30 resultados para Empreender


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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The American author Jack London wrote the books The Sea-Wolf and White Fang in 1904 and 1906, respectively. The former portrays the life of a literary critic, Humphrey Van Weyden, who after the wreckage of the ship in which he was is rescued by a seal-hunting schooner, where he is obliged to work and to live with the brutal captain Wolf Larsen, and in doing so he develops a more primitive profile. The latter work portrays the life of the eponymous character, a wolf that leaves the wild world in which it was born to follow its last master in the city, thus developing features of the modern world. This paper aims to conduct an analysis of the aspects that allow the transition between the primitive and the modern world in those works


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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The development of human societies and their activities generate many impacts on the environment and natural resources. The consequence of these problems is a disturbance of the systemic dynamics of Planet Earth. Study these impacts are a way to understand the workings of this system and undertake efforts to prevent minimize and anticipate scenarios caused by environmental impacts. In this sense, from a systemic approach seeks to understand the way how is the interaction of the components of the ecosystems, adopting for this task the hydrographic basin as a natural unit of planning and management in view of the fact all landscape elements (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere) interact so that the reflections of human activities can be represented in this unit. Thus, this study aims to quantify chemical erosion rates in the hydrographic basin of Ribeirao Monjolo Grande, Ipeúna (SP), which is relevant to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the area, which may serve to better exploitation of natural resources


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) still stimulate keen interest among language scholars today, be it complementary or contradictory. Saussurean thought has become widespread, in a more or less explicit manner, in undergraduate and graduate education in the humanities. Since the mid-1950s, Saussure’s ideas have been introduced and debated as part of the training of first-language and foreign-language teachers, communicators, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists. In the majority of undergraduate and graduate disciplines in the areas of Linguistics and Communication, from the moment academics begin to address the nature of human signification and communication, it is impossible to ignore Saussure’s reflections on language and parole. The aim of this study is to reflect on the transmission of the general lines of Saussurean thought in Brazil. For this purpose, an inventory and analysis are carried out of Linguistics manuals originally published in Brazil since the 1970s, with the aim of reflecting on their construction in terms of programming and persuasion, categories of analysis of didactic speech proposed by A. J. Greimas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introdução: O Projeto de Extensão FutFEB procura estimular o interesse dos alunos do ensino médio, técnico e fundamental para seguirem carreira nas áreas de engenharia e ciência da computação. Para isso são utilizados robôs móveis simples em conjunto com material didático e audiovisual para despertar de forma lúdica, através de palestras e demonstrações práticas, o interesse dos jovens para os desafios e atrativos das carreiras tecnológicas. Essas atividades são desenvolvidas por alunos do Colégio Técnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia do Campus de Bauru. Objetivos: Propiciar condições para que os alunos do Colégio Técnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia desenvolvam atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento sobre robôs móveis autônomos funcionando como complemento e estímulo a sua formação acadêmica nas áreas de engenharia elétrica, mecânica, e computação. Assim, espera-se a criação da cultura e de um ambiente propícios para desenvolvimento de pesquisas e de inovação tecnológica, que ajudem a consolidar os Cursos Técnicos, de Graduação e PósGraduação da FEB. Métodos: O uso de robôs móveis em cursos de engenharia ou cursos visando o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é uma novidade. Inúmeros experimentos são relatados na literatura, sendo que esta abordagem tem se tornado quase que uma obrigatoriedade nos cursos de boa qualidade [Hoopes, 2003], [Martin, 1994], [Miglino, 1998]. Um dos pilares desta nova linha de ensino tecnológico é o trabalho desenvolvido por Resnick no MIT [Kafai & Resnick, 1996] que é parte importante do conhecido Projeto LEGO Mindstorms. Esta perspectiva altera significativamente o posicionamento do estudante, dando-lhe maturidade profissional e responsabilidade. Com isso espera-se formar um profissional mais capacitado tanto no aspecto de fundamentos e conceitos técnicos, como na capacidade de empreender e inovar. Também existe a expectativa de que muitos dos trabalhos desenvolvidos sejam transformados em projetos de Iniciação Científica. Resultados: toda a tecnologia utilizada no conceito Futebol de Robôs continua sendo desenvolvida e aprimorada, diversos trabalhos científicos de ponta podem ser encontrados na literatura recente, trabalhos que abordam entre outros temas, o problema da navegação autônoma dos robôs móveis. Apresenta-se a seguir trabalhos de alunos vinculados ao Projeto de Extensão FutFEB, submetidos ao Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNESP - 2011.- Software de Mapeamento para Navegação de Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Sensoriamento por Infra-Vermelho para Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Sensoriamento por Ultra-Som para Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Segmentação de Imagens Coloridas para Reconhecimento de Objetos.- Algoritmos de Subtração de Plano de Fundo em Frames de Vídeo.