48 resultados para GTP-Binding Proteins


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The evolutionarily conserved factor eIF5A is the only protein known to undergo hypusination, a unique posttranslational modification triggered by deoxyhypusine synthase (Dys1). Although eIF5A is essential for cell viability, the function of this putative translation initiation factor is still obscure. To identify eIF5A-binding proteins that could clarify its function, we screened a two-hybrid library and identified two eIF-5A partners in S. cerevisiae: Dys1 and the protein encoded by the gene YJR070C, named Lia1 (Ligand of eIF5A). The interactions were confirmed by GST pulldown. Mapping binding sites for these proteins revealed that both eIF5A domains can bind to Dys1, whereas the C-terminal domain is sufficient to bind Lia1. We demonstrate for the first time in vivo that the N-terminal α-helix of Dys1 can modulate enzyme activity by inhibiting eIF5A interaction. We suggest that this inhibition be abrogated in the cell when hypusinated and functional eIF5A is required. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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We have determined the structure of the fatty acid-binding protein 6 (fabp6) gene and the tissue-specific distribution of its transcripts in embryos, larvae and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Like most members of the vertebrate FABP multigene family, the zebrafish fabp6 gene contains four exons separated by three introns. The coding region of the gene and expressed sequence tags code for a polypeptide of 131 amino acids (14 kDa, pI 6.59). The putative zebrafish Fabp6 protein shared greatest sequence identity with human FABP6 (55.3%) compared to other orthologous mammalian FABPs and paralogous zebrafish Fabps. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the zebrafish Fabp6 formed a distinct clade with the mammalian FABP6s. The zebrafish fabp6 gene was assigned to linkage group (chromosome) 21 by radiation hybrid mapping. Conserved gene synteny was evident between the zebrafish fabp6 gene on chromosome 21 and the FABP6/Fabp6 genes on human chromosome 5, rat chromosome 10 and mouse chromosome 11. Zebrafish fabp6 transcripts were first detected in the distal region of the intestine of embryos at 72 h postfertilization. This spatial distribution remained constant to 7-day-old larvae, the last stage assayed during larval development. In adult zebrafish, fabp6 transcripts were detected by RT-PCR in RNA extracted from liver, heart, intestine, ovary and kidney (most likely adrenal tissue), but not in RNA from skin, brain, gill, eye or muscle. In situ hybridization of a fabp6 riboprobe to adult zebrafish sections revealed intense hybridization signals in the adrenal homolog of the kidney and the distal region of the intestine, and to a lesser extent in ovary and liver, a transcript distribution that is similar, but not identical, to that seen for the mammalian FABP6/Fabp6 gene. © 2008 The Authors.


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The local and systemic production of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and its actions in phagocytes lead to immunosuppressive conditions. PGE2 is produced at high levels during inflammation, and its suppressive effects are caused by the ligation of the E prostanoid receptors EP2 and EP4, which results in the production of cyclic AMP. However, PGE(2) also exhibits immunostimulatory properties due to binding to EP3, which results in decreased cAMP levels. The various guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) that are coupled to the different EP receptors account for the pleiotropic roles of PGE(2) in different disease states. Here, we discuss the production of PGE(2) and the actions of this prostanoid in phagocytes from different tissues, the relative contribution of PGE(2) to the modulation of innate immune responses, and the novel therapeutic opportunities that can be used to control inflammatory responses.


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Most of our knowledge concerning the virulence determinants of pathogenic fungi comes from the infected host, mainly from animal models and more recently from in vitro studies with cell cultures. The fungi usually present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, with the parasitism phenomenon dependent on complementary surface molecules. Among living organisms, this has been characterized as a cohabitation event, where the fungus is able to recognize specific host tissues acting as an attractant, creating stable conditions for its survival. Several fungi pathogenic for humans and animals have evolved special strategies to deliver elements to their cellular targets that may be relevant to their pathogenicity. Most of these pathogens express surface factors that mediate binding to host cells either directly or indirectly, in the latter case binding to host adhesion components such as extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, which act as 'interlinking' molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by fungal adherence to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmic internalization. Once this is accomplished, some fungi are able to alter the host cytoskeletal architecture, as manifested by a rearrangement of microtubule and microfilament proteins, and this can also induce epithelial host cells to become apoptotic. It is possible that fungal pathogens induce modulation of different host cell pathways in order to evade host defences and to foster their own proliferation. For a number of pathogens, the ability to bind ECM glycoproteins, the capability of internalization and the induction of apoptosis are considered important factors in virulence. Furthermore, specific recognition between fungal parasites and their host cell targets may be mediated by the interaction of carbohydrate-binding proteins, e.g., lectins on the surface of one type of cell, probably a parasite, that combine with complementary sugars on the surface of host-cell. These interactions supply precise models to study putative adhesins and receptor-containing molecules in the context of the fungus-host interface. The recognition of the host molecules by fungi such as Aspergillus fumigatus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Histoplasma capsulatum, and their molecular mechanisms of adhesion and invasion, are reviewed in this paper.


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Growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF1 and IGF2) and their associated binding proteins and transmembrane receptors (GHR, IGF1R and IGF2R) play an important role in the physiology of mammalian growth. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of microsatellite markers located in the 5'-regulatory region of the IGF1 and GHR genes in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups and to determine effects of these markers on growth and carcass traits in these animals under an intensive production system. For this purpose, genotyping was performed on 384 bulls including 79 Nellore, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) and 275 crossbred animals originating from crosses of Simmental (1/2 Simmental, n = 30) and Angus (1/2 Angus, n = 245) sires with Nellore females. The effects of substituting L allele for S allele of GHR microsatellite across Nellore, Canchim and 1/2 Angus were significant for weight gain and body weight (P < 0.05). The IGF1 microsatellite allele substitutions of 229 for 225 within Nellore group and of 225 for 229 within 1/2 Angus were not significant for any of the traits.


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Molecular biology techniques are of help in genetic improvement since they permit the identification, mapping and analysis of polymorphisms of genes encoding proteins that act on metabolic pathways involved in economically interesting traits. The somatotrophic axis, which essentially consists of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II), and their associated binding proteins and receptors (GHRHR, GHR, IGF-IR and IGF-IIR), plays a key role in the metabolism and physiology of mammalian growth. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the IGF-I/SnaBI, IGF-IR/TaqI and GHRH/HaeIII gene polymorphisms in different genetic groups of beef cattle and to determine associations between these polymorphisms and growth and carcass traits. For this purpose, genotyping was performed on 79 Nellore animals, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais+3/8 Zebu) animals and 275 crossbred cattle originating from the crosses of Simmental (n=30) and Angus (n=245) sires with Nellore females. In the association studies, traits of interest were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS and least square means of the genotypes were compared by the Tukey test. Associations of IGF-I/SnaBI genotypes with body weight and subcutaneous backfat were significant (p < 0.05), and nearly significant for longissimus dorsi area (p=0.06), with the 1313 genotype being favorable compared to the AB genotype. No significant associations were observed between this polymorphism and weight gain or carcass yield (P > 0.05). The IGF-IR/TaqI and GHRH/HaeIII polymorphisms showed no association with production traits. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Background: NEP1-like proteins (NLPs) are a novel family of microbial elicitors of plant necrosis. Some NLPs induce a hypersensitive-like response in dicot plants though the basis for this response remains unclear. In addition, the spatial structure and the role of these highly conserved proteins are not known.Results: We predict a 3d-structure for the beta-rich section of the NLPs based on alignments, prediction tools and molecular dynamics. We calculated a consensus sequence from 42 NLPs proteins, predicted its secondary structure and obtained a high quality alignment of this structure and conserved residues with the two Cupin superfamily motifs. The conserved sequence GHRHDWE and several common residues, especially some conserved histidines, in NLPs match closely the two cupin motifs. Besides other common residues shared by dicot Auxin-Binding Proteins (ABPs) and NLPs, an additional conserved histidine found in all dicot ABPs was also found in all NLPs at the same position.Conclusion: We propose that the necrosis inducing protein class belongs to the Cupin superfamily. Based on the 3d-structure, we are proposing some possible functions for the NLPs.


