398 resultados para Cytoplasm.


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A proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP), subunidade dos filamentos intermediários do citoesqueleto celular, está presente no citoplasma de astrócitos. Técnicas imunohistoquímicas com anticorpos primários anti-GFAP são geralmente empregadas para identificar astrócitos no sistema nervoso, permitindo verificar também sua hipertrofia. Vários estudos mostram a distribuição, a morfologia e a citoarquitetura de astrócitos em várias regiões do SNC do homem e de animais de laboratório. No entanto, em animais domésticos e, especialmente em equinos, poucas informações estão disponíveis. No presente trabalho, verificou-se a densidade e a morfologia de astrócitos imunorreativos à GFAP na substância branca da córtex cerebral de equinos com leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) comparando-se esses aspectos com o de equinos normais. Animais com LEM apresentaram hipertrofia de astrócitos em áreas próximas às lesões, representada pelo aumento do corpo celular, do núcleo e dos prolongamentos citoplasmáticos. O número de astrócitos apresentou-se reduzido e a imunorreatividade foi mais acentuada. Nos animais normais, verificou-se distribuição constante de astrócitos imunorreagentes com características de fibrosos. Alterações vasculares nos animais com LEM, como por exemplo degeneração de endotélio vascular, também foram observadas, podendo estar associadas às alterações astrocíticas.


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The cellular and molecular characteristics of a cell line (BME26) derived from embryos of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus were studied. The cells contained glycogen inclusions, numerous mitochondria, and vesicles with heterogeneous electron densities dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Vesicles contained lipids and sequestered palladium meso-porphyrin (Pd-mP) and rhodamine-hemoglobin, suggesting their involvement in the autophagic and endocytic pathways. The cells phagocytosed yeast and expressed genes encoding the antimicrobial peptides (microplusin and defensin). A cDNA library was made and 898 unique mRNA sequences were obtained. Among them, 556 sequences were not significantly similar to any sequence found in public databases. Annotation using Gene Ontology revealed transcripts related to several different functional classes. We identified transcripts involved in immune response such as ferritin, serine proteases, protease inhibitors,. antimicrobial peptides, heat shock protein, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, and NADPH oxidase. BME26 cells transfected with a plasmid carrying a red fluorescent protein reporter gene (DsRed2) transiently expressed DsRed2 for up to 5 weeks. We conclude that BME26 can be used to experimentally analyze diverse biological processes that occur in R. (B.) microplus such as the innate immune response to tick-borne pathogens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The neuromuscular junction of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of fingers was analyzed in 21 young (three months) and old (from six to 25 months) mice, from both genders. Morphologic changes were found throughout the mouse life, being more frequent and visible with aging. According with the data described in the literature consulted and the observations taken in this research, it becomes clear that a continuous process of morphological remodeling occurs in all neuromuscular ultrastructural junctions of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of fingers, during the life of the animal. Theses changes are characterized by figures of myelin in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells, pleomorphic and multivesiclar bodies, mitochondrias with morphologically altered crests in the axon terminal and degenerated junction folders. Coated vesicles are common in older animals and rare in young animals.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The human ZC3H14 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved Cys(3)His zinc finger protein that binds specifically to polyadenosine RNA and is thus postulated to modulate post-transcriptional gene expression. Expressed sequence tag (EST) data predicts multiple splice variants of both human and mouse ZC3H14. Analysis of ZC3H14 expression in both human cell lines and mouse tissues confirms the presence of multiple alternatively spliced transcripts. Although all of these transcripts encode protein isoforms that contain the conserved C-terminal zinc finger domain, suggesting that they could all bind to polyadenosine RNA, they differ in other functionally important domains. Most of the alternative transcripts encode closely related proteins (termed isoforms 1, 2. 3, and 3short) that differ primarily in the inclusion of three small exons, 9, 10, and 11, resulting in predicted protein isoforms ranging from 82 to 64 kDa. Each of these closely related isoforms contains predicted classical nuclear localization signals (cNLS) within exons 7 and 11. Consistent with the presence of these putative nuclear targeting signals, these ZC3H14 isoforms are all localized to the nucleus. In contrast, an additional transcript encodes a smaller protein (34 kDa) with an alternative first exon (isoform, 4). Consistent with the absence of the predicted cNLS motifs located in exons 7 and 11, ZC3H14 isoform 4 is localized to the cytoplasm. Both EST data and experimental data suggest that this variant is enriched in testes and brain. Using an antibody that detects endogenous ZC3H14 isoforms 1-3 reveals localization of these isoforms to nuclear speckles. These speckles co-localize with the splicing factor, SC35, suggesting a role for nuclear ZC3H14 in mRNA processing. Taken together, these results demonstrate that multiple transcripts encoding several ZC3H14 isoforms exist in vivo. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic ZC3H14 isoforms could have distinct effects on gene expression mediated by the common Cys(3)His zinc finger polyadenosine RNA binding domain. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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mRNA stability is modulated by elements in the mRNA transcript and their cognate RNA binding proteins. Poly(U) binding protein 1 (Pub1) is a cytoplasmic Saccharomyces cerevisiae mRNA binding protein that stabilizes transcripts containing AU-rich elements (AREs) or stabilizer elements (STEs). In a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified nuclear poly(A) binding protein 2 (Nab2) as being a Pub1-interacting protein. Nab2 is an essential nucleocytoplasmic shuttling mRNA binding protein that regulates poly(A) tail length and mRNA export. The interaction between Pub1 and Nab2 was confirmed by copurification and in vitro binding assays. The interaction is mediated by the Nab2 zinc finger domain. Analysis of the functional link between these proteins reveals that Nab2, like Pub1, can modulate the stability of specific mRNA transcripts. The half-life of the RPS16B transcript, an ARE-like sequence-containing Pub1 target, is decreased in both nab2-1 and nab2-67 mutants. In contrast, GCN4, an STE-containing Pub1 target, is not affected. Similar results were obtained for other ARE- and STE-containing Pub1 target transcripts. Further analysis reveals that the ARE-like sequence is necessary for Nab2-mediated transcript stabilization. These results suggest that Nab2 functions together with Pub1 to modulate mRNA stability and strengthen a model where nuclear events are coupled to the control of mRNA turnover in the cytoplasm.


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Blastocrithidia culicis is a protozoan of the family Trypanosomatidae. It is a parasite of insects, but the presence of bacteriumlike endosymbionts in its cytoplasm led some investigators to study this protozoan. This trypanosomatid does not infect humans and although it is phylogenetically distant from Trypanosoma cruzi, it presents many morphological characteristics, which are similar. In previous studies our group showed the presence of a L27 ribosomal protein in T cruzi (named TcrL27) using a RT-PCR, which also resulted in the cloning, sequencing and expression of an unexpected ribosomal protein, L17, in Blastocrithidia culicis (BcL17). In this paper, Western blot analysis demonstrated that the anti-BcL17 antibody recognizes the presence of the same ribosomal protein either in Blastochritidia culicis and T. cruzi nuclear extracts. Besides, two similar bands (40 and 47 kDa) appeared also in T. cruzi isolated ribosomal proteins and B. culicis nuclear extract corroborating with the findings showed in the phylogenetic reconstruction. With respect to their localization within the ribosome, both the L17 and L27 ribosomal proteins appear to belong to the peptidyl-transferase site, and are therefore part of the key step in protein synthesis. Both ribosomal proteins bind spiramycin derivatives, being therefore compounds of the macrolides connection sites in the ribosome. These findings would open a possibility to better evaluate this issue.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The epithelial principal cells are the predominant cell type of the epididymis. These cells have been shown to be both secretory and endocytic cells. The apical region of the cytoplasm of principal cells in the mongrel dog are located close to the cell apex and tubular lumen, and shown microvilli at the luminal border and present a endocytic apparatus, that consists of coated pits and vesicles, endosomes of varying size, multivesicular bodies, and lysosomes. The endosomes, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes contained the electron-dense patches. These results suggest that principal cells of the epididymis in the dog as possess a highly developed endocytic apparatus play a role in endocytosis. These cells function are similarly to the related in other mammals, in performing endocytosis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background Mucocutaneous lesions in paracoccidioidomycosis are granulomatous and result from tissue responses to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the aetiological agent.Objectives and methods In this study we investigate the expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 by immunohistochemistry in skin and mucosa lesions from patients with the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis, evaluated before and at day 20 of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole treatment. Cytokine production by peripheral blood monocytes was also studied by enzyme immunoassay.Results Intense immunostaining for TNF-alpha was detected in mononuclear cells that infiltrated granulomas in all skin and mucosa lesions before treatment simultaneously with low IL-10 granular deposits in these cells. At day 20 of treatment, there was reduced TNF-alpha and IL-10 deposition. Immunoreactive TGF-beta 1 was observed diffusely in the dermis and generally in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant cells, before treatment, and as increased TGF-beta 1 deposits in the fibrosis area at day 20 of treatment. Peripheral blood monocytes from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, evaluated before treatment, produced high endogenous levels of TNF-alpha, TGF-beta 1 and IL-10 in relation to healthy controls. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated monocytes from patients secreted lower levels of TNF-alpha in both periods of evaluation while no impairment in capacity of IL-10 and TGF-beta production was observed.Conclusions Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy was effective in decreasing fungal load in the lesions, allowing patient immune response to control the infection leading to the healing of the lesions.


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Background: Although the motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) was developed only as a selection criterion, its application as a method for classifying sperm morphology may represent an improvement in evaluation of semen quality, with potential clinical repercussions. The present study aimed to evaluate individual variations in the motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) analysis after a time interval.Methods: Two semen samples were obtained from 240 men from an unselected group of couples undergoing infertility investigation and treatment. Mean time interval between the two semen evaluations was 119 +/- 102 days. No clinical or surgical treatment was realized between the two observations. Spermatozoa were analyzed at greater than or equal to 8400 x magnification by inverted microscope equipped with DIC/Nomarski differential interference contrast optics. At least 200 motile spermatozoa per semen sample were evaluated and percentages of normal spermatozoa and spermatozoa with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV/one or more vacuoles occupying >50% of the sperm nuclear area) were determined. A spermatozoon was classified as morphologically normal when it exhibited a normal nucleus (smooth, symmetric and oval nucleus, width 3.28 +/- 0.20 mu m, length 4.75 +/- 0.20 mu m/absence of vacuoles occupying >4% of nuclear area) as well as acrosome, post-acrosomal lamina, neck and tail, besides not presenting cytoplasm around the head. One examiner, blinded to subject identity, performed the entire study.Results: Mean percentages of morphologically normal and LNV spermatozoa were identical in the two MSOME analyses (1.6 +/- 2.2% vs. 1.6 +/- 2.1% P = 0.83 and 25.2 +/- 19.2% vs. 26.1 +/- 19.0% P = 0.31, respectively). Regression analysis between the two samples revealed significant positive correlation for morphologically normal and for LNV spermatozoa (r = 0.57 95% CI: 0.47-0.65 P < 0.0001 and r = 0.50 95% CI: 0.38-0.58 P < 0.0001, respectively).Conclusions: The significant positive correlation and absence of differences between two sperm samples evaluated after a time interval with respect to normal morphology and LNV spermatozoa indicated that MSOME seems reliable (at least for these two specific sperm forms) for analyzing semen. The present result supports the future use of MSOME as a routine method for semen analysis.