25 resultados para Forest clear-cutting


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Many studies have assessed the process of forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon using remote sensing approaches to estimate the extent and impact by selective logging and forest fires on tropical rain forest. However, only a few have estimated the combined impacts of those anthropogenic activities. We conducted a detailed analysis of selective logging and forest fire impacts on natural forests in the southern Brazilian Amazon state of Mato Grosso, one of the key logging centers in the country. To achieve this goal a 13-year series of annual Landsat images (1992-2004) was used to test different remote sensing techniques for measuring the extent of selective logging and forest fires, and to estimate their impact and interaction with other land use types occurring in the study region. Forest canopy regeneration following these disturbances was also assessed. Field measurements and visual observations were conducted to validate remote sensing techniques. Our results indicated that the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index aerosol free (MSAVI(af)) is a reliable estimator of fractional coverage under both clear sky and under smoky conditions in this study region. During the period of analysis, selective logging was responsible for disturbing the largest proportion (31%) of natural forest in the study area, immediately followed by deforestation (29%). Altogether, forest disturbances by selective logging and forest fires affected approximately 40% of the study site area. Once disturbed by selective logging activities, forests became more susceptible to fire in the study site. However, our results showed that fires may also occur in undisturbed forests. This indicates that there are further factors that may increase forest fire susceptibility in the study area. Those factors need to be better understood. Although selective logging affected the largest amount of natural forest in the study period, 35% and 28% of the observed losses of forest canopy cover were due to forest fire and selective logging combined and to forest fire only, respectively. Moreover, forest areas degraded by selective logging and forest fire is an addition to outright deforestation estimates and has yet to be accounted for by land use and land cover change assessments in tropical regions. Assuming that this observed trend of land use and land cover conversion continues, we predict that there will be no undisturbed forests remaining by 2011 in this study site. Finally, we estimated that 70% of the total forest area disturbed by logging and fire had sufficiently recovered to become undetectable using satellite data in 2004. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Among 89 plants species growing in a subtropical dry forest fragment located in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, 35 species were cut by Atta sexdens, representing 39.34% of the current plants existing in this area. A. sexdens L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) has a selective preference for the following species: Alchornea triplinervia, Faramea cyanea, Cariniana estrellensis and Casearea obliqua, with the first being the most cut species. The frequency and absolute densities of the plant families and species significantly influence the selection process. When comparing the absolute frequency regarding the 10 most cut plant species and the cutting frequency, significant data were obtained only for the euphorbiaceous A. triplinervia species, proving the preference of A. sexdens for this species in particular. These interactions are discussed based on ecological and management factors in agro-ecosystems.


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Automatic inspection of petroleum well drilling has became paramount in the last years, mainly because of the crucial importance of saving time and operations during the drilling process in order to avoid some problems, such as the collapse of the well borehole walls. In this paper, we extended another work by proposing a fast petroleum well drilling monitoring through a modified version of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier. Given that the cutting's volume at the vibrating shale shaker can provide several information about drilling, we used computer vision techniques to extract texture informations from cutting images acquired by a digital camera. A collection of supervised classifiers were applied in order to allow comparisons about their accuracy and effciency. We used the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), EOPF (Efficient OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multilayer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP) Support Vector Machines (SVM), and a Bayesian Classifier (BC) to assess the robustness of our proposed schema for petroleum well drilling monitoring through cutting image analysis.


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Habitat fragmentation is the main cause of biodiversity loss, as remnant fragments are exposed to negative influences that include edge effects, prevention of migration, declines in effective population sizes, loss of genetic variability and invasion of exotic species. The Drosophilidae (Diptera), especially species of the genus Drosophila, which are highly sensitive to environmental variation, have been used as bioindicators. A twelve-month field study was conducted to evaluate the abundance and richness of drosophilids in an edge-interior transect in a fragment of semideciduous forest in São Paulo State, Brazil. One objective of the study was to evaluate the applied methodology with respect to its potential use in future studies addressing the monitoring and conservation of threatened areas. The species abundance along the transect showed a clear gradient, with species associated with disturbed environments, such as Drosophila simulans, Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis and Zaprionus indianus, being collected at the fragment edge and the species D. willistoni and D. mediostriata being found in the fragment's interior. Replacement of these species occurred at approximately 60 meters from the edge, which may be a reflection of edge effects on species abundance and richness because the species found within the habitat fragment are more sensitive to variations in temperature and humidity than those sampled near the edge. The results support the use of this methodology in studies on environmental impacts. © 2013 Penariol and Madi-Ravazzi; licensee Springer.


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Leaf-cutting ants modify the properties of the soil adjacent to their nests. Here, we examined whether such an ant-altered environment impacts the belowground fungal communities. Fungal diversity and community structure of soil from the fungus garden chambers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa and Atta bisphaerica, two widespread leaf-cutting ants in Brazil, were determined and compared with non-nest soils. Culture-dependent methods revealed similar species richness but different community compositions between both types of soils. Penicillium janthinellum and Trichoderma spirale were the prevalent isolates in fungus chamber soils and non-nest soils, respectively. In contrast to cultivation methods, analyses of clone libraries based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region indicated that richness of operational taxonomic units significantly differed between soils of the fungus chamber and non-nest soils. FastUnifrac analyses based on ITS sequences further revealed a clear distinction in the community structure between both types of soils. Plectania milleri and an uncultured Clavariaceae fungus were prevalent in fungus chamber soils and non-nest soils, respectively. FastUnifrac analyses also revealed that fungal community structures of soil from the garden chambers markedly differed among ant species. Our findings suggest that leaf-cutting ants affect fungal communities in the soil from the fungus chamber in comparison to non-nest soils. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.


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The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)