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Leishmania amazonensis causes a wide spectrum of leishmaniasis. There are no vaccines or adequate treatment for leishmaniasis, therefore there is considerable interest in the identification of new targets for anti-leishmania drugs. The central role of telomere-binding proteins in cell maintenance makes these proteins potential targets for new drugs. In this work, we used a combination of purification chromatographies to screen L. amazonensis proteins for molecules capable of binding double-stranded telomeric DNA. This approach resulted in the purification of a 38 kDa polypeptide that was identified by mass spectrometry as Rbp38, a trypanosomatid protein previously shown to stabilize mitochondrial RNA and to associate with nuclear and kinetoplast DNAs. Western blotting and supershift assays confirmed the identity of the protein as LaRbp38. Competition and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that LaRbp38 interacted with kinetoplast and nuclear DNAs in vivo and suggested that LaRbp38 may have dual cellular localization and more than one function. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved heterotrimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein involved in different events of DNA metabolism. In yeast, subunits 1 (RPA-1) and 2 (RPA-2) work also as telomerase recruiters and, in humans, the complex unfolds G-quartet structures formed by the 3' G-rich telomeric strand. In most eukaryotes, RPA-1 and RPA-2 bind DNA using multiple OB fold domains. In trypanosomatids, including Leishmania, RPA-1 has a canonical OB fold and a truncated RFA-1 structural domain. In Leishmania amazonensis, RPA-1 alone can form a complex in vitro with the telomeric G-rich strand. In this work, we show that LaRPA-1 is a nuclear protein that associates in vivo with Leishmania telomeres. We mapped the boundaries of the OB fold DNA-binding domain using deletion mutants. Since Leishmania and other trypanosomatids lack homologues of known telomere end binding proteins, our results raise questions about the function of RPA-1 in parasite telomeres. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Lectins are mainly described as simple carbohydrate- binding proteins. Previous studies have tried to identify other binding sites, which possible recognize plant hormones, secondary metabolites, and isolated amino acid residues. We report the crystal structure of a lectin isolated from Canavalia gladiata seeds ( CGL), describing a new binding pocket, which may be related to pathogen resistance activity in ConA- like lectins; a site where a non- protein amino- acid, aaminobutyric acid ( Abu), is bound.Results: the overall structure of native CGL and complexed with alpha- methyl- mannoside and Abu have been refined at 2.3 angstrom and 2.31 angstrom resolution, respectively. Analysis of the electron density maps of the CGL structure shows clearly the presence of Abu, which was confirmed by mass spectrometry.Conclusion: the presence of Abu in a plant lectin structure strongly indicates the ability of lectins on carrying secondary metabolites. Comparison of the amino acids composing the site with other legume lectins revealed that this site is conserved, providing an evidence of the biological relevance of this site. This new action of lectins strengthens their role in defense mechanisms in plants.


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Plant lectins, especially those purified from species of the Legummosae family, represent the best studied group of carbohydrate-binding proteins. The legume lectins from Diocleinae subtribe are highly similar proteins that present significant differences in the potency/ efficacy of their biological activities. The structural studies of the interactions between lectins and sugars may clarify the origin of the distinct biological activities observed in this high similar class of proteins. In this way, this work presents a crystallographic study of the ConM and CGL (agglutinins from Canavalia maritima and Canavalia gladiata, respectively) in the following complexes: ConM/ CGL:Man(alpha 1-2)Man(alpha 1-0)Me, ConM/CGL:Man(alpha 1-O)Man(alpha 1-O)Me and ConM/CGL:Man(alpha 1-4)Man(alpha 1-O)Me, which crystallized in different conditions and space group from the native proteins.The structures were solved by molecular replacement, presenting satisfactory values for R-factor and R-factor. Comparisons between ConM, CGL and ConA (Canavalia ensiformis lectin) binding mode with the dimannosides in subject, presented different interactions patterns, which may account for a structural explanation of the distincts biological properties observed in the lectins of Diocleinae subtribe. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heme is present in all cells, acting as a cofactor in essential metabolic pathways such as respiration and photosynthesis. Moreover, both heme and its degradation products, CO, iron and biliverdin, have been ascribed important signaling roles. However, limited knowledge is available on the intracellular pathways involved in the flux of heme between different cell compartments. The cattle tick Boophilus microplus ingests 100 times its own mass in blood. The digest cells of the midgut endocytose blood components and huge amounts of heme are released during hemoglobin digestion. Most of this heme is detoxified by accumulation into a specialized organelle, the hemosome.We followed the fate of hemoglobin and albumin in primary cultures of digest cells by incubation with hemoglobin and albumin labeled with rhodamine. Uptake of hemoglobin by digest cells was inhibited by unlabeled globin, suggesting the presence of receptor-mediated endocytosis. After endocytosis, hemoglobin was observed inside large digestive vesicles. Albumin was exclusively associated with a population of small acidic vesicles, and an excess of unlabeled albumin did not inhibit its uptake. The intracellular pathway of the heme moiety of hemoglobin was specifically monitored using Palladium-mesoporphyrin IX (Pd-mP) as a fluorescent heme analog. When pulse and chase experiments were performed using digest cells incubated with Pd-mP bound to globin (Pd-mP-globin), strong yellow fluorescence was found in large digestive vesicles 4 h after the pulse. By 8 h, the emission of Pd-mP was red-shifted and more evident in the cytoplasm, and at 12 h most of the fluorescence was concentrated inside the hemosomes and had turned green. After 48 h, the Pd-mP signal was exclusively found in hemosomes. In methanol, Pd-mP showed maximal emission at 550 nm, exhibiting a red-shift to 665 nm when bound to proteins in vitro.The red emission in the cytosol and at the boundary of hemosomes suggests the presence of heme-binding proteins, probably involved in transport of heme to the hemosome. The existence of an intracellular heme shuttle from the digestive vesicle to the hemosome acting as a detoxification mechanism should be regarded as a major adaptation of ticks to a blood-feeding way of life. To our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of intracellular transport of heme in a living eukaryotic cell. A similar approach, using Pd-mP fluorescence, could be applied to study heme intracellular metabolism in other cell types.


