76 resultados para Graça


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da condição endometrial após as cirurgias de Caslick e Pouret, empregou-se cada uma destas técnicas em um grupo de sete éguas, com histórico de subfertilidade e portadoras de pneumovagina, que justificassem, por sua conformação vulvar, a aplicação destas cirurgias. A avaliação da condição endometrial foi feita através dos exames de biópsia do endométrio, realizados imediatamente antes da cirurgia e aos 15 e 60 dias de pós-operatório e ainda pela verificação das taxas de fertilidade em ambos os grupos, durante a estação reprodutiva do ano subseqüente. A comparação dos resultados dos exames do período pós em relação ao pré-operatório evidenciou modificações histopatológicas suficientemente sutis para não levar a mudanças na classificação endometrial durante o período de observação, porém a melhora obtida nas taxas de fertilidade nos grupos experimentais permitiram concluir que as cirurgias corretivas de Caslick e Pouret proporcionaram melhora do desempenho reprodutivo de éguas portadoras de pneumovagina.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou ensilados úmidos, sobre o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento. O confinamento teve duração de 77 dias e foi dividido em dois períodos: no primeiro (35 dias), utilizou-se como volumoso capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), na proporção de 50:50 e, no segundo (42 dias), feno de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha), na proporção de 30:70. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em blocos, de acordo com o peso, conforme os tratamentos, que consistiram de diferentes fontes de alimento concentrado energético: silagem de grão úmido de milho; silagem de grão úmido de sorgo; grão seco de milho; e grão seco de sorgo. Os consumos de MS, em g/dia, em %PV e em PV0,75, não diferiram entre os animais alimentados com grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou úmidos, e capim-elefante cv. Napier, com média de 920,79 g/dia; 3,59% e 81,01 g/kg PV0,75. Os grãos de milho e de sorgo ensilados úmidos, quando comparados aos grãos secos, proporcionaram melhor ganho de peso (0,17 vs 0,13 e 0,19 vs 0,13 kg/dia), conversão (5,57 vs 6,37 e 5,05 vs 6,86) e eficiência alimentar (17,95 vs 15,69 e 19,79 vs 14,74). O uso de grãos de sorgo, secos e úmidos, em dietas à base de feno de capim-braquiária, resultou em maior ganho de peso, ao passo que o de grãos secos de sorgo promoveu melhor conversão alimentar. Na proporção volumoso:concentrado 50:50, os grãos de milho e sorgo ensilados proporcionaram melhores ganhos de peso, conversão e eficiência alimentar que os grãos secos. em dietas com maior participação de concentrado (proporção 30:70), fontes de maior degradabilidade (milho) influenciaram negativamente o ambiente ruminal, resultando em desempenho inferior.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o padrão de fermentação e a composição química de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo confeccionadas com ou sem o uso de inoculante microbiano. Avaliou-se, no experimento 1, a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho e, no experimento 2, a silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo. O material foi ensilado em silos experimentais de PVC (50 cm de comprimento e 100 mm de diâmetro), três por tratamento (tempo de armazenagem, com ou sem inoculante) para cada grão. Amostras foram tomadas antes (0) e aos 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 dias após a ensilagem, totalizando 48 silos experimentais para cada grão. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 9 (com e sem inoculante microbiano, nove tempos de armazenagem), com três repetições para cada grão. Não houve efeito da inoculação e do tempo pós-ensilagem sobre o teor de MS dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo, com médias de 64,13 e 64,03% e de 67,66 e 67,48% para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. Não houve efeito da inoculação sobre o pH dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo aos 64 dias após ensilagem, com médias de 3,97 e 3,92 e de 3,94 e 3,95 unidades para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. O inoculante microbiano não promoveu alterações na composição química nem redução de perdas da MS nas silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo. Nas condições estudadas, não é necessária inoculação para melhoria nos padrões fermentativos de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos aditivos própolis verde, própolis marrom e monensina sódica sobre as características de carcaça, avaliadas por ultra-som e pós-abate, os componentes corporais e o rendimento de cortes de cordeiros terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros machos, com oito animais por tratamento, mantidos em confinamento por 64 dias. Os animais receberam dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50, à base de feno de capim-tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) e concentrado comercial. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com oito animais por dieta, distribuídos aleatoriamente de acordo com o peso: controle, dieta sem aditivo, própolis verde, própolis marrom e monensina sódica. Os rendimentos de carcaça (verdadeiro, quente e comercial) não diferiram entre os aditivos, com médias de 54,97; 44,89 e 41,81%, respectivamente. Os componentes corporais e rendimento de cortes comerciais não foram influenciados pelos aditivos utilizados nas dietas. A metodologia utilizada na determinação teve efeito nas medidas de área de olho-de-lombo (AOL) e espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS), de modo que, pelo método tradicional, com medidas na carcaça, foram obtidas as maiores médias para AOL (12,14 vs. 9,08 cm²) e as menores para EGS (2,42 vs. 2,69 mm). A correlação entre as medidas de área de olho-de-lombo (AOL) da carcaça e aquelas obtidas por ultra-sonografia foi de 0,8597. Os aditivos não influenciaram as características de carcaça, os componentes corporais e o rendimento de cortes de ovinos terminados em confinamento. A realização de medidas ultra-sonográficas de AOL e marmoreio pode ser utilizada na avaliação de carcaça in vivo em ovinos.


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Ergosterol peroxide, a presumed product of the H2O2-dependent enzymatic oxidation of ergosterol, has been isolated from yeast from yeast forms of the pathogenic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. The substance, which may have a role in fungal virulence, has been characterized mainly using spectroscopic methods (1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and high resolution mass spectra). The purified compound showed a molecular formula of C28H44O3, displaying characteristic features of epidioxy sterols and was reverted to ergosterol when submitted to S. schenckii enzymatic extract.


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Jersey cows has been used in warm climates because they have better performance in dairy production. Generally milk production is reduced in warm climates due to the consequent reduction in feed intake because of the heat stress. When the heat stress occurs there is an increase in the body temperature, however it is not known if the skin temperature indicates a thermal discomfort or if it influences milk yield. The objective of this research was to verify if there was a correlation between skin temperature and milk yield using two treatments. Treatment (A) where the cows stayed for 30 minutes before the milking period, in a room with a shower and a fan; and treatment (B) where the cows did not had access to any cooling device (control). After milking the skin temperature were recorded in the places: forehead, back, leg and teats. Data were statistically analyzed and, even though in treatment (A) the skin temperature were reduced it was not found correlation between skin temperature and milk yield.


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This study was carried out in January of two consecutive years. The objective was to evaluate the grazing time, the grazing rate and the milk production of crossbred cows, managed in two rotational grazing areas, one with elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu) and another one with Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania), both with natural shade in the rest area. The experiment was divided in two phases, the first with 12 cows that remained day and night in the paddock and were milked twice a day. In the second phase 15 cows were observed and remained 10.43 hours in the paddock during the day, and were kept in a corral during the night. Each cow was observed every 15 minutes. Grass specie had no effect on milk production in the two phases of the experiment. The grazing time was 564 and 474 minutes and the grazing rate was 28.7 and 24.4 minutes/hour for the Elephant grass and Tanzania grass, respectively, in first phase. In the second phase,the grazing time was 461 and 426 minutes and the grazing rate was 42.7 and 39.4 minutes/hour for the Elephant grass and Tanzania grass, respectively. Correlations were observed (P<0.01) between grazing rate and the minimum temperature (-0.68), the maximum temperature (-0.76), the relative humidity (0.44) and the THI (-0.76).


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Ovule structure and development are described for twelve species of Bromeliaceae, representing ten genera and all three subfamilies, including all three tribes of the polyphyletic subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Brocchinieae, Puyeae and Pitcairnieae). The characteristic micropylar and chalazal seed appendages of Bromeliaceae are compared with developing structures in the ovules. Chalazal seed appendages have also been reported in the putatively related family Rapateaceae, but they differ in detailed structure, and may have evolved independently in the two families.


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Since the reintroduction of Aedes aegypti in Brazil in the 1980s, insecticide use for its control is routine. The chemical control efficacy is threatened by vectors developing resistance to insecticides. The World Health Organization, recognizing the impact of insecticide resistance in vector control programmes, proposed standardizing bioassays for detecting and monitoring resistance using a diagnostic dose method. As Brazil has a national programme for monitoring the resistance of Ae. aegypti populations to insecticides, this study was designed to compare diagnostic bioassays at WHO suggested concentrations and those estimated for local conditions. Populations were resistant to both temephos doses. But important differences were seen for fenitrothion and malathion, which could lead to under- or over-estimation of resistance respectively. These results and inclusion of a diagnostic dose bioassay standard for larvae are discussed.


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The objective of this study was evaluate the airways' cells types from horses of the military police of Federal District. It was used 24 horses, divided into 2 groups of 12: group I - animals in policy activity and group II - animals out of policy activity. At the inspection, physical exam and blood exam, the results agreed with no present clinical pathologies. It was infused 240mL of saline solution in the bronchoalveolar wash. In the bronchoalveolar wash, the group I registered 25.25±7.3 squamous cells, 20.2±5.5 epithelial cells, 22.2±6.23 macrophages and 2.02±5.77 erythrocytes, and in the group II, it was observed 31.0±9.47 squamous cells, 19.0±5.20 epithelial cells, 43.0±13.88 macrophages, 4.0±1.52 eosinophile and 3.0±1.0 erythrocytes. Verifying the occurrence of side effects after the experiment, there was no problem from the used technique.


