337 resultados para Gauge, Teoria de


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo abordar as bases, finalidades e composição de dois instrumentos de avaliação de juízo moral: a Moral Judgment Interview (MJI) e o Defining Issues Test (DIT), e um de competência moral: o Moral Judgment Test (MJT). Retoma a teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Kohlberg que fundamenta esses instrumentos, assim como os últimos estudos realizados com os mesmos. A MJI é uma entrevista semiestruturada que avalia o nível de juízo moral. O DIT é um teste objetivo que mede a proporção de respostas pós-convencionais. O MJT é um instrumento objetivo, que avalia a competência moral. Destaca-se a crescente utilização desses instrumentos em pesquisas sobre moralidade.


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Using a synthesis of the functional integral and operator approaches we discuss the fermion-buson mapping and the role played by the Bose field algebra in the Hilbert space of two-dimensional gauge and anomalous gauge field theories with massive fermions. In QED, with quartic self-interaction among massive fermions, the use of an auxiliary vector field introduces a redundant Bose field algebra that should not be considered as an element of the intrinsic algebraic structure defining the model. In anomalous chiral QED, with massive fermions the effect of the chiral anomaly leads to the appearance in the mass operator of a spurious Bose field combination. This phase factor carries no fermion selection rule and the expected absence of Theta-vacuum in the anomalous model is displayed from the operator solution. Even in the anomalous model with massive Fermi fields, the introduction of the Wess-Zumino field replicates the theory, changing neither its algebraic content nor its physical content. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).


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Some years ago, it was shown how fermion self-interacting terms of the Thirring-type impact the usual structure of massless two-dimensional gauge theories [1]. In that work only the cases of pure vector and pure chiral gauge couplings have been considered and the corresponding Thirring term was also pure vector and pure chiral respectively, such that the vector ( or chiral) Schwinger model should not lose its chirality structure due to the addition of the quartic interaction term. Here we extend this analysis to a generalized vector and axial coupling both for the gauge interaction and the quartic fermionic interactions. The idea is to perform quantization without losing the original structure of the gauge coupling. In order to do that we make use of an arbitrariness in the definition of the Thirring-like interaction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A natureza subjetiva da catalogação de assunto imprime certas peculiaridades nas ações dos profissionais que realizam a atividade em domínios específicos. Sendo assim, mostra-se necessária à realização de estudos que cerquem as ações dos catalogadores de assunto, ancoradas na realidade do contexto de bibliotecas universitárias, para a obtenção dos fatores influentes do saber e do fazer profissional. Portanto, analisa-se o conhecimento profissional acerca da sistematicidade do processo da catalogação de assunto em perspectiva sociocognitiva. Para tanto, aplica-se a técnica de Protocolo Verbal em Grupo com três catalogadores de assunto de distintas bibliotecas universitárias do estado de São Paulo, a fim de conhecer a realidade do processo da catalogação de assunto pela perspectiva profissional. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de instrumentos metodológicos que propiciem sustentabilidade prática à catalogação de assunto, em contexto de bibliotecas universitárias.


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Este artigo é uma tentativa de delinear as principais características da pesquisa numa nova área de estudos a chamada Inteligência Artificial (AI). Os itens 1 e 2 constituem um rápido histórico da AI e seus pressupostos básicos. O item 3 trata da teoria de resolução de problemas, desenvolvida por A. Newell e H. Simon. O item 4 procura mostrar a relevância da AI para a Filosofia, em especial para a filosofia da Mente e para a Teoria do Conhecimento.


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O presente artigo investiga como A teoria do romance (1916) de G. Lukács, um texto fragmentado e de ocasião, tornou-se um clássico da reflexão sobre a modernidade. Para Lukács, o romance é a forma artística que corresponde à fratura entre o sujeito e o mundo, vivida pelo homem contemporâneo. Utilizando o conceito de símbolo esvaziado este texto apreende em que medida o autor ao rever as classificações anteriores sobre o gênero romance, perpetua a tradição romântica ou rompe com ela, elaborando conceitos originais para a compreensão da modernidade na literatura.


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Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.


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Objectives: The present study used strain gauge analysis to perform an in vitro evaluation of the effect of axial loading on 3 elements of implant-supported partial fixed prostheses, varying the type of prosthetic cylinder and the loading points. Material and methods: Three internal hexagon implants were linearly embedded in a polyurethane block. Microunit abutments were connected to the implants applying a torque of 20 Ncm, and prefabricated Co-Cr cylinders and plastic prosthetic cylinders were screwed onto the abutments, which received standard patterns cast in Co-Cr alloy (n=5). Four strain gauges (SG) were bonded onto the surface of the block tangentially to the implants, SG 01 mesially to implant 1, SG 02 and SG 03 mesially and distally to implant 2, respectively, and SG 04 distally to implant 3. Each metallic structure was screwed onto the abutments with a 10 Ncm torque and an axial load of 30 kg was applied at five predetermined points (A, B, C, D, E). The data obtained from the strain gauge analyses were analyzed statistically by RM ANOVA and Tukey's test, with a level of significance of p<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference for the loading point (p=0.0001), with point B generating the smallest microdeformation (239.49 mu epsilon) and point D the highest (442.77 mu epsilon). No significant difference was found for the cylinder type (p=0.748). Conclusions: It was concluded that the type of cylinder did not affect in the magnitude of microdeformation, but the axial loading location influenced this magnitude.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the level of microstrain that is exerted during polymerization of acrylic resins used for splinting during implant impressions. Material and Methods: Two acrylic resins (GC Pattern Resin, Duralay II) and square transfer coping splinting methods were evaluated by means of strain gauge analysis. Two implants were embedded in a polyurethane block, and the abutments were positioned. Sixty specimens were prepared using two square transfer Copings that were rigidly connected to each other using the acrylic resins. The specimens were randomly divided into three groups of 20 each for the splinting methods: Method 1 was a one-piece method; in method 2, the splint was separated and reconnected after 17 minutes; and in method 3, the splint was separated and reconnected after 24 hours. In each group, half the specimens were splinted with GC Pattern Resin and the other half were splinted with Duralay II. Three microstrain measurements were performed by four strain gauges placed on the upper surface of the polyurethane blocks at 5 hours after resin polymerization for all groups. The data were analyzed statistically. Results: Both resin type and splinting method significantly affected microstrain. interaction terms were also significant. Method 1 in combination with Duralay II produced significantly higher microstrain (1,962.1 mu epsilon) than the other methods with this material (method 2: 241.1 mu epsilon; method 3: 181.5 mu epsilon). No significant difference was found between splinting methods in combination with GC Pattern Resin (method 1: 173.8 mu epsilon; method 2: 112.6 mu epsilon; method 3: 105.4 mu epsilon). Conclusions: Because of the high microstrain generated, Duralay II should not be used for one-piece acrylic resin splinting, and separation and reconnection are suggested. For GC Pattern Resin, variations in splinting methods did not significantly affect the microstrain created. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:341-345


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives: This study investigated the effect of porcelain firing on the misfit of implant-supported frameworks and analyzed the influence of preheat treatment on the dimensional alterations.Materials and Methods: Four external-hex cylindrical implants were placed in polyurethane block. Ten frameworks of screw-retained implant-supported prostheses were cast in Pd-Ag using 2 procedures: (1) control group (CG, n = 5): cast in segments and laser welded; and test group (TG, n = 5): cast in segments, preheated, and laser welded. All samples were subjected to firing to simulate porcelain veneering firing. Strain gauges were bonded around the implants, and microstrain values (mu epsilon = 10(-6)epsilon) were recorded after welding (M1), oxidation cycle (M2), and glaze firing (M3). Data were statistically analyzed (2-way analysis of variance, Bonferroni, alpha = 0.05).Results: The microstrain value in the CG at M3 (475.2 mu epsilon) was significantly different from the values observed at M1 (355.6 mu epsilon) and M2 (413.9 mu epsilon). The values at M2 and M3 in the CG were not statistically different. Microstrain values recorded at different moments (M1: 361.6 mu epsilon/M2: 335.3 mu epsilon/M3: 307.2 mu epsilon) did not show significant difference.Conclusions: The framework misfit deteriorates during firing cycles of porcelain veneering. Metal distortion after porcelain veneering could be controlled by preheat treatment. (Implant Dent 2012;21:225-229)


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Purpose: The present study was designed to analyze strain distributions caused by varying the fixture-abutment design and fixture alignment.Materials and Methods: Three implants of external, internal hexagon, and Morse taper were embedded in the center of each polyurethane block in straight placement and offset placement. Four strain gauges (SGs) were bonded on the surface of polyurethane block, which was designated SG1 placed mesially adjacent to implant A, SG2 and SG3 were placed mesially and distally adjacent to the implant B and SG4 was placed distally adjacent to the implant C. The 30 superstructures' occlusal screws were tightened onto the Microunit abutments with a torque of 10 N cm using the manufacturers' manual torque-controlling device.Results: There were statistically significant differences in prosthetic connection (P value = 0.0074 < 0.5). There were no statistically significant differences in placement configuration/alignment (P value = 0.7812 > 0.5).Conclusion: The results showed fundamental differences in both conditions. There was no evidence that there was any advantage to offset implant placement in reducing the strain around implants. The results also revealed that the internal hexagon and Morse taper joints did not reduce the microstrain around implants. (Implant Dent 2011; 20:e24-e32)