172 resultados para ELKO spinor fields


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A new expression for the spin connection of teleparallel gravity is proposed, given by minus the contorsion tensor plus a zero connection. The corresponding minimal coupling is covariant under local Lorentz transformation, and equivalent to the minimal coupling prescription of general relativity. With this coupling prescription, therefore, teleparallel gravity turns out to be fully equivalent to general relativity, even in the presence of spinor fields.


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By using a nonholonomic moving frame version of the general covariance principle, an active version of the equivalence principle, an analysis of the gravitational coupling prescription of teleparallel gravity is made. It is shown that the coupling prescription determined by this principle is always equivalent with the corresponding prescription of general relativity, even in the presence of fermions. An application to the case of a Dirac spinor is made.


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Starting from the well established form of the Dirac action coupled to the electromagnetic and torsion field we find that there is some additional softly broken local symmetry associated with torsion. This symmetry fixes the form of divergences of the effective action after the spinor fields are integrated out. Then the requirement of renormalizability fixes the torsion field to be equivalent to some massive pseudovector and its action is fixed with accuracy to the values of coupling constant of torsion-spinor interaction, mass of the torsion and higher derivative terms. Implementing this action into the abelian sector of the Standard Model we establish the upper bounds on the torsion mass and coupling. In our study we used results of present experimental limits on four-fermion contact interaction (LEP, HERA, SLAC, SLD, CCFR) and TEVATRON limits on the cross section of new gauge boson, which could be produced as a resonance at high energy pp̄ collisions. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider a two-dimensional integrable and conformally invariant field theory possessing two Dirac spinors and three scalar fields. The interaction couples bilinear terms in the spinors to exponentials of the scalars. Its integrability properties are based on the sl(2) affine Kac-Moody algebra, and it is a simple example of the so-called conformal affine Toda theories coupled to matter fields. We show, using bosonization techniques, that the classical equivalence between a U(1) Noether current and the topological current holds true at the quantum level, and then leads to a bag model like mechanism for the confinement of the spinor fields inside the solitons. By bosonizing the spinors we show that the theory decouples into a sine-Gordon model and free scalars. We construct the two-soliton solutions and show that their interactions lead to the same time delays as those for the sine-Gordon solitons. The model provides a good laboratory to test duality ideas in the context of the equivalence between the sine-Gordon and Thirring theories. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Following suggestions of Nekrasov and Siegel, a non-minimal set of fields are added to the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. Twisted (c) over cap = 3 N = 2 generators are then constructed where the pure spinor BRST operator is the fermionic spin-one generator, and the formalism is interpreted as a critical topological string. Three applications of this topological string theory include the super-Poincare covariant computation of multiloop superstring amplitudes without picture-changing operators, the construction of a cubic open superstring field theory without contact-term problems, and a new four-dimensional version of the pure spinor formalism which computes F-terms in the spacetime action.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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After adding a pair of non-minimal fields and performing a similarity transformation, the BRST operator in the pure spinor formalism is expressed as a conventional-looking BRST operator involving the Virasoro constraint and (b, c) ghosts, together with 12 fermionic constraints. This BRST operator can be obtained by gauge-fixing the Green-Schwarz superstring where the 8 first-class and 8 second-class Green-Schwarz constraints are combined into 12 first-class constraints. Alternatively, the pure spinor BRST operator can be obtained from the RNS formalism by twisting the ten spin-half RNS fermions into five spin-one and five spin-zero fermions, and using the SO(10)/U(5) pure spinor variables to parameterize the different ways of twisting. GSO(-) vertex operators in the pure spinor formalism are constructed using spin fields and picture-changing operators in a manner analogous to Ramond vertex operators in the RNS formalism.


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The quadratic form of the Dirac equation in a Riemann space-time yields a gravitational gyromagnetic ratio κ(S) = 2 for the interaction of a Dirac spinor with curvature. A gravitational gyromagnetic ratio κ(S) = 1 is also found for the interaction of a vector field with curvature. It is shown that the Dirac equation in a curved background can be obtained as the square-root of the corresponding vector field equation only if the gravitational gyromagnetic ratios are properly taken into account.


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We consider an integrable conformally invariant two-dimensional model associated to the affine Kac-Moody algebra sl3(ℂ). It possesses four scalar fields and six Dirac spinors. The theory does not possesses a local Lagrangian since the spinor equations of motion present interaction terms which are bilinear in the spinors. There exists a submodel presenting an equivalence between a U(1) vector current and a topological current, which leads to a confinement of the spinors inside the solitons. We calculate the one-soliton and two-soliton solutions using a procedure which is a hybrid of the dressing and Hirota methods. The soliton masses and time delays due to the soliton interactions are also calculated. We give a computer program to calculate the soliton solutions. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Classical BRST invariance in the pure spinor formalism for the open superstring is shown to imply the supersymmetric Born-Infeld equations of motion for the background fields. These equations are obtained by requiring that the left and right-moving BRST currents are equal on the worldsheet boundary in the presence of the background. The Born-Infeld equations are expressed in N = 1 D = 10 superspace and include all abelian contributions to the low-energy equations of motion, as well as the leading non-abelian contributions. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.


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Following suggestions of Nekrasov and Siegel, a non-minimal set of fields are added to the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. Twisted ĉ ≤ 3 N ≤ 2 generators are then constructed where the pure spinor BRST operator is the fermionic spin-one generator, and the formalism is interpreted as a critical topological string. Three applications of this topological string theory include the super-Poincaré covariant computation of multiloop superstring amplitudes without picture-changing operators, the construction of a cubic open superstring field theory without contact-term problems, and a new four-dimensional version of the pure spinor formalism which computes F-terms in the spacetime action. © SISSA 2005.


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We compute the one-loop beta functions for the Type II superstring using the pure spinor formalism in a generic supergravity background. It is known that the classical pure spinor BRST symmetry puts the background fields on-shell. In this paper we show that the one-loop beta functions vanish as a consequence of the classical BRST symmetry of the action. © SISSA 2007.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Física - FEG


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)