89 resultados para Heating from central stations


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)National Science Foundation (NSF)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of contaminants in the mussel Perna perna from Sao Sebastiao Channel, São Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate the effects of these contaminants on these organisms at biochemical (catalase [CAT], glutathione-S-transferase [GST], and cholinesterase [ChE]), cellular (neutral red retention time [NRRT] assay), and physiological (cardiac monitoring) levels. Two sampling surveys were performed (winter of 2001 and summer of 2002) at six stations along the channel: Cigarras, station 1; late Clube de Ilhabela, station 2; Oil Terminal, station 3; Toque Toque, station 4; Ponta da Sela, station 5 (reference station); and Taubate, station 6. Differences in CAT activity were observed between mussels from stations 3 and 5 during the winter, but no differences were detected in the summer. No differences in GST activity were found among stations during the winter, although animals from station 3 showed higher activity during the summer. The ChE activity was significantly higher in the mussels from stations I and 2 during the winter and from stations I and 3 during the summer. Organisms from stations I through 4 showed statistically lower NRRT in both seasons. Similar heart rates were observed in the mussels from all stations. Hydrocarbons were detected in organisms from all the stations in both seasons. During the winter, higher polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were observed in organisms from station 3, whereas during the summer, higher levels of metals were found in organisms from stations 1, 3, and 4. The multivariate analyses showed a strong influence of PAHs on the winter biological results, but metals showed higher influence on these responses in the summer, indicating multiple contaminant sources.


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Hepatozoonosis is a tick-borne disease whose transmission to dogs occurs by ingestion of oocysts infected ticks or feeding on preys infested by infected ticks. Until now, there is no previous report of molecular characterization of Hepatozoon sp. in dogs from Colombia. EDTA blood samples were collected from 91 dogs from central-western region of Colombia (Bogota, Bucaramanga, and Villavicencio cities) and submitted to 18S rRNA Hepatozoon sp. PCR and blood smears confection. Phylogenetic analysis was used to access the identity of Hepatozoon species found in sampled dogs. From 91 sampled dogs, 29 (31.8%) were positive to Hepatozoon sp. (25 dogs were only positive in PCR, 1 was positive only in blood smears, and 3 were positive in both blood smears and PCR). After sequencing, the found Hepatozoon sp. DNA showed 100% of identity with Hepatozoon canis DNA isolates. The phylogenetic tree supported the identity of the found Hepatozoon sp. DNA, showing that the isolates from Colombia were placed in the same clade than other H. canis isolates from Venezuela, Spain, and Taiwan. This is the first molecular detection of H. canis in dogs from Colombia.


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Fish control the relative flow rates of water and blood over the gills in order to optimise respiratory gas exchange. As both flows are markedly pulsatile, close beat-to-beat relationships can be predicted. Cardiorespiratory interactions in fish are controlled primarily by activity in the parasympathetic nervous system that has its origin in cardiac vagal. preganglionic neurons. Recordings of efferent activity in the cardiac vagus include units firing in respiration-related bursts. Bursts of electrical stimuli delivered peripherally to the cardiac vagus or centrally to respiratory branches of cranial, nerves can recruit the heart over a range of frequencies. So, phasic, efferent activity in cardiac vagi, that in the intact fish are respiration-related, can cause heart rate to be modulated by the respiratory rhythm. In elasmobranch fishes this phasic activity seems to arise primarily from central feed-forward interactions with respiratory motor neurones that have overlapping distributions with cardiac neurons in the brainstem. In teleost fish, they arise from increased levels of efferent vagal activity arising from reflex stimulation of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the orobranchial, cavity. However, these differences are largely a matter of emphasis as both groups show elements of feed-forward and feed-back control of cardiorespiratory interactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Three collections of Paralemanea from Central Mexico included two species. Paralemanea mexicana is large (length ≥ 4.0 cm; diameter > 400 μm) and generally branched (≥ 40 % of plants branched), with whorled branches, of first to second order. Paralemanea annulata is small (length < 5.0 cm ; diameter < 500 μm), generally unbranched (≤ 5 % of plants branched), with branches of first order. Spermatangial sori contained obovoid spermatangia, formed from cells of the outer cortical layers, extending above the thallus surface. Carpogonial branches are described for the first time in P. mexicana. They develop on lateral filaments at nodes or internodes and have ovoid to globular cells, abundantly branched at the basal portion, penetrating the cortex towards the thallus surface. Carposporophytes are sessile on the inner portion of the cortex and produce carpospores in chains of up to twelve. The 'Chantransia' stage was observed in P. mexicana. Paralemanea annulata is described for the first time from Mexico and P. mexicana is endemic from this country. Both species were collected in cold (temperature 12-16°C), acidic (pH 5.5-6.0), shallow (depth 1-60 cm) and moderate to fast flowing waters (> 35 cm s-1), in shaded or partly shaded river segments, on rocky substrata (mostly bedrock).


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Slime production is an important virulence factor of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp., allowing them to attach to smooth surfaces of biomaterials, and it has been associated with infections of implanted medical devices. In the present study the production of slime capsules in 27 strains of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was investigated by culture in Congo Red agar (77.7% positivity), spectrophotometric or microplate method (81.4% positivity) and scanning electron microscopy (88.9% positivity). The resistance of coagulase-negative strains of Staphylococcus to various antimicrobial agents was also determined by agar disk diffusion. The proportion of strains resistant to penicillin G, oxacillin, erythromycin, clindamycin and gentamicin among the slime-producing staphylococci was 88.9%, 70.4%, 81.5%, 66.7% and 59.2%, respectively; all of the coagulase-negative staphylococci were susceptible to vancomycin. The strains isolated from central venous catheters were identified by a conventional method and the API Staph system. The 27 coagulase-negative Staphylococcus strains were identified as: S. saprophyticus (3.7%), S. xylosus (7.4%), S. haemolyticus (14.8%), S. epidermidis (37.0%), S. warneri (14.8%), S. lugdunensis (7.4%), S. hominis (7.4%), S. schleiferi (3.7%) and S. chromogenes (3.7%). It can be concluded that in the most of the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species there was an association between slime production, the nosocomial origin of the strains and reduced sensitivity to the antibiotics, suggesting a pathogenic potential in the hospital environment.


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This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of the marine portion of Xixová-Japuí State Park (XJSP), an urban marine protected area, which is influenced by multiple contamination sources, by using ecotoxicological and geochemical analyses. Sediments were predominantly sandy, with low CaCO3 and organic matter contents, and presented contamination by metals (Cd,Cu,Zn). Acute toxicity was detected in three tested samples, and copepod exposed to sediments from four stations exhibited lower fecundities, despite the absence of significant effects. Contamination and toxicity seemed to be associated, suggesting that the environment is degraded and presents risks to the biota. Whole sediment TIE indicated ammonia as a main responsible for toxicity, suggesting sewage is a main contributor to sediment degradation. As external contamination sources seem to be negatively influencing the sediment quality, the park conservation objectives are not being fully reached, demanding actions to mitigate impacts. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)