70 resultados para Educação e Trabalho


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The culture is embedded in all social and especially those aimed at the formation of the citizen as a whole. So the school is a major means of training and is not neutral on the influence of culture on student learning. The social milieu in which it is inserted or not contributing to great learning and shapes the human being as the pre-existing norms in society. Link education with the culture of the student from considering it as a whole helps to understand how this builds your knowledge and see how the world around them. The production of new knowledge through what we see is also part of the cultural and social practices. In a society where looks are extremely exploited and relate it to the formation of knowledge through social helps in understanding the culture as a learning process and identify the individual as having a cultural identity with social significance. This research addresses how school culture has treated the various existing and possible means of study such as art, treatment of the curriculum and within the classroom, emphasizing its importance in the educational context


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This text aims to present the challenges and opportunities of omnilateral formation in Latin America as elaborated in Villela (2009-2010). This work has the horizon systematize the educational practices of the “Third World “, i.e. originating from the educational experience of Latin America, Africa and Asia. In the struggle for emancipation, these countries have built and are building unique educational practices. In this sense, we start questioning the historical and theoretical topic, omnilateral formation, and deployment, we discuss the Latin American school and omnilateral formation. We question specifically issues relating to intellectual and educational organization working in the “field schools” in Cuba (1960-1975). The issue of “intellectual and organizational culture”, in a Gramscian perspective (Gramsci, 2000), was addressed in several papers throughout our academic career (Villela, 2003, 2008, 2009-2010). In order to further these issues, we address the challenges of formation for children and rural youth in Latin America. By analyzing the educational practices in the education field, emerges the theme of contemporary global justice.


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This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.


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This text presents the Pedagogy of Alternating methodology, highlighting its contribution to re-think the formation of catadores of recycling materials (rubbish collectors). Whereas the use of this approach in the urban area is unusual, the goal of the article is to initiate a debate to promote further elaborations. Initially an overview of the Pedagogy of Alternating is presented and the main instruments used in this approach are commented. Two theoretical and methodological issues are indicated as challenges for catadores formation: the relations between Education and Work and the relations between Theory and Practice. The need to overcome dichotomy between these dimensions of human activity (that predominates in today's society) is defended. The catadores work reveals the exclusion of these workers of less organized sectors of production chains, with few opportunities to obtain better income and qualification. Overcome this gap requires an intense training to turn the catadores in recycling workers . To reach this goal the implementation of Alternating experiences between study and work in cooperatives and schools is not enough. A deep transformation is needed over the ways and subjects of both study and work, in order to create emancipating activities that promotes a full development of these workers.


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In recent years, the concept of art education has been changing substantially the artistic and cultural education in the Brazilian educational system, particularly in relation to the formation of a critical awareness and practice of citizenship. In this process, the Community Public Relations and Public Communication excel in fostering alliances between government and community. Based on literature review and authors debates, such as Geertz, Santos, White, Freire, Araujo, Barbosa, Kunsch e Peruzzo. Besides the analysis of important materials, official documents and Brazilian projects involving art, culture and education, such as Research-Action Report 2013, the National Plan for Culture, the National Education Plan and the Municipal Act 6119; this paper seeks to explicit this affirmation, assuming the social transformation aiming a full citizenship, as a motivational factor. In this paper we also present a plan that includes a project in art education for the Stable Dance Company and the public elementary schools in Bauru SP


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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A presente pesquisa buscou identificar através de um estudo teórico e bibliográfico a construção da identidade de gênero - mulher - a partir de uma perspectiva da educação. O trabalho apoiou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, com base em leituras de cunho acadêmico, que trouxeram e problematizaram o tema mulher, gênero e suas sexualidades. Para isso, fez-se a análise e compreensão de resumos de 10 (dez) teses do doutorado e 10 (dez) dissertações de mestrado retiradas do banco de teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES -, nas quais foram defendidas nos últimos dez anos, no estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, após as averiguações das teses e dissertações, foi constatado a relação da educação para com o gênero feminino, assim como a construção dessa relação, quais são as complicações, implicações, e a importância da mulher na sociedade. Apesar dos avanços da inserção das mulheres na sociedade, ainda existem barreiras a serem ultrapassadas. Os estudos comprovam que apesar da crescente visibilidade do gênero feminino no mercado de trabalho, nas instituições escolares e em sua conquista na independência, casos de violência, baixo salário comparado aos homens, preconceito, misoginia e estereótipos, ainda estão vigentes atualmente. Quanto à educação, percebe-se que ainda há uma forte desvalorização para com a mulher, deixando-as de lado, minimizando o trabalho desenvolvido nas escolas, rebaixamento em conhecimentos acadêmicos da área de exatas e, ainda, uma forte luta para a conquista de direitos negados


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Since the 1990s, higher education technology courses in Brazil have greatly expanded the offer of courses and places. However, the high dropout rates presented in these courses led to a research in order to uncover the factors that lead students to dropout. Through literature review and desk research, this study makes a historical analysis of how professional education is conducted in Brazil. This paper seeks to demonstrate that the implementation of public policies for professional education exacerbates the school’s duality. However, such duality generates contradictions between subjective and objective issues produced by the ideology disseminated by public policies and government actions in relation to vocational education. These contradictions end up unveiling the social inferiority of vocational education and discourage students from remaining in the courses. The legal equality between educational levels seeks to mediate the emergence of these contradictions. However, despite legal equality, social equality is not achieved in the implementation of public policies, leading to a high dropout rate.


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Com o passar do tempo e com a maior evolução da informática devido à criação de computadores cada vez mais potentes foram feitos diversos investimentos em ferramentas para transmissão de informações a distância. Dentre essas ferramentas estão softwares para interação usuário-máquina, programas que auxiliam a realização de processos de maneira eficaz e automatizada e a internet, que possibilitou conectar vários usuários em todo o mundo. O uso da informática é cada vez mais necessário em todas as áreas e isso não é diferente na educação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as condições de 10 escolas localizadas em três cidades do Estado de São Paulo: Campinas, Leme e Botucatu, com relação à utilização da informática no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos e como recurso aos professores e funcionários para o auxilio a informatização do ambiente escolar e desenvolvimento de novas práticas de ensino. Por meio das respostas foi possível fazer um levantamento das condições do uso da informática nas escolas visitadas identificando as deficiências ainda encontradas com relação à utilização dos computadores. Nota-se ainda nas escolas, um equívoco sobre a real função do computador que muitas vezes é confundido como simples entretenimento ao invés de um grande mecanismo para o processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo e aprendizagem.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT