26 resultados para Dignité humaine
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cette étude se propose à l'analyser la matière onirique dans les contes fantastique de Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier (1811-1872). En raison des singularités concernant à la période historique de l’auteur, c’est-à-dire à l’époque romantique, la fréquence thématique du rêve se montre essentielle à la compréhension de l'esprit de l'auteur, l’icône de mouvements postérieures, bien en raison de l'évolution artistique et stylistique qui lui a conduit à avoir des relations polémiques avec les idéaux du progrès bourgeois et avec la conception utilitariste de l'art de l’époque, contre laquelle il a opposé la théorie de « L’Art pour l’art ». On a comme l’objectif de montrer que la critique féroce de Théophile Gautier à l’idéal progressite de l’époque et aux limites de la condition humaine occupe une place importante dans ses récits de rêve, soit par la réorganisation des éléments du réel à travers le rêve, soit comme un des moyens d'échapper aux limites de la réalité qui n’était pas toujours vu positevement par les rationalisme
The present work is a reflexive-theoretically research that intends, by the light of Psychoanalytic and Freudo-Marxim theories, to think about the work malaise - effect of a repressive civilization -, and the sublimation possibilities, in the context of the discussions about the conflict individual-civilization. The work favors the essential thing for the human race's representations. Current researches indicate the importance of thinking the work in the process physical and mental health/illness, as well as the subjectivity of the human race in the present time. However, the organizations of work, using reductionist views, with the psychiatric-medical Knowledge/power as accomplice, have a tendency to disregard their responsibilities in the "production" of the illnesses in the workers. Freud, by the neurosis's understanding, showed that in the individual-civilization conflict the first one pays a high price: the constant malaise (the guilt as malaise). While who detains the guilt, in the social sense of the word (the guilt of malaise), is the human culture, intermediated by the organizations, defenders of the minority's interests that hold the manners of production/exploration. According to Freud, the growth of the feeling of guilt is inevitable, considering the necessity of the drives repression to cultural progress through displeasure work. However, Reich and Marcuse theorize an exit for the Freudian pessimism about the conflict between the individual and the civilization. Freud didn't consider properly the nature socio-historical of the Reality Principle, understanding it like universal. Therefore, the level of repression would have a specific socio-economic class: surplus value for a minority and more repression for the great mass. A less repressive Reality Principle might provide a fair progress of the humanity. It's in the list of discussion the possibility of the work in social and psychological conditions that allow the reduction of worker's malaise in the civilization's breast.
Le but de cet article est de démontrer que la production de textes biographiques a été une activité constante pendant toute la carrière intellectuelle et politique du vicomte de Taunay, de façon à contribuer pour rendre célèbres des personnalités brésiliennes et étrangères qui, selon lui-même, ont joué un rôle important dans le projet de constitution de la nationalité brésilienne. Em outre, ce texte vise signaler un aspect caractéristique de la méthode biographique adoptée par l’écrivain, puisqu’il va au-délà de la chronologie tradionnelle qui considère la naissance et la mort comme points de répère identifiant le début et la fin du récit: d’autres textes (écrits ou non par lui) s’y ajoutent toujours, de manière à le rendre fragmentaire et, par conséquent, plus proche de la discontinuité et du caractère aléatoire de l’existence humaine.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nous comprenons que la littérature, quelle que soit l'adjectif qui accompagne - enfant, adolescent ou adulte - est l'art. L'art de la parole qui crée des mondes possibles, pas réel, à travers un langage très élaboré et complexe qui permet la compréhension de toute la l'expérience humaine. D'autre part, la réalité de l'éducation brésilienne nous montre que nos étudiants ont de la difficulté à comprendre des textes écrits, ce que compromettre l'apprentissage de toutes les matières du programme. Dans ce sens, cette étude a eu l'óbjective à à souligner les possibilités que nous avons d'incorporer la literature brésilienne pour les enfants e les jeunes - appropriée aux étudiants de l'enseignement de base, les enfants et les jeunes - comme um élément transdisciplinaire, associant toutes les disciplines du programme scolaire de l'école élémentaire, notre découpure. Ainsi, nous le signalons dans Cacoete, d' Eva Furnari (2005), des éléments de toutes les matières du programme d'études de cette étape scolaire Brésilienne, afin de montrer aux les enseignants de tous les domaines qui le travail avec la littérature conduit nécessairement à la compréhension de toutes la connaissance. Notre étude a été réalisée sous une approche qualitative de caractère bibliographique. Pour l'embasement théorique nous utilisons de auteurs qui recherche le concept et les spécificités du texte littéraire, selon Rolland Barthes (2007) et Tzvetan Todorov (2009) aussi que des auteurs qui l'étudient spécifiquement de la littérature pour les enfants, selon Nelly Novaes Coelho (2006) et Fanny Abramovich (1983; 1999). Ils ont été également consultées des auteurs qui recherche sur la lecture, la littérature et l'école, selon John Wanderley Geraldi (2006), Marisa Lajolo (1997), Ana Maria Machado (2011), Iara Conceição Bitencourt Neves et al (2003), Roxane Rojo (2002), Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva (1988)...
The death has been considered a forbidden issue. To develop studies that promote reflections about it allows the enlargement of the understanding as regarding the death as about life in that both are related during the human existence. This research aimed to understand the death’s conceptions and family meanings to three different generations. For this goal, through phenomenological methodology, were achieved individual interviews with adolescents, both his parents and the grandfather, all belonging to the same family. After to understand the participant’s experiences, six thematic categories were created: a) Death’s meanings; b) The death of himself; c) The death of another and/or its possibility; d) Sources of support; e) The family in the death’s presence; f) The life in the death’s inevitability presence. From these categories, the dates were phenomenologically. The participants showed similar reports in several times, confirming the literature that says that the daily life experiences among the family members take the family to form a peculiar way to understand and an interpret their experiences. This identity family, however, did not prevent each participant to develop his particular history based in idiosyncratic elements and associated with the stage of life cycle that it is. The reports showed that the prohibition of death in society is still very present, which prevents that discussions about the issue are present in daily life. This study provided for participants to reflect on their experiences around the phenomenon of death and, consequently, about the inseparable relationship between living and dying. It has also reiterated the literature, showing the similarity of views among the family members of three generations face a vital phenomenon potentially impacting the life cycle of individual and family.
The aim of the study is to demonstrate the occurrence and usage of the Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) in rural areas of the Municipality of Irituia, in the State of Pará (Brazil), since the use of the palm part of the traditional culture of communities of farmers, riparian and quilombola, used in curing diseases in human and domestic animals, building shelters, obtaining fibers, production of tools and crafts, hunting and fishing. In addition to the uses reported by the population, tucumã has potential for the production of oil and biodiesel. In this sense, the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, in a partnership with the Irituia’s Municipal Government, is studying the implementation of an oleaginous processing plant in the municipality, among them, and includes the Tucumã as a potential source. Such proposal stipulates the production in the agroforestry system, as an alternative to the slash and burn agriculture in the region, reconciling environmental conservation with territorial rural development. Considering the results obtained in the field, it has been found an average of 9.4 stumps per hectare, each stump having 7.7 stipes and 4.7 racemes with up to 146 fruits. If all the Tucumã’s stumps were kept until they reached their average productivity capacity, it is estimated that the fruit production in the rural area of the municipality would be around 132.060 tons, which could produce up to 12.665,4 tons/year of pulp oil and 4.768,4 tons/year of nut oil, confirming the supply of raw material to move this productive chain.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR