain and neurophysiological tests, including somatosensory evoked potential, and the pudendo-urethral, pudendo-anal and urethro-anal reflexes. Clinical parameters and urinary continence were correlated with afferent and efferent innervation of the membranous urethra and pelvic floor. We used strict criteria to define urinary continence as complete dryness with no leakage at all, not requiring any pads or diapers and with a UCLA-PCI score of 500. Patients with a sporadic drop of leakage, requiring up to 1 pad daily, were defined as having occasional urinary leakage. Results: Two patients were excluded from study due to urethral stricture postoperatively. We evaluated 44 patients within 6 months after surgery. The pudendo-anal and pudendo-urethral reflexes were unchanged postoperatively (p = 0.93 and 0.09, respectively), demonstrating that afferent and efferent pudendal innervation to this pelvic region was not affected by the surgery. Autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 34 patients (77.3%), as demonstrated by a postoperative increase in the urethro-anal reflex sensory threshold and urethro-anal reflex latency (p <0.001 and 0.0007, respectively). Six of the 44 patients used pads. One patient with more severe leakage required 3 pads daily and 23 showed urinary leakage, including 5 who needed 1 pad per day and 18 who did not wear pads. Afferent autonomic denervation at the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 91.7% of patients with urinary leakage. Of 10 patients with preserved urethro-anal reflex latency 80% were continent. Conclusions: Sensory and motor pudendal innervation to this specific pelvic region did not change after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy. Significant autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was present in most patients postoperatively. Impaired membranous urethral sensitivity seemed to be associated with urinary incontinence, particularly in patients with occasional urinary leakage. Damage to the afferent autonomic innervation may have a role in the continence mechanism after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.


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Objective: To assess the practice of children's toilet training through interviews with parents and caretakers. Methods: A cross-sectional study of healthy children using a questionnaire applied to parents or caretakers of 100 consecutive children aged 3 to 6 years old. Results: 97% of the children were home-trained by their mothers and 92% of them used their intuition, previous experience with an older child and grandmothers' experience. Bowel and bladder toilet training started simultaneously in 84% of the cases, whereas 41% of the children mastered stool control earlier. Mothers with lower educational level and of social classes C, D and E initiated the training earlier and one of the related reasons was the cost of disposable diapers. Age in initiation or duration of toilet training was similar for boys and girls. Children presented most of the readiness symptoms for toilet training and only a small number of them used a seat reducer or a foot support. There was no increase in constipation prevalence after toilet training and there was no encopresis. Conclusions: Mothers were responsible for bowel toilet training and initiated it with no specialized help. In C-D-E social classes, the cost of diapers was determinant to initiate bowel toilet training.


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Background: This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that diabetes and pregnancy detrimentally affect the normal function of urethral striated muscles in rats, providing a model for additional studies related to urinary incontinence. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in the urethral striated muscles of diabetic pregnant rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty female Wistar rats were distributed into four experimental groups of five rats as follows: virgin, pregnant, diabetic virgin, and diabetic pregnant. Diabetes was induced using streptozotocin administration (40 mg/kg i.v.). The rats were lethally anesthetized, and the urethra and vagina were extracted as a unit. Cryostat sections (6 μm thick) were cut and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and immunohistochemical procedures were performed and subjected to morphological and semi quantitative analysis. Results: The urethral striated muscle from the diabetic pregnant rats presented with the following variations: thinning and atrophy, disorganization and disruption associated with the colocalization of fast and slow fibers and a steady decrease in the proportion of fast vs slow fibers. Conclusion: Diabetes and pregnancy impair the urethral striated muscle and alter its fiber type distribution. © Copyright G. Marini et al., 2011.


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Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.


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The transitional cell carcinoma is usually located in the trigone region of the bladder, and shows nonspecific clinical signs of the lower urinary tract such as hematuria, strangury, pollakiuria and urinary incontinence. The urethral and ureteral obstructions occur in some cases. Etiological factors such as endogenous and iatrogenic have been listed as the cause of disease. The objective of this report is to describe the process and treatment of two cases of transitional cell carcinoma presented simultaneously in two dogs, mother and daughter, that showed hematuria and post-renal azotemia, both with tumor in the trigone of bladder. After partial cystectomy ureteroneocistostomia, the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma was confirmed by histopathological analysis of bladder tissue. Patients received firocoxib as adjuvant to surgery. It is concluded that the surgical procedure associated with the use of specific anti-inflammatory COX-2 provided a better quality of life in both patients.