21 resultados para Generalização orientada para a modelização
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste livro, Rodolfo Augusto Daniel Vaz Valente debruça-se sobre a obra do compositor belga Henri Pousseur (1929-2009), um dos principais expoentes da música contemporânea ao lado de Luciano Berio, Karlheinz Stockhausen e Pierre Boulez. Valente discute, principalmente, a contribuição de Pousseur para a revisão teórica do serialismo, já que este recupera, no âmbito da música serial, a noção de periodicidade (ou fraseologia regular), que havia sido banida das experiências iniciais do serialismo em nome do princípio basilar da não repetição. Pousseur estava convencido de que era necessário retomar em alguma medida a periodicidade das estruturas. Chegou mesmo a experimentar a sua teoria na música eletrônica e a recorrer à teoria ondulatória proveniente da Acústica para repensar o discurso musical, especialmente no terreno da organização das durações. Valente também aborda a periodicidade conforme os preceitos de Abraham Moles, um dos principais teóricos da Teoria da Informação e que teve grande influência sobre o trabalho de Pousseur. Analisa ainda a obra Apostrophe et six réflexions, escrita pelo compositor na época em este que formulou o conceito de periodicidade generalizada, como chamou a fraseologia do serialismo revisado que já não recorria às estruturas musicais essencialmente não periódicas.
The law that justifies the inclusion of people with disability in schools and companies has been in force since the end of the 1980thies. In view of its coercion, people with disabilities have been enrolled at schools and been employed in companies. This research attempts to analyze the inclusion process according to Axel Honneth's Social Recognition Theory. Backed by his three dimension recognition process, we show firstly that inclusion signifies a process of individuation and social inclusion. Then, we study the law in force, its goals and strategies of achievement. We show that recognition's approach allows interpreting the law of inclusion more generously - in a less positivistic way. Finally, we approach the conditions for schools and companies to accomplish the law of inclusion so conceived.
The educational institutions need to rethink issues related to teacher training in order to seek personal construction of teaching. Oriented research has been identified as useful in the process of teacher training. Through research builds knowledge about the problems faced in teaching, producing the most effective methods. The aim of this paper is to verify the validity of the application of research activities in the form of short courses and themed play during the formation of licensees and the use and construction of knowledge of high school students who attended these short courses. This work is linked to training of undergraduates and implementation of different activities of teaching and learning for high school students. The oriented investigation was the methodology chosen for the development of activities in which, through the construction and implementation of the mini-courses Students are encouraged to participate in the construction of knowledge itself in activities that suggest the development and testing of hypotheses. The mini-courses are designed and implemented by teachers of the ninth and tenth terms of the degree in chemistry. Students of public schools were the privileged. Data were collected through observation and interview. In applying these mini-courses, associated with the daily, prospective teachers connected theory to practice, arousing the curiosity of students and leading them to raise issues related to the content of chemistry. Students showed interest in the construction of the content addressed. The student teachers sought to study different concepts and how to make them more attractive, causing the chemistry was associated with the phenomena of everyday life, including the problems faced when teaching and trying different possible solutions. Thus, there was an increase in interest in teaching and learning
T he people’s daily lives are surrounded by computing devices, with increasing resources (sensors) and, with increasing processing. How these devices communicate is still not natural and This retards the growth of Ubiquitous Computing. This paper presents a way in which these devices can communicate using Jini technology and concepts of Service Oriented Architecture, applying these concepts in a test case of Ubiquitous Computing. To conduct the test case was constructed a fictitious system for management of a soccer championship, where users can interact with each other and with the system in a simplified way, have access to data in real time of the championship during the event. This communication is performed by services built using Jini technology, which were based on key SOA concepts, such as modularity and reusability
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR