41 resultados para Gestão do âmbito


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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A obra tem origem nas indagações surgidas a partir da experiência profissional da autora e do acompanhamento, desde sua formação acadêmica, da implantação e gestão da Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social (Loas) em 1993, reestruturada na Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS) em 2004 e recentemente organizada como Sistema Único de Assistência Social (Suas). Ela analisa o processo de assessoria na gestão política de assistência social no âmbito municipal com objetivo de contribuir para o debate sobre a gestão descentralizada e participativa e promover entre os profissionais da área conhecimentos e inquietações acerca do Suas, concebido a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988. O livro defende a ideia de que a assistência social, como política pública universal, redistributiva e de qualidade, é fator fundamental da proteção social brasileira. E que sua reestruturação, que resultou no rompimento com o ultrapassado modelo socioassistencial sustentado no clientelismo, busca avançar rumo à garantia de direitos sociais por meio da inserção da assistência social tanto na prática quanto nos espaços de decisão políticos. Nesse contexto, propõe uma reflexão sobre a ação profissional do Serviço Social no âmbito da política. As reflexões e conclusões da autora baseiam-se de análise de dados obtidos em pesquisa qualitativa realizada com profissionais que atuam em assessoria do Serviço Social na região administrativa de Franca, a Nordeste do estado de São Paulo, formada por 23 municípios de vários portes. A obra tem origem nas indagações surgidas a partir da experiência profissional da autora e do acompanhamento, desde sua formação acadêmica, da implantação e gestão da Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social (Loas) em 1993, reestruturada na Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS) em 2004 e recentemente organizada como Sistema Único de Assistência Social (Suas). Ela analisa o processo...


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The literature has pointed out the educational deficits of Brazilian public schools, the complexity of school management, and the need for better qualification for the exercise of this function. Considering this perspective, the present research questions: How is school management being contemplated within the initial pedagogical training in the state of Paraná? In this sense, this article aims to survey and analyze how school management in professional training in public universities Educator of Paraná is being contemplated after the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNP). The study works with a qualitative approach to carry out, in the one hand, the bibliographic survey and systematization and, on the other hand, the survey, systematization and analysis of some elements in the political-pedagogical projects of different public universities. The data collected in six public universities show a significant oscillation between the workload aimed at the knowledge of School Administration and a variety of covered contents. Such differences may reflect the scope of the National Curriculum Guidelines as well as the present theoretical dispersion regarding the current knowledge on School Administration.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the capital market the information are used as subsidies for the decision making of investors, among the main highlights are the economic, political, accounting and relating nature to the financial results of companies which have stocks traded at Stock Exchanges. In this perspective, it is essential that the agents involved especially brokerage companies establish management processes that contain a set of criteria for the organization and treatment of information collected in newspapers, news agencies and the companies that trade in stocks. Thus, it is essential to establish rigor in relation to recovery mechanisms of such information, which requires more than technology, because actions are necessary that will propitiate the informational content are made available with consistency, clarity and trustworthiness, so as that users can retrieve them in a timely manner. Furthermore, those processes should provide the efficient use of the information retrieved by users, so that they can use them aiming to subsidize the decisions of sale or purchase shares. Considering that the information systems are responsible for the information dissemination in the framework of capital market, it is necessary to present requisites that contemplate the set organization, treatment, retrieval and use of information. That way, we sought to evidence in this paper these issues, utilizing as a premise the elements proposed by Guimarães (2003) from the perspective of the information environment of a values brokerage companies reflecting through the model used, how these companies realize their work considering the dimensions of the documentary analysis, informational treatment, and the instruments for retrieval and use of information.


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Em nossa pesquisa, propomo-nos a verificar, no âmbito de uma Cooperativa Educacional de Marília, como a gestão e o trabalho associado são organizados. O estudo encontra-se em andamento e a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental foram realizadas. O levantamento de dados empíricos está sendo efetuado por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com os membros da comunidade escolar. Observamos que a gestão das cooperativas educacionais, quando alicerçada no trabalho associado, pauta-se na gestão democrática vivenciada pelo coletivo. Todavia, na sociedade capitalista, as diversas relações são hierarquicamente estabelecidas e, consequentemente, algumas cooperativas seguem essa forma de se organizar.


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The process of environmental impact assessment (EIA), in the extent of previous environmental studies, has as one of its functions to provide subsidies to the actions of environmental managment of enterprises. However, the proper estructuring of programs that allows to support this managment does not often occurs. This research sought as one of its objectives to evaluate in which extent the process of EIA can be a subsidie for the EMS, providing basic elements of this system. In addition, more specifically, the research had as one of its objetives the development of subsidies for the implantation of an Environmental Managment System (EMS), based on the model of ISO 14001 (2004), for a sewage treatment plant yet to be constructed in the city of President Venceslau / SP. In order to achieve theses objetives, a discussion was held based on the evaluation of environmental studies available in the library of Cetesb / SMA. Still, for the elaboration of subsidies for the EMS of the treatment plant, the research was focused on the structuring of environmental management program, based on the information contained in its Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). The research had as one of its products, the development of subsidies for the planning and control of the environmental aspects and impacts and for the environmental program of the enterprise, based on the use of environmental indicators. It was concluded, based on the results that, in general, the previous environmental studies analyzed showed little emphasis on the phase of development of structured environmental programs that offer guidelines to achieve the desired results for the environmental performance of the company.


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Violence and school organization are always current issues. And to investigate these two issues, the present study was carried within a public school in the city for being considered a model of educative institution. The analysis focused on finding out why some institutions are considered good and others not and also to explain how these good relations within the school studied. Therefore, we first observed the school in its stages: entry and exit of students, breaks and classroom activities. Then consult the official documents, such as the Management Plan, Rules, Standards, among others. And finally we interviewed staff, targeting participants in the educational process (principal, teacher, staff, students). Facing this data we verified that a good relationship is needed on the beliefs and the search for a favorable environment is the aim for everyone, especially regarding to teaching-learning processes of a student, that is: teamwork. And as every institution has its flaws, we nee greater participation, especially of what we call school community (parents and relatives).


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The neoliberalism based on the Washington Consensus advised privatization as the most effective alternative for the management of natural resources. The question is what is prioritizing efficiency, market or welfare? The growing concern about the water issue has been highlighted in discussions in international policy debates, and what it turns out is the prominence of corporate and economic interests over social and environmental. The water is in crisis, there are several sources of popular conflicts around the world contrary to how this resource is being offered, as the Water War occurred in 2000 in the city of Cochabamba. It is necessary to respect its limitations to ensure their future availability and choose the best development model that favors the effectiveness of their control. The international proliferation of commercial vision concerning water stipulated privatization of their management as ideal rule, which increased rates, concentrated income, has not improved the quality nor promoted the conquest of equal access to water for most systems that provides these services, this is, privatization has not brought positive results that outweigh the harm of its implementation. Water is an essential commodity for life of living beings, in all its stages, basic reason to develop plans, rules and commitments that ensure its conservation and provide, as soon as possible, a valid alternative for the sustainable management in long term


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Provides elements for a reflection on methodological strategies in the face of objects of study that prove difficult to approach. Through a case study in education, seeks to show that difficulties in obtaining information and data have been overcome by using an analytical model developed. It is shown that its use allowed inferences broader and reveal hidden inconsistencies in discussions on public and private education. Intended to assist reflection on qualitative research methods for those who deal with such studies. Concludes that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources sufficient quantity and quality have not materialized with a private enterprise under public education, even if we have succeeded in building a positive image by the promoters of this action with the sectors of public opinion. Prevailing trade policy interests at the expense of the motivations declared the initiative of aid to education, and even can not be said that the initiative has resulted in a private redefined the public character of the systems affected, there is evidence that its implementation represents a unique chapter focused "education", compared to a scenario in which stand out historically mutual aid agreements of a politicaleconomic development between state and private enterprise.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC