44 resultados para Gall midges.


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The kairomone octenol is known as attractive to hematophagous Diptera such as mosquitoes, tsetse flies, and midges. There is little evidence that traps baited with octenol are also effective in attracting phlebotomine sand flies. The present report evaluated octenol in modified Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traps in two experiments: 1) modified CDC trap without light and 2) modified CDC trap with light. The traps were baited with octenol at concentrations of 0.5, 27, and 43 mg/h in Rifled() locality, São Paulo, Brazil. Traps without octenol were used as controls. The sand fly Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) (=Lutzomyia neivai) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) was the prevalent species (99.9%) in both experiments. The results of the experiments showed that traps baited with octenol at 27 and 43 mg/h caught significantly more N. neivai than control and octenol at 0.5 mg/h with and without light. This is the first report that shows that octenol itself is attractive to N. neivai and associated with light traps significantly increases the catches.


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Objective To compare the analgesic effect of uni- and bi-lateral electroacupuncture (EA) in response to thermal and mechanical nociceptive stimuli and to investigate the cardiorespiratory, endocrine, and behavioral changes in dogs submitted to EA.Study design Prospective, randomized cross-over experimental study.Animals Eight adult, clinically healthy, cross-breed dogs, weighing 13 +/- 4 kg.Methods Dogs underwent electrostimulation at false acupoints (T-false); bilateral EA at acupoints, stomach 36, gall bladder 34 and spleen 6 (T-EA/bil); unilateral EA at the same points (T-EA/uni) or were untreated (T-control). All animals received acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) IV; and heart rate, pulse oximetry, indirect arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, PECO2, rectal temperature, and plasma cortisol concentration were measured before, during, and after EA. Analgesia was tested using thoracic and abdominal cutaneous thermal and mechanical stimuli, and an interdigital thermal stimulus. Behavior was classified as calm or restless. Analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test was used for analysis of the data.Results There were no cardiorespiratory differences among the treatments. The cutaneous pain threshold was higher after EA, compared with false points. The latency period was shorter and analgesia was more intense in T-EA/bil than T-EA/uni, when both were compared with T-false and T-control. Six out of eight animals treated with EA were calm during treatment, and 5/8 and 4/8 of the T-false and T-control animals, respectively, were restless. Latency to interdigital thermal stimulation increased in T-EA/bil compared with the others. There was no difference in plasma cortisol concentrations among the treatments.Conclusions Bilateral EA produced a shorter latency period, a greater intensity, and longer duration of analgesia than unilateral stimulation, without stimulating a stress response.Clinical relevance Bilateral EA produces a better analgesic effect than unilateral EA.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Platynosomum illiciens (Trematoda, Plagiorchida) is a trematode parasite reported in felids and falconiforms. It was identified in the gall bladder of eight captive neotropical necropsied primates from the National Primate Center (CENP), Ananindeua, State of Para, Brazil. This is the first description of Platynosomum illiciens as a parasite of primates.


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Before 1989 all braconid wasps were thought to be parasitoids, but in that year the first phytophagous species was reported. Subsequently, a few other examples of phytophagy have been discovered, most of which are species of Allorhogas in the subfamily Doryctinae. Until now, all demonstrated examples of phytophagy in this genus have been as gall inducers in the fruits of Fabaceae. Here we describe a new species from Costa Rica, Allorhogas conostegia Marsh and Shaw, and provide evidence that it forms galls in the fruits of Conostegia xalapensis (Melastomataceae). We also provide information on the phenology of the plant and of the galls and the effects of the galls on the host plant, and we discuss the potential species richness of Allorhogas in the Neotropics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudou-se efeito da infecção por Goezia leporini Martins & Yoshitoshi, 2003 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) sobre as características hematológicas de Leporinus macrocephalus (Osteichthyes:Anostomidae) cultivado. Palidez das brânquias, rins, fígado e coração, pontos negros nos rins e acúmulo de líquido na cavidade visceral, estômago e intestinos foram observados. O conteúdo da vesícula biliar tinha aparência pálida e translúcida. Observaram-se alta e moderada correlações positivas entre número de nematóides e peso do peixe estimadas dentro dos grupos de peixe de 0-100g e 100-200g, respectivamente. As extensões sangüíneas revelaram variações no tamanho (anisocitose) e forma (poiquilocitose) dos eritrócitos, bem como eritrócitos em divisão. Não houve alteração (P>0,05) na contagem total de eritrócitos, de leucócitos, na taxa de hemoglobina e nos percentuais de trombócitos e monócitos. A infecção provocou redução (P<0,05) no percentual de hematócrito, no volume corpuscular médio, na concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e no percentual de linfócitos, e aumento (P<0,05) no percentual de neutrófilos e eosinófilos no sangue circulante de peixes infectados. Este é o primeiro relato no Brasil que relaciona hematologia e infecção por nematóides em peixes cultivados.


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Resultados satisfatórios têm sido relatados com o emprego da eletroacupuntura (EA), como adjuvante da anestesia geral no homem e em animais. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar a dose de indução anestésica do propofol em função do emprego da eletroacupuntura em cães. Foram utilizados 20 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos de igual número, GEA: foi realizada EA nos acupontos estômago 36 (E36), vesícula biliar 34 (VB 34) e baço-pâncreas 6 (BP 6), bilateralmente, durante 45 minutos antes da indução anestésica e GC: não foi realizada EA antes da indução anestésica. Os animais foram tranqüilizados com acepromazina intravenosa (0,05mg.kg-1) 60 minutos antes da indução anestésica, realizada com propofol na taxa de 0,2ml.kg.min-1. A análise estatística foi realizada por test t não pareado(P<0,05). Os valores foram apresentados em média±SD. Não houve diferença significativa na dose do propofol entre os grupos (5±2mg kg-1 no GC e 5,2±1,6mg kg-1 no GEA), sugerindo que a eletroacupuntura não potencializou o efeito depressor do propofol sobre o sistema nervoso central.


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As condições ideais dos frangos de corte no momento do abate devem ser conhecidas a fim de possibilitar a produção de carne de excelente qualidade, uma vez que diversos fatores pré e pós-abate estão envolvidos na qualidade final. em condições normais de abate e processamento, a retirada de ração é feita de 6 a 8 horas antes da apanha das aves, resultando em um período total de jejum de 8 a 12 horas antes do abate, para esvaziar o intestino e com isso minimizar a contaminação no abatedouro. A escalda, depena e evisceração são pontos importantes de contaminação cruzada no abatedouro devido à grande quantidade de microorganismos aderidos às penas, pele e patas das aves e ao rompimento das vísceras durante a evisceração. Entretanto, a desidratação da carcaça começa imediatamente após o início do jejum. Períodos prolongados de jejum podem afetar o pH das diversas partes do intestino, aumentando a presença de Salmonella e outros microorganismos patogênicos. Além disso, determinam uma maior contaminação pela bile, e são, subjetivamente, associados à fragilidade dos intestinos durante a evisceração mecânica. Portanto, os esquemas de processamento devem ser estabelecidos levando-se em conta a integridade e o esvaziamento do intestino e da vesícula biliar, bem como a desidratação e os seus efeitos sobre o bem estar das aves, contaminação da carcaça e qualidade da carne. Como alguns efeitos do jejum ainda não são bem conhecidos, sugerem-se pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: definir o tempo ótimo de jejum para atender o bem estar das aves, minimizar a contaminação e otimizar os parâmetros de qualidade de carcaça; estudar os efeitos de períodos prolongados de jejum sobre o pH e a colonização do papo, pró-ventrículo, moela, intestino delgado, intestino grosso e cecos por enterobactérias, como Salmonella, por exemplo; efeito do jejum sobre o tamanho e cor do fígado. O resultado esperado é um aumento na qualidade final dos produtos aliado a uma redução nas perdas e no custo de produção.


