104 resultados para Disorders of intestinal rotation
The effects of posthatch fasting on villi height and number, crypt depth and number of globet cells in duodenum, jejunum and ileum of broiler chicks from heavy and light eggs were compared. The 2×3×3 factorial design (egg weight: light and heavy eggs; treatments: with water and feed, with water, without water and feed; treatment duration: 24, 48 and 72 h) was used. The villi presented higher size in chicks from heavy than from light eggs. The fasting resulted in lower villi in duodenum (at 48 h), jejunum and ileum (at 72 h). The villi number increased in duodenum and jejunum of chicks from light eggs and only in jejunum of chicks from heavy eggs, but the increase was more accented in chicks from light ones. The fasting reduced the globet cells number in jejunum. Water intake avoided the fasting effects on villi height but had no effect on villi number. Chicks from heavy eggs fed with water and ration presented deeper crypts in all regions of the small intestine. The duodenum and ileum crypt depth of the chicks from heavy eggs reduced when they were submitted to fasting and when they were fed only with water. The results showed that chicks from light eggs were more affected than chicks from heavy eggs. The water intake partially avoided the fasting effects. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2011.
Intrauterine dietary restriction may cause changes in the functioning of offspring organs and systems later in life, an effect known as fetal programming. The present study evaluated mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of nutrient transporters as well as enterocytes proliferation in the proximal, median and distal segments of small intestine of rats born to protein-restricted dams. Pregnant rats were fed hypoproteic (6% protein) or control (17% protein) diets, and offspring rats were evaluated at 3 and 16 weeks of age. The presence of SGLT1 (sodium-glucose co-transporter 1), GLUT2 (glucose transporter 2), PEPT1 (peptide transporter 1) and the intestinal proliferation were evaluated by immunohistochemical techniques and the abundance of specific mRNA for SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1 was assessed by the real-time PCR technique. Rats born to protein-restricted dams showed higher cell proliferation in all intestinal segments and higher gene expression of SGLT1 and PEPT1 in the duodenum. Moreover, in adult animals born to protein-restricted dams the immunoreactivity of SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1in the duodenum was more intense than in control rats. Taken together, the results indicate that changes in the small intestine observed in adulthood can be programmed during the gestation. In addition, they show that this response is caused by both up-regulation in transporter gene expression, a specific adaptation mechanism, and intestinal proliferation, an unspecific adaptation mechanism.
BackgroundEvidence is emerging that highlights the far-reaching consequences of a high-fat diet (HFD) on kidney morphology and function disorders.MethodsThe present study was performed on 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-week-old HFD female rats compared with the appropriate gender and age-matched animals. We evaluated the kidney expression of angiotensin type II receptor and fibrotic and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical and histological techniques, in parallel with kidney function.ResultsIn the current study, the time-course HFD-treated group showed, by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis, an early time-course increase in the expression of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) in the entire kidney of HFD-treated rats, compared with that observed in the control group. Simultaneously, the study shows a transient increase in the expression of ZEB2 in the HFD whole kidney accompanied by a fall in the E-cadherin expression and increased collagen and fibronectin deposition. A pronounced decrease in fractional urinary sodium excretion was also demonstrated in the long-term HFD-treated rats. The decreased FENa + was accompanied by a fall in FEPNa + and FEPP Na +, which occurred in association with significantly decreased CCr and, certainly on the sodium-filtered load. The reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) occurred in parallel to proteinuria and glomerular desmin overexpression.ConclusionsThe results of the current study suggest that podocyte injury in parallel with observed proteinuria and evidence of EMT transformation are associated with long-term loss of kidney function and renal sodium and water retention. © 2013 The Author. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective was to evaluate the effects of omitting macronutrients in the nutrients solution on growth characteristics and nutritional status of eggplants. The treatments were complete nutrients solution and solutions with nutrient omission: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with three replicates in a completely random design. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, dry matter, concentration levels of macronutrients in plant aerial part and root system, and nutritional disorders were evaluated. Omitting elements interfered in the concentration of elements in the various plant tissues and this had as consequences limited vegetative growth, reduced dry matter and led to the development of the typical deficiency symptoms of each element. Although potassium was the most demanded of all elements, nitrogen and calcium were the most growth limiting ones.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aims: The objective of this study is to create an experimental model of intestinal endometriosis in pigs, which might allow better understanding of deep infiltrating endometriosis and development of new treatment techniques. As secondary objective, we intend to create endometrial implants accessible by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Study Design: Surgical experimental study in swine. Place and Duration of Study: This study was performed at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2012. Methodology: Two sexually mature female minipigBR pigs underwent two laparotomies (each animal). The first laparotomy was performed to implant two fragments of autologous endometrium in the rectal wall. The second one was performed thirty days later to visualize, measure and obtain tissue of the site of the implants for histopathology study. A TRUS study was performed prior to the second surgery. The Institution’s Animal Utilization Study Committee approved the study. Results: In the first laparotomy a 5-cm segment of right uterine horn was resected. The endometrium was separated from the myometrium through sub-endometrial saline injection. Two endometrial fragments (1.0 x 2.0 cm) were dissected and sutured in the intra peritoneal anterior rectal wall of the animals. Thirty days later, all implants were identified during preoperative TRUS. “En-bloc” resection of the intestinal segment with the implants was performed during the second surgery. The autologous implants of endometrium invaded the muscular layer in one of the two animals. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the creation of an animal model of deep infiltrating endometriosis with intestinal involvement is feasible through a simple surgical technique. We believe that this model can be applied in experimental and clinical studies but further studies are necessary to refine the technique.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Blastocystis hominis é um protozoário, causador de infecção intestinal denominada blastocistose humana, cujo diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame coproparasitológico e por meio de técnicas de coloração permanente. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar a freqüência da infecção por Blastocystis hominis em habitantes da região de Araraquara/SP, bem como comparar diferentes métodos para a pesquisa desse protozoário em amostras de fezes. Foram estudadas 503 amostras de fezes submetidas ao exame direto a fresco, às técnicas de Faust e cols, Lutz e de Rugai e cols, além das colorações pela hematoxilina férrica, tricrômio e de Kinyoun modificada. Entre as 503 amostras examinadas, 174 (34,6%) apresentaram-se positivas para a presença de parasitas intestinais. O protozoário e o helminto mais freqüentes foram Entamoeba coli (14,6%) e Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%), respectivamente. Blastocystis hominis foi observado em 23 (4,6%) amostras fecais com consistência predominantemente pastosa, não caracterizando quadro diarréico. Apesar da baixa freqüência de Blastocystis hominis encontrada na região de Araraquara, comparativamente a outras regiões brasileiras, é importante a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial desse protozoário. O encontro de Blastocystis hominis em material fecal é indicativo de contaminação de alimentos e água de consumo, desde que se admita a rota de transmissão oral-fecal desse parasita, o que implica na orientação da população sobre as medidas de saneamento básico e higiene como meio para se controlar problemas de saúde ocasionados pelos enteroparasitas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)