395 resultados para Examinations.
Background: Leprosy neuropathy, despite being primarily demyelinating, frequently leads to axonal loss. Neurophysiological examination of the nerves during Type 1 (T1R) and Type 2 reactions (T2R) may give some insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms.Methods: Neurophysiological examinations were performed in 28 ulnar nerves during a clinical trial of steroid treatment effectiveness, 19 patients with T1R and nine with T2R. The nerves were monitored during a period of 6 months; there were eight assessments per nerve, for a total of 224 assessments. Nine neurophysiological parameters were assessed at three sites of the ulnar nerve. The compound motor action potential amplitudes elicited at wrist, elbow and above, as well as the conduction velocity and temporal dispersion across the elbow, were chosen to focus on the changes occurring in the parameters at the elbow tunnel.Results and Conclusion: Neurophysiological changes indicating axonal and demyelinating processes during both T1R and T2R were detected across the elbow. Changes in demyelination, i.e. a Conduction Block, as a primary event present during T2R, occurring as an acute phenomenon, were observed regularly; in T1R Temporal Dispersion, a subacute phenomenon, was seen. During treatment remyelination occurred after both types of reactions.
The 2024 and 7050 aluminium alloys used as aircraft components were subjected to laboratory corrosion tests in sodium chloride solution, Light-microscope examinations make it possible to characterise morphological aspects of the localised corrosion. Image analysis was used to determine both depth and width of pits over corroded surfaces. It has been concluded that the annealing could reduce the pit growth in both alloys, by means of grains recrystallization or recovery. The 2024 alloy also tends to present an exfoliation mechanism, mainly throughout non-recrystallized and recrystallized grain boundaries, increasing the width and sustaining the depth of pit cavities during exposition to saline atmosphere. SEM and EDS analysis reveal the morphology and elemental distribution of the corrosion products formed after immersion corrosion test. Some of these products were identified by X-ray diffraction analysis. For 2024, Al(OH)(3), MS(OH)(2) and Cu2O were found. AI(OH)(3) and Cu2O were also found in 7050 samples.
Toxocara vitulorum is a nematode parasite of the small intestine of cattle and water buffalo, particularly buffalo calves between one and three months of age, causing high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this research was to characterize the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of T vitulorum larvae by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blot (WB), using immune sera and colostrum of buffalo naturally infected by T vitulorum. The parasitological status of the buffalo calves was also evaluated using sequential fecal examinations. The results showed that the ES antigen revealed eight (190, 150, 110, 90, 64, 56, 48, and 19 kDa) protein bands by SDS-PAGE. The majority of these bands were recognized in the sera and colostrum of infected buffalo with T vitulorum when analyzed by WB. However, particularly fractions of high molecular weight (190, 150, 110, and 90 kDa) were represented in more prominent bands and persisted in the groups of buffalo calves at the peak of egg output, as well as during the period of rejection of T vitulorum by the feces of the calves. During the period of post-rejection of the worms (between the day 118 and 210 of age) the serum antibodies did not react with any protein bands. on the other hand, sera from buffalo calves at one day of age (after suckling the colostrum and at the beginning of infection) reacted with the same bands detected in the serum and colostrum of the buffalo cows.
The aim of this study was to evaluate modifications occurring in semitendinous muscle after transposition as a ventral perineal muscle flap using electromyography, ultrasonography, and morphological studies. Ten male crossbreed dogs of 3-4 year old were used. The left semitendinous muscle was cut close to the popliteus lymph node, rotated and sutured at the perineal region. The contralateral muscle was considered as control. Motor nerve conduction studies of both sciatic-tibial nerves, and electromyographic and ultrasonographic examinations of both semitendinous muscles were performed before surgery and 15, 30, 60, and 90 days postoperatively. Semitendinous muscle samples were collected for morphological analysis 90 days after surgery. No alterations were observed in clinical gait examinations, or in goniometrical and electroneuromyographical studies in pelvic limbs after surgery. Electromyography demonstrated that the transposed muscle was able to contract, but atrophy was detected by ultrasonography and morphological analysis.
Aim. Duplex scanning has been used in the evaluation of the aorta and proximal arteries of the lower extremities, but has limitations in evaluating the arteries of the leg. The utilization of ultrasonographic contrast (USC) may be helpful in improving the quality of the image in these arteries. The objective of the present study was to verify whether the USC increases the diagnostic accuracy of patency of the leg arteries and if it diminishes the time needed to perform duplex scanning.Methods. Twenty patients with critical ischemia (20 lower extremities) were examined by standard duplex scanning, duplex scanning with contrast and digital subtraction arteriography (DSA). The 3 arteries of the leg were divided into 3 segments, for a total of 9 segments per limb. Each segment was evaluated for patency in order to compare the 3 diagnostic methods. Comparison was made between standard duplex scanning and duplex scanning with contrast in terms of quality of the color-coded Doppler signal and of the spectral curve, and also of the time to perform the exams.Results. Duplex scanning with contrast was similar to arteriography in relation to patency diagnosis (p>0.3) and even superior in some of the segments. Standard duplex scanning was inferior to arteriography and to duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001). There were improvements of 70% in intensity of the color-coded Doppler signal and 76% in the spectral curve after the utilization of contrast. The time necessary to perform the examinations was 23.7 minutes for standard duplex scanning and 16.9 minutes for duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001).Conclusion. The use of ultrasonographic contrast increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of patency of leg arteries and diminished the time necessary for the execution of duplex scanning.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of hypothyroidism in a sample of hyperlipemic patients and evaluate clinical and laboratory factors indicative of thyropathy among them. METHODS: Fifty-one hyperlipemic patients, grouped according to an earlier or recent diagnosis of their thyroid function into euthyroid and hypothyroid, were evaluated with clinical and laboratory examinations of blood levels of free T4 and TSH (by radioimmunoassay). Patients were on average 46.8±11.7 years old, predominantly of the female sex (62.5%); 31% had a previous diagnosis of hypothyroidism and were under treatment with thyroxin. RESULTS: Fourteen three percent of patients analyzed had hypothyroidism, which had not been detected before. Differentiating attributes of the groups analyzed were: a predominance of females among the hypothyroid patients and a higher HDL serum concentration among those recently diagnosed. CONCLUSION: In the present study, new cases of hypothyroidism in hyperlipemic patients were a frequent occurrence, yet few clinical and laboratory data except tests evaluating free T4 and TSH in the blood indicated which patients had thyroid dysfunction.
As síndromes mielodisplásicas são reconhecidas como doenças que se originam nas células-tronco da medula óssea e que requerem avaliação sistemática e criteriosa de sangue periférico e medula óssea para seu correto diagnóstico. O objetivo deste relato é estabelecer os critérios morfológicos (cito-histológicos) como parâmetros para o diagnóstico de SMD em amostras de sangue periférico e medula óssea, com especial direcionamento aos hematologistas e patologistas clínicos que exercem a hematologia laboratorial na sua rotina de trabalho. Os principais achados morfológicos são listados no final deste relato, na forma de check-list, objetivando a sistematização sobre estes achados.
The aim of this study was to confirm the effectiveness of early physiotherapeutic stimulation for lymphatic flaw progression in patients with breast cancer undergoing axillary dissection This was a randomized experimental study oil 22 patients who underwent lymphoscintigraphy in their arms on two different occasions, firstly without stimulation and secondly after randomization into two groups without physiotherapeutic stimulation (WOPS, n=10) and with physiotherapeutic stimulation (WPS, n=12) The lymphoscintigraphy scan was performed with (99m)Tc-phytate administered into the second interdigital space of the hand, ipsilaterally to the dissected axilla, in three phases dynamic, static, and delayed whole body imaging Physiotherapeutic stimulation was earned out using Foldi's technique In both groups, images from the two examinations of each patient were compared Flow progression was considered positive when, on the second damnation, the radiopharmaceutical reached areas more distant from the injection site Statistical analysis was used to evaluate frequencies, percentages and central trend measurements, and non-parametric tests were conducted Descriptive analysis showed that the WPS and WOPS groups were similar M terms of mean age, weight, height, body mass index and number of lymph nodes removed There were statistically significant associations between physiotherapeutic stimulation and radiopharmaceutical progression at all three phases of the study (p < 0 0001) Early physiotherapeutic stimulation in beast cancer patients undergoing radical axillary dissection is effective, and can therefore be indicated as a preventive measure against lymphedema
Objetivos: avaliar a evolução ultra-sonográfica de cistos subependimários (CSE) do ângulo externo dos ventrículos laterais, e a evolução clínica dos pacientes. Comparar os pacientes com CSE isolados e os com CSE associados a outras lesões. Métodos: foram diagnosticados um a vários cistos no ângulo externo de um ou de ambos os ventrículos laterais, por meio de ultra-som transfontanelar (US) de rotina, realizado nos primeiros dias de vida, caracterizando os CSE. Durante o período de 1981-2000, 66 recém-nascidos tiveram CSE evidenciados na UTI neonatal do Hospital de Port-Royal. Foram constituídos dois grupos: G-I, com CSE isolados (n=21), e G-II, com CSE associados a outras lesões (n=45). Resultados: os recém-nascidos do GI apresentaram maior maturidade, melhores condições de nascimento e menor morbidade respiratória em relação a GII. A incidência de malformações congênitas foi elevada em ambos os grupos. Houve baixa taxa de infecção bacteriana e ausência de infecção congênita. Os CSE foram uni ou bilaterais, únicos ou múltiplos (colar de pérolas), sem diferença entre os grupos estudados, e predominaram à esquerda. US seriados foram realizados em 49/66 pacientes (74%), mostrando aumento no tamanho do cisto em 21/49 (45%), no primeiro mês de vida, enquanto 12 CSE (24%) desapareceram. O óbito ocorreu em dez recém-nascidos com lesões neurológica graves (quatro leucomalácias periventriculares, cinco hemorragias peri e intraventriculares), e somente um com hérnia diafragmática não apresentava outras lesões ao US transfontanelar. Conclusões: as características dos CSE não diferiram quando esses estavam associados a outras lesões. O nítido predomínio no lado esquerdo sugere uma etiologia vascular. Foi encontrada uma alta taxa de malformações associadas, alertando para a possibilidade de uma etiologia malformativa. Ambas hipóteses sugerem um desvio de desenvolvimento, e não de uma fetopatia viral.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A biópsia da próstata não é um procedimento isento de riscos. Existe preocupação com respeito às complicações e quais seriam os melhores antibióticos usados antes do procedimento. O objetivo foi determinar a taxa de complicações e os possíveis fatores de risco para complicação na biópsia da próstata. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo clínico, realizado no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas biópsias em 174 pacientes que apresentavam anormalidade ao exame digital da próstata ou antígeno prostático específico maior que 4 ng/ml ou ambos. Todos os pacientes realizaram enema e antibioticoprofilaxia previamente ao exame. As complicações foram anotadas após o término do procedimento e em consultas posteriores. Algumas condições foram investigadas como possíveis fatores de risco para biópsias de próstata: idade, câncer da próstata, diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, antecedentes de prostatite, uso de ácido acetilsalicílico, volume prostático, número de biópsias e uso de sonda vesical. RESULTADOS: As complicações hemorrágicas foram mais comuns (75,3%) enquanto que as infecciosas ocorreram em 19% dos casos. O tipo mais freqüente foi a hematúria, ocorrendo em 56% dos pacientes. A infecção do trato urinário ocorreu em 16 pacientes (9,2%). Sepse foi observada em três pacientes (1,7%). Não houve óbitos. em 20% dos pacientes não foram observadas complicações após o exame. A presença da sonda vesical foi fator de risco para complicações infecciosas (p < 0,05). O número maior de amostras nas biópsias foi relacionado à hematúria, sangramento retal e complicações infecciosas (p < 0,05). As demais condições investigadas não se relacionaram com complicações pós-biópsia da próstata. CONCLUSÕES: As complicações pós-biópsia da próstata foram em sua maioria autolimitadas. A taxa de complicações graves foi baixa, sendo a biópsia de próstata guiada pelo ultra-som segura e eficaz. A retirada de um maior número de fragmentos na biópsia relaciona-se com hematúria, sangramento retal e complicações infecciosas. A sonda vesical foi um fator de risco para complicações infecciosas.
OBJETIVO: Estudo comparativo da receptividade (colaboração) e sensibilidade da seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno em relação à ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal em pacientes com suspeita de refluxo gastroesofágico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 42 pacientes pediátricos (26 masculinos, com idade média de 33,64 ± 34,33 meses, e 16 femininos, com idade média de 31,02 ± 35,56 meses) com suspeita de refluxo gastroesofágico, os quais foram submetidos, inicialmente, a seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno, e posteriormente, a ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal. RESUL-TADOS: A análise estatística comparativa entre os sexos e as idades sugere não haver evidência de associação com a colaboração, tanto para a seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno como para a ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal. Entretanto, na classificação quanto ao tipo de colaboração, a técnica de seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno apresentou menos de 50% de colaboração, enquanto 80,49% dos pacientes colaboraram com a ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal. Quanto à sensibilidade do diagnóstico de refluxo gastroesofágico, a técnica de ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal (85,7%) foi significativamente superior à de seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno (47,6%). CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo sugere que se proceda a ultrassonografia do esôfago intra-abdominal, mesmo na ausência de refluxo gastroesofágico na seriografia do esôfago, estômago e duodeno.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study applied a socioeconomic questionnaire designed to evaluate the frequency of intestinal parasites and characterize epidemiological, nutritional, and immunological variables in 105 HIV/AIDS patients - with and without parasitic infections, attending the Day Hospital in Botucatu, UNESP, from 2007 to 2008. Body mass index was calculated and the following tests performed: parasitological stool examinations; eosinophil, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocyte cell counts; albumin test; viral load measure; and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine levels. Results were positive for parasitic intestinal infections in 12.4% of individuals. Most patients had good socioeconomic conditions with basic sanitation, urban dwellings, treated water supply and sewage, good nutritional and immunological status and were undergoing HAART. Parasites were found at the following frequencies: Entamoeba - five patients (38.5%), Giardia lamblia-four (30.7%), Blastocystis hominis-three (23.0%), Endolimax nana-two (15.4%), and Ascaris lumbricoides - one (7.7%). There were no significant differences between the two groups for eosinophils, albumin, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, INF-gamma, IL-2, or IL-10. Most patients also showed undetectable viral load levels. Significant differences were found for TNF-alpha and IL-5. These results show the importance of new studies on immunodeficient individuals to increase understanding of such variables.
In order to contribute to a better understanding of cytokine participation in borderline leprosy, in the present study we determined - by in vitro and in situ examinations - the production of these cytokine mediation in non-treated borderline tuberculoid (BT) patients and borderline lepromatous (BL) patients. Seven non-treated BT patients, 12 non-treated BL patients, besides 19 healthy individuals (control group), were evaluated. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated or not with specific-M. leprae stimulus (whole and sonicated M. leprae antigens) and a non-specific stimulus. After 48 hours, supernatant was collected for TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 cytokine determination by ELISA. Biopsies from cutaneous lesions were submitted to histological analysis and hematoxylin-eosin and Fite-Faraco stainings; the sections then underwent iNOS, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 in situ detection by immunohistochemistry. Cytokine quantification in PBMC supernatants from patients showed that BT patients produced higher levels of IFN-gamma. Compared to healthy individuals, both borderline patient groups produced lower levels of TGF-beta1 while BL patients generated lower IL-10 levels. The in situ iNOS expression was higher in BT patients compared to BL individuals. on the order hand, TGF-beta1 cytokine revealed a higher proportion of immunostained cells in BL patients. There was no significant difference in IL-10 level between BT and BL patients. Regarding cutaneous lesions, in BL patients there was a negative correlation between TGF-beta1 tissue expression and IL-10. Independently of the clinical form, we observed a positive correlation between TGF-beta1 and bacterial index as well as a negative correlation between the TGF-beta1 tissue expression and iNOS. The results even showed a positive correlation between iNOS tissue expression and production of IFN-gamma by PBMC stimulated with M. leprae antigens. Taken together, the histopathological and immunological observations reinforce the notion of immunological instability in borderline leprosy patients and indicating the participation of mixed cytokines profiles in these individuals, specifically a Th1 profile in BT patients and Th2 profile in BL patients, with a possible participation of T-regulatory lymphocytes.
Objective To assess the viability of the early diagnosis of fetal gender in material plasma before 7 weeks of pregnancy by real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR), starting at 5 weeks of pregnancy.Method peripheral blood was collected from pregnant women, starting at 5 weeks of gestation. After centrifugation, plasma was separated for fetal DNA extraction. DNA was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR for two genomic regions, one on the Y chromosome (DYS-14) and the other shared by both sexes (beta-globin), by the TaqMan Minor Groove Binder (MGB) probe assay. The results of the examinations were compared to fetal gender determined after delivery.Results A total of 79 examinations of fetal DNA in maternal plasma were performed for 52 pregnant women. Accuracy according to gestational age was 92.6% (25 of 27 cases) at 5 weeks, and 95.6% (22 of 23 cases) at 6 weeks. These results also demonstrate that fetal DNA is present at low concentrations in maternal plasma at 5 weeks (8.5 genome equivalents (GE)/mL) and 6 weeks (34.1 GE/mL) of pregnancy.Conclusion Quantitative real-time PCR and TaqMan MGB probes specific for the detection of fetal gender in maternal plasma starting at 5 weeks of gestation have good sensitivity and excellent specificity. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.