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A polynucleotide (or a fragment of RNA) was purified to apparent homogeneity by HPLC from mycelium of the wild strain 74A of the mould Neurospora crassa, after growth on sucrose and in the presence of saturating amounts of inorganic phosphate (Pi) for 72 hr at 30 degrees. The M(r) was ca 20000 as determined by HPLC at pH 6.8. Polynucleotide synthesis ranged from 4.0 to 6.5 mu g polynucleotide per mg dry mycelium in mycelium of the wild strain 74A and the various phosphorus regulatory and structural mutant strains of the mould N. crassa. Kinetic data showed that the polynucleotide interacts with mycelial Pi-repressible alkaline phosphatase by inhibiting its p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity and by protecting the enzyme against thermal inactivation in the presence of high concentrations of ammonium sulphate.


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2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) binding proteins from human cells were purified through TMG-affinity columns. TMG synthesis was improved and the TMG obtained was shown to be similar to the TMG in the 5' cap of the UsnRNAs. The eluates obtained with TMG-affinity chromatographies were very different from those isolated with m7G-affinity columns, thus suggesting that specific TMG- binding proteins were obtained. The fraction may be enriched with factors associated with import and/or hypermethylation of UsnRNPs.


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In order to identify genes expressed in the pistil that may have a role in the reproduction process, we have established an expressed sequence tags project to randomly sequence clones from a Nicotiana tabacum stigma/style cDNA library. A cDNA clone (MTL-8) showing high sequence similarity to genes encoding glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins was chosen for further characterization. Based on the extensive identity of MTL-8 to the RGP-1a sequence of N. sylvestris, a primer was defined to extend the 5′ sequence of MTL-8 by RT-PCR from stigma/style RNAs. The amplification product was sequenced and it was confirmed that MTL-8 corresponds to an mRNA encoding a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein. Two transcripts of different sizes and expression patterns were identified when the MTL-8 cDNA insert was used as a probe in RNA blots. The largest is 1,100 nucleotides (nt) long and markedly predominant in ovaries. The smaller transcript, with 600 nt, is ubiquitous to the vegetative and reproductive organs analyzed (roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles and ovaries). Plants submitted to stress (wounding, virus infection and ethylene treatment) presented an increased level of the 600-nt transcript in leaves, especially after tobacco necrosis virus infection. In contrast, the level of the 1,100-nt transcript seems to be unaffected by the stress conditions tested. Results of Southern blot experiments have suggested that MTL-8 is present in one or two copies in the tobacco genome. Our results suggest that the shorter transcript is related to stress while the larger one is a flower predominant and nonstress-inducible messenger.