29 resultados para Health - Indicators


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To determine the prevalence and intensity of orofacial pain in adults that participated in a health program at Ribeirão Preto. Methodology: The study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire, with 19 questions in 99 people aged 18 to 66 years. The method used for data collection was the index Oral Impacton Daily Performances (OIDP), which evaluated the six months preceding the survey, pain experiences in the mouth, teeth or dentures and how these factors interfere with daily activities. Statistical analysis was performed using Epi Info version 3.4. Results: The majority of the adults who participated in this survey (52.5%) reported having an excellent or good oral health, reported having problems with their teeth (60.6%), no problems with the gums (77.8%), no bad taste in mouth (77.8%) or bad breath (77.8%). Among the participants of the study, 56.6% felt orofacial pain in the last six months and the pain were more frequently caused by cold or hot liquids (30.3%), spontaneous pain (17.2%), during the mouth opening (17.2%), pain in the face (13.1%) and ATM (13.1%). Regarding the severity rate, the highest proportion varied from mild to moderate. Conclusions: Even observing a low severity of orofacial pain, its prevalence was high, which probably has a negative effect on life quality of these people.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Introduction: Health indicators tend to be altered due to the participation of people in social networks. Objective: To find out ideas of individuals belonging to Portuguese speaking communities in Toronto, Canada, about the possibility of creating a social support network for women experiencing breast cancer. Method: Nineteen participants of the present ethnographic and critical study answered to questions, providing their opinions regarding to the social support network and its positive and negative aspects. Also, the participants suggested other possible individuals who could participate and help in the creation of such network. Discussions were transcribed, analysed and coded using qualitative software called Atlas ti 6.0. Results: The main components for the creation of the social support network were: the demystification of breast cancer and its prevention, emphasis in health education, dissemination of the need of volunteers and a direct social support to those women. The positive aspects were the participation of oldest women as social leaders and the utilization of schools and religious institutions for publicity. Negative aspects that were perceived as barriers are: the belief that breast cancer is a disease lived by women, the lack of knowledge about its cure and rehabilitation, as well as a collective sensitiveness to it. Also, about the participation of community leaders, the suggestions were: diplomats, priests and pastors, schools directors and communication entrepreneurs. Conclusion: The creation of the social support network should consider the cultural sensitiveness and the inner diversity of the consulted Portuguese speaking communities. Due to the insufficient number of Angolan participants to sustain a major analysis, a special recommendation was that Angolan social leaders and professionals should be invited to design the structure of such network according to their specific cultural traits.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O conhecimento de indicadores de qualidade de vida (QV) relacionados à saúde bucal é especialmente relevante para a Odontologia considerando o impacto que as condições bucais podem provocar no bem estar psicológico e social. Estudos sobre aspectos psicossociais contribuem para maior integração da conduta clínica e assistencial, preocupação compartilhada com profissionais da saúde. Integrar as áreas de Psicologia e Odontologia quebrando paradigmas interdisciplinares e o interesse em conhecer os aspectos psicológicos dos pacientes, motivou a realização deste estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a QV dos pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular e/ou dor orofacial. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado o Questionário Genérico de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida - Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Health Survey (SF-36) a 91 pacientes, que buscaram atendimento por apresentarem sinais e/ou sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e dor orofacial (DOF). O SF-36 avalia 8 domínios: capacidade funcional (CF), aspectos físicos (AF), dor, estado geral de saúde (EGS), saúde mental (SM), aspectos emocionais (AE), aspectos sociais (AS) e vitalidade (V). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial pela Correlação de Pearson (p-valor < 0,05) demonstrou, com exceção da capacidade funcional (73,2), valores médios entre 50 e 64 para os demais domínios: AF - 57,6; Dor - 50; EGS - 54,5; V - 53,4; AS - 63,6; AE - 51,8; SM - 58. Considerando-se que a pontuação varia de 0 a 100, ou seja, do pior para o melhor estado de saúde, os valores médios foram baixos. Verificou-se correlação entre CF e EGS (p-valor 0,01), tendência de significância para dor e EGS (p-valor 0,07). CONCLUSÃO: Os aspectos dor e capacidade funcional interferem no estado geral de saúde; os pacientes com DTM e DOF sofreram impacto negativo na qualidade de vida pelo prejuízo dos aspectos físicos e mentais.


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OBJETIVE: This study aimed to assess the practices of pharmacists in Hospital Care. Method - we interviewed 20 pharmacists from the Pharmacy Division by applying a structured instrument, in September 2005. This instrument addressed aspects related to the main activities at the Hospital Pharmacy, which were assessed according to indicators organized into five areas: sector management, hospital pharmacotechniques, committee activities, information and pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, as well as teaching and research activities.RESULTS: the Pharmacy Division considered all structural aspects under analysis as essential for the good development and application of its services. We found that some essential services, such as the Medication Information Service and Pharmacotherapeutic Follow-up, were absent. Pharmacist professionals were dissatisfied about human resource and physical structure dimensioning, and they presented as not very active in terms of Pharmaceutical Care.CONCLUSION: Results indicate that care is still centered on the drug, with few clinical activities. We suggest reformulations in service management, particularly in the management of pharmacists.


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Background. Iron-deficiency anemia currently is the most frequently occurring nutritional disorder worldwide. Previous Brazilian studies have demonstrated that drinking water fortified with iron and ascorbic acid is an adequate vehicle for improving the iron supply for children frequenting day-care centers. Objective. The objective of this study was to clarify the role of ascorbic acid as a vehicle for improving iron intake in children in day-care centers in Brazil. Methods. A six-month study was conducted on 150 children frequenting six day-care centers divided into two groups of three day-care centers by drawing lots: the iron-C group (3 day-care centers, n = 74), which used water fortified with 10 mg elemental iron and 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter, and the comparison group (3 day-care centers, n = 76), which used water containing only 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter. Anthropometric measurements and determinations of capillary hemoglobin were performed at the beginning of the study and after six months of intervention. The food offered at the day-care centers was also analyzed. Results. The fo od offered at the day-care center was found to be deficient in ascorbic acid, poor in heme iron, and adequate in non-heme iron. Supplementation with fortified drinking water resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of anemia and an increase in mean hemoglobin levels associated with height gain in both groups. Conclusions. Fortification of drinking water with iron has previously demonstrated effectiveness in increasing iron supplies. This simple strategy was confirmed in the present study. The present study also demonstrated that for populations receiving an abundant supply of non-heme iron, it is possible to control anemia in a simple, safe, and inexpensive manner by adding ascorbic acid to drinking water. © 2005, The United Nations University.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse associations between self-perception of oral health and relevant clinical, personal and socio-demographic factors in a Brazilian community. Material And Methods: Urban adults living in a city in southern Brazil were interviewerd and examined. Individuals with acute pain and who needed multiple extractions of teeth were excluded. Self-perception and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) were applied to measure the impact of oral conditions on the quality of life. Socio-demographic and clinical indicators were also analysed. Results: The clinical examination revealed a high dental caries experience (DMFT = 18.9) and a high prevalence of periodontal disease. Oral condition was considered normal by 42% of respondents. The variables associated with the OHIP-14 were: education, age, self-assessment, dental caries and the DMFT index. Conclusions: Self-perception of oral health was associated with OHIP-14 and the clinical indicators had low influence in the self-perception. Therefore, the development of educational initiatives and preventive strategies for the adult population is recommended. © BASCD 2011.


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O objetivo do estudo foi descrever e analisar os indicadores de qualidade de Centros de Material e Esterilização de hospitais públicos acreditados do Estado de São Paulo e sua gestão pelos responsáveis do setor. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos, onde são apresentados os dados interligados de três hospitais acreditados num relatório de casos cruzados. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista semiestruturada com o responsável e por visita técnica com análise documental. Os resultados constatam a dificuldade dos responsáveis em pontuar os indicadores específicos do setor e os referidos foram os de produção e pesquisa de satisfação do cliente que não retratam a qualidade efetiva do serviço, pois são fragmentados, sem consolidação de resultados na busca de melhorias, o que sugere baixa especificidade e baixa sensibilidade dos critérios da Organização Nacional de Acreditação à realidade deste setor.


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Cardiovascular diseases are a growing public health problem that affects most people over the age of 65 years and abdominal obesity is one of the risk factors for the development of these diseases. There are several methods that can be used to measure body fat, but their accuracy needs to be evaluated, especially in specific populations such as the elderly. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of anthropometric indicators to estimate the percentage of abdominal fat in subjects aged 80 years or older. A total of 125 subjects ranging in age from 80 to 95 years (83.5 ± 3), including 79 women (82.4 ± 3 years) and 46 men (83.6 ± 3 years), were studied. The following anthropometric indicators were used: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The percentage of abdominal fat was measured by DEXA. Sensitivity and specificity were analyzed using an ROC curve. The sensitivity, specificity and AUC were 0. 578, 0. 934 and 0. 756 for BMI, respectively; 0.703, 0.820 and 0.761 for WC; 0.938, 0.213 and 0.575 for WHR, and 0.984, 0.344 and 0.664 for WHtR. BMI and WC were the anthropometric indicators with the largest area under the curve and were therefore more adequate to identify the presence or absence of abdominal obesity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The position of 125 countries is studied on the basis of a collection of 26 basic, health, economic and educational indicators. Multivariate statistical methods were used, including Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The most discriminating variables were life expectancy the child mortality rate, the mortality rate of children of less than five years of age, the birth and fertility rates and the high-school female matriculation rate. The first principal component was interpreted as a measure of the living standard which made it possible to place the countries in order. Five clusters of countries are suggested.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the association between risk behaviors and adiposity indicators in adolescents and to discuss some methodological aspects related to this relationship. We evaluated 1,321 adolescents (55.2% female) aged 10-16 years. Relative body fat (%fat) by measurement of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness and waist circumference (WC) were used as total and central adiposity indicators, respectively. Physical inactivity, time spent in front of the TV, the consumption of soda and/or chocolate, alcohol, and tobacco smoking were analyzed as risk behaviors. Information about the socioeconomic status (categorized into three levels) and nutritional status of the mother (overweight or normal weight) were used as adjustment factors in the analyses of prevalence ratio (PR) of the outcomes and their associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The chi-square test and Poisson regression were used for statistical analyses. Low associations were found between risk behaviors and adiposity indicators. Tobacco smoking was the most positively correlated behavior with adiposity in girls (%fat: PR = 1.61; 95% CI = 1.04-2.47; WC: PR = 1.90; 95% CI = 1.17-3.08) and in adolescents whose mothers were normal weight (%fat: PR = 2.31; 95% CI = 1.33-4.03; WC: PR: 2.31; CI: 1.19-4.46). Additionally, as an important methodological issue, we highlighted the assessment of risk behaviors in adolescents as crucial to producing more robust evidence on the subject. Of the investigated behaviors, we concluded that tobacco smoking is the behavior most associated with adiposity indicators.