92 resultados para Data base management.
Objective: To review the cardiovascular consequences of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children Data source: Medline and Ovid data base. Study selection: pediatric articles (original articles and case report) that investigated the obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children Data synthesis: The obstructive sleep-disordered breathing can lead to serious cardiovascular consequences such as pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary edema and anatomic and functional abnormalities Conclusions: The knowledge of cardiovascular repercussions allows in better management of pediatric patients and may result in positive consequences for treatment and follow up of these patients.
The DGT technique allows one to measure quantitatively free and labile metal species in aquatic systems. Nevertheless, for this approach, knowledge is required of the diffusion coefficients of the analytes in a diffusive layer. In this study, the diffusion coefficients of Hg(II), As(III), Mn(II), Mg(II), Cu(II), Cd(II) were determined in agarose gel and those of Ba(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Mg(II), Mn(II) e Zn(II) in cellulose acetate membranes. These materials presented good performance and the reported results can be used as a data base for further DGT studies.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se estimar o conteúdo de elementos metálicos presentes em três macrófitas aquáticas submersas, procurando avaliar a participação destas plantas na remoção destes elementos na água e criar base de dados que permita prever o impacto ambiental do descarte delas em solo ou na própria água. As amostras foram desidratadas, moídas e encaminhadas aos laboratórios para análise e quantificação dos elementos. Para as três espécies, a maior concentração de elementos foi observada durante o verão, ocorrendo declínio nas concentrações durante o inverno, principalmente para os elementos vanádio e chumbo. Não foi detectada presença do elemento mercúrio em nenhuma das amostras.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of fiscal policy in Brazil and Mexico and investigate whether fiscal policy influence is favorable to reduce the unemployment rate. Public spending, which has a positive effect on the level of employment when results in additional aggregate demand, may cause a negative effect on employment, if its financing depends on persistent high interest rates. Brazil and Mexico have engaged in a long effort to control public spending and to reduce the public deficit to zero. Does this policy bring a positive result to the economic activity no matter how actual public deficit has been financed? We select variables related to public budget as public sector borrowing requirements, taxes, public debt and others to form a data base. The fiscal institutional arrangement and the data allow us to evaluate the fiscal policy as a whole and to discuss the importance of credibility and reputation of the government.
This study aimed to contextualize the world's lobster fishing and identify the characteristics of their trades in Santos region (SP). For this purpose, were realized surveys about the captures of 56 years referring the families traded in the world through the informations supplied by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). To State of São Paulo, consults were made in the data base Propesq (Fishing Institute) about the fishing and prices. Besides interviews in fishmonger, businessmen of fishing and restaurant, we observed the trade and the economical potential compared the lobsters Scyllarides spp. and Panulirus spp. The worldwide the family Nephropidae is the one that has been presenting bigger growth in the captures from 1950 and the one that has the biggest observed captures, the Palinuridae showed a little growth of the captures up to the 80' years, and leaving from there it is oscillating without many expressive changes; Scyllarides began to stand out as fisheries only 70' in Asia, precisely where the other two Families had low catches proportional. In the State of São Paulo, two types of lobsters are sold in Baixada Santista, with conspicuous differences in prices between them. There is also a difference in the flow of trade in relation to active fishing gear. Traders notice a decrease in both abundance and size of individuals of both genders and a clear preference to sell the slippers lobsters (Scyllarides spp.) both for the quality of meat as the lowest price.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apresenta-se um sistema computacional, denominado ICADPLUS, desenvolvido para elaboração de banco de dados, tabulação de dados, cálculo do índice CPO e análise estatística para estimação de intervalos de confiança e comparação de resultados de duas populações.Tem como objetivo apresentar método simplificado para atender necessidades de serviços de saúde na área de odontologia processando fichas utilizadas por cirurgiões dentistas em levantamentos epidemiológicos de cárie dentária. A característica principal do sistema é a dispensa de profissional especializado na área de odontologia e computação, exigindo o conhecimento mínimo de digitação por parte do usuário, pois apresenta menus simples e claros como também relatórios padronizados, sem possibilidade de erro. Possui opções para fichas de CPO segundo Klein e Palmer, CPO proposto pela OMS, CPOS segundo Klein, Palmer e Knutson, e ceo. A validação do sistema foi feita por comparação com outros métodos, permitindo recomendar sua adoção.
This work describes a methodology for identification of skeletal types of diterpenes based on data base with 1500 compounds isolated from Asteraceae. One program named BOTOCSYS was built with the codification of the compounds and their botanical sources. An example of identification of a new substance is given.
This work describes the new improvements of the SISTEMAT project, one system for structural elucidation mainly in the field of Natural Products Chemistry. Some examples of the resolution of problems using C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectroscopy are given. Programs to discover new heuristic rules for structure generation are discussed. The data base contains about 10000 C-13 NMR spectra.
This work describes the application of partial least squares (PLS) regression to variables that represent the oxidation data of several types of secondary metabolite isolated from the family Asteraceae. The oxidation states were calculated for each carbon atom of the involved compounds after these had been matched with their biogenetic precursor. The states of oxidation variations were named oxidation steps. This methodology represents a new approach to inspect the oxidative changes in taxa. Partial least square (PLS) regression was used to inspect the relationships among terpenoids, cournarins, polyacetylenes, and flavonoids from a data base containing approximately 27,000 botanical entries. The results show an interdependence between the average oxidation states of each class of secondary metabolite at tribe and sub tribe levels.
The objective of this study was to estimate the relative effects of genetic and phenotypic factors on the efficacy and efficiency of superovulation for Holstein-Friesian cows reared in Brazil. A database, established by the Associacao Brasileira de Criadores de Bovinos da Raca Holandesa, consisting of a total of 5387 superovulations of 2941 cows distributed over 473 herds and sired by 690 bulls was used for the analysis. The records were analyzed by MTDFREML (Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood), using a repeatability animal model. The fixed effects included in the model were contemporaneous group (veterinarian, herd, year and season of the superovulation); number of semen doses; cow age; and superovulation order. The estimated repeatability of the number of the transferable embryos was low (0.13), and the estimated heritability was 0.03. These results indicate that environmental factors play a critical role in the response of a cow to a superovulation treatment. There is little evidence that future responses to superovulation by individual females can be predicted by previous treatment(s) or that superovulation response is an heritable trait.
This paper describes a new computer approach for chemotaxonomic studies. The methodology employed enables the search for chemical substructures as taxonomic descriptors using all expert system built with plant natural products. The operation of the system was tested with diterpenes as taxonomic markers in Lamiaceae. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The N-linked glycosylation of secretory and membrane proteins is the most complex posttranslational modification known to occur in eukaryotic cells. It has been shown to play critical roles in modulating protein function. Although this important biological process has been extensively studied in mammals, much less is known about this biosynthetic pathway in plants. The enzymes involved in plant N-glycan biosynthesis and processing are still not well defined and the mechanism of their genetic regulation is almost completely unknown. In this paper we describe our first attempt to understand the N-linked glycosylation mechanism in a plant species by using the data generated by the Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag (SUCEST) project. The SUCEST database was mined for sugarcane gene products potentially involved in the N-glycosylation pathway. This approach has led to the identification and functional assignment of 90 expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters sharing significant sequence similarity with the enzymes involved in N-glycan biosynthesis and processing. The ESTs identified were also analyzed to establish their relative abundance.
This work describes the development of a new program, named SISTAX, for the expert system SISTEMAT. This program allows anyone interested in chemotaxonomy to carry out an intelligent search for organic compounds in databases through chemical structures. When coupled with can efficient encoding system, the program recognizes skeletal types and can find any substructural constraints demanded by the user. An example of an application of the program to the diterpene class found in plants is described.
This paper describes a data mining environment for knowledge discovery in bioinformatics applications. The system has a generic kernel that implements the mining functions to be applied to input primary databases, with a warehouse architecture, of biomedical information. Both supervised and unsupervised classification can be implemented within the kernel and applied to data extracted from the primary database, with the results being suitably stored in a complex object database for knowledge discovery. The kernel also includes a specific high-performance library that allows designing and applying the mining functions in parallel machines. The experimental results obtained by the application of the kernel functions are reported. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.