43 resultados para Focus Group
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The study of information behavior of graduate students is important because it reveals aspects of the search and information use that will impact the performance of future researchers and other professionals. Earlier studies on the UNESP, campus of Marilia (São Paulo State, Brazil), indicated that the graduate students in the areas of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities little use information sources traditionally used for bibliographic and restricted to the sources indicated by their teachers, contrary to expectations for a student with this level of training. Continuing the theme, we investigate the information behavior of students in postgraduate programs in the field of Education with five and six notes in the latest assessment of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). This research aimed to characterize the information behavior of Brazilian post-graduate in Education; identify factors that may influence the information behavior of the participants; investigate whether there are significant differences in behavior between masters and doctoral students; check the influence of gender in information behavior of post-graduate students. Data collection was performed in two stages: the establishment of a focus group with group of 11 participants for raising subsidies for the next step, which consisted in the application of electronic questionnaire to 16 graduate regular student of programs of excellence in the Brazil. Participated in the survey 493 post-graduates, 54% doctoral students and 46% of masters students and 75% women and 25% of men. The results showed that most subjects did not participate in formal instruction to search in databases. They are open to new ideas and do not restrict your search only to information that confirms their view on the research topic. Respondents are concerned not to overlook details and have the habit of regularly seeking information on their research and were willing to...
This qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory nature was conducted with the aim of evaluating the contribution of university extension towards the training and life histories of dentistry students, using the focus group technique. The material was assessed using the collective subject discourse analysis technique. The results showed the impact exerted by academic experience, in extension activities within the personal, professional and active citizenship spheres. The subjects' perceptions revealed an opportunity to develop and improve their professional skills, through recognition of distinct realities of life, through breaking away from the traditional model of teaching and through fruitful relationships between students, university and society. Feelings of satisfaction, personal fulfillment, recognition and being an active and critical citizen were reported. It was concluded that experience within the field of extension is an important agent for the individual and collective process of academic training.
Focus groups are seen as important tools in qualitative research for evaluating projects aimed at articulating social networks and movements. Six focus groups were held as one of the stages in research as part of the Food Safety and Sustainable Nutrition Project (SANS). This social network articulates the academic world with social movements and government in defense of the human right to suitable nutrition. This report is aimed at discussing the experience of applying focus groups to the investigation of perceptions by health professionals of activities related to food and nutrition in basic health care. These groups made it possible to bring together 52 professionals from 13 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and they exchanged experiences and debated issues related to food safety in the area of health care. The group discussions identified eating, nutrition vigilance and intersectoriality as emerging topics. The focus group technique proved to be a suitable tool for investigating the topic quickly and in depth, with a large number of professionals working in different contexts. In fact, the discussions went beyond the objectives of the research, since the group work made it possible to strengthen the process of articulation carried out by a network that promoting local measures in food safety and sustainable nutrition.
Historicamente, as escolas assumiram como missão o disciplinamento de crianças e jovens, supostamente com o objetivo de adequá-los ao convívio e às normas sociais. Um dos instrumentos criados para exercer este ofício são os chamados Livros de Ocorrências, existentes nas escolas desde a década de 1920. Neste contexto, buscamos compreender como esses livros têm sido utilizados nas escolas atualmente, como esta utilização tem sido interpretada pelos professores e quais os sentidos dos registros. Em nossa análise apontamos que os registros têm pouca efetividade em termos de favorecimento à aprendizagem do aluno, mas que exercem uma função de disciplinamento e normalização. Pôde-se também apontar, com base na análise de entrevistas com os professores, nas quais utilizamos a técnica de grupo focal, que os registros tendem a ganhar um novo significado, de proteção da escola e dos professores, ainda que esta proteção possa ser compreendida mais como simbólica do que propriamente efetiva.
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
The paper aims to describe the steps undertaken in the development of a training program to prepare the physical education teacher to meet the demand of inclusion of students with disabilities. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in public schools, from 1st to 5th grade, participated in the first step. The Data were collected through focus group. The analysis was performed in categories. Two teachers participated in Stage 2, which consists of 28 classes that there was a student with disabilities enrolled. The reports focus group identified eight different subcategories of difficulties: 1 ) Training , 2) Administrative-school issue ; 3 ) Student ; 4 ) Diagnosis ; 5 ) Family ; 6 ) Teaching resource ; 7 ) Strategies ; 8 ) Physical Education. The filming analysis enabled to identify difficulties and success situations of each teacher. The identification of the difficulties pointed out ways to prepare Physical Education teachers, and based on such difficulties actionsand contents that include a training program may be stipulated.
Applicability of management theories to developing organizationations and structured process for managing change and create an environment for innovation and adaptation. The study skills resources focus described information science area and your essencial function building a knowledge society. The work process administration involves organizational environment. When working to resolve conflict, it is important to solve parties in personal conflict for success of the organization. For theory of human relations, informal groups influence in the archive workplace. Thus the aim of this paper is to proposed analyse the influence human relations theory for the process archive management. That methodology will follow the recommendation archive university case study. The data analysis for the current case study follows focus group. The conduct the case study was guided by three phases: Motivational elements, the individual and influence behavior, integration of the formal and informal organization. Employees May Be the Key to Success for O rganizations and develop the conclusions and recommendations portray motivation and a good working environment stood out the factors that employees develop skills and competencies. Organizational behavior that is present in forms of rewards, recognition, social man and informal groups. The nature of research contribute to the process archive management. Development and suggested that the findings of the analysis are applied to a larger structure of archive organization, as well as public archive case study.
This study reports part of a broader research about information behavior of graduate students in Education. The research´s participants were nine masters and doctoral students from a graduate program in Education at a public university. The focus group technique was used to collect the data. The focus group sessions were observed and recorded. The recorded data were transcribed, categorized and then analyzed using the technique of content analysis. The main aspects achieved were: i) Identification’s forms of information resources for research; ii) Internet as source of information; iii) Academic Library’s services and resources use; iv) Training to use of electronic data base; v) Difficulties to perform the search; vi) Advisor’s influence on research development; and vii) Environmental factors that affect information seeking behavior. The main results reveal that the identification of information sources occurs, mainly, through references quoted on studies of the researched area; as well as the advisors’ influence in the information seeking behavior of the participants. The results, also, disclose some environmental aspects, as example, lack of time to search and discomfort caused by the libraries’ environment that influenced negatively the information behavior of the studied group.
This work is the result of previous studies, such as the undergraduate research project and the “Núcleo de Ensino” project, which were based on knowledge of young residents of Presidente Prudente - SP. The present study aims to interpret and understand the ways the students experience the school and the city. To get results we studied the high school students of State School Fernando Costa, known as IE, located in the heart of the city. The research development came from the Participant Observation, after the use of questionnaires, interviews and finally the completion of a Focus Group. Finally, there is the consideration of the material collected in the practice, their school experiences and City entertainment. Following the conclusions drawn from this study
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)