639 resultados para FISIOPATOLOGIA CANINA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Relata-se um caso de uma família com diagnóstico de tuberculose, cujo cão também apresentava a enfermidade. Discute-se a importância do rastreamento epidemiológico animal em casos de tuberculose humana.


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No presente estudo, ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística para prever a probabilidade de óbito de cães acometidos por gastroenterite hemorrágica. O modelo Logístico é recomendado para variáveis-resposta dicotômicas em estudo de Coorte. Registraram-se 176 animais censitariamente atendidos com gastroenterite hemorrágica em quatro clínicas veterinárias da cidade de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais, entre os anos de 1992 e 1999. Após terem sido selecionadas por meio do teste de Pearson ou teste exato de Fisher, ajustou-se o modelo considerando-se as variáveis sexo, idade, diárias de internação e número de atendimentos. A estimação dos parâmetros foi feita pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Conclui-se que quando os cães acometidos por gastroenterite hemorrágica são atendidos apenas uma vez, aqueles com idade superior a 6 meses possuem 15,45 vezes mais chances de morrerem (P<0,05) do que aqueles com menos de 6 meses de idade. Quando os animais que apresentam a enfermidade possuem mais de 6 meses de idade, a chance de morrerem, se forem atendidos apenas uma vez, é 20,251 vezes maior (P<0,05) do que se recebessem de 2 a 7 atendimentos.


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Recentemente, foco de leishmaniose visceral canina (CVL) foi descrito na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil. O Hospital Veterinário - UNESP - Araçatuba, no ano de 2.000, desenvolveu 60 testes citopatológicos de casos suspeitos de leishmaniose usando aspirado por agulha fina (FNA). Os esfregaços de linfonodo foram corados pelo método de Romanowsky (Diff-Quik®) e observados em microscopia de luz. Os casos positivos mostraram formas amastigotas típicas de Leishmania livres ou em vacúolos de macrófagos. Sinais citopatológicos de reatividade do sistema linfo-histiocitário com ausência de parasitos foram também observados. Com o objetivo de implementar o diagnóstico da CVL, detectando parasitos e material antigênico nos esfregaços, aplicou-se a reação de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) usando anticorpo policlonal anti-Leishmania produzido em camundongo. Comparamos o método de IFD com a pesquisa direta do parasito em esfregaços corados pelo método de Romanowsky. Dos 60 cães com sinais clínicos da doença, o exame direto foi positivo em 50% (n=30), duvidoso em 36,7% (n=22) e negativo com reatividade do linfonodo em 13,3% (n=8). Quando os linfonodos foram submetidos a reação de IFD observamos reação positiva em 93,3% (n=56) e reação negativa em 6,7% (n=4). Nossos resultados mostraram que a reação de IFD apresentou alta sensibilidade quando comparada a pesquisa direta do parasito pela coloração de Romanowsky. A reação de IFD pode ser um método útil para confirmar os casos duvidosos da doença, onde as formas amastigotas não são identificadas com facilidade.


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This report aims to describe the first case allochthonous of visceral leishmanisasis (VL) in the municipality of Campo Mourao, Parana, Brazil, in a canine, Boxer breed, with eye and skin lesions, lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly, attended at Veterinary Hospital at the Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourao, after residing in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. The diagnosis of the disease was based on direct observation of amastigotes of Leishmania spp., in popliteal lymph nodes, suggesting that a case of VL, since the animal came from an endemic area for the disease. The migration of infected dogs from endemic regions to areas unaffected becomes a problem for public health, since it may allow the installation of new outbreaks by encouraging the spread of disease throughout the country.


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Juvenile cellulitis or juvenile sterile granulomatous lymphadenitis is a rare disorder that affects puppies between three weeks to six months years old. Clinical signs include alopecia, edema, papules, pustules and crusts especially on eyelids. Definitive diagnosis requires cytological and histological evaluation and early and aggressive therapy is recommended, once scars after recovery can be severe. The choice treatment is the high dose of corticosteroids use such as prednisone. Three animals of canine species were attended at the Veterinary Hospital Clinical Small Animal Service presenting different clinical signs. Hemogram, skin lesions and submandibular lymph nodes cytological examination was collected and analyzed. The treatment was instituted, using cephalexin (22mg/kg, twice daily) up to control of secondary bacterial infection, and prednisone (2mg/kg, once a day) until clinical resolution. Complete cure was obtained at the end of treatment. The aim of this work is to report three clinical cases of juvenile cellulitis in dogs.


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Planning control programs, for diseases such as rabies requires information on the size and structure of the dog and cat population. In order to evaluate the dog population of the urban area of Araçatuba city, S. Paulo State, Brazil, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire to interview members of households. Eighty-eight districts were visited (37,778 houses) and the interview was possible at 77.93% of these. Human population size evaluated was 113,157 inhabitants. Houses that owned animals represented 55.2%, 26,926 of the animals concerned were dogs and 5,755 were cats. Of the dogs, 56.64% were 1-4 year olds and males represented 56.2% of the total population. Dog: person ratio was estimated at 2.8 dogs to every 10 persons, almost 3 times the ratio hitherto estimated and used in the planning of rabies vaccination campaigns.


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Hemolytic anemia and vasoocclusion are the cardinal clinical features of sickle cell anemia. Vasoocclusion is a complex process involving not only the polymerization of deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin tetramers, but also interactions between sickle erythrocytes, vascular endothelium, platelets, leukocytes, and plasma proteins. The increased adherence of sickle erythrocytes to endothelium has been implicated as an early step in vasoocclusion. Other researchers have focused on leukocytes and platelets which might also contribute to disturbed blood flow. Microvascular occlusion results in acute painful crises, whereas macrovascular occlusion seems to be the cause of organ failure. The anemia results from the markedly shortened circulatory survival of sickle erythrocytes, together with a limited erythropoietic response. The erythropoiesis increases intensively, but it is not enough to balance the increased rate of erythrocytes destruction to maintain normal levels of total erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentrations; mainly by the low oxygen affinity of hemoglobin S and increased 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate. It is very difficult to separate processes leading to anemia or to vasoocclusion. Understanding the involvement of multiple blood componentes in vasoocclusion may elucidate the clinical manifestations and complications of sickle cell anemia, and may give new insights into the preventive and curative therapy.


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The intestinal ischemia is unusual in vascular surgery emergency. Its main causes are embolisms and arterial thrombosis. In addition to severe ischemia, reperfusion of the ischemic tissues can lead to several complications that may worsen the ischemic lesion and produce a life threatening situation caused by systemic alterations. Intestinal tissue injuries due to ischemia and reperfusion have been demonstrated in clinical and experimental studies, in which pathophysiology and adequate treatment were also studied. The great variety of experimental models used and results achieved reflect the need for an intestinal ischemia and reperfusion experimental model that is simple, reproducible and consistent, in order to search for treatments that can reduce the damage caused by this situation. In this review, the main pathophysiologic aspects and the most used experimental models will be reviewed. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular.


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Leptospirosis was seroepidemiologically investigated in 775 dogs from Botucatu, state of Sao Paulo, in blood samples collected during the annual anti-rabies vaccination campaign. The samples were collected from 14 out of the 45 vaccination stations geographically distributed in five different municipal districts, with a territorial urban area of 31Km2. Samples were taken from 449 males and 326 females; 564 were of undetermined breed, and 211 were pedigree animals; ages ranged from 3 months to 20 years. Diagnosis included the microscopic serum agglutination tests using 12 Leptospira spp serovars. Serological results and epidemiological variables were compared using Goodman and chi-square tests, with χ=0.05. There were 119 (15.3%) positive samples for 11 serovars; the most important was canicola with 48 (40.3%), followed by pyrogenes 41 (34.5%). Statistical analysis showed significant difference for: breed, 17.7% positive in undetermined breeds and 9.0% in pedigrees; and sex, 18.4% positive in males and 11.0% in females. There was no statistically significant difference in relation to age with uniform distribution of positives.


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Inquiries about toxoplasmosis are essential because its zoonotic potential and pathogenicity in pets and production animals. The dog can be involved in the mechanical transmission of the infection by Toxoplasma gondii and in spite of not being the definitive host, it has an epidemiological role in this disease. The high rate of dogs naturally infected by T. gondii and the great possibility of adquiring this protozoan, justify the importance of attempting against for the occurrence of this illness. The aim of this article was to demonstrated through literature revision, some clinical aspects, epidemic and pathological of the toxoplasmosis in the canine species.


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A case of a 11 year old Boxer dog with hypertrophic osteopathy is presented. This is an uncommon pathological process characterized by bilaterally symmetric and generalized periosteal proliferative in long bones and falanges.


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Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)