135 resultados para Estudo retrospectivo
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Dentre as indicações mais freqüentes de sedação em pacientes internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) estão a instituição e a manutenção de ventilação artificial, a ansiedade e procedimentos desconfortáveis ou dolorosos. O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi verificar as indicações e as técnicas mais comuns de sedação em pacientes graves internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cirúrgica da Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM/UNIFESP) durante um período de 11 meses. MÉTODO: Após terem sido excluídos os pacientes que permaneceram na UTI menos de 24 horas ou estavam sem exames indispensáveis para o cálculo do índice de gravidade (APACHE II), a amostra ficou reduzida a 307 pacientes. Foram analisadas as técnicas mais utilizadas, as indicações de sedação e a associação de bloqueadores neuromusculares. RESULTADOS: A sedação foi administrada em 37,4% dos pacientes. Entre as indicações de sedação estão os distúrbios de natureza psiquiátrica, como delírio, agitação, medo e ansiedade. Estas corresponderam a 25,77% de todas as indicações. A maioria dos pacientes ventilados artificialmente também necessita de sedativos. Instalação e manutenção de ventilação mecânica corresponderam à maioria das indicações, em torno de 57,73% dentre os pacientes sedados. Procedimentos como intubação traqueal e broncoscopia tiveram 11,34% das indicações e controle do metabolismo (coma barbitúrico e tétano), 5,15%. As técnicas mais comumente utilizadas incluíram opióides isolados ou associados a benzodiazepínicos. Neste estudo, o fentanil foi utilizado em 58% das técnicas, isoladamente, e em 21,64% associado ao midazolam. Haloperidol, diazepam, propofol e tiopental somaram 19,5%. Bloqueadores neuromusculares foram utilizados em 22,7% dos casos em pacientes ventilados artificialmente. CONCLUSÕES: A sedação é recurso terapêutico freqüente em Terapia Intensiva, comumente utilizada para facilitar a ventilação artificial e tratar os problemas de natureza psiquiátrica. Fentanil, isoladamente ou em associação com midazolam, foi o agente mais utilizado.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo das indicações de ovariossalpingo-histerectomia - eletiva e terapêutica - no período de um ano. Foram analisados 193 prontuários de cadelas e gatas atendidas em Hospital Veterinário Escola, entre março de 2010 e março de 2011, levando em consideração a espécie, a idade e o uso ou não de anticoncepcional. Constatou-se que a demanda de OSH com caráter terapêutico (78,8%) é consideravelmente mais alta que a eletiva (21,2%). Observou-se que as anormalidades reprodutivas detectadas com maior frequência foram piometra (53,36%) e complicações obstétricas (25,38%) e que o uso de anticoncepcional foi o fator relevante para o delineamento desses quadros.
Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo de 35 casos de ruptura de ligamento cruzado atendidos pelo Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais da FMVZ-UNESP-Campus de Botucatu, no período janeiro de 1991 a junho de 1997. Os cães foram submetidos à técnica de PAATSAMA (1952), modificada para reconstituição do ligamento cruzado, que consistiu na passagem do retalho de fascia lata através da articulação do joelho e fixação no côndilo medial da tíbia e epicôndilo medial do fêmur. Pelos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que esta técnica permite boa estabilização das superfícies articulares, com trans e pós operatório sem complicações, e permite recuperação completa da capacidade funcional do membro afetado.
Aproximadamente, 15% das discopatias em cães acometem a região cervical, sendo a dor o principal sinal clínico. Descreve-se a ocorrência de protrusão de disco cervical em 17 cães, agrupados segundo a raça, sexo, peso, idade, assim como a distribuição quanto à duração dos sintomas, acometimento dos discos intervertebrais (DIV), tempo de recuperação e porcentagem de sucesso, em relação à condição neurológica presente antes da cirurgia. A raça Dachshund representou 29,5% (n=5), cães sem raça definida, Poodle e Cocker Spaniel Inglês, 17,6% cada (n=9), Pinscher, 11,8% (n=2) e Dálmata, 5,9% (n=1). Destes, 58,8% eram machos (n=10) e 41,2%, fêmeas (n=7), com peso entre 2 e 29kg, e idade média igual a 5,8 anos. O quadro neurológico desses animais correspondia à dor e ataxia, com exceção de um cão Dálmata, 11 anos de idade, que apresentava tetraparesia. A duração dos sinais variou de 2 a 90 dias. Os DIV mais acometidos foram C2/3 (40%), C3/4 (25%), C4/5 (15%), C5/6 (10%) e C6/7 (10%), sendo que alguns animais apresentavam lesões múltiplas. O procedimento foi padrão para todos os animais, através da fenestração e curetagem de todos os DIV abordados pelo acesso ventral, ou seja, de C2/3 até C6/7, empregando-se para isso instrumental usado para remoção de tártaro dentário (curetas Gracey, curetas McCall, extratores de tártaro S.S.White e McCall). O tempo médio de recuperação foi de 9 a 38 dias, sendo que 100% deles recuperaram totalmente as funções neurológicas. Conclui-se que a fenestração ventral apresenta excelentes resultados no tratamento das discopatias cervicais, desde que bem selecionados os pacientes, inclusive, com respeito aos diagnósticos diferenciais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The authors studied retrospectively 130 patients with thyroid tumors comparing the histopathologic diagnoses with fine needle aspirate (FNA) and frozen section results. FNA was performed in 118 patients with the following results: 75 (63.6%) benign, 21 (17.8%) malignant and 22 (18.6%) not conclusives. In seven cases false-negative result was obtained and there were six false-positive. These data reveals some drawbacks of this procedure. These results indicated that frozen as well as FNA are useful diagnostic procedure in helping to choose the most appropriate therapy in patients with thyroid tumors. On the other hand, traditional methods seems to be also important methods, such as scintilography, in the evaluation of thyroid diseases.
This retrospective study evaluated 32 cases of supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children, according to percutaneous crossed Kirschner-wire fixation. Follow-up was performed by radiographs of Baumann's angle and clinical evaluation of joint movement and carrying angle. According to Flynn's criteria, results were satisfactory in all cases, indicating that this method is a safe and efficient method in the treatment of such fractures.
Purpose: To evaluate the conjunctival epithelial malign lesions carriers and the recurrence rate using exeresis and radiotherapy. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted observing 52 conjunctival epithelial malign lesions carriers treated from 1989 by 2003. The subjects were assessed to evaluation according: age, gender, time of start, classification of the lesion and recurrence rate. The lesion were surgically removed and radiotherapy was indicated when the exeresis was incomplete. Results: The majority of the patients were male, with 61 year old median age, white. The conjunctival squamous carcinoma was presented in 86,5% of the patients. The recidive rate was 11,5%, happened between 1 to 60 month postoperative. Conclusion: according our results the conjunctival epithelial malign lesions were more often observed in older, males and whites. The majority of the patient had conjunctival squamous carcinoma (86,5%). The recidive rate after exeresis and radiotherapy in patients with incomplete exéresis was 11,5%.
The osteosarcoma (OSA) is one of the most common malignant tumors of dogs. Large and giant-breed dogs are affected and the mean age of these dogs is about 7 years. The tumor usually involves the metaphyses of long bones and the treatment is radical amputation and chemotherapy with cisplatin. The therapy of neoplasia located in pelvis is difficult and usually don't accept by owners. This report describes the incidence of primary osteosarcoma in pelvis of dogs, during a period of fourteen months. Of the eight animals taken care with this neoplasia, a bigger frequency in the dogs of the race Rottweiler and German Pastor was observed. Amongst the bones that compose animal's pelvis was observed greater osteosarcoma incidence in ileum (6 cases). Lameness, functional impotence of pelvic member and pain had been the main observed clinical signals. In seven cases was found advanced involvement osseous, mainly, for lyses of the cortical. All the animals had been submitted to the euthanasia for not presenting possibility of surgical treatment with safety margin. Also one was taken in consideration for this decision to the clinical condition of the patients, the possibilities to confer improvement in the quality of life of the dogs and the option of the owners' front to the prognostic.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain mean angulation values for renal hila in relation to the horizontal plane traced over the right and left spinal erector muscles, considering the center of the lumbar vertebral spine as a parameter for measuring the renal hila angles. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors have analyzed 250 abdominal computed tomography studies of both male and female healthy individuals (128 men with mean age 52.45 ± 17.42 years, and 122 women with mean age 54.39 ± 18.27 years), corresponding to 500 renal hila evaluated. The mean angulation of each hilum in relation to the horizontal plane was obtained taking acute angles into consideration. RESULTS: The comparative study have not found any statistically significant difference in acute angles of renal hila between male and female individuals. The statistical analysis demonstrated limits of 40.40° and 44.54° for mean right hilum angulation and 39.91° and 43.23° for mean left hilum angulation, with a confidence interval of 95% CONCLUSION: Renal hila present similar angulation independently of sex. Higher angulation values correspond to hyper-rotation or excessive rotation, and lower angulation values, to incomplete or reverse rotation. © Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem.
Neurosurgeries are frequent in the routine of veterinary hospitals and, therefore, knowledge of the different anesthetic protocols to be used for each patient is necessary to prevent the morbity and mortality in the after and trans-surgical period. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the anesthetic protocols used in patients undergoing neurosurgeries; the results of those protocols; the rate of complications, and if those complications are related to the duration of the anesthesia time. We studied the anesthetical data of 52 dogs and two cats submitted to neurosurgery between January of 2003 and December of 2006, in the Veterinary Hospital of UEL. Findings showed that the main protocols used were propofol for induction and halothane or isofluorane for maintenance of the anesthesia. These protocols induced adequate anesthesia for the surgical procedure and did not occur complications during the anesthetic period in 37/54 (68,5%) of the cases. 7/19 (36.8%) of the complications observed occurred in patients submitted to anesthesia with halothane and 8/32 (25.2%) in patients with isofluorane. The complication most observed in this study was bradicardy, which occurred in 15/54 (27.8%) of the patients. Two deaths occurred in patients submitted to slot cervical. Good knowledge of the neurological disease and of surgical and anesthetic techniques are essential to prevent alterations in the central nervous system caused by the drugs, disease or association of these factors.
Introduction: Vitiligo is cosmetically disfiguring and can cause significant psychological morbidity. Most therapies require protracted treatments and can lead to disappointing results. More recently, 308 nm Excimer laser has proven to be effective in treating vitiligo. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness and patient satisfaction of 308 nm Excimer treatment for vitiligo patches in a variety of locations on the body. Methods: Patients with generalized or localized vitiligo (n = 123, 321 lesions), were studied. The patients were treated at a private practice between 2007 and 2010. Two independent examiners analyzed the response to the therapy by comparing clinical and photographic records before and after treatment. Results: More than half (n = 77) of the patients presented repigmentation greater than 60%, 26 presented 40-59%, and 20% had levels less than 39%. Facial lesions responded better to treatment than those in other body parts. Elbows, hands and feet were the less sensitive areas. In general, the patients were satisfied with the treatment. Conclusion: The use of Excimer laser for treating vitiligo was effective and safe, producing satisfactory cosmetic results and improving patients' self esteem.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