28 resultados para Costas judiciales
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A questão agrária do ponto de vista estrutural se insere nas formas combinadas, desiguais e contraditórias do capitalismo. A repressão política manifestada contra os movimentos socioterritoriais será o fundamento de elaboração de nossa argumentação e a preocupação central desta monografia. O ponto de partida de nossa proposição foi caracterizar e dimensionar espacialmente os casos de processos judiciais criminais impostos às pessoas envolvidas no processo de luta pela terra, que integram majoritariamente os movimentos socioterritoriais no Pontal do Paranapanema, dentro do período de 1990 a 2009. Outra análise foi verificar os componentes dos processos judiciais criminais, pesquisando as sentenças finais disponíveis na página digital do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, bem como as matérias publicadas sobre os casos e elaborar reflexões sobre esses componentes a partir das leituras geográficas por meio dos conceitos de espaço e território. Desta forma houve o impulso de incorporar a dimensão espacial da repressão política. Consequentemente aprofundamos a análise sobre as sentenças judiciais criminais e procuramos entender a politização do judiciário e sua espacialidade. A compreensão da espacialidade da repressão política na 1ª e 2ª instância dos processos judiciais criminais movidos aos movimentos socioterritoriais constituiu outra passagem importante do trabalho. Conseguimos também ampliar nosso estudo pela comparação da repressão política a partir do estudo dos casos do Pontal do Paranapanema no Brasil e Córdoba na Argentina. Manifestamos também a necessidade de estabelecer diálogo com alguns marcos teórico-metodológico sobre a categoria geográfica território com o intuito de colaborar com o nosso esforço de explicar a repressão política aos movimentos socioterritoriais no Pontal do Paranapanema entre os anos de 1990 e 2009
Esta coletânea traz 14 estudos apresentados durante dois encontros acadêmicos realizados na Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp, em Araraquara, em 2011. Os artigos, produzidos por especialistas de diversas áreas, tiveram como foco principal, o tema proposto para os eventos: as confluências entre teatro, cinema e literatura. Na primeira parte do livro, os estudos têm por denominador comum as relações entre peças de teatro, obras cinematográficas e textos literários. Entre os artigos, há uma análise comparativa das características literárias-políticas do alemão Bertold Brecht, a partir de duas de suas peças, e de um filme, de cujo roteiro foi autor, além de uma reflexão sobre o peta e romancista francês Jules Romains, com foco naquilo que o poeta tomou de empréstimo à arte do cinematógrafo, e um texto sobre a técnica cinematográfica do close-up no filme Vagas estrelas da Ursa, de Luchino Visconti, que tem a personagem principal baseada em Electra. “Ato II – Peças, pessoas, personagens”, a segunda parte do livro, tem seu foco no teatro. Entre os artigos, estão uma análise de duas coletâneas de ensaios do crítico teatral Décio de Almeida Prado, um estudo sobre a peça Esperando Godot, de Samuel Beckett, que aborda uma estética do absurdo, modernamente trágica, uma representação critica da ideologia norte-americana em peças de Tennessee Wiliams e uma discussão sobre a religiosidade católica na peça A Revolução dos Beatos, de Dias Gomes.
The highway wanderers are aimless individuals who walk long distances on foot carrying their meager belongings in a sack on their backs and when are in hardness situations appeal to the help institutions. This paper aims to verify how the help workers understand the highway wanderers way of life. The research was conducted in four assistance institutions in the State of São Paulo (two publics and two philanthropics). The reports were analyzed using the content analysis. The results indicated that comprehension of these help workers about the highway wanderers is related to vagabondage, mental illness and family disaggregation. The data show us the necessity of an ample discussion around these help policies and its impacts in the wandering of highway wanderers.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os Pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) (Forster, 1781) são aves marinhas que se reproduzem em grandes colônias nas costas da Argentina, do Chile e nas Ilhas Malvinas. Quando animais desta espécie são mantidos em cativeiro, é frequente que deixem de exibir comportamentos típicos da espécie, tornando-se sedentários e apresentando baixo índice de reprodução. Nestas condições, por passarem muito tempo fora da água sustentando todo o peso do corpo sobre as patas apoiadas em piso firme, os pinguins podem desenvolver lesões nas patas denominadas pododermatites. Tendo em vista que o padrão temporal do comportamento é alterado por estressores e que o acompanhamento deste padrão pode contribuir para a determinação do bem estar animal, avaliamos neste estudo o padrão de atividade e de uso do recinto de três fêmeas e três machos residentes no Sabina Escola Parque do Conhecimento (Santo André, SP). Os animais foram observados por 2 a 3 dias em quatro períodos: janeiro, março, maio e julho de 2014. Foram realizadas seis varreduras sucessivas a cada 7 minutos nos seguintes intervalos de horários: 8h-8h50, 9h25-10h15, 10h50-11h40, 12h20-13h10, 13h40- 14h30 e 15h05-15h55. Em cada varredura foi registrado o estado comportamental (repouso, atividade ou não visível) e a área do recinto em que cada animal se encontrava (em quadrantes). Verificamos que os animais eram ativos na maior parte das observações visíveis: 73,4% das varreduras obtidas em janeiro, 65,8% em março, 89,0% em maio e 86,3% em julho. O coeficiente de atividade foi diferente entre os intervalos de horário: teste de Friedman em janeiro (Fr(3)=20,5; p=0,001), março (Fr(3)=19,9; p=0,001), maio (Fr(3)=15,4; p=0,01) e julho (Fr(3)=17,1; p=0,005); sendo que nos primeiros intervalos da manhã os animais eram mais ativos do que à tarde (post-hoc p<0,01). O uso da região frontal do recinto era maior pela manhã, momento sem visitação pública, nos meses de...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The study consist on an analysis of attitude by professors of Brazilian Dental Schools before the aspects bioethical, ethic and legal dental treatment aspects. The data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was applied the content analysis, by categorical analysis technique, according to Bardin. About bioethical aspects, 94,6% cited that the decision of treatment should be realized between professional and patient, because it don t interfere on negative form (100%). Everybody consider important the interaction professional/patient, because it establishes the respect and mutual agreement between them (61,8%). Tangent at ethic aspects, 95,5% show all alternatives for determined case, even knowing that can lost patient, explaining on the technique and laical form to clear doubts(61,9%). About legal aspects, 82,4% allege that dental surgeon should treat his patient like consumer whereas offer techniques, materials and know through profession. And, like legal prove on occasional lawsuit, 57,1% mentioned that professional don t need of contract necessarily, but a good documentation about patient and e assigned by him. It concluded that these aspects should be teached always to Dentistry academics, whereas they re inherent at profession, to not stay vulnerable at future ethic, judges and other problems.
The number of lawsuits against dental surgeons has increased considerably in the recent years. Probably this is due to a change in the behavior of the patients, from a passive role in the past to a more demanding stance now. A transversal study was carried out to evaluate the point of view of lawyers in Araçatuba, SP, Brazil, about the professional liability of dentist, the major reasons for treatment failure, the dental specialties more involved in legal actions, their attitudes if they were submitted to an unsuccessful dental treatment, their opinion on what the dentist should do when a patient does not accept the treatment provided, and, finally, what a dentist should do when facing a civil liability action. A questionnaire was sent to 318 lawyers, and 151 of them answered it. The results show that for most lawyers an occasional failure in the treatment occurs due to professional incompetence and, in their opinion, the specialty more involved in legal problems is orthodontics (64.7%). Of the lawyers interviewed, 27.0% affirmed they would seek another dentist and also a lawyer, if they were subjected to an unsuccessful dental treatment. For 36.5% of them, the dentist should give further information and explain the reasons why the treatment did not meet the patient's expectations. According to 36.1% of the interviewees the best policy to be adopted by the dentist in case of a civil liability action would be an extra judicial settlement.
The goal of this study was to assess the alterations in some anthropometric measures of sedentary subjects with spinal cord injury after a swimming interval training program with the use of a lifejacket. The study included 17 male spinal cord injured subjects, divided into two groups: 11 subjects in the training group (TG) and 6 in the control group (CG).The protocol employed a stroke of breaststroke, in work periods of moderate to severe, and stroke in the back stroke in periods of active recovery. An anthropometric evaluation was applied before the application of the training protocol and another (reevaluation) after 8 weeks. In the TG, the results obtained after the swimming program showed a significant change (p < 0.05) in the supra-iliac (SICF) and in the triciptal cutaneous folds (TCF), arm and waist circumference measures, from the first evaluation to the reevaluation. In the CG there were no significant changes observed in any of the variables studied. When comparing the two groups after the swimming training program, the average of the variable SICFT in the TG was significantly lower than the average for the CG. Generally speaking, the out comings showed the swimming protocol efficiency in promoting desirable anthropometric changes in spinal cord injured subjects while a reduction of fatty tissue in the arms and abdominal region and an increase of muscular tissue in the upper limbs of those subjects also occurred.
This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the load carried by students in primary and secondary schools, state Vespasian /MG, and quantify the percentage established between backpack weight and body mass of these young people carry every day. The study included 916 students of both genders. Ages ranged from 10-19 years. 541 students (59.06%) carried the load backpack ranging from 10.02 to 33.43% of his body mass. Students with younger age, female students and those who opted for the backpack model designed dorsal attachment tended to carry a load higher than 10% of his body weight. 224 (24.45%) students complain of back pain and shoulder. It was concluded that the cargo is inadequate from the point of view of biomechanics and ergonomics, especially for younger individuals and females, since they are in growth phase, and this exposes them to an overhead increased risk of spinal injuries, with consequent repercussions in adulthood.
The purpose of the ergonomics is to generate adequate working conditions, by the correct use of equipment and appropriate anatomic positions. Ergonomics has become essential in the dentist's life while in the dental practice. The misuse of equipment in performing tasks or the wrong choice of equipment can initiate various problems like back pain, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), limitation of movement, and stress. Using a survey that was implemented with professional dentists linked to Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD) and graduate students at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in the São José dos Campos (SP) region, this study intends to propose an adequate research instrument to identify ergonomic critical factors of dental stools and their relation to productivity and satisfaction of dentists. The survey was developed with Google Docs Forms tool and was designed by analysis of other studies, existing surveys and other papers in this area. Relevant content were discussed and developed questions about the stool used by dentists in their activities, the occurrence of any problems arising from the exercise of their profession and the views of respondents about the influence of using the dental stool in these cited problems as well as their productivity. Due to obstacles encountered during the project, particularly bureaucratic issues, the survey cannot be implemented as needed, resulting in a test with reduced number of answers. The users' opinion varies according to the stool used, bringing some difficulty to generalizing the answers, but if treated properly, it is possible to obtain relevant conclusions about the main aspects perceived by users in relation to the stool and the needs pointed as most important