29 resultados para Foeniculum vulgare Miller


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The use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of oncological diseases in veterinary medicine has grown in recent years. In general, these animals are very well tolerated by the treatment with radioactive elements; however, the harmful effects that may occur are not always able to be controlled, particularly those relating to skin burns. Then, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare in treat of 10 cats radiodermatitis with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which were treated with radiotherapy as single modality treatment. The drug was used topically and daily until complete healing of wounds. Based on the findings, it may concluded beneficial effects of the drug, because it allowed the formation of granulation tissue and epithelization of wounds with epidermal repair not exuberant, good-quality cosmetics and, considering the deleterious effects that can result from cancer treatments.


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One of the main purposes of mucogingival therapy is to obtain full root coverage. Several treatment modalities have been developed, but few techniques can provide complete root coverage in a class III Miller recession. Thus, the aim of this case report is to present a successful clinical case of a Miller class III gingival recession in which complete root coverage was obtained by means of a multidisciplinary approach. A 17-year-old Caucasian female was referred for treatment of a gingival recession on the mandibular left central incisor. The following procedures were planned for root coverage in this case: free gingival graft, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling and coronally advanced flap (CAF). The case has been followed up for 12 years and the patient presents no recession, no abnormal probing depth and no bleeding on probing, with a wide attached gingiva band. A compromised tooth with poor prognosis, which would be indicated for extraction, can be treated by orthodontic movement and periodontal therapy, with possibility of 100% root coverage in some class III recessions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We discuss Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer based on the concept of nomadism, as coined by Deleuze and Guattari. The relation between philosophy and literature is very productive for both. A phenomenon of dual capture between these two areas that is characteristic of a nomadic thinking: literature that engenders philosophy which, in turn, engenders literature, establishing connections, new relations between terms in a distinct nomad variation that dismisses the classical image of thought of its eminence: a perspective between philosophy and literature as form of discussing the nomadism in Miller's novel. Thus, the linkage between philosophy and literature aims to capture the Millerian paths on this new space of thought, which is achieved by giving up any origin, human or divine, and stands as productive thought that affirms the real in a combat waged against the faculty of judgment, or simply of Judgment, in all its forms.


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The Caracara genus (Aves: Falconidae) is composed by species C. cheriway, ("Crested Caracara"), and C. plancus (Southern Caracara). This study aimed to describe in detail and compared the cranial osteology of C. cheriway and C. plancus, identifying osteological cranial characters for a future systematic work. The two common characters of Caracara species are: the projection of rostro parasphenoid reaches 50% of the distance from the occipital condyle to the pterygoid; the upper maxilla has about 4/9 of the total length of theskull, the symphysial portion of mandible occupies about 1/7 of its total length, the proximal portion of lacrimal bone ends in a rounded shape and has about 1/4 of the width of the distal portion. The unique characters of C. cheriway are: the interorbital width is about 1/2 of the parietal region, shows a frontal bone prominence; presence of lacrimal process of frontal bone; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone reaches 1/5 of the distance from the orbital arc to the jugal bone; the distance between the distal portions of two lacrimal bones reach 5/6 of the parietal width, the ratio between the interorbital diameter and parietal region ranges from 2 times; the zygomatic process occupies about 40% of the distance between its origin in the skull and jugal bone. The unique characters of C. plancus are: the interorbital width is approximately 4/7 of the parietal width; show a rostral medial concavity; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone is about 1/4 of the width of the distal; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone reaches 1/7 of the distance from the orbital arc to the jugal bone; the distance between the distal portions of two lacrimal bones reaches 6/7 of the width parietal one; the ratio between the interorbital diameter and parietal region varies 1, 75 times, the zygomatic process occupies about 35% of the distance between its origin in the skull and jugal bone.


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The aim of the study is to demonstrate the occurrence and usage of the Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) in rural areas of the Municipality of Irituia, in the State of Pará (Brazil), since the use of the palm part of the traditional culture of communities of farmers, riparian and quilombola, used in curing diseases in human and domestic animals, building shelters, obtaining fibers, production of tools and crafts, hunting and fishing. In addition to the uses reported by the population, tucumã has potential for the production of oil and biodiesel. In this sense, the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, in a partnership with the Irituia’s Municipal Government, is studying the implementation of an oleaginous processing plant in the municipality, among them, and includes the Tucumã as a potential source. Such proposal stipulates the production in the agroforestry system, as an alternative to the slash and burn agriculture in the region, reconciling environmental conservation with territorial rural development. Considering the results obtained in the field, it has been found an average of 9.4 stumps per hectare, each stump having 7.7 stipes and 4.7 racemes with up to 146 fruits. If all the Tucumã’s stumps were kept until they reached their average productivity capacity, it is estimated that the fruit production in the rural area of the municipality would be around 132.060 tons, which could produce up to 12.665,4 tons/year of pulp oil and 4.768,4 tons/year of nut oil, confirming the supply of raw material to move this productive chain.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)