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Banana (Musa spp.) is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, and it is cultivated in many tropical countries. In Brazil, the productivity is low due to several factors such as the incidence of pests and diseases. The nematodes are among the most important problems found in the production of bananas. This research studied the reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita race 2, M. javanica and Pratylenchus coffeae in different cultivars of banana. The evaluation of the experiments with Meloidogyne spp. was carried out 120 days after the inoculation. The analyzed parameters were: number of gall, number of the external masses of eggs, number of eggs per gram of root, reproduction factor and number of juveniles in the soil. The evaluation of the experiment with P. coffeae was carried out 90 days after the inoculation; the final population was evaluated. The cultivars PV-0344, Maca, Grande Naine, FHIA 01, Thap Maeo and Prata Ana allowed greater multiplication of P. coffeae than Caipira, SH-3640 and FHIA-18. For M. javanica, the cultivars Calypso, Bucanneer, Grande Naine, PV-0344, Nanicao Magario, FHIA-02, SH-3640, Pacovan, and Prata Ana exhibited larger populations, decreasing in Maca. All cultivars allowed high multiplication rates of M. incognita.


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The liver of P. expansa was characterized morphohistologically. To this end, twenty livers from clinically healthy male and female Podocnemis expansa, weighing from 2.0 to 4,5 kg, supplied by the commercial breeder Fazenda Moenda da Serra, in Araguapaz, state of Goiás, Brazil, were analyzed macro-and microscopically. The coelomatic cavity was opened and the topography of the fresh organs was examined visually. After the histological preparation, the slides were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE), Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS), Gomori Trichrome, Reticulin and Picrosirius. The liver of P. expansa is a voluminous organ with an approximately rectangular shape and brown coloration, varying from light to dark shades, and is divided into a right lobe, left lobe, and a central portion. The right lobe is the largest of the three portions. The gall bladder is located in a depression in the caudal portion of the right lobe, where the gall duct begins and empties into the duodenum. Histologically, the hepatocytes are arranged in the form of double cords surrounded by winding sinusoidal capillaries. In cross section, they resemble acini containing approximately two to five hepatocytes surrounding a probable central biliary canaliculus. The hepatocytes are polyhedral or pyramidal in shape, of uniform size, with a few central nuclei and others displaced peripherally, and the cytoplasm is little eosinophilic when analyzed by the HE staining technique. The parenchyma is supported by delicate reticular fibers surrounding hepatocytes and sinusoids. The parenchyma and perisinusoidal spaces contain large quantities of melanomacrophages, mainly close to the portal spaces.


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In this paper a new parasitoid Megastigmus Dalman, 1820 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae: Megastigminae) species was described in the subgenus Torymus, associated with the gall-forming Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in eucalypt plantations in Brazil.


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The turtle Trachemys scripta elegans popularly known as American tiger water are native regions winged Florida and Mississippi, in the United States. We used twenty (20) turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans), adult males and females, which were euthanized under Resolution 714 of June 20, 2002 the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV). After euthanasia were identified aortas right and left to the injection of Neoprene latex 450, stained with specific pigment. To obtain the vinyl mold aorta was injected through the right and left vinyl acetate, followed by corrosion in sulfuric acid. It was observed that the pancreas is closely related to the liver, gizzard, gall bladder, and duodenum. His face cranial this distal region of the pylorus, while its caudal along the cranial region of the duodenum. Anatomically, the pancreas is an elongated body structure featuring a lightly lobed. As to the pancreas arterial vasculature is flushed in its transverse plane of two arteries arising from the celiac artery, and each antimere two pancreaticoduodenal artery in the cranial region, close to the pylorus by the pancreaticoduodenal artery flow in the caudal portion along the duodenum.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)