99 resultados para Gonçalo Ferreira da Silva
We tested the values of antithyroid peroxidase antibody and thyrotropin levels for the development of thyroid dysfunction in 109 diabetic patients. Baseline thyrotropin level was a predictor of thyroid dysfunction in diabetic patients, excluding nodular disease. The antithyroid peroxidase antibody had no predictive value for thyroid dysfunction.
The objective of the study was to determine the nutritional and chemical composition (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, calcium, and iron), water and ash content, and the caloric value of powdered fruiting bodies from six strains and from a mixture of strains of the culinary-medicinal mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis. The Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric and multiple comparisons tests and the Pearson correlation coefficient were used, with a 5% significance level. First, the results showed that strain 99/30 had a similar nutritional composition to the mixed sample. Second, when comparing strain nutrients to the mixture nutrients, the highest levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and calcium were in strain 99/25, and the highest levels of lipids were in strains 97/11, 99/28, and 99/30. Strain 99/30 was highest both in caloric value and moisture content. Finally, the mixture was established as a good source of macronutrients and micronutrients, and strain 99/30 was the closest to the mixture in nutritional composition.
O resultado pós-operatório das tireoidectomias é imputado a fatores relativos ao paciente, à tireopatia e ao cirurgião. OBJETIVO: Analisar a experiência de um serviço quanto a complicações com a tireoidectomia. Desenho do estudo: coorte histórica com corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados os prontuários de 228 pacientes submetidos à tireoidectomia, entre 1991 e 2004. Foram estudadas as complicações transitórias, definitivas e totais, persistência e recidiva da tireopatia de base, em relação a fatores clínico-laboratoriais. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 34,65% de complicações totais, 18,86% de complicações transitórias (9,21% hipocalcemia, 0,44% paralisia de cordas vocais, 4,82% outras), associadas aos primeiros anos de cirurgia no serviço e queixas compressivas, e 17,98% de complicações definitivas (8,77% hipoparatireoidismo, 1,75% paralisia de cordas vocais, 0,44% rouquidão), associadas à malignidade e cirurgias mais radicais. Houve persistência da doença de base em 17,98% dos casos, associada à idade, e recidiva em 10,96%, associada aos primeiros anos de cirurgia, benignidade e cirurgias menos radicais. CONCLUSÃO: Complicações pós-operatórias se associaram a queixas compressivas, história curta, malignidade e cirurgias mais radicais. A recidiva se associou aos primeiros anos de cirurgia no serviço, tireopatias benignas e cirurgias menos radicais. A persistência da doença se associou à maior idade.
O hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) é o distúrbio endócrino congênito mais frequente, com incidência variando de 1:2.000 a 1:4.000 crianças nascidas vivas e uma das principais causas de retardo mental que pode ser prevenida. Os Programas de Triagem Neonatal para a doença permitem a identificação precoce dos afetados e seu tratamento de modo a evitar as complicações da falta do hormônio. A maioria dos casos de hipotireoidismo congênito é decorrente de disgenesias tireoidianas (85%), entre elas a ectopia, hipoplasia ou agenesia tireoidianas, e os demais resultam de defeitos de síntese hormonal. As crianças afetadas (> 95%) geralmente não apresentam sintomas sugestivos da doença ao nascimento. Os sintomas e sinais mais comuns são: icterícia neonatal prolongada, choro rouco, letargia, movimentos lentos, constipação, macroglossia, hérnia umbilical, fontanelas amplas, hipotonia e pele seca. Várias estratégias são utilizadas para a triagem do HC. No Brasil, esta é obrigatória por lei e geralmente é feita com a dosagem de TSH em sangue seco coletado do calcanhar. A idade recomendada para sua realização é após as 48 horas de vida até o quarto dia. A confirmação diagnóstica é obrigatória com as dosagens de TSH e T4 livre ou T4 total.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: To evaluate reproducibility and precision of ocular measurements by digital photograph analysis, in addition to the transformation of the measures according to the individual iris diameter as an oculometric reference. Methods: Twenty-four eyes have been digitally photographed in a standardized way at two distances. Two researchers have analyzed these printed images using a caliper and these digital forms by ImageJ 1.37 (TM). Several external ocular parameters were estimated (mm and as iris diameter) and methods of measurement compared regarding their precision, agreement and correlation. Results: Caliper and digital analysis of oculometric measures provided significant agreement and correlation, nevertheless the precision of digital measures was higher. The estimates of numeric transformation from oculometric measures according to individual iris diameter resulted in great correlation to caliper measures and high agreement when compared to different distances of taking the photographs. Conclusions: Facial digital photographs allowed oculometric precise and reproducible estimates, endorsing clinical research usefulness. Using iris diameter as individual oculometric reference disclosed high reproducibility when facial photographs were taken at different distances.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy in comparison to healthy eyes using digital photography and digital image analysis.INTRODUCTION: Graves' ophthalmopathy is the main cause of eye proptosis. Because these protrusions cause clinically perceived distortions in orbital architecture, digital photographs can be used to detect and quantify these changes.METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study comprising 12 healthy volunteers and 15 Graves' ophthalmopathy patients with the purpose of evaluating the use of simple, non-invasive digital photography to estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy and compare them with the parameters of unaffected eyes. Facial photographs of cases and controls were taken in a standardized manner. Oculometric parameters were compared between the groups and then correlated to proptometer measures.RESULTS: All estimated oculometric variables showed significant differences between the groups, in particular with regard to mediopupilar aperture, lateral height, distance from the iris edge to the lateral boundary of the palpebral fissure, and distance from the higher point of the iris to the lateral limit of the palpebral fissure. The product of medial aperture and horizontal palpebral fissure also revealed greater discrepancy between the groups. Proptometer measures showed significant linear correlation between the distance from the iris edge to the lateral boundary of the palpebral fissure and between the distance from the higher point of the iris to the lateral limit of palpebral fissure (p<0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Comparative analysis of oculometric parameters in Graves' ophthalmopathy suggests that eye proptosis is related to an asymmetric increase in lateral oculometric measures. Standardized digital photographs can be used in clinical practice to objectively estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar morfológica e funcionalmente a tireóide de pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) acompanhados ambulatorialmente no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: No período de 1996 a 1998, a todo paciente com DM, exceto os com tireopatia prévia, era solicitada dosagem sérica de T4L, TSH, anti-TPO e TRAb e ultra-sonografia (US) da tireóide. Diagnosticou-se tireopatia quando havia dois ou mais parâmetros séricos ou a US alterados. Procedeu-se igualmente com pacientes ambulatoriais da mesma Instituição, sem DM e não-tireopatas prévios (controle). RESULTADOS: Os 256 pacientes com DM apresentaram maior freqüência de tireopatias que os 75 controles (51,6% vs. 38,7%; P<0,05). Entre os com tireopatias, ambos os grupos não diferiram quanto ao estado funcional da tireóide. Entre os pacientes com DM com e sem tireopatias, os primeiros apresentaram maior freqüência de mulheres, de DM tipo 2 e de história familiar de tireopatia. CONCLUSÕES: A elevada prevalência de tireopatias na população com DM conduz à recomendação de avaliação tireoidiana em todo paciente com DM.
This is a case report of macrosomia, obesity, macrocephaly and ocular abnormalities (MOMO syndrome) associated with autism. Studies on genetic or environmental syndromes associated with autism can provide genetic markers or uncover relevant events, and are very important for the definition of autism subgroups in future molecular research.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The alkalophilic bacteria Bacillus licheniformis 77-2 produces significant quantities of thermostable cellulase-free xylanases. The crude xylanase was purified to apparent homogeneity by gel filtration (G-75) and ionic exchange chromatography (carboxymethyl sephadex, Q sepharose, and Mono Q), resulting in the isolation of two xylanases. The molecular masses of the enzymes were estimated to be 17 kDa (X-I) and 40 kDa (X-II), as determined by SDS-PAGE. The K(m) and V(max) values were 1.8 mg/mL and 7.05 U/mg protein (X-I), and 1.05 mg/mL and 9.1 U/mg protein (X-II). The xylanases demonstrated optimum activity at pH 7.0 and 8.0-10.0 for xylanase X-I and X-II, respectively, and, retained more than 75% of hydrolytic activity up to pH 11.0. The purified enzymes were most active at 70 and 75 degrees C for X-I and X-II, respectively, and, retained more than 90% of hydrolytic activity after 1 h of heating at 50 degrees C and 60 degrees C for X-I and X-II, respectively. The predominant products of xylan hydrolysates indicated that these enzymes were endoxylanases.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)