293 resultados para Cooking (Gelatin)


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Turmeric oleoresin is a colorant prepared by solvent extraction of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). Curcumin, the major pigment present in turmeric, has been described as a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic agent. Turmeric pigments are lipid soluble and water insoluble and are sensitive to light, heat, oxygen and pH, which can be overcome by microencapsulation of turmeric oleoresin. The aim of this work was to investigate microencapsulation of turmeric oleoresin by complex coacervation using gelatin and gum Arabic as encapsulants and freeze-drying as the drying method. The coacervation process was studied by varying the concentration of biopolymer solution (2.5, 5.0 and 7.5%) and the core material: total encapsulant ratio (25, 50, 75 and 100%). Microcapsules were evaluated for encapsulation efficiency, morphology, solubility and stability to light. Encapsulation efficiency ranged from 49 to 73% and samples produced with 2.5% of wall material and 100% core: encapsulant ratio showed better stability to light. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Tomato products are a key component of the Mediterranean diet, which is strongly related to a reduced risk of cardiovascular events. The effect of cooking time (15, 30, 45, and 60 min) and the addition of extra virgin olive oil (5 and 10%) on the phenolic content of tomato sauces was monitored using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Concentration of phenolics in the tomato sauces decreased during the cooking process, with the exception of caffeic acid and tyrosol. The main degradation observed was the oxidation of quercetin, since the hydroxy-function at the C-ring of this flavonoid is not blocked by a sugar moiety, unlike rutin. Higher levels of virgin olive oil in tomato sauce seemed to enhance the extraction of phenolic compounds from the tomato, leading to higher phenolic contents in the sauces. Thus, the food matrix containing the phenolic compounds plays a crucial role in determining their accessibility.


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Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), which has been used for long time as a spice, food preservative and coloring agent, is a rich source of beneficial phenolic compounds identified as curcuminoids. These phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimutagenic properties, among others. On the other hand, they are very susceptible to oxidation, requiring protection against oxygen, light and heat. This protection can be achieved by microencapsulation. In this work, the characteristics and the stability of turmeric oleoresin encapsulated by freeze-drying using mixtures of maltodextrin and gelatin as wall materials were studied. Encapsulated turmeric oleoresin was stored at –20, 25 and 60 °C, in the absence of light, and analyzed over a period of 35 days for curcumin and total phenolic contents and color. Results showed that the samples produced with 26% maltodextrin/0.6% gelatin and 22% maltodextrin/3% gelatin presented good encapsulation efficiencies and solubility. In general, the method of encapsulation employed originated products with satisfactory thermal stability, although the encapsulated materials with a higher proportion of maltodextrin in relation to gelatin had better stabilities, especially at –20 and 25 °C temperatures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aims of this study were to assess the turmeric oleoresin microencapsulation by freeze-drying with modified starch/gelatin and to evaluate its stability during storage at different temperatures and light. Encapsulated turmeric oleoresin w stored at −20, 25 and 60C, in the absence of light, and at 25C in the presence of light, and analyzed over a period of 6 weeks for curcumin and total phenolic contents and color. The different concentrations of wall material showed no significant effect on the curcumin retention. The best conditions for microencapsulation of turmeric oleoresin were: wall material composed of 30 g/100 g of modified starch + 1 g/100 g gelatin and mechanical homogenization. Encapsulated material was more stable during storage at −20C and less stable at 25C in the presence of light.


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The consumption of carotenoid-rich vegetables such as tomatoes and tomato sauces is associated with reduced risk of several chronic diseases. The predominant carotenoids in tomato products are in the (all-E) configuration, but (Z) isomers can be formed during thermal processing. The effect of cooking time (15, 30, 45 and 60 min) and the addition of extra virgin olive oil (5% and 10%) on the carotenoid extractability of tomato sauces was monitored using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and LC-ultraviolet detection (LC-UV). The thermal treatment and the addition of extra virgin olive oil increased the levels of antioxidant activity, total carotenoids, Z-lycopene isomers, -carotene and -carotene. These results are of particular nutritional benefit since higher lycopene intake has been associated with a reduced risk of lethal prostate and a reduction of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Moreover, -carotene has been reported to suppress the up-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 gene expression in a dose dependent manner and to suppress UVA-induced HO-1 gene expression in cultured FEK4.


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Objetivou-se avaliar as características físicas, químicas e sensoriais da carne de búfalos abatidos em diferentes períodos de confinamento. Foram utilizados 20 bubalinos da raça Murrah, castrados, descornados, com idade média inicial de 15 meses, abatidos aos 75, 100, 125 ou 150 dias de confinamento. Após o abate, as carcaças foram identificadas e resfriadas por 24 horas. Durante a desossa, foram colhidas amostras do contrafilé entre a 10ª e 11ª costelas para análise das características sensoriais e das perdas por cocção; entre a 11ª e 12ª costelas para avaliação da composição centesimal, do valor calórico, do pH e do índice de fragmentação miofibrilar (IFM); e entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas para a avaliação do escore de marmorização e da força de cisalhamento. A composição centesimal, o pH, a força de cisalhamento, o valor calórico, as perdas por cocção e o IFM não diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos de confinamento. O grau de marmorização diferiu entre as idades de abate, uma vez os animais abatidos aos 75 dias de confinamento apresentaram escore de 1,25; os abatidos aos 100 e 125 dias, escore 2; e aqueles abatidos aos 150 dias de confinamento, escore 2,2. em todos os períodos de confinamento, a carne bubalina foi classificada como macia (média 3,94 kgf) e apresentou com características que não diferiram pelo painel sensorial entre os 75 e 150 dias de confinamento. O abate de bubalinos aos 75 e 150 dias de confinamento não influencia as características sensoriais sabor, aroma e cor da carne bubalina.


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This study investigated the impact of pulp hexenuronic acids (HexAs) content on pulping yield by changing cooking reaction temperature. The bleachability of pulps containing variable amounts of HexAs was also investigated. The cooking at 170 degrees C produced pulp of kappa number, HexAs and screen yield of 16.2, 49.4 mmol/kg and 50.2%, respectively, whereas the cooking at 156 degrees C resulted pulp of kappa 17.0, 61.3 mmol/kg HexAs and 50.8% screened yield. The pulp produced at lower cooking temperature also showed better bleachability as evaluated by the total amount of active chlorine required to achieve 90% ISO. The sequence OAHTD(EP) DD showed the lowest bleaching performance among all.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus) is a Brazilian migratory fast-growing omnivore, very appreciated as a sport fish, which is threatened to extinction in Southern Brazil due to stock over exploitation and dam building. Therefore, efforts have been made to raise this fish in captivity for reintroduction and aquaculture purposes. In the present study, the effects of different dietary protein and lipid concentrations on piracanjuba fingerlings growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, hepatosomatic index (HSI) and activity of the lipogenic enzymes fatty acid synthetase (FAS), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and malic enzyme (ME) were investigated using a 2 x 3 factorial experiment. Six casein-gelatin based diets were prepared combining two protein (30% and 32%) and three lipid concentrations (5.5%, 8.8% and 12.1%). Eleven fish, average weight 11.30 +/- 0.1 g, were held in each of 18 100-1 aquaria, supplied with recirculating freshwater. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of fish and fed to apparent satiation, twice a day for 100 d. Piracanjuba fingerlings' daily weight gain (0.36-0.40 g), specific growth rate (1.43-1.51%), feed utilization and HSI were not influenced by dietary protein or lipid concentration. However, body composition was directly affected by dietary treatment. An increase in body fat and dry matter was observed as dietary lipid increased, for both dietary protein concentrations tested. The activity of FAS was depressed by increasing dietary fat levels but the G6PD activity did not differ among dietary treatments, although ME activity showed some regulation by dietary protein. These results indicate that an increase from 5.5% to 12.1% in the dietary lipid, at a dietary protein concentration of 30% or 32%, promotes body fat accumulation in piracanjuba fingerlings with no improvement in growth, suggesting that the lipid requirement for this species should be 5% or less, when raised for commercial purposes. However, the additional energy reserve from body fat accumulation could be desirable for piracanjuba fingerlings produced for stock enhancement. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS and Ifremer/IRD/Inra/Cemagref. All rights reserved.


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Arginine was hypothesized to be a model compound in the present study on molecular forms of indispensable amino acid (IAA) dietary supplementation. Juvenile South American pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) were fed diets containing arginine in a protein base (casein-wheat gluten or casein-gelatin), or the casein-wheat gluten base supplemented with dipeptide or free arginine at two levels (5 and 10 g kg(-1)). Growth and protein efficiency ratios were significantly affected by diets, but not by arginine molecular form. Three free dispensable amino acids (DAA) and four IAA in plasma were affected by diet, but plasma arginine concentrations did not differ. Plasma urea concentrations, being very low in the pacu, and hepatic arginase activities, were not affected by diet (P = 0.10-0.11), but together with plasma ornithine, mirrored the growth data. Molecular form of arginine supplementation, free or dipeptide, significantly changed several free IAA (Phe, Leu, Ile, His) and urea, with a higher mean plasma concentration in dipeptide fed fish. The dietary treatments, or molecular form of the arginine supplementation, did not change proximate composition, except that calcium levels decreased with higher dietary arginine supplementation level. The present study indicates that dipeptides can provide IAA to pacu, and that arginine supplemented in this form is utilized as efficiently as in free form.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram testar a eficiência do sal como redutor de estresse e verificar a melhor densidade de transporte de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomun) em caixas de plástico adaptadas. No primeiro experimento foram testadas diferentes concentrações de sal de cozinha (NaCl) na água; no segundo, o transporte foi realizado por três horas em caixas de plástico de 200 L estocadas com diferentes densidades de peixe, com 8 g de sal/L de água. O cortisol plasmático dos peixes sofreu aumento significativo após o transporte no tratamento sem sal e com 2 g de sal/L de água, retornando para níveis normais após 96 horas. A glicose plasmática dos peixes sofreu aumento após o transporte em todas as concentrações de sal testadas, com exceção da com 8 g/L de água, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Nos peixes transportados no segundo experimento, com 8 g de sal/L de água, não foi verificada mudança significativa no cortisol plasmático, mas a glicose aumentou significativamente em todas as densidades após o transporte, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Houve mortalidade de 11% em uma das repetições da densidade de 200 kg/m³ de água. Para o transporte com 8 g de sal/L de água, a densidade máxima deve ser de 150 kg/m³ de água. Nesta densidade os parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade de água se mantêm com características adequadas, as respostas ao estresse são mínimas e não há mortalidade.


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O consumo culinário de raízes de mandioca é bastante generalizado em todo o mundo, sendo essa raiz amplamente utilizada na forma cozida, assada, frita ou integrando pratos mais complexos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir metodologia, avaliar o tempo de cozimento e algumas características associadas a este processo em 26 cultivares de mandiocas. Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros avaliados foram cor da entrecasca; cor da polpa; dificuldade de soltar a entrecasca; dificuldade de palitar; porcentagem de água absorvida/perdida em relação ao peso dos toletes durante o processo de cozimento; cor dos toletes cozidos; formações de pontuações brancas no interior do tolete; formação de gel em volta dos toletes e tempo de cozimento observado para cozimento de 13 palitos. Ao final da avaliação concluiu-se que as melhores cultivares para utilização como mandioca de mesa foram a SRT-1105 (Mico), Milagrosa RG, Mantiqueira, IAC 522-30, IAC 576-70, sendo a última a que apresentou melhor resultado no teste de cozimento.