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Porous titanium scaffolds are promising materials for biomedical applications such as prosthetic anchors, fillers and bone reconstruction. This study evaluated the bone/titanium interface of scaffolds with interconnected pores prepared by powder metallurgy, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Porous scaffolds and dense samples were implanted in the tibia of rabbits, which were subsequently killed 1, 4, and 8 weeks after surgery. Initial bone neoformation was observed one week after implantation. Bone ingrowth in pores and the Ca/P ratio at the interface were remarkably enhanced at 4 and 8 weeks. The results showed that the interconnected pores of the titanium scaffolds promoted bone ingrowth, which increased over time. The powder metallurgy technique thus proved effective in producing porous scaffolds and dense titanium for biomedical applications, allowing for adequate control of pore size and porosity and promoting bone ingrowth.


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Premise of the study: The grass subfamily Anomochlooideae is phylogenetically significant as the sister group to all other grasses. Thus, comparison of their structure with that of other grasses could provide clues to the evolutionary origin of these characters. Methods: We describe the structure, embryology, and development of the flower and partial inflorescence of the monotypic Brazilian grass Anomochloa marantoidea. We compare these features with those of other early-divergent grasses such as Pharus and Streptochaeta and closely related Poales such as Ecdeiocolea. Key results: Anomochloa possesses several features that are characteristic of Poaceae, notably a scutellum, a solid style, reduced stamen number, and an ovary with a single ovule that develops into a single indehiscent fruit. Interpretation of floral patterning in Anomochloa is problematic because the ramification pattern of the florets places the bracts and axes in unusual positions relative to the primary inflorescence axis. Our study indicates that there is a single abaxial carpel in Anomochloa, probably due to a cryptic type of pseudomonomery in Anomochloa that resembles the pseudomonomery of other grasses. On the other hand, the Anomochloa flower differs from the typical grass flower in lacking lodicules and possessing four stamens, in contrast with the tristaminate condition that characterizes many other grasses. Conclusions: Using the median part of the innermost bract as a locator, we tentatively homologize the inner bract of the Anomochloa partial inflorescence with the palea of other grasses. In this interpretation, the pattern of monosymmetry due to stamen suppression differs from that of Ecdeiocolea. © 2012 Botanical Society of America.


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New comparative data are presented on the reproductive morphology and anatomy of two genera closely related to grasses, Flagellaria and Joinvillea, in which the flowers are superficially similar, especially in stamen morphology. This investigation demonstrates some anatomical differences between the two genera. For example, both genera depart from the 'typical' condition of tepal vasculature (three-traced outer tepals and one-traced inner tepals): in Flagellaria, each tepal receives a single vascular bundle and, in Joinvillea, each tepal is supplied by three vascular bundles. Joinvillea possesses supernumerary carpel bundles, as also found in the related family Ecdeiocoleaceae, but not in Flagellaria or grasses. In the anther, the tapetum degenerates early in Flagellaria, and is relatively persistent in Joinvillea, in which the pollen grains remain closely associated with the tapetum inside the anther locule, indicating a correlation between peripheral pollen (a feature that is common in grasses) and a persistent tapetum. This study highlights the presence of a pollen-tube transmitting tissue (PTTT) or solid style in the gynoecium of Flagellaria, as also in many Poaceae, but not in Joinvillea or Ecdeiocoleaceae. We speculate that the presence of a PTTT could represent one of the factors that facilitated the subsequent evolution of the intimately connected gynoecia that characterize grasses. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London.


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Spontaneous tumors of the mammary gland in female dogs, represent the most frequent neoplasms observed in the small animal clinic, which explains the high interest of researchers in the study of this lesion. This study aimed to determine the frequency of mammary tumors in female dogs treated at HOSPMEV/UFBA, in Salvador, from January 2006 to April 2008, as well as to carry out the clinical characterization, histopathologic classification and the georeferencing of this pathology. The results showed a high prevalence of mammary tumors in female dogs, with most of the tumors in more advanced stages and the carcinomas in mixed tumors the predominant histologic type. There was maalso a.correlation between socioeconomic characteristics of the study population with known prognostic factors for mammary neoplasms in female dogs. These results reflect the delay in providing veterinary medical care. Thus, it's important to educate the population regarding the prevention and detection of mammary cancer in female dogs looking for an early diagnosis and appropriate therapy.


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Taking into account that paracoccidioidomycosis infection occurs by inhalation of the asexual conidia produced by Paracoccidioides spp. in its saprobic phase, this work presents the collection of aerosol samples as an option for environmental detection of this pathogen, by positioning a cyclonic air sampler at the entrance of armadillo burrows. Methods included direct culture, extinction technique culture and Nested PCR of the rRNA coding sequence, comprising the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region. In addition, we evaluated one armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) as a positive control for the studied area. Although the pathogen could not be isolated by the culturing strategies, the aerosol sampling associated with molecular detection through Nested PCR proved the best method for discovering Paracoccidioides spp. in the environment. Most of the ITS sequences obtained in this investigation proved to be highly similar with the homologous sequences of Paracoccidioides lutzii from the GenBank database, suggesting that this Paracoccidioides species may not be exclusive to mid-western Brazil as proposed so far. © 2013 ISHAM.