23 resultados para Distritos
The sustainable development is the center of many discussions about the environment, economy and society. Environmental issues bring out problems with the fauna and flora, water resources, land use, population growth, residues, basic sanitation, and others. In this sense, the aim of the present work was to develop an environmental diagnostics and propose measures to mitigate the most significant environmental impacts generated by four enterprises in Antonio Crepaldi Industrial District, located at the city of Presidente Prudente/SP. In the study, it was used the methodology proposed by Moreira (2006), and it was done the following activities: monitoring and analyses of the production process, identification of potential environmental aspects and impacts; assessment of the impacts according to its nature, relevance and significance; proposition of measures to mitigate the critical impacts. As a final result, it was obtained an environmental diagnosis about the situation of each of the four companies studied, and it was possible to know the level of criticality of the impacts in each one, and proposing mitigation measures to control or minimizing them, bringing many benefits to the organization
A erosão genética de espécies domesticadas, provocada pelos processos associados a Revolução Verde despertou o interesse mundial pela agrobiodiversidade manejada em sistemas agrícolas de pequena escala onde situam-se agricultores familiares. Propostas de conservação in situ e/ou on farm têm sido elaboradas. No Brasil, a agricultura familiar tem grande importância na produção de alimentos e a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é a espécie que se sobressai, sendo a agricultura familiar responsável por 87% da sua produção. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: um levantamento etnobotânico dos cultivos alimentícios de raízes e tubérculos de agricultores familiares do município de Rio Claro, São Paulo; e analisar aspectos sócio-econômicos visando estratégias para a conservação in situ de variedades por eles cultivadas e potencial continuidade das atividades pelas gerações futuras. Foram entrevistados 31 agricultores, em sua maioria homens, usando o método “Bola de neve”, distribuídos entre nove bairros ou distritos rurais da cidade de Rio Claro. As entrevistas realizadas para coleta dos dados foram semi-estruturadas, tanto para dados sócioeconômicos como para os dados sobre as variedades reconhecidas pelos agricultores. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos sítios dos agricultores e suas áreas de cultivo foram visitadas, onde foram feitas coletas botânicas. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa utilizando-se gráficos e tabelas e descrições do estudo de caso. A espécie predominante da amostra foi a mandioca. Os agricultores mostraram possuir fatores positivos que os caracterizam como mantenedores da diversidade agrícola, como o fato de cultivarem etnovariedades de mandioca diversas e terem um sistema de caracterização e reconhecimento delas de base empírica, contudo, estes agricultores perderam, em sua maioria... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The Services Sector stands out increasingly as an important element of support to various sectors of the economy. The interactions between the Industrial Sector and Services Sector show a process of decentralization of certain functions of the industries at the expense of the specialization of strategic and critical sectors to the production of goods in specialized industries. Thus, this paper aims to address what is the importance of industrial services for industries in the industrial district of Rio Claro (SP), verifying the characteristics of services, demand and supply of these services and the industries they serve
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The territorial approach of development took an important place in the public politics of the State, also guiding the actions originated from different organizations of the society. The territorial focus, infl uenced by the analysis related to the industrial districts, is highlighted as a specifi c form to dealing with process and situations spatially delimited. In Brazil, the Secretary of Territorial Development, linked to the Ministry of Agrarian Development, since 2003, has adopted it strategically through the Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT). In 2008, had occurs the implantation of the Programa Territórios da Cidadania, a part of the PRONAT and of the rural development politic directed to the dynamization of the depressed territories constituted by small counties that cover rural and urban areas and activities, overcoming the focus on the rural world. The analysis of the assumptions underlying to the adoption of this strategy on the politic of the rural development in Brazil made through the study of the constitution of the Território Integração Norte Pioneiro (PR), which indicates that the focus of this politic falls more on the effectiveness of the decentralization than the concretization, and implementation, of the social management.
This work aims to estimate an empirical model for three kinds of crime in Sao Paulo city: homicides, robberies and car thefts. It uses as geographical units the areas belonging to each police districts and takes in account spatial effects among the variables. The results show important differences when we deal with crime against people and crime against property.
This article aims to further discuss the Local Productive Arrangements (APLs), considering some geographical visions thinking about spatial configuration and the economic and social processes that characterize them, configuring a wide range of territorialities and productive territories that mark the landscape current Brazilian. In this sense, APLs are present today in both the figure of those who study analytical concept for regional development, and as a public policy supporting networks and supply chains in their territorial bases, especially small businesses. Thus, this arrangements can be read, geographically, as territorial productive specializations that are configured in spatial circuits of production, integrated with other regions, localities and supply chains through the morphology of networks and districts and grounded in networks of urban networks of material and immaterial flows which are bringing urban centers of different sizes. Considering the multidimensionality of the subject, the clusters have certain weaknesses in terms of their assumptions and perspectives, especially the limitations of the tool if designed just for resources and policies applied at the local level. Suggest the approach of a "geography of APLs" is to seek treat it from a territorial and socio reading.
Many fire occurrences in vegetation happen annually in the city of Rio Claro, causing material losses, environmental damage and discomfort to population. When identified the source, notes that the higher index is intentional, however, climatic factors such as wind speed, temperature, relative air humidity, rainfall, or even the local relief also affects in the spread and its devastating effects. Scientific studies that would assist the local community in the prevention and repression of them still are scarce. This way, the work has as objective contributes in the understanding of the relationship among the fire occurrences in vegetation registered (recorded) by Fire Department of Rio Claro/SP, and their relationships with the atmospheric time. To achieve this goal was made to build a database related to fires in vegetation during the years 2009-2013, and subsequently correlated with data of precipitation and relative humidity the air, provided by Center for Analysis and Planning Environmental (CEAPLA). The result identified the profile of the fires, the seasons of higher frequency, neighborhoods and districts with the highest number of records and correlate events with climatic factors that act in the ignition, propagation and control of fires in the Municipal district of Rio Claro/SP