34 resultados para Formato bibliográfico


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Introduction: Authority records interchange requires establishing and using metadata standards, such as MARC 21 Format for Authority Data, format used by several cataloging agencies, and Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS), that has received little attention and it is a little widespread standard among agencies. Purpose: Presenting an introductory study about Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS). Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory bibliographic research. Results: The paper address the MADS creation context, its goals and its structure and key issues related to conversion of records from MARC 21 to MADS. Conclusions: The study concludes that, despite its limitations, MADS might be used to create simple authority records in Web environment and beyond libraries context.


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Frente ao desafio de prover água de melhor qualidade para o uso humano a um custo acessível e de simples execução, muitos métodos tem sido desenvolvidos e estudados. Uma metodologia que tem se destacado atualmente, é o método SODIS, sigla em inglês que significa, desinfecção da água por meio da luz solar. Essa metodologia tem como princípio a inativação de uma variada gama de microrganismos patogênicos a partir da ação dos raios solares. Essa metodologia consiste em submeter garrafas de água a um banho de luz solar por algumas horas. Para a realização do método SODIS pode-se utilizar garrafas PET (politereftalato de etileno), sendo que sua execução é simples e rápida além de possuir mínimos riscos envolvidos. A fim de comprovar a eficácia desse método, muitos estudos tem investigado os mecanismos e fatores importantes envolvidos no processo de inativação. Da compreensão desses mecanismos e fatores críticos, preconizou-se ações que visam garantir e maximizar a eficiência do método em variadas situações e condições climáticas sem que o método se torne complexo ou oneroso. O método SODIS se mostrou eficaz na inativação de várias espécies de fungos, vírus, bactérias e até protozoários. Estudos de campo revelaram a sua eficácia prática, ocasionando uma diminuição expressiva nas ocorrências referentes a quadros de diarréia e diarréia severa nas populações estudadas


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This study aimed to review the publications in the area of Education Physics that has contributed to Scientific Literacy and STS - Science , Technology and Society , with students of elementary school in Basic Education , looking for understand the importance of an education that aims the formation of critical citizens, in opposition to passive recipients of technological influences of a modern society , but which are able to understand and reflect the importance and influence of science and technology in political, social and environmental to society . In this context , the Physics, is one of the areas of natural sciences with direct implications in daily life , we believe in the importance of introducing physical concepts in science education since the early years of basic education , either as a approach playful , experiment, study of books , magazines , papers , etc. . , so that the knowledge about physics can be built through experience and the analysis of daily phenomena, instead of only being addressed in the last three years of teaching average basic education


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Este trabalho é de natureza qualitativa e consiste em um estudo bibliográfico referente à interação entre jovens, educação musical e novas tecnologias. A partir da análise dos textos levantados, procura-se compreender como educadores musicais posicionam-se frente às tecnologias em suas aulas; e o quão significativas elas podem ser quando utilizadas. Inicialmente, o procedimento metodológico se deu através da definição de TICs e de uma contextualização sobre a presença das tecnologias na escuta, na educação e nas práticas musicais. Em seguida, utilizou-se quatro artigos publicados na Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical (ABEM), os quais foram analisados e discutidos de acordo com o pensamento vigente na bibliografia estudada, procurando verificar o estado da produção e aplicação de conhecimentos sobre o tema nesta área. Por fim, constata-se que a presença das tecnologias no ensino musical implica em mudanças no papel do professor e na matriz curricular dos cursos de Licenciatura em Música.


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Fins are a way to improve heat exchange, they increase the surface area in contact with the fluid medium. Besides widely used in industries, such extended surfaces appear in various formats and can be compared for their efficiencies in order to select the most profitable. This work proposes a new profile of fin so as to increase the perimeter of the base. The raised profile cross sectional area is constant and is also compared to other types. Here are shown the deductions of equations for this new element, and through the perimeter and graphs calculated results are compared


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Many structures and mechanical equipment requires a union member, and the screw is one of the most used, the cost is low, it is versatile and easy to find on the market. The resulting pre-load assembly torque associated with the cyclical external load has great influence, so it will be studied carefully. This study analyzed some of these factors, as the format of nuts, and the washer material when they are incompatible with the bolt material can cause a reduction in life of the joint fatigue


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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This study investigated, by descriptive documental research, the intervention models in Sexual Education in the school with the participation of the family and use of new technologies. The methodological stages were: collects in bases of data, selection and reading of the studies and elaboration of thematic groupings, by the content analysis. Four thematic group were elaborated: 1) intervention models with professionals; 2) intervention models with adolescents; 3) intervention models with the direct participation of the family and 4) Appreciation of the family’s participation in sexual education. The analised articles prioritize the adolescent population, when descrive the intervention. Few studies consider the family as important to sexual education and the techniques of the computer science are not very explored as pedagogic resources.


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This paper focuses on the discussion of journalistic genres, more specifically on the comic journalism, in other words, when using humor as a tool to transmit information. Supported by the definitions proposed by José Marques de Melo (2003), based on the theories of journalism presented by Nelson Traquina (2005) and Felipe Pena (2005) and relying on the teachings of Jorge Halperín (2008) and Rafael Yanes (2004) about interview techniques, this research aimed to analyze the humor as a legitimate resource and collaborator in journalism performance. For this, we analyzed, in detail, six different frames of interviews of program The Noite with Danilo Gentili, which is broadcasted from Monday to Friday by the Brazilian Television System, SBT. In this analysis, we considered the contente of interviews, the technique and the resources used by the presenter and his team, the journalistic relevance of topics and guests and the reach of the general public to information


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Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir e analisar a questão da inclusão escolar tendo em vista explorar a produção acadêmica a respeito da temática a fim de comparar as tendências metodológicas de estudo e relatar as evoluções históricas ao longo desde a década de 90. Para isso, o presente trabalho está estruturado em três capítulos: o primeiro uma breve retrospectiva histórica cultural entre deficientes, escola e a sociedade; o segundo sobre a formação continuada e inicial do professor inclusivo e o terceiro descreve os resultados do levantamento bibliográfico realizado na base de dados online da UNESP, considerando trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações e teses defendidas entre 1990 e 2013. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente, com alguns resultados quantitativos. Após a coleta de dados, os trabalhos foram analisados com base nos seguintes critérios: objetivos, local da pesquisa, tipo de delineamento, instituto onde o trabalho foi apresentado, principais resultados, instrumentos e tipos de participantes (quando configurar uma pesquisa empírica). Pretendeu-se verificar, se existe uma tendência na metodologia de trabalhos científicos em relação a esse tema, de pesquisas mais de cunho bibliográfico ou empírico, dado a sua complexidade


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Considering the importance of the esthetic and the adequate register of vertical dimension (VD) to the oral rehabilitation, this study had as aims the analysis and comparison of two methods to get VD (Pleasure and Willis), functional space (FE), acquisition and correlation of facial and dental measurements. To do this, rest (RVD) and occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and FE were achieved from the 30 students of the Federal University of Goias College of Dentistry. Following that, dental measurements of height and of the superior central incisors (SCI) and canine distance were registered. A facial analysis was performed to get the intercomissura, interalar, interpupilar, intercantal distance, besides register parameters as coincidence of dental and facial line, type of smile, face and SCI forms, and mastication type. The collected data were tabulated, compared by medias and standard deviations, and submitted to non-parametrical statistical analysis of Kruskal-Wallis and .Mann-Whitney with 5% of probability. The results doesn’t indicated statistical significant difference between FE of the two techniques. The measures of facial analysis are comparable with literature published data’s, but can’t be used as a parameter to the selection of intercanine distance. In 56.7% of the cases, there were coincidences of face and SCI forms, which could be a viable parameter in the selection of acrylic resin artificial tooth.


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The association of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatment option at hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. Eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) – a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) – similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) – similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) – similar to ME, but ditfferent in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) – similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) – similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip. The format of distal descending edge (ME and MF) was that presented worse results, so in the models with conventional RPD as in the models with RPD associated to the implant and ERA system of retention, for the structures gingival mucosa and tooth support. 1) the distally descending ridge presented the most significant stress in the model with the conventional RPD (ME) or with a prosthesis associated to an implant (MF) and 2) the horizontal ridge (MB) provided more relief to the support structures, such as the tooth and the spongy bone, when there was an implant associated to an ERA retention system. The incorporation of the implants with the ERA system retention, in the posterior area of the toothless edge, it promotes larger stability and retention to PPREL, improving the patient's masticatory acting and, consequently, its comfort and function.