98 resultados para ESTADO DA ARTE


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There is no vaccine available against leishmaniasis. Drug resistance, variable efficacy, toxicity, parenteral administration, and requirement for long courses of administration are the main drawbacks of current leishmanicidal drugs. Infections by protozoans of the genus Leishmania are the major worldwide health problem, with high endemicity in developing countries. The drugs of choice for the treatment of leishmaniasis are the pentavalent antimonials, which exert renal and cardiac toxicity, thus, there is a strong need for safer and more effective treatments against leishmaniasis.


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The aim of this paper is to characterize and discuss the School Physical Education as a profession and subarea of research in the broader academic fi eld of Physical Education and educational research. To do that, it initially defi nes the difference between research in School Physical Education from research about School Physical Education, and point out the themes and research hypotheses for this subarea. It also analyses 289 articles characterized as research in School Physical Education, published in 11 Brazilian periodicals, classifying them in the following categories: “level of schooling”, “bodily practice” and “theme”. The results indicate that the majority of studies are carried out in elementary school, in “games” and “sports”, and in descriptive and interpretative research in School Physical Education practices in several dimensions and interrelations. In conclusion, it points to the need to a focus in the research in teaching, the implementation of public curricula, and teacher education. Finally, it alerts to the need for Brazilian postgraduate programs in the academic fi eld of physical education to invest more in research in School Physical Education subarea.


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Damage to health caused by excess body fat also generating a negative economic impact, with significant increase in public spending. The metabolic syndrome, which also gets several other names, such as plurimetabolic syndrome or syndrome X, is nothing more than the combined incidence of some diseases or metabolic disorders in which obesity, besides being one of them, seems to promote parallel effects that contribute to the development of other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers agree that hyper caloric diets associated with a sedentary lifestyle are the main triggers of disease, including the increasing on genetic predisposition to this disease in children and adolescents. In the case of children and adolescents the diagnosis is complicated by the lack of a consensus accepted by the scientific community. In addition to behavioral and environmental factors unfavorable to health, in a more detailed analysis also found hereditary aspects or simply genetic, such as hepatic enzyme Butyrylcholinesterase. When compared to eutrophic, obese adolescents, like adults obese, have higher serum concentration values as well as major activity for this enzyme. Increasing evidence suggests that excess body weight assumes an important role in the variation of metabolic functions in adolescents, favoring the emergence of early diagnostic indicators of metabolic syndrome.


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Following the guidelines of the United Nations, which established the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the pressure on business schools for incorporating environmental management in their core activities (teaching, research, extension and university management) have intensified. In contrast, in Brazil, this discussion is still embryonic, and in some cases, the Business Schools seem to be in latter than the environmental management practiced by the world-class companies in the industrial sector. Therefore, this article prospected and systematized the state of the art on the inclusion of environmental management issues in the activities of Business Schools, by mapping the territory of the main academic works in this subject. The main results indicate that the state of the art is represented by: a vibrant leadership of U.S. researchers and others developed countries, a clear analytical reductionism of research, mainly by focusing on the dimension "teaching" does not addressing a systemic perspective that encompasses environmental management in the range of typical activities of Business Schools, a significant predominance of theoretical studies on the subject and a consequent lack of empirical studies, mainly based on multiple cases.


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In recent decades, two research themes have been prominent in the academic and organizational setting: lean manufacturing and green management. Since 1996, when Florida (1996) wrote an article focusing on the synergy between these two areas, the debate if “Lean is Green?” enters in the academic field. It is in this context that this research presents the results of a systematic literature on the topic, focusing on the characteristics, positive and negative impacts, lean paradigms, green paradigms and design of supply chains. To perform this procedure it were followed the methodological footsteps of Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010). The research occurred in the database Scopus and it was conducted from June, 2012 to July, 2012.The key word used was “green lean” and as search filter it were included only articles and conference Papers. Their main result is a deep analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject, where it is revealed that the majority of studies point to the synergy between some components of the lean manufacturing system in relation to environmental management. The research gap found is related to articles that address the entropy of the union of lean and green systems.


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A presente pesquisa buscou identificar através de um estudo teórico e bibliográfico a construção da identidade de gênero - mulher - a partir de uma perspectiva da educação. O trabalho apoiou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, com base em leituras de cunho acadêmico, que trouxeram e problematizaram o tema mulher, gênero e suas sexualidades. Para isso, fez-se a análise e compreensão de resumos de 10 (dez) teses do doutorado e 10 (dez) dissertações de mestrado retiradas do banco de teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES -, nas quais foram defendidas nos últimos dez anos, no estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, após as averiguações das teses e dissertações, foi constatado a relação da educação para com o gênero feminino, assim como a construção dessa relação, quais são as complicações, implicações, e a importância da mulher na sociedade. Apesar dos avanços da inserção das mulheres na sociedade, ainda existem barreiras a serem ultrapassadas. Os estudos comprovam que apesar da crescente visibilidade do gênero feminino no mercado de trabalho, nas instituições escolares e em sua conquista na independência, casos de violência, baixo salário comparado aos homens, preconceito, misoginia e estereótipos, ainda estão vigentes atualmente. Quanto à educação, percebe-se que ainda há uma forte desvalorização para com a mulher, deixando-as de lado, minimizando o trabalho desenvolvido nas escolas, rebaixamento em conhecimentos acadêmicos da área de exatas e, ainda, uma forte luta para a conquista de direitos negados


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There has been a lot of advance in genomics since 1975 when the possibility to determine the nucleotide sequence of a genome was described. In the 90’s the human genome sequencing was started and it was greatly favored by advances in computer technologies. In the last ten years the development of next generation sequencing technologies allowed the sequencing of millions of bases at low cost and in a shorter time compared to the previous technologies. After the conclusion of the human genome project, several initiatives to sequence the genome of domestic animal species were taken, resulting in a large amount of data that is redirecting the goals of genetic studies in domestic animals. The aim of this review was to describe the present situation of the sequencing initiatives on the main domestic animal species of economical interest as well as to list the most important tools available to access the genomic information.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche Démocratisation de la connaissance: recherche de pointe sur le genre et l'éducation formelle comme soutien pour formuler des agendas et des actions de politiques gouvernementales et non gouvernementales. Développée entre 2006 et 2007, elle visait à met re à jour, systématiser et diffuser la connaissance accumulée dans la production universitaire brésilienne sur les liens entre l'éducation formelle et les thématiques du genre, des femmes et/ou de la sexualité. Une banque de données contenant le titre et le résumé de 1 213 dissertations, thèses et articles a été constituée. Nous soulignons autant les défis théoriques, concernant une meilleure compréhension des concepts étudiés par cete enquête, que les défis méthodologique, comme la définition des descripteurs et des sources devant être examinées. Sa conclusion présente des tableaux et graphiques qui tracent un portrait initial des documents disponibles dans la base de données et indiquent que ces thématiques ont été l'objet d'un intérêt croissant sur la période étudiée.


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Procura-se resgatar a importância de uma subárea da Programação Matemática conhecida como Programação Linear Por Partes - PLP. de fato a PLP tem inúmeras aplicações tanto na área teórica como em situações reais. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, efetuada nas principais revistas técnicas e livros disponíveis relacionados com Pesquisa Operacional, que visou situar o estado da'arte da Programação Linear por Partes, bem como a abrangência de sua aplicabilidade. Particularmente, no contexto da PLP, este texto deslaca a Programação em Redes Lineares por Partes devido a sua relevância em muitas situações práticas.


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Microemulsions (ME) are thermodynamically stable and isotropic systems of two immiscible liquids (oil/water), stabilized by an interfacial film of surfactants, discovered by Hoar and Schulman in 1943. The study of ME formation is based on three areas of theory: (1) solubilization, (2) interfacial tension and (3) thermodynamics. ME structures are influenced by the physicochemical properties and proportions of their ingredients. The goal of this review is to assess the state of the art of microemulsified systems, from a theoretical viewpoint. Also, recent progress on their clinical application and use as carriers for insoluble compounds is